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  1. Hells Malice

    threads are for nerds

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  2. Hells Malice

    Editorial Fallout 76: Breaking down the B.E.T.A. before launch

    Fallout 76, the new multiplayer “survival” Fallout game by Bethesda, has already been quite a polarizing title. With all sorts of claims and opinions flying around, I figured i’d drop my two cents in about what I thought after playing some of the BETA. I also figured it might be a good idea to...
  3. Hells Malice

    Gaming Sea of Thieves: Will it Sink or Sail?

    Sea of Thieves is an ambitious new title by Rare that is fast approaching its official launch on March 20th. I won’t be going too in-depth with explaining what the game exactly is, I suggest looking at the extensive content on that already, but instead will be looking at the viability of the...
  4. Hells Malice

    Gaming Black Desert Online

    I expect very little from this buut I thought i'd drop a quick thread anyway. Black Desert Online is a new buy2play MMORPG coming out on March 3rd. If I explained all the details in here, well it wouldn't be a quick thread. It's a very interesting and innovative action MMO that looks and seems...
  5. Hells Malice

    Screwy alerts?

    I seem to be having issues with my alerts where sometime I wont be alerted for some things, and then later they'll finally go through, or alerts will happen a couple times for the same one. Anyone else having issues with buggy alerts? I got quoted a few hours ago, I replied to it an hour ago...
  6. Hells Malice

    Hardware Need a new keyboard

    I searched for QUITE a while earlier today for a keyboard. I've been happy with my stock keyboard but I feel like some of my typos are due to my keyboard getting on in years (it came with my old computer...this was probably around 8 years ago now). I've been looking for a somewhat cheap...
  7. Hells Malice

    Recycle bin gone

    I absolutely cannot figure out how to restore my damn recycle bin. Something happened to my Fences yesterday and an entire fence poofed with shortcuts to folders and my recycle bin. I've tried a couple things, namely killing fences to see if it'd bring recycle bin back on screen, and...
  8. Hells Malice

    FIXED! Blog forum

    So after months of no blogs, I kind of thought about the idea of just bringing back a blog FORUM to post in, and make it not increase post count. Like in the good ol' days before blogs were ripped from the forum and made its own section. I mainly bring this up because, A: I imagine a new forum...
  9. Hells Malice

    Gaming SMITE

    Dunno how popular MOBA games are on the Temp, but here goes. As far as I can tell, people in the beta can give out infinite keys. Or it sure looks that way. Emailed two to myself. If you want one, just leave an email in this thread or PM me an email and i'll send one your way. Once in the beta...
  10. Hells Malice

    Gaming Building a new PC

    EDIT: aaaand this thread is now obsolete
  11. Hells Malice

    Gaming Diablo 3

    Am I blind or is there actually no Diablo 3 thread made yet. (EDIT: Oh, there is one on page 3...well, whatever. Start fresh for launch.) I wasn't that excited for D3 after I played the beta weekend, but I bought it anyway to give 'er a try. Too much nostalgic hype to ignore it I guess. It's...
  12. Hells Malice

    Hardware Super cheap headset

    Alright i'm lookin' for a super cheap headset to buy my friend, since his poor ass can't afford one. Super cheap, my only other requirement is that IT WORKS. Pretty much trying to find the best of the cheap headsets. Anyone got any suggestions? I tried googling but I haven't found squat as far...
  13. Hells Malice

    Oh Japan... That is all.
  14. Hells Malice

    Anime Winter 2011/2012 lineup ^ Link to huge image of anime. Season looks alright. I see a few things I might possibly be interested in. Out of them all, i'm quite excited for Another, and incredibly excited for Black Rock Shooter. Kill Me Baby seems funny. There's a few others but I...
  15. Hells Malice

    Hacking Can 6.60 actually play backups?

    My friend got a used PSP2000 on firmware 6.60 Motherboard is a TA-085v2 It was successfully modded to 6.60 ME1.6 it can't play ISOs at all, with or without an ISO loader. Did I miss a step, is there something else to enable playing backups? I've googled the crap out of it but clearly i'm...
  16. Hells Malice

    Gaming So WoW has its Star Wars weekend beta going

    What a freakin' disappointment. I was pretty excited to see what TOR was going to bring to the table, since they were talking big and mightily about their design plans. I got into the weekend beta. Dunno how many people did. Probably lots or everyone because I never get specially invited to...
  17. Hells Malice


    Slightly obsessed. Hard to find them though, or i'd have more. Slightly chaotic to have so many out. They LOVE moving MSN chat windows around (and will throw it off screen if you let them). They also like cloning themselves. A lot. I need a separate monitor solely for shimejis (if they didn't...
  18. Hells Malice

    Apple So I...found an iPhone 3GS

    There's a lengthy story to how I came to find this thing, but suffice it to say I discovered it 4 weeks ago, and just today decided to actually take the damn thing home since it clearly had been abandoned. Now...i've googled a bit and seen stuff about remote wiping iPhones. First of all, that...
  19. Hells Malice

    A faaantastic day so far

    Recently I ordered quite a few things, at different times I might add. They all arrived today. First thing to arrive today was my Clannad: After Story part 2 card box. Sorting through 'em with glee, I was very sad when I put them in order. I was missing 1 card in the normal set. 1. Sooo...
  20. Hells Malice

    Byebye money

    I've gotten addicted to trading cards. Yeah. Not so bad if it's magic, yugioh, or pokemon. But I stumbled upon Tales of card sets. Expensive...Tales of card sets. So far only focusing on the Tales of the Abyss sets. I really, really want the normal* card set, but the full set is incredibly...
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    SylverReZ @ SylverReZ: @Psionic Roshambo, Lol he's right +1