Tutorial  Updated

How to Add Cheats to Saves of PSVita - Rincheat Save Editor (ENGLISH & ESPAÑOL)


After many hours, investigations, trials and mistakes, i can learn how to do it.

For this we need to install 2 applications in the PSVITA:

VITA SAVE MANAGER: this app is for managing the SAVES of the games, with it we can make backup and restore our SAVES.

LINK: https://github.com/d3m3vilurr/vita-savemgr/releases/tag/0.8.0

RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR (RINCHEAT SE): this app is for adding the CHEATS to our SAVES.

LINK: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/46

01 - At the bottom of the page you will see 2 links, Download VPK: to download the application and Download Data Files: to download the files that have the information of the CHEATS.

NOTE: there is a PLUGIN called RINCHEAT to use CHEATS in real time but this was stopped updating by its developer and is different from the SAVE EDITOR (both are for CHEATS but are for purposes and use different methods) to use the CHEATS in real time, I recommend the PLUGIN, VITACHEATS, see note at the end.

02 - In the pc, we must have downloaded the 2 apps .VPK and a .RAR file (rinCheatSE), now unzip the RAR and remove the folder (db) (it is a matter of order not to get confused then and inside the folder (SE_db) (it is where the cheats that interest us are) we select those of the games that we are interested in or have, but if we want to keep them and we do not touch anything, we only have to confirm the ID of the CHEAT and the one of the game, example: the one that most I was interested, SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES - PCSE00011.

03 - We connect the PSVITA and open the VITASHELL, we transfer the VPK and the decompressed and organized files to ux0:data/rinCheat, it should look like this: ux0:data/rinCheat/SE_db & VERSION.lua

04 - disconnect the PSVITA, install the VPK, leave the VITASHELL and see the 2 app in the LIVE AREA (main menu or PSVITA home).

05 - We open the VITA SAVE MANAGER and we will see the icons of the games that we have installed in the console (also if there is a cartridge game inserted), we touch the icon of the game that we want to add the CHEATS (touch screen) and a menu will appear, we will press BACKUP, then touch the first and then the second slot (if you screw up in some future case, if you want to make more backup copies, just touch the other slots), press the PS button and open the RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR.

NOTE: the BACKUPS of the SAVES created with the VITA SAVE MANAGER are located in: ux0:data/savegames, in case you want to have a copy in the PC or replace it with another SAVE downloaded from the internet.

06 - RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR, press X on ux0, select the ID of the game from which we made the BACKUP, example: PCSE00011 (SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES) and press X (in some cases a message or warning will appear, press X), we will see 1 or more folders depending on the amount of BACKUPS that we have created, named as Slot x (X number), select the CHEAT that we want, press TRIANGLE, until the menu where we will see the IDs, Press the PS button and open again VITA SAVE MANAGER (it is necessary to reinject or restore the SAVE modified with the cheats).

07 - VITA SAVE MANAGER, we press the icon of the game (as before) but this time we press the RESTORE option and press the SAVE to which we add the CHEATS (normally it is the first one) (this is where we see the importance of having done the BACKUPS, because sometimes the CHEATS damage the file and we lose our progress), press the PS button and exit the app.

08 - We start the game, if everything is ok, we will see the changes in the game or in the inventory as the case may be, for example: in SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES, items 99/3, 99/9, level 99 appear, 9,999,999 of memories (money).

NOTE: if the game does not work or is blocked, etc, open the VITA SAVE MANAGER and restore another BACKUP without altering and repeat the process again.

You can use the VITACHEATS plugin too, parallel with the previous process, example:

In some cases like in DEAD NATION - PCSF00427 - EUR, I added the infinite weapons with the previous program, the money to the maximum and with the VITACHEATS, when i continue with my game, I activate the infinite health.

To use the VITACHEATS, follow the tutorial:

HOW TO INSTALL VITACHEAT IN PSVITA H-ENCORE 3.68: https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-install-vitacheat-in-psvita-h-encore-3-68-english-espanol.517806/



Después de muchas horas, investigaciones, ensayos y errores, pude aprender cómo hacerlo.

Para esto necesitamos instalar 2 aplicaciones en el PSVITA:

VITA SAVE MANAGER: esta app es para administrar los SAVES de los juegos, con ella podemos hacer backups y restaurar nuestros SAVES.

LINK: https://github.com/d3m3vilurr/vita-savemgr/releases/tag/0.8.0

RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR (RINCHEAT SE): esta app es para agregar los CHEATS a nuestros SAVES.

LINK: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/46

01 - En la parte de abajo se verán 2 links, Download VPK: para descargar la aplicación y Download Data Files: para descargar los archivos que tienen la información de los CHEATS.

NOTA: hay un PLUGIN llamado RINCHEAT para usar trucos en tiempo real pero este se dejó de actualizar por su desarrollador y es diferente al SAVE EDITOR (ambos son para CHEATS pero son para propósitos y usan métodos diferentes) para usar los CHEATS en tiempo real, recomiendo el PLUGIN, VITACHEATS, ver nota al final.

02 - En el pc, debemos tener descargados las 2 apps .VPK y un archivo .RAR (rinCheatSE), ahora descomprimimos el RAR y eliminamos la carpeta (db) (es por cuestión de orden para no confundirnos luego y dentro de la carpeta (SE_db) (es donde están los cheats que nos interesan) seleccionamos los de los juegos que nos interesen o tengamos, pero si quieren los conservamos y no tocamos nada, solo debemos confirmar el ID del CHEAT y el del juego, ejemplo: el que más me interesaba era, SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES - PCSE00011.

03 - Conectamos el PSVITA y abrimos el VITASHELL, transferimos los VPK y los archivos descomprimidos y organizados los ubicamos en ux0:data/rinCheat, debe quedar asi: ux0:data/rinCheat/SE_db & VERSION.lua

04 - desconectamos el PSVITA, instalamos los VPK, salimos del VITASHELL y veremos las 2 app en el LIVE AREA (menú principal o home del PSVITA).

05 - Abrimos el VITA SAVE MANAGER y veremos los iconos de los juegos que tenemos instalados en la consola (también si hay un juego de cartucho insertado), tocamos el icono del juego que queremos añadir los CHEATS (pantalla táctil) y aparecerá un menú, tocamos BACKUP, luego tocamos la primera y luego la segunda casilla (en caso de meter la pata en algún caso futuro, si quieren hacer más copias de seguridad, simplemente tocar las otras casillas), presionamos el botón PS y abrimos el RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR.

NOTA: los BACKUPS de los SAVES creados con el VITA SAVE MANAGER están ubicados en: ux0:data/savegames, por si quieres tener una copia en el PC o sustituirlo por otro SAVE descargado de internet.

06 - RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR, presionamos X en ux0, seleccionamos el ID del juego del cual hicimos el BACKUP, ejemplo: PCSE00011 (SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES) y presionamos X (en algunos casos aparecerá un mensaje o advertencia, presionamos X), veremos 1 o más carpetas dependiendo de la cantidad de BACKUPS que hayamos creado, nombrados como Slot x (X el numero), seleccionamos los trucos que queramos, presionamos TRIANGULO, hasta el menú donde veremos los ID, Presionamos el botón PS y abrimos otra vez VITA SAVE MANAGER (hay que reinyectar o restaurar el SAVE modificado con los cheats).

07 - VITA SAVE MANAGER, presionamos el icono del juego (igual que antes) pero esta vez presionamos la opción RESTORE y presionamos el SAVE al que añadimos los CHEATS (normalmente es el primero) (aquí es donde vemos la importancia de haber hecho los BACKUPS, porque a veces los CHEATS dañan el archivo y perderemos nuestro progreso), presionamos el botón PS y salimos de la app.

08 - Iniciamos el juego, si todo ha salido bien, veremos los cambios en el juego o en el inventario según el caso, ejemplo: en SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES, me aparecen los ítems 99/3, 99/9, level 99, 9.999.999 de recuerdos (dinero).

NOTA: si no funciona el juego o se bloquea, etc, abrir el VITA SAVE MANAGER y restaurar otro BACKUP sin alterar y repite el proceso de nuevo.

También se puede usar el plugin VITACHEATS, paralelo con el proceso anterior, ejemplo:

En algunos casos como en DEAD NATION - PCSF00427 - EUR, añadí con el programa anterior las armas infinitas, el dinero al máximo y con el VITACHEATS, al seguir con mi partida, activo la salud infinita.

Para usar el VITACHEATS, seguir el tutorial: COMO INSTALAR VITACHEAT EN PS VITA H-ENCORE 3.68: https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-install-vitacheat-in-psvita-h-encore-3-68-english-espanol.517806/
Last edited by WeedZ, , Reason: Condensed Spanish version. We're an English speaking forum.
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Sep 27, 2017
United States

After many hours, investigations, trials and mistakes, i can learn how to do it.

For this we need to install 2 applications in the PSVITA:

VITA SAVE MANAGER: this app is for managing the SAVES of the games, with it we can make backup and restore our SAVES.

LINK: https://github.com/d3m3vilurr/vita-savemgr/releases/tag/0.8.0

RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR (RINCHEAT SE): this app is for adding the CHEATS to our SAVES.

LINK: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/46

01 - At the bottom of the page you will see 2 links, Download VPK: to download the application and Download Data Files: to download the files that have the information of the CHEATS.

NOTE: there is a PLUGIN called RINCHEAT to use CHEATS in real time but this was stopped updating by its developer and is different from the SAVE EDITOR (both are for CHEATS but are for purposes and use different methods) to use the CHEATS in real time, I recommend the PLUGIN, VITACHEATS, see note at the end.

02 - In the pc, we must have downloaded the 2 apps .VPK and a .RAR file (rinCheatSE), now unzip the RAR and remove the folder (db) (it is a matter of order not to get confused then and inside the folder (SE_db) (it is where the cheats that interest us are) we select those of the games that we are interested in or have, but if we want to keep them and we do not touch anything, we only have to confirm the ID of the CHEAT and the one of the game, example: the one that most I was interested, SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES - PCSE00011.

03 - We connect the PSVITA and open the VITASHELL, we transfer the VPK and the decompressed and organized files to ux0:data/rinCheat, it should look like this: ux0:data/rinCheat/SE_db & VERSION.lua

04 - disconnect the PSVITA, install the VPK, leave the VITASHELL and see the 2 app in the LIVE AREA (main menu or PSVITA home).

05 - We open the VITA SAVE MANAGER and we will see the icons of the games that we have installed in the console (also if there is a cartridge game inserted), we touch the icon of the game that we want to add the CHEATS (touch screen) and a menu will appear, we will press BACKUP, then touch the first and then the second slot (if you screw up in some future case, if you want to make more backup copies, just touch the other slots), press the PS button and open the RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR.

NOTE: the BACKUPS of the SAVES created with the VITA SAVE MANAGER are located in: ux0:data/savegames, in case you want to have a copy in the PC or replace it with another SAVE downloaded from the internet.

06 - RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR, press X on ux0, select the ID of the game from which we made the BACKUP, example: PCSE00011 (SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES) and press X (in some cases a message or warning will appear, press X), we will see 1 or more folders depending on the amount of BACKUPS that we have created, named as Slot x (X number), select the CHEAT that we want, press TRIANGLE, until the menu where we will see the IDs, Press the PS button and open again VITA SAVE MANAGER (it is necessary to reinject or restore the SAVE modified with the cheats).

07 - VITA SAVE MANAGER, we press the icon of the game (as before) but this time we press the RESTORE option and press the SAVE to which we add the CHEATS (normally it is the first one) (this is where we see the importance of having done the BACKUPS, because sometimes the CHEATS damage the file and we lose our progress), press the PS button and exit the app.

08 - We start the game, if everything is ok, we will see the changes in the game or in the inventory as the case may be, for example: in SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES, items 99/3, 99/9, level 99 appear, 9,999,999 of memories (money).

NOTE: if the game does not work or is blocked, etc, open the VITA SAVE MANAGER and restore another BACKUP without altering and repeat the process again.

You can use the VITACHEATS plugin too, parallel with the previous process, example:

In some cases like in DEAD NATION - PCSF00427 - EUR, I added the infinite weapons with the previous program, the money to the maximum and with the VITACHEATS, when i continue with my game, I activate the infinite health.

To use the VITACHEATS, follow the tutorial:

HOW TO INSTALL VITACHEAT IN PSVITA H-ENCORE 3.68: https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-install-vitacheat-in-psvita-h-encore-3-68-english-espanol.517806/




Después de muchas horas, investigaciones, ensayos y errores, pude aprender cómo hacerlo.

Para esto necesitamos instalar 2 aplicaciones en el PSVITA:

VITA SAVE MANAGER: esta app es para administrar los SAVES de los juegos, con ella podemos hacer backups y restaurar nuestros SAVES.

LINK: https://github.com/d3m3vilurr/vita-savemgr/releases/tag/0.8.0

RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR (RINCHEAT SE): esta app es para agregar los CHEATS a nuestros SAVES.

LINK: http://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/#/info/46

01 - En la parte de abajo se verán 2 links, Download VPK: para descargar la aplicación y Download Data Files: para descargar los archivos que tienen la información de los CHEATS.

NOTA: hay un PLUGIN llamado RINCHEAT para usar trucos en tiempo real pero este se dejó de actualizar por su desarrollador y es diferente al SAVE EDITOR (ambos son para CHEATS pero son para propósitos y usan métodos diferentes) para usar los CHEATS en tiempo real, recomiendo el PLUGIN, VITACHEATS, ver nota al final.

02 - En el pc, debemos tener descargados las 2 apps .VPK y un archivo .RAR (rinCheatSE), ahora descomprimimos el RAR y eliminamos la carpeta (db) (es por cuestión de orden para no confundirnos luego y dentro de la carpeta (SE_db) (es donde están los cheats que nos interesan) seleccionamos los de los juegos que nos interesen o tengamos, pero si quieren los conservamos y no tocamos nada, solo debemos confirmar el ID del CHEAT y el del juego, ejemplo: el que más me interesaba era, SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES - PCSE00011.

03 - Conectamos el PSVITA y abrimos el VITASHELL, transferimos los VPK y los archivos descomprimidos y organizados los ubicamos en ux0:data/rinCheat, debe quedar asi: ux0:data/rinCheat/SE_db & VERSION.lua

04 - desconectamos el PSVITA, instalamos los VPK, salimos del VITASHELL y veremos las 2 app en el LIVE AREA (menú principal o home del PSVITA).

05 - Abrimos el VITA SAVE MANAGER y veremos los iconos de los juegos que tenemos instalados en la consola (también si hay un juego de cartucho insertado), tocamos el icono del juego que queremos añadir los CHEATS (pantalla táctil) y aparecerá un menú, tocamos BACKUP, luego tocamos la primera y luego la segunda casilla (en caso de meter la pata en algún caso futuro, si quieren hacer más copias de seguridad, simplemente tocar las otras casillas), presionamos el botón PS y abrimos el RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR.

NOTA: los BACKUPS de los SAVES creados con el VITA SAVE MANAGER están ubicados en: ux0:data/savegames, por si quieres tener una copia en el PC o sustituirlo por otro SAVE descargado de internet.

06 - RINCHEAT SAVE EDITOR, presionamos X en ux0, seleccionamos el ID del juego del cual hicimos el BACKUP, ejemplo: PCSE00011 (SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES) y presionamos X (en algunos casos aparecerá un mensaje o advertencia, presionamos X), veremos 1 o más carpetas dependiendo de la cantidad de BACKUPS que hayamos creado, nombrados como Slot x (X el numero), seleccionamos los trucos que queramos, presionamos TRIANGULO, hasta el menú donde veremos los ID, Presionamos el botón PS y abrimos otra vez VITA SAVE MANAGER (hay que reinyectar o restaurar el SAVE modificado con los cheats).

07 - VITA SAVE MANAGER, presionamos el icono del juego (igual que antes) pero esta vez presionamos la opción RESTORE y presionamos el SAVE al que añadimos los CHEATS (normalmente es el primero) (aquí es donde vemos la importancia de haber hecho los BACKUPS, porque a veces los CHEATS dañan el archivo y perderemos nuestro progreso), presionamos el botón PS y salimos de la app.

08 - Iniciamos el juego, si todo ha salido bien, veremos los cambios en el juego o en el inventario según el caso, ejemplo: en SILENT HILL: BOOK OF MEMORIES, me aparecen los ítems 99/3, 99/9, level 99, 9.999.999 de recuerdos (dinero).

NOTA: si no funciona el juego o se bloquea, etc, abrir el VITA SAVE MANAGER y restaurar otro BACKUP sin alterar y repite el proceso de nuevo.

También se puede usar el plugin VITACHEATS, paralelo con el proceso anterior, ejemplo:

En algunos casos como en DEAD NATION - PCSF00427 - EUR, añadí con el programa anterior las armas infinitas, el dinero al máximo y con el VITACHEATS, al seguir con mi partida, activo la salud infinita.

Para usar el VITACHEATS, seguir el tutorial: COMO INSTALAR VITACHEAT EN PS VITA H-ENCORE 3.68: https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-install-vitacheat-in-psvita-h-encore-3-68-english-espanol.517806/
Glad to see you got RinCheat working for Silent Hill: BoM.
Great game.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2018
United States
Yeah... I tried making VitaCheat codes for it and just ended up wanting to chew my own face off. Some games are just super difficult to make codes for.

my respect to you, i dont undertand how find hex codes, i know how they works and diference, for that and more, but navigate, find and create codes, never.

its so dificult to find vitacheat code for INFINITE HEALTH or 9999 ATK?


Sep 27, 2017
United States
my respect to you, i dont undertand how find hex codes, i know how they works and diference, for that and more, but navigate, find and create codes, never.

its so dificult to find vitacheat code for INFINITE HEALTH or 9999 ATK?
Depends on the game. Some games make it easy, like simple hex values that make sense. Some games use 32-float values which don't easily make sense just by looking at them. Other games use 64-bit float values which make even less sense than 32-bit float values, and VitaCheat can only search for the first 8 bits of the value.
For example:
100 in regular hex is 00000064
100 as a 32-bit float value is 42C80000
100 as a 64-bit float value is 4059000000000000
Then you have games that use decimal points in things (like Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku), which can be a nightmare.
So many VitaCheats are a result of fuzzy searches, which is just "I dunno what value this was, but now it's more/less, so please find it" over and over and over.
Finding cheats you can use right now is fairly easy, but finding codes that will work every time you start a game is not so much.
Those are pointer codes. Values whose address changes dynamically. Those... suck.
Last edited by eighthdayregret,


Sep 27, 2017
United States
Basically, the main problem is 2 points, the code is hard to find and the dynamic codes, am I correct?
Yessir. I'll break it down like this: for dynamic codes for health, you have to fuzzy search for the fluctuating value and hope you don't die before you find something promising. And if you don't find what type of value it is, you get to keep trying.
Like for my Xenon Valkyrie+ codes. I had no idea whatsoever that the game used 64-bit float values. Didn't even really know those existed. Tried hex, tried regular float values... nada. For days. The only reason I even tried 64-bit float as an attempt was because I noticed that the decimal to float calculator I was using had an option for 64-bit float values and figured "why not?"
Luckily, Xenon Valkyrie+ doesn't use dynamic addressing. Neither does Riddled Corpses DX, which also uses 64-bit float values.
So depending on the game, you have several different options: "real" values (as in 64 onscreen is a value of 00000064), hex values (64 onscreen is a value of 00000040), 32-bit float (64 onscreen is a value of 42800000), and 64-bit float (64 onscreen is a value of 4050000000000000).
Some game even do health in reverse, where it's damage that's added together. So you'd actually have to search for increasing values as your character's health goes down.
Then there are other things, like, say, a gallery code. Like unlocking pictures/endings, whatever. A lot of those are "and" values. So what that means is, different things share the same address, but their values are added together. Picture one is 01, picture two is 02, picture three is 04, picture four is 08. To unlock all four pictures, the value ends up being 0000000F (01+02+04+08).
There's lots of different things to consider.
But... you should try making some codes. I know I make it sound complicated, but there's a lot of stuff you might be able to make yourself pretty easily. RPGs are usually a good place to start.


シュウ 「グラビトロンカノン 発射!」
Aug 4, 2019
Hi,i've a problem with Rincheat 1.11,when open the app and scan ux0,don't find any savedata game slot.
Someone help me?

P.s:i've installed Savedata Manager for backup my all games and related backups!
Last edited by NeoGranzon,

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