Search results

  1. Jediweirdo

    A really, REALLY old browser exploit (for 5.3.2)?

    Someone I'm helping got a fatal NAND corruption error on their Wii U and I'm trying to help them homebrew it so they can get RedNAND before their NAND is too far gone. However, they're stuck on 5.3.2U and can't update (a fatal error code happens). So, is there any remaining old exploits they...
  2. Jediweirdo

    Homebrew Port of the Recovery Menu?

    So I'm trying to help some person with their bricked vWii. Their vWii broke even before they modded their system, so they don't have a NAND backup (and can't use vWii NAND Restorer). After them trying light & aggressive mode of vWii decaffinator, it has only made marginal progress (They can now...
  3. Jediweirdo

    Is it possible to apply Spiik English Patches to Disk?

    Ok, so there's someone I'm trying to help who has an English Wii U, and they're trying to play a Japanese disc. Thanks to region-free hacks, they can load them on their Wii U, but the main problem is that the Japanese disks play in... Japanese. I know Spiik can force English for out-of-region...
  4. Jediweirdo

    Please allow me to have faith in humanity

    Please this question has a very obvious answer and there's only a valid argument for like 2 of these options. Literally everyone I know came up with the same objectively wrong answer so please restore my faith in humanity
  5. Jediweirdo

    To the people who pirated Tears of the Kingdom early-- how is it?

    No spoilers pls-- just tell me if you like it or not
  6. Jediweirdo

    Why does a flash drive run into corruption issues with the Wii U, but not an sd card on something like the Switch?

    No, don’t worry— I’m not planning on using a flash drive with my Wii U anytime soon. However, I was helping someone and they pointed out this question that got me wondering why that is. From what I understand, you aren’t supposed to use a flash drive with a Wii U because of it’s limited...
  7. Jediweirdo

    Can someone double-check my advice before I give it to someone?

    Here's the lowdown: So some guy (not me, I swear) corrupted their Mii Maker when trying to change its logo (never explained what they changed). However, they said that they can still access homebrew by launching the Mii Maker via their profile pic. I have an idea as to how to fix it, but I'm...
  8. Jediweirdo

    What's the difference between .elf files and .rpx files?

    I used to think that one was an executable that could be installed to the Wii U home menu, but I'm not sure anymore. I just want to know for the sake of knowledge, not because I'm trying to do something. Cheers!
  9. Jediweirdo

    Does anyone know how to use Paper Mario mods with the Wii U?

    Basically, I'd like to mod Paper Mario 64, but god knows that most Paper Mario 64 mods aren't made for the Wii U. I know this is probably wishful thinking, but is there a known way to convert N64 mods into mods that I can inject into Wii U games?
  10. Jediweirdo

    [vWii] Anyway to use Brainslug on Non-disc titles?

    I wasn't sure where this should go, but I decided to post here because it was originally Wii Homebrew. Basically, I would love to be able to use a brainslug module that allows me to use a GC adapter on the vWii mode. However, Brainslug seems to only work for discs and the title I'm trying to get...
  11. Jediweirdo

    Question Tips and Tricks for Making Beautiful and Eye-Catching Posts?

    Every time I look at a tutorial, some kind of new homebrew launch post, or some other high effort post, I see that they all usually look really, really nice with their big fancy titles, different colored text, and other really cool looking things that I didn't even know you could do with the GBA...
  12. Jediweirdo

    How to stop Tiramisu from launching itself automatically from the browser... or if its not Tiramisu then how do I get this annoying glitch to stop?

    Ok, so here's the jist of what's happening: I'm a simple man. I like youtube, and I like seeing the comments of youtube videos. So, my preferred way of watching youtube is through the browser because not only can I watch youtube on there, but I can stream the video to my crappy Wii U box thing...
  13. Jediweirdo

    Random hypotheticals I thought up

    This isn't really a thread asking for help with anything, but rather a thread asking a bunch of "What If" questions lol. And in case this wasn't clear, I'm not speaking from personal experience; these are just random questions that I wonder if it's possible or not with the aside, here are my...
  14. Jediweirdo

    I'm trying to make the Wii U's Browser usable again... but I have some questions about root certificate editing

    I'm trying to get rid of the infamous 112-2035 error by editing the root certificates located on rootca.pem to include the certification "lets encrypt". The problem is, though, that I need to also include a cross-signed certificate of their parent company IdenTrust in order to get everything to...
  15. Jediweirdo

    Is it possible to convert a save file to a 100% save through homebrew and more questions revolving around that

    Ok, here's some context: I'm trying to help this person look for Lego Marvel superheros 100% all unlocked character saves (because M O N E Y 🤑 helping another man out), but apparently this game doesn't exist like at all online in wii u format... but it does for PC, Xbox 360, and even PS3...
  16. Jediweirdo

    Why is firmware versions 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 so important?

    This genuinely puzzles me. I know it's not because of RedNAND, because even the newer versions can use it. I dont think its for CFWs, as you can still use CBHC with 5.5.5. Maybe its because it can support older and newer homebrew? I don't really know, so I wanted to ask just to starve off the...
  17. Jediweirdo

    Is redNAND still possible to install? I want this to be an option in case something bad happens to my Wii U NAND lik it corrupting or something

    While my Wii U is fine, I've been scarred by many horror stories like NAND corruption... and I would love to have some kind of protection against this in case it ever starts to occur. After doing some searching, I found out about redNAND, where you can boot the entirety of the Wii U on a SD card...
  18. Jediweirdo

    Is it possible to put homebrewed apps onto the Wii U sysNAND or HBC?

    NOTICE: I'm an idiot and thought that HBC was hbl but loaded to NAND, completely forgetting the fact that hbc is what they called the homebrew channel on the Wii. Not much else to say other than that. I've always wondered if this was possible or not to eliminate the need for an SD card...
  19. Jediweirdo

    Homebrew Problems with loading Paper Mario TTYD after using Wii U USB + Other Problems

    Ok, so this is a reposting from Reddit because my response there got ignored and the only reply I got was that they had the same problems as me, so I reposted it here since you guys are chads and can probably help me more than Reddit: Ok, so I grab the .iso, yeet it into Wii U USB Helper, it...
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  • BakerMan
    I rather enjoy a life of taking it easy. I haven't reached that life yet though.
    SylverReZ @ SylverReZ: @BakerMan, If it's so shitty, why don't you clean it up. :tpi: +1