Search results

  1. Vulpes Abnocto

    Hardware Smart Home? NAS? HTPC? This old Fox needs to learn new tricks.

    Today I finished helping my mother and stepfather move out of their old home and into a new one. For background, my mom loves to have tons of movies at her fingertips, and my stepdad is a bit of an audiophile. Where do I fit in here? I build PCs as a hobby/trade. So as we're trucking a load...
  2. Vulpes Abnocto

    Looking for a program to learn typing

    I have a co-worker than needs to learn to type Her age is 40+, and she's savvy with phones and tablets but less savvy on PC. She reads A LOT. We're taking 3-4 books per week. I think if there were a program that loaded .epub files and had you practice by typing the story out, she'd be up to 70...
  3. Vulpes Abnocto

    A Raspberry Pi retro cabinet (video tutorial)

    I'm mainly posting this to see if the youtube posting problem present in the Ask! forum is also present here.
  4. Vulpes Abnocto

    Really need to know

    Is it actually that difficult to make titles for threads that aren't incredibly vague? I mean come the fuck on, we've got thousands upon thousands called "quick question" or "does it work" or simply "Help!". Does anybody else find this annoying as hell? I'd like to be able to know what sort of...
  5. Vulpes Abnocto

    Ladies and Gentlemen, of the class of 2016

    Wear Sunscreen. This song came out around the time when I graduated from high school, and the advice within holds up even today. Tonight I post this for @matpower If you know someone who is feeling lost or overwhelmed right about now, tag them too.
  6. Vulpes Abnocto

    State of the 'Temp; Summer 2016

    Hello everyone, Many of you know me already, and I'm pleased to see you again. Many others do not and I'm glad to meet you all. I've been back among the 'Temp for a week now, since hearing about the loss of our dear friend, Densetsu. And in that time I've been getting to know some new names and...
  7. Vulpes Abnocto

    Hacking Today is April 1st, and Everything is Fake

    If it sounds too good to be true, then it's fake. If it sounds ridiculous, then it's fake. If you're incredibly hopeful that it might be real, then it's REALLY fake. This message may be removed at the end of the day.:vul2:
  8. Vulpes Abnocto


  9. Vulpes Abnocto

    The GBAtemp Accessory Printing Bounty: April 1 - July 1, 2015

    April 14th: Rules have been amended, please read below Remember when we introduced the exclusive Tempiibo yesterday? Did it sound a little too good to be true? If it did, you were right in trusting your intuitions, because Tempiibo is not a real thing... yet. The GBAtemp Accessory Printing...
  10. Vulpes Abnocto

    Hacking I've got this awesome idea!

    Maybe we could all make our thread names descriptive and give some clue as to what the idea or question inside the thread is. Or instead of using exclamation points to get people excited about the prospect of an idea, maybe we could use question marks so that people don't think that you've...
  11. Vulpes Abnocto

    Additive manufacturing (3D printing)

    With the cost of 3D printers coming down, and so many different types of home printers available, I've been wondering if we have any members that are either designing or printing at home. It's a technology I'm interested in trying out, myself.
  12. Vulpes Abnocto

    How EoF threads are created

  13. Vulpes Abnocto

    You're not dreaming, medals are back!

    You may have noticed this morning that we have re-instated the old medal system in regards to postcount. In case you've forgotten, or if you weren't around when the system was in place, your medal count is directly related to your postcount. For an explanation of these ranks, take a look at...
  14. Vulpes Abnocto

    Cat lady makes art like Valwin reports news All the poop that's 'fit' to print.
  15. Vulpes Abnocto

    Gaming Is There Any Deal

    A website and search engine dedicated to helping people find the best deals on PC games. It searches Steam, GamersGate, GameStop PC, GameTap, GreenMan Gaming, GetGames, Desura, GoG, Beamdog, DotEmu, Amazon US, Adventure Shop, Nuuvem, IndieGala, and DLGamer. Fair...
  16. Vulpes Abnocto

    DJ Faroff

    Okay, I'm not a big fan of remixes or mashups or pretty much anything that involves a person calling themselves "DJ Whatever" So since I'm taking the time to share this, I hope you'll understand how awesome I think it is. No bullshit, straight to the music! Mash Together Gangham Busters...
  17. Vulpes Abnocto

    XenForo bug report thread

    ------------------------ This thread is for reporting any bug or annoyance that you find or to ask for help in post formatting while we all get used to XenForo. We are quite aware that some of the old IPB bells and whistles are gone. Some of them will be brought back later, and some will...
  18. Vulpes Abnocto

    Is your labia too dark? We can fix that!

    First came bikini waxing, then Brazilian waxing, then anal bleaching, but all of that just wasn't enough. Now a Thai company insists that a lady's intimate parts need to glow like albino alabaster to make their man happy. That ain't no ordinary Lily...
  19. Vulpes Abnocto

    Gaming Faster Than Light available on Steam/GoG Today!

    For those of you who haven't heard of it, Faster Than Light is a "Space-Roguelike" that was an absolute hit on Kickstarter. Why did people pledge more than 2000% of the amount they were looking for to fund FTL? Lets see what TotalBiscuit has to say about it...
  20. Vulpes Abnocto

    Build a Supercomputer for less than £2500

    You read that right. Computational engineers at the University of Southampton acquired 64 Raspberry Pi boards, mounted them within a lego "rack", outfitted each Pi with a 16 GB SD card (bringing the total memory space to 1TB) and ran a 13 amp power connection to it to create the "Iridis-Pi”, a...
General chit-chat
Help Users
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    It seems too good to be true, but seeing nutterbutter comments, makes me think its good. But I'm already on new dash and think ill wait it out in see.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @BigOnYa, I posted it and you thanked @SylverReZ you drunk lol
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Not gonna use an script online to test, ill wait
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Wut? I'm drunk not me who?
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Guess I was too famous.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Ive only heard of the Durango dumps.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's a video right above you lmao
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You just connect....and your banned, next
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Must be drunk
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nope, California sober tonight
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Do they even upload older firmware where you can usb update if newer ones do come out
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You can update w USB but they only offer newest updates on they site, they don't give old like ps
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I mean an archive if a person wants to buy an older Xbox for the exploit
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I don't think there is a way to archive older update files or no one's cared to so if patched already screwed
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm still not sure how it works, but yea MS offers newest updates only, you can't find old
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I found a internet archive that's up to 2021 that's it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Or if you are on on old fw, it won't let you online till u update to newest
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm still not getting that hyped over it I can play my pc game that I torrented with a torrent for Xbox that's the same game woo
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But yea @SylverReZ the Durango dumps have all I've heard of till now that was significant
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    If they enable stealth online like the good old jtag days that'll be different
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: #BringBackGodModeOnline