Recent content by Bobba_fat

  1. B

    Hey, just wanted to thank you for 2018 helping me modding my wii back in the days. Appreciate...

    Hey, just wanted to thank you for 2018 helping me modding my wii back in the days. Appreciate you, hope you are doing well!
  2. B

    Need beginners help with hacking wii u with Aroma. Basic and "advanced" questions

    So I have followed the steps from and gotten all the way to here .....I think. Launch the EnvironmentLoader. If you are autobooting the PayloadLoader, simply turn on your Wii U. If you skipped the autobooting steps...
  3. B

    Homebrew Wii U freezes on a black screen after trying to open Aroma through the Health and Safety App.

    I know your problem. Remove the plugins. Some of them may be corrupted. Keep only these ones (the ones that came with base Aroma. :D 📂plugins ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜AromaBasePlugin.wps ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜drc_region_free.wps ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜homebrew_on_menu.wps ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜regionfree.wps ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜root.rpx
  4. B

    Hacking Stuck somewhere in the modmii tutorial. Dont know where exactly.

    Thank you both so much for the help! Really appreciate it!
  5. B

    Hacking Stuck somewhere in the modmii tutorial. Dont know where exactly.

    auto auto IT WORKED WITH YOUR USB LOADER GX! To anyone who is following modmii guide (I am noob, so probably you are too, if you read all this way, then what you are missing is a USB loader, that did not come with the Modmii guide for some...
  6. B

    Hacking Stuck somewhere in the modmii tutorial. Dont know where exactly.

    Please see the images attached, and get back to me on what I could be doing wrong. ALSO, in the HBC when clicking options, I cant click on the Internal SD och USB anymore and get those crashes (EXception DSI Occured) (That was the only time i got "crashes". And they are not happening anymore...
  7. B

    Hacking Stuck somewhere in the modmii tutorial. Dont know where exactly.

    (I dont really know the fork of my Wiiflow and CFG USB Loader, it was the one that was provided from modmii tutorial. Are there multiple versions in those? If it helps, I cant see any of those two when booting my wii. Here is my syscheck: SysCheck HDE v2.4.0 HacksDen Edition by JoostinOnline...
  8. B

    Hacking Stuck somewhere in the modmii tutorial. Dont know where exactly.

    Hey, Thanks for you answers. Im gonna check it up now those previous mentioned instructions. (You are right, I used the modmii download for everything.) No I followed the steps of this one. Where it said copy to usb i did put them on the usb. Same for copy to SD card. Also, I did follow this...
  9. B

    Hacking Stuck somewhere in the modmii tutorial. Dont know where exactly.

    Hey guys, Will try to keep it short, and hope i get short answers and not alot of links to other guides. I have googled and this is my last resort. So thanks in advance. First is first, new to the wii softmod scene, so sorry bout that. And now here is my issue(s) And a *... I tried a couple of...
  10. B

    Many years ago i became a member of this site. They saved my credentials! Much love to the...

    Many years ago i became a member of this site. They saved my credentials! Much love to the community! :D
  11. B

    Hacking Bannerbomb v2 freezes on 4.3U(bannerbomb b2 enabled with priiloader)

    Hey, I just recently got a wii and im (trying to upgrade it, and its all gone to S**t). Is that all that is needed? I upgraded to 4.3. Hacked with letterbomb (Tried to upgrade cIOS, but got an error message.) Now I have installed priiloader and trying with everything else. Got any simple...
  12. B

    Hacking G6 Lite (4Gbit) support

    Hey guys! Well i have the g6 lite, and i cant Zelda, Mario & Luigi Bowser to work, does any of you guys get it to work? Since you wrote in 2009 all the games have to work up to that point, so please any help, and yes i Disable Soft Reset No Rom Trim Force R+W And i have one more question...
  13. B

    Hacking G6DS Real

    Thanks for the effort and help, i didnt realize you didnt have one haha :/ but thanks for the answer though. And yeah, i read trough that faq and some of the others, dang man, when they make something you should always see it through, i feel betrayed haha well it was good while it worked though
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