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  1. Soaprman

    ROM Hack Bravely Second Money Hex Offsets

    If anyone wants to unlock all jobs and/or max all their JP, I made a quick and dirty save editor for doing that. I don't know if I'll add anything else to this, and I am not taking requests or providing support. Use at your own risk, make backups, etc. Editor (online)...
  2. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    Are you able to edit your saves for other games just fine? Are you sure you're editing the right file? Are you sure you're saving to the correct location? If you're doing a copy instead of editing straight from the SD card, are you sure the source and destination files are correct? Be sure to...
  3. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    @Kikolasi3D started a thread to keep a collection of .fe14unit files: If you're into importing/exporting units, go give that thread some love!
  4. Soaprman

    I remember your name, but not what you were talking about. It's cool though. Let your conscience...

    I remember your name, but not what you were talking about. It's cool though. Let your conscience be free!
  5. Soaprman

    ROM Hack Making a save editor

    Sup, FEFTwiddler (Fire Emblem Fates save editor) guy here. As has basically been said already, a save editor is just a specialized hex editor. Basically, it's the same process as hex editing a save manually (figure out where values go, figure out which values to use), but you have to program in...
  6. Soaprman

    ROM Hack [Research] FE: SOV Save Discussion

    Sup, FEFTwiddler guy here. I've been lurking this thread... don't tell anyone! So I've played the game for like a couple hours so far... enough to get a save file. Figured I'd post some basic info to help you guys out. The attached screenshot is a decompressed SoV save file. If you look at...
  7. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    @SkyOc1: Nope. It's not supported, and I haven't researched it at all. @Lord Fawful: Still no luck getting things to break. I added a single item to Kiyomi's inventory (a Bamboo Pole) and a single item to the convoy (also a Bamboo Pole) and the game loaded fine. I'll need to know precisely...
  8. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    Seems to work fine for me. I opened your save, saved it (while making no changes), and it opened fine in my game (Fates SE, no hacks, via Citra). The problem may be with the particular edits you're making. FEFTwiddler has limited support for saves from ROM hacks, so I make no guarantees, but if...
  9. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    @Lord Fawful:Upload your save and I can take a look next time I work on FEFTwiddler. Also, see if you have better luck with version 0.16.0. 0.17.0 and up have more stuff that can cause problems with some saves.
  10. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    @saijm4444: the ? button is there for people who are willing to click a button with a giant question mark on it while editing their saves. :) More seriously, trainboy2019 has it correct. I was playing around with the idea of making a randomizer using save editing, but never got it developed to...
  11. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    @Pazgabear: I didn't research that a whole lot, but it's possible that there's some sort of coding in the ROM that enforces whatever the max stock values are supposed to be at a given point in the game. Maybe try this: 1. Run your code edit on your save 2. Load the edited save into the game 3...
  12. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    Thanks for the saves, guys! Turns out it was a simple fix: I had accidentally removed the code that connects the button to the stuff it does at some point. It should work now. Version 0.18.1: @JordenNixNix: I'll look into the building...
  13. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    Map save editing might be a little wonky. They're basically Chapter saves with a bit more stuff in there, and FEFTwiddler currently gives them almost no special treatment. If you're still having trouble with unlocking the amiibo chapters, upload your save and I'll take a look sometime this week.
  14. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    Version 0.18.0 is released! It's a new update! Didn't expect that, didja? I finally got around to adding some mostly time travel-related stuff that I always wanted to add. This doesn't mean I'll be updating this regularly again, of...
  15. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    0.17.2 is released! GET THIS IF YOU ARE ON 0.17.0 OR 0.17.1. This release contains a fix for what is probably a critical bug introduced in 0.17.0, so definitely get it if you've been using 0.17.x! Thanks to INSYG for reporting the...
  16. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    Oh, to clarify what it does: It won't let you change the content of conversations. It is just for changing support ranks. If you want to unlock all support conversations in the log, you can do so by opening your "Global" save file and going to the "Global Data" tab.
  17. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    Supports can only be selected on characters with support data defined. That said, yeah, it seems grayed out for everyone. Thanks for finding that! I'll have an update out soon. EDIT: New version here with the fix:
  18. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    Yep! If you want to modify existing characters, just add entries for them in an AddonData XML file and they will override what's stored in FEFTwiddler. For structure examples, check out the built-in character and class XML files here...
  19. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    0.17.0 is released! Note that there are two zip files. Grab the "withAddons" one if you use custom DLC. It should contain some XML files that add KunoichiZ's changes. I kinda just woke up recently and decided I felt like working on...
  20. Soaprman

    ROM Hack FEFTwiddler - Fire Emblem Fates Save Editor

    I've added a link to your releases page to the OP to maybe help send a few people your way. :)
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