Blog entries by CannonFoddr

Ok, Firstly I have to admit I have a phobia of anything to do with 'medicine' - that's Doctors, Hospitals, Dentists... even walking into a Pharmacy brings me out in a sweat, so you can understand why I don't visit the doctors or dentist for any 'minor' problems regularly .. only when something...
Just came back from my Holiday, but before I went - I finally brought a kindle (the 'keyboard 3g' one actually) to read some books while lounging on the sunbed... (Also getting local weather using the free 3G ;) )..... How could I not brought one earlier i don't know, If you're an avid reader...
....Nothing to really complain about (which I normally do in my Blogs) Been busy (attempting to) play Minecraft Survival without too much 'cheating' by NOT using MOD's that make things too easy (like Xray, TMI etc), although I DO have 'Destructor' and 'Rei minimap' (with MOB scanner enabled)...
Have I had a bad week losing stuff (so far)..... Firstly, Something went wrong with My PC - couldn't install updated drivers for my Graphic card (OK it IS an old PC - but it does the job). A couple of Forums suggested I had corrupted registry & a 'Windows repair install' should fix it.... IT...
OK, Rant time again..... Firstly I read about Nintendo reducing the price of the 3DS, & that they are creating the 'Ambassador' program with free game downloads as compensation.... Great - free games Then I read that the USA gets a notification that they are in 'the program'.... OK, Hopefully...
Will I NEVER learn :cry: .......... Firstly, if you think this is about Portal - forget it, go away, find something else to do - 'cos it's not, - this is about Android for mobiles.. Ok , there I am - using my phone - trying new apps out, when I discovered after all this time something wasn't...
Ok - so this Saturday I was (dragged) down the local shopping center, with (by) 'Her indoors' While she popped into a shop to look for something - I stayed outside & just glanced into the local CEX store window... mainly to have a laugh at some of their 'cheap prices' for 2nd hand stuff (which...
ARRGGHHHH !!!!!! OK ... now that's out of my system, what have I got so worked up about ???? It's Minecraft updates & Mods There I am,been playing minecraft v1.5_01 for a while & this week there's an update - to 1.6.4 - so I think it's about time to update... so I do And what did I forget to...
Today, I've just received a new mobile phone - a HTC Desire HD - & boy ! what HAVE I been missing.... First - A bit of Mobile History... ... I had a Nokia 5800 'Comes With music' (Got it free 'cos I won it in a Coca-Cola competition a couple of years back) & got fed up with it being sooooo...
Not a rant this time (for a change)....... There I was - in work - not actually doing much at the time... when a workmate commented on how many people have viewed a video he'd done & posted onto Youtube.... So naturally I said 'Ha! is that all....' (I knew I had a Youtube video with more...
Firstly, a bit of a Disclaimer I must say that I fully understand the reason for Filetrip having a clear up and that I have no complaints about the need for it..... I can also understand that..... IF a file on Filetrip has only been download a few times over a long period of time, then it's...
OK - @ first I was feeling down due to having to work but when I got home ... I had a delivery !!!! My Limited Edition DSTwo had arrived !!!!!!!! - & here's me unpacking it (OK I know others had got theirs first but what the hell) wxBqPtNqAuI DnkMq3xzulw Well for those who have asked in the...
Dam them to hell....... Here I am in work, & during my lunch break decided to visit a few of my favorite forum(s) & what do I find [Luckily GBATemp is still 'free from censorship'... but for how long ??] Now last year I could visit them easily with no problems - but now......I can't ...
Yet another Ranting Blog from me --------------------- Firstly... UK Legal System Just WHAT is it coming to.... There I was watching a show about UK police, since there's not much to watch on Sunday Evenings, & there was this piece about 'Distraction Robbery' (in case you don't know - it's...
Ok I'm back from my holiday, and if you read my last blog, you can guess that 'nothing gone missing` (as far as I can see) Warning - This is gonna be one very long blog...... oh and some people may`ve realised I did `pop in` to GBATemp once while I was over there but since I couldn`t find...
OK - So I still live @ home with my parent (Cheaper than a morgage), & it's about time for me to have a break from this rainy season & decided to jet off to Turkey for 2weeks (so I'm going to be off of GBATemp for that time - no computer access, unless I manage to find a free wifi spot over...
OK - I know I've been behind the times & I've only really got 1 PC (with no WiFi built in) but I've finally taken the plunge & brought a Wireless Router (A Belkin N150 to be precise) Connecting up to PC (via cable), setup & got it running (fairly) smoothly - although had a little problem with...
OK .. There I am in work minding my own business doing my job, when an old workmate (some1 I've worked with for ~18 years) comes up to me & asks - 'Can you do me a favour ??' Now I don't mind helping out people occasionally - & since he's never asked for a favor before - I ask 'Ok, what do you...
There I was... using my favorite Search engine - looking for a particular article to help some1 out On using 'ysmenu brick acekards' as the search terms, I stumbled across a Google result that had me puzzled and curious Why ?? ..... because the summary text looked rather familiar to me, but...
[Whoopee - my first BLOG] I just had to let everyone know this - I couldn't believe this when I read it in today's national newspaper They MUST be kidding right ?? Who on earth would employ a blind TAXI driver ????
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