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  • A building burned down this evening, in Sydney's CBD - Surry Hills, according to the news.
    I saw the major fire as I was approaching Central Station, at around 4:30pm - it had engulfed the building, and even from the platform I could feel the heat.
    • Wow
    Reactions: AncientBoi
    No idea what set it ablaze, but from what I hear the building was likely empty, thankfully.
    However, it also spread to other buildings, so...who knows about those.
    • Like
    Reactions: AncientBoi
    Apparently there's a The Flash movie coming out in June, which...involves him going back in time to prevent his mother's murder, thereby bringing about unintended consequences...

    Isn't that bloody Flashpoint? Which already got an animated 2013 movie?
    Simpsons did it!
    Huh? I don't get the relevance, or the reference.
    Old south park episode, idea being every idea has been done before. But the takeaway is that just because it's been done before, doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be done again.

    With the length of human history of course things will repeat, but you should judge a work by its own merits.
    Well FUCK ME - it's 4:13am now, and like 30 min ago I woke up (feeling a bit overheated) and discovered I had managed to crack my AU$6400 Macbook Pro screen overnight. No idea how, but WHY NOW.
    Backing it up right now, and I'll need to head to an Apple Store to get it replaced; thankfully it's still under warranty.
    • Sad
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    The bottom-right of the screen has a diagonal crack, which causes pretty severe colour-banding issues both vertically and horizontally; the rest of the screen does display correctly, which allowed me to back up my laptop and factory-reset it, which is...fortunate.
    Still, ugh. Now I'll have to go back to my old 2017 laptop...
    • Sad
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    Is it just me, or is pork belly meat just not tasty at all?
    Just tastes bland, and if not cooked well easily ends up dry and even chewy. Ugh.

    Gimme crackling and some bacon, or shaved ham (not the thick and rough 'off-the-bone' ham; ugh - same issue), instead.
    i think it's best in ramen, usually, where it gets to absorb that broth flavor
    • Like
    Reactions: RichardTheKing
    ...In that vein, we didn't think to add gravy or some other sauce to the meat.

    That'll be fixed next time.
    Future Redeemed review: *excellent* DLC with refined gameplay mechanics and a much better Community system than T:TGC.
    Only real flaw: *unskippable tutorials*. Really? After how obnoxiously awful they were in the base game, that wasn't fixed? Ugh.
    Unskippable tutorials that lead you through the nose should be a game design sin, I stg.

    Apart from that annoyance, I highly recommend this DLC; it's brilliant otherwise, especially if you're familiar with XC1 and XC2.
    Okay, I can't access the Xenoblade 3 cheat thread by Eiffel. What the frick?
    After "ignoring the risks" and trying to access the page anyway, it wouldn't load on Brave, oddly enough.
    Had to open Firefox, sign in, and "ignore the risks" on that to get to the thread and download the 2.0.0 cheats.
    Visiting the page takes you to the login page of GBAtemp for some reason. The thread might've ended up getting screwed.
    Huh; I was never hooked by the original Octopath, yet I'm finding Octopath 2 to be decently fun.
    Strange, that. Maybe it's because I'm more interested in Osvald's and Temenos' stories, than the first game's Scholar and Thief?
    • Like
    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    Mama Looigi
    When the sequel has improvements over the original
    Motorbikes are like rock concerts.
    Unnecessarily loud, blasting passersby's eardrums with overly-aggressive high-dB noise that only sounds "cool" and "powerful" to those seemingly already partially-deaf or already mentally damaged. Seemingly.

    @impeeza The only ones I'm aware of are the assholes who BUZZ right by in the city, practically blowing out my eardrums - hence my hatred of them and their bikes. No other road vehicle is as irritatingly loud as motorbikes, in my experience.
    I am sorry for you and I know what typo of motorcyclist you are talking about they are a bunch of dicks, hope some day you can to know some like my club ones. Regards
    If there's one thing that's likely gonna be GotY for me, it's Xenoblade: Future Redeemed.

    ...I'm downloading and playing that shit ASAP. Screw anything else I'm in the middle of.
    You know that touching scene in Into the Spider-Verse, where Miles' father speaks candidly to a bound and gagged Miles through his apartment's door?
    How awkward would that scene be if Miles wasn't there, and it was his roommate (who is also there, albeit unconscious) instead?
    The greatest April Fools Day prank - Daylight Saving.
    Oh, what? You woke up early because it's been 6 am for the last 6 months, but now it's 5 am? TOO BAD SUCKER!
    Ugh, god do I loathe Daylight Saving; fucks with your body clock.
    I swear, moving to Queensland (which, unlike NSW, did the wise thing and doesn't do DST) sounds like a great idea. bathroom flooded. Water was up to my ankles, pretty much, before we managed to turn the water system off. Everything in the bathroom is basically wrecked; all the cupboards and drawers underneath the sink are filled with aqua.
    That really sucks.

    No toilet is really bad.
    • Haha
    Reactions: RichardTheKing
    We just finished taking everything out of the cupboards, throwing all the ruined things away and all the things we can potentially salvage onto towels in another, unaffected bathroom. A lot of work, that.
    We're sweaty, shower. Also no shower tomorrow morning, so have to work from home.
    Possibly a bit later to the party.
    re toilets. If it is not the outflow that is troubled (and you don't have a mascerator) then toilets are simple devices that open a hole and dump a load of water into the bowl. aka get a bucket full of water if elsewhere still works/ask a neighbour to use their hose and pour that down.
    Once again, this year's GotY is gonna go to a game wholly undeserving of it, isn't it? Instead of going to hopefully-amazing games that are actually FUN, like Spider-Man 2 or Pikmin 4, or Star Wars.
    What a waste.
    • Like
    Reactions: AkiraKurusu
    I meaaaaan, do you really want to be romancing actual children? I don't think the localisation team made a bad call on that one.
    • Like
    Reactions: Seriel
    Why support censorship in any form? Translate it, yeah, but don't censor it.
    Anyway, just spreading the news that the patch (and the actually-uncensored patch) exists/
    Huh; thanks for the heads-up!
    It's always scummy when censorship happens; why is this series known for it? Between removing a bunch of stuff from Fates, and one of Bernadetta's Supports in 3H, and more, it's just horrendous what they deem unacceptable for us Westerners.
    You know what's frustrating? Seeing Nintendo advertise the Wolf Link amiibo, when they're not porting Twilight Princess HD to the Switch alongside it.

    Wanna know my favourite childhood books?
    Captain Underpants, without a doubt - I used to read those (and Ricky Ricotta and Super Diaper Baby) a lot as a kid, due to their humour, but then Pilkey's hiatus happened and I just forgot about them, over time.
    • Like
    Reactions: Digital_Cheese
    Playing through Final Fantasy 7 (the original, not Remake) for the first time ever, and...WHEW it's a loooong game.
    I'm using a guide (so I don't miss anything), and I've just arrived at Shinra HQ - and apparently I'm nowhere close to the end of the first "disc" (or Part, as per Steam achievements), let alone 2 or 3.

    This is gonna take a while.
    (btw first started playing FF7 oldie so I could get more context for FF7 Remake's alterations - more context, and actual appreciation)
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  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    I've turned more features on in OPNsense lately and it's getting kind of high on RAM usage, I see. Probably bump that up to 4GB soon
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I wanna make a 8core router with support for 20gbps doesn't even sound that silly lol
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    I only have 1 gig internet but internally I have 10 gig connectivity for everything on my lan lol
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    fiber connection from my desktop PC back to my core network switch
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    2 port HPE SFP+ PCIE NIC in my desktop and all of my servers
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    silly shit
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    eventually this desktop is going to act as a server too, just for the hell of it. Because this PC is WAY fucking overkill for how little I use it.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    And once I do that, my desktop OS that I interact with is just going to be a virtual machine and use GPU passthrough to connect everything
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Send it to me ffs
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    No because it's my desktop lol
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    The most use this PC is getting right now is 979 Chrome tabs open right now
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    This is my desktop there are many like it but it is mine alone
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Enabled PPPoE on router now no wifi connection lul
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    Anyone knows
    where is Juan?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Taken by the feet police
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    Horny jail?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It was a nationwide vote
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That does look good
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    Does it have any more trailers?
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    @K3Nv2 Are you there? I miss you.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • HiradeGirl @ HiradeGirl:
    @K3Nv2 Those nights were wild. Thank you so much. :wub:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You were once human
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: You were once human