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The Israel and Palestine conflict

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Dec 11, 2015
The fact is that they've killed nearly 30,000 people in Gaza, and only maybe 10% of them were affiliated with Hamas, if I'm being generous. Moreover, they've killed foreign journalists and Israeli hostages in the process. Nutty-Yahoo is appropriately named, man should rot in prison for life for his war crimes.
All Hamas members should also rot in prison for their war crimes, yet you failed to point that out. Mind you I expected nothing less from you and your anti-semite bias. The thing is, you're one of the people that always go on about racism, yet here we have it, the double standards are amazing. You always call people a nazi's, yet here you have a bunch of twats murdering jews (again) and you fail to see the people murdering innocent jews that were just going about their lives as the nazi types you are always whining on about. It's no wonder nobody takes people like you seriously, over the last few years you types have shown your true colours and there's nothing good to write home about. I hope if you ever meet your maker and get a life review before you are judged you'll be happy about the things you've said and done, but I don't think from reading the vast amount of your posts you are going to be happy with your judgement.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
All Hamas members should also rot in prison for their war crimes, yet you failed to point that out.
Whatever the solution to terrorism might be, it's sure as hell not retaliating with state-sponsored terrorism. Nutty-Yahoo was given intelligence indicating Israel would be attacked on October 7th, and he chose to ignore it. He'll sacrifice any number of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians to retain power.

Elect or anoint far-right leaders and all you get in return is malice and incompetence. This has always been the case throughout history.
Last edited by Xzi,


(Can't shut up)
Mar 10, 2009
Don't talk rubbish, if Israel wanted to commit genocide, they could easily have done so and could do that whenever they wanted. The facts are they aren't, they are just fighting a bunch of scummy twats that hide behind old women and children and are scared to lose power and be held to account for all the crimes they have commited against humanity. If Israel wanted to turn gaza into a glass carpark it could be done in less than 15 minutes. You've been watching/reading far too much lefty propoganda and anti semite shit. Mind you, you have always had mental issues so it's not surprising you think they way you do.
If you don't believe that they're currently committing genocide, then you're really not adding anything of value to the current conversation.

You're free to be angry at Hamas. You can gripe and groan about the religion/race you don't like. You can even verbally attack others for opposing opinions than you. But objective reality can't be denied in this situation. They are wiping out an entire group of people in preparation for taking over that area (again).

When their goal is complete, and Israel has taken over that entire portion of land, you will pivot and say that they deserved to be wiped out, and that it's better for Israel to own that land. I know that, because you are an immensely simple twat to be able to read. Your icon is apt for you, as that bulldog is quintessentially British, but also one of the dumbest breeds of dogs in the world.


Dec 11, 2015
If you don't believe that they're currently committing genocide, then you're really not adding anything of value to the current conversation.

You're free to be angry at Hamas. You can gripe and groan about the religion/race you don't like. You can even verbally attack others for opposing opinions than you. But objective reality can't be denied in this situation. They are wiping out an entire group of people in preparation for taking over that area (again).

When their goal is complete, and Israel has taken over that entire portion of land, you will pivot and say that they deserved to be wiped out, and that it's better for Israel to own that land. I know that, because you are an immensely simple twat to be able to read. Your icon is apt for you, as that bulldog is quintessentially British, but also one of the dumbest breeds of dogs in the world.
That's alot of specutlation on your part, firstly I don't give a shit about their race or religion - lot's of Israelis share the same race and religion. This is about one country that invaded another and raped, murdered and tortured and kidnapped innocent people and then shot thousands of rockets into Israel. Then they start bitching when Israel retaliates - what did you expect would happen?
Also as I pointed out, if Israel wanted to wipe out gaza, it could do that without putting a single boot on the ground and just carpet bomb the place into oblivion, much like we Brits and Yanks did to many German cities during WW2 . Yet they have beeen pretty gentle compared to how they could have been. They could have flooded the tunnels, cut off all the borders and starved gaza into surrender and yet they have been supplying aid and fuel + electricity etc. They could have cut the phone network, the internet etc but they didn't Infact there's loads of stuff Israel could have done if they wanted to commit genocide, but they haven't because there's no genocide, that's just a propoganda phrase you heard from somewhere and thought it sounded good.
Though If Israel did want to commit genocide and carried it out, let's face it - it would be no great loss to the gene pool and to humantiy to lose a bunch of terrorists.

Also let's face facts here, if Mexico had done the same thing to the USA, do you think that USA wouldn't have taken any retalitary measures? Just read a few history books from the non woke section of any library and you'll find this soft of thing has been going on since time began in one way or another, nothings changed and it never will. Humans are animals just like every other animal on the planet and we have instincts that are deep rooted, war is part of human nature and whether you like that of not makes no difference to the person that's set on killing you and taking your stuff.
Last edited by mrdude,


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
Though If Israel did want to commit genocide and carried it out, let's face it - it would be no great loss to the gene pool and to humantiy to lose a bunch of terrorists.
Why bother with 19 pages of arguing when this one statement says it all: you're both racist and pro-genocide. This same moronic logic could be used to deem all Israelis terrorists, or all Americans or British people for that matter. Hypocrisy and double-standards are features with people like you though, not bugs.


(Can't shut up)
Mar 10, 2009
That's alot of specutlation on your part, firstly I don't give a shit about their race or religion - lot's of Israelis share the same race and religion. This is about one country that invaded another and raped, murdered and tortured and kidnapped innocent people and then shot thousands of rockets into Israel. Then they start bitching when Israel retaliates - what did you expect would happen?
If you're only going to look at what happened on October, and completely ignore the blatant apartheid and history of the land, then you're just being a reactionist just looking for something to justify your bloodlust.

Also as I pointed out, if Israel wanted to wipe out gaza, it could do that without putting a single boot on the ground and just carpet bomb the place into oblivion, much like we Brits and Yanks did to many German cities during WW2 . Yet they have beeen pretty gentle compared to how they could have been.
It goes against their interests to level a place that they want to have their people move into. Also, turning the place into glass is just, once again, a moronic statement to make for a multitude of reasons. The first being that they live next door to them. Radiation fallout would kind of be a problem for them. unless, of course, that statement was made by a moron who just loves to exaggerate what they say for lols.

They could have flooded the tunnels,
Not if they wanted to get the hostages they wouldn't.

cut off all the borders and starved gaza into surrender and yet they have been supplying aid and fuel + electricity etc.
They tried, and were told not to by the entire world.
They could have cut the phone network, the internet etc but they didn't Infact there's loads of stuff Israel could have done if they wanted to commit genocide, but they haven't because there's no genocide, that's just a propoganda phrase you heard from somewhere and thought it sounded good.
So here's the definition of genocide:
"the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group"

So how would you like to frame what they're doing as NOT the killing of a large number of people from a particular nation with the goal of destroying them?

Though If Israel did want to commit genocide and carried it out, let's face it - it would be no great loss to the gene pool and to humantiy to lose a bunch of terrorists.
Aaaaaand, there's the Nazi coming out. The level of hypocrisy and irony isn't lost on any of us here. Irony being that the British were nearly destroyed by the group of people trying to cleanse the gene pool. Also, a British person with a British bulldog as their avatar talking about polluted gene pools is just the hypocritical cherry on top. They're so broken as a breed that they can't even have babies without surgery.
Also let's face facts here, if Mexico had done the same thing to the USA, do you think that USA wouldn't have taken any retalitary measures?
Of course they would. They'd DEFINITELY retaliate, only against the people who perpetrated the attack. Do you know how much the president at that time would be demonized if they went town to town and just murdered everyone? You seem to have this mindset that everyone is as bloodthirsty as you are. I can most assuredly tell you directly that the vast majority aren't.
Just read a few history books from the non woke section of any library and you'll find this soft of thing has been going on since time began in one way or another, nothings changed and it never will. Humans are animals just like every other animal on the planet and we have instincts that are deep rooted, war is part of human nature and whether you like that of not makes no difference to the person that's set on killing you and taking your stuff.
And with people like you around, it'll always be a slow climb out of that uneducated mindset. Luckily, as I mentioned previously, you're in the VAST minority. You're free to continue thinking like a caveman, but don't expect anyone to take you seriously.


Time to fly, 621
Dec 26, 2013
The Lands Between
United States
If you think I'm going to read that wall of text, think again. I've made my point and not you nor your anti-semite ilk or propoganda will change my mind.
"If I wanted to spend more time reading, I wouldn't have dropped out of elementary school."


(Can't shut up)
Mar 10, 2009
If you think I'm going to read that wall of text, think again. I've made my point and not you nor your anti-semite ilk or propoganda will change my mind.
LOL! You know that half of that wall is yours , right? Let me get this timeline straight here:
- I tell you that there IS a genocide going on.
- You post a sprawling reply with spelling and grammatical mistakes.
- I point out where you're wrong on each point (Or a moron, or a hypocrite, or all of the above)
- Now you just don't even bother to post a proper retort because you're lazy.

Gish gallop only works verbally. If you put out your thoughts in writing, then someone has the ability to take your points apart piece by piece. I get it, though! You get sleepy when you read too much. Once again, the British bulldog is a perfect avatar for you. Lazy, dumb, thoroughly inbred, and looks a lot more dangerous than it really is.
Last edited by titan_tim,


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2024
Czech Republic
mrdude has some pretty extreme opinions on things and believes someone is not manly when they have bigger dicks than him

and yet he's "calling out" people in this thread.

But you know what? People like mrdude are just overgrown toddlers who think that's really manly so they have to stomp all the opposition to the ground and believe all the lies he's been told even without listening to neutral media

I didn't read most of this thread but what I saw was enough. I was listening to a live broadcast when Isreal murdered BBC journalists and others. Then they claimed it was an accident in the midst of war. Right. I don't believe them. Isreal was a mistake and all the sides hate the current corrupt government even the anti-hamas people. The ones that believe the Israel government are the rightous ones have a goo in their head.

This has nothing to do with being a jew. There are many many jews who even fled israel and are critical of that govenment. You have no fucking clue. They don't show you that the israel government started killing innocents first of all. That they cut off their water and forced them to take actions. No. I will never believe them. I heard it live when shit happened and that was enough for me and the coverup that followed.

I have to admit, I don't entirely understand this...but Isreal is nothing more than a western capitalist outpost in practice, its all to do with control and power. All those things about jew this and jew that, please...you don't really believe that do you? Those in power of isreal are equivalent to nazis.


3DS is love, 3DS is life
Jun 7, 2022
United Kingdom
This conflict will never get the reverence it deserves in the Western world because it was instantly hijacked as a political weapon. Many people are choosing a side simply because it's not the other, and they'd rather lump innocent people in with the killers because that's simple and uncomplicated and it helps them preserve their inner narrative of 'I am very educated and I know the world and I will not be swayed by those lefty/righty enemies who want to corrupt my virgin grey matter'.

Many of the same people who made a point of calling Ukraine's leader 'Jewlensky' are now suddenly all for the so-called rights of Israelis. Isn't that interesting? But one's principles need to be malleable if one is to maintain their hatred for brown people and continue their tireless quest to 'own the libs'.

But what do I know.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2023
United Kingdom
I am Jewish by heritage. I'm completely disgusted in Israel. I don't feel unsafe as a Jew because of the marches that are going on, I feel unsafe because of Israel's actions. Stealing the Palestinian land, killing them for 76 years, illegal land grabbing and illegal settlements within Palestinian borders and doing it all in the name of Jews makes me feel sick. That shit is not in my name. Zionism is colonialism and terrorism dressed up and covered in Jewishness to then cry antisemitism the moment anyone criticises it. Zionists are fake Jews.


Feb 12, 2009
United States
The facts are they aren't, they are just fighting a bunch of scummy twats that hide behind old women and children and are scared to lose power and be held to account for all the crimes they have commited against humanity.
The fact is that they've killed nearly 30,000 people in Gaza, and only maybe 10% of them were affiliated with Hamas, if I'm being generous. Moreover, they've killed foreign journalists and Israeli hostages in the process. Nutty-Yahoo is appropriately named, man should rot in prison for life for his war crimes.
It's sort of humorous from the perspective of being like an evangelical boomer parody shitposting bit, but I'm guessing it probably isn't that.
Israel is defending itself by murdering tens of thousands of women and children!
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
I honestly feel like the UN should do something about the genocide Israel is committing. I can’t imagine anyone being pro-Israel these days when it’s very apparent that they’ve started becoming the very Fascist government that sparked the creation of Israel
Also, fuck Zionists and Pro-Israel evangelicals. Y’all are fucking monsters


Dec 11, 2015
I honestly feel like the UN should do something about the genocide Israel is committing. I can’t imagine anyone being pro-Israel these days when it’s very apparent that they’ve started becoming the very Fascist government that sparked the creation of Israel
Also, fuck Zionists and Pro-Israel evangelicals. Y’all are fucking monsters
I thought "you types" liked diveristy, or is diveristy of thought not included in your diversity bracket? You're a hypocrite and a bigot if that's the case.
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