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  • One thing I do like about Metroid is how the "Varia Suit" has become practically integral to the series, despite the name originally being a mistranslation. It was meant to be "Barrier Suit", but someone screwed up...and it's become a mainstay ever since.

    Funny how things turn out, eh?
    Nuclear power is WAY more "green" than fossil fuels, and far safer as well.
    "Safer", I say? Yes indeed - proper handling doesn't result in air pollution, and waste can be safely disposed of.
    Nuclear should be our main form of energy, alongside sun/wind/water. It does not deserve the bad rap it's gotten.
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    "Nuclear power is WAY more 'green' than fossil fuels"

    Fossil fuel's aren't green at all so yes
    "Safer" My Azz
    "Easy to dispose of" My Azz

    [offers you a glass of water from near the plant] :D
    This is one of the instances where I can't resist answering on a profile post, while simultaneously suffering from the tight 420char limit. So I'll cheat by inserting an image (and still haven't covered a minimum).
    2024 has been nothing but pure misery for me. Serious mental health issues, my two-year graduate-job contract expiring, can't find a new job, no new chuggaaconroy LPs or Death Battle vids to bring periodic happiness...at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if my grandparents or dog die at some point, just to further emotionally murder me.
    I'm seeing a psychologist tomorrow, but right now I'm living for my family, and to play games. I'd survive solely for those two things, if I could, but apparently finding employment is important despite that being a major component of my depression and anxiety...
    sorry to hear it bud, hope you can find work and that the psych helps
    Went for a walk today - and I just so happened to get drenched by a brief, but heavy, shower on the way back home.
    And I got a stitch from running, too.

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    Reactions: impeeza and x65943
    Got stuck in the rain the other day too

    I need to get better about checking the weather and packing an umbrella
    I too got wet. But I wasn't under rain or something.
    IMO, having a passable English dub is always better than lacking one entirely, as being able to understand vocals helps *immensely* with immersion - especially in the thick of combat.
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    It helps if the English dub is great, but even a passable one is good enough in my book; I detest not being able to comprehend what's happening, and staring at subtitles isn't a good substitute for English VA.
    Would I have loved Xenoblade, Persona, or Ghost of Tsushima if they lacked English VA? Do I like the Virtue's Last Reward 3D PAL release? Hell no - JPN-only is incredibly distracting, and the English dub allows me to be part of the cast. If the PC can understand his friends, why can't I, when I'm playing as the PC?
    Our dog is frickin' *addicted* to veal schnitzel - when my bro has it for dinner, he closes his bedroom door lest the dog beg him for it.
    Even with the door closed, the dog butts his snout against it, desperate to get the deliciousness. He only stops if he's given some, or the empty plate is taken to the kitchen.
    • Haha
    Reactions: impeeza
    The snout-on-door boops don't hurt him (he's too smart for that), but it has discoloured the white paint...
    Doggo is nutso, I swear.
    Super Mario Odyssey would've been a much more fun game, if it had the sense to have a stricter limit on Moons, and give them out for *worthwhile* activities - instead of giving them out like Halloween candy.
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    For fuck's sake, it's possible to just BUY Moons from the stores - that's not special!
    Nintendo really should've taken a closer look at what made 64 (and 64 DS) so fun and replayable - each Star (aside from 100-Coin ones) is given for a unique task, and getting them feels rewarding and worthwhile.
    Compared to Odyssey, where Moons are given out for a variety of tedious and/or unrewarding tasks, like tracing disappearing patterns on the floor, kicking sparkling rocks, or hidden in the mapless jungle basement. Or the bouncing yeti races.
    For the next 3D Mario game, Nintendo needs to do a hell of a lot better, is all - go back to their roots, so to speak.
    Just realised - Mario Kart 8 and SSB4 are now almost a decade old, being released in 2014.
    Where the hell has the time gone‽
    Actually I'm more surprised Nintendo milked that game for so long.

    Mario Kart Wii was awesome and it lasted less than MK8.
    Now I wonder if they're keeping that trend to release consoles with a longer time span.
    Weirdly enough, the Switch didn't even got it's own MK game.
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    What the hell is this big ugly thing on the home page?
    Eh, it'll be gone tomorrow, so it doesn't really matter.
    I'm probably feeling cynical lately, but...just as everything has a beginning, everything also has an eventual end.
    When will the MCU end? Or Nintendo? Tesla and Elon Musk? The constant push for DEI/EGS scores? Heck, modern society as we know it?
    • Sad
    Reactions: Quore
    Want some hug, mate?
    Nah; just casually wondering how long we've got left until today's titans become historical footnotes, is all.
    "Modern Society" ≠ Murican "culture".
    It's really unfortunate that many YouTubers are either leaving or facing difficulties this year; Tom Scott stopped on 1 Jan, Death Battle's future is unknown after RoosterTeeth failed, MatPat retired, and Chuggaaconroy has been accused, among others.
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    It is sad, but also a reminder that everything in life is transitory and you should enjoy it while it lasts and learn to move forward.
    The one that pisses me off the most is Chuggaaconroy, I used to watch that guy all the time
    After recently learning about just how much Unicorn Overlord's English script has changed from the JPN original, I absolutely refuse to ever play it, no matter how good it may be.

    There is NO excuse for a "localisation" job this botched.
    Sure, some touching up is to be expected, but making every single character so needlessly verbose, using overly-complex language? Eliminating the possibility of female characters being shocked or scared, in favour of making them more stoic and 'less vulnerable'? Fuck right off with that.
    Those changes are far too drastic, and the second example (the one about female characters) means they're not as emotionally varied - and good, well-liked characters tend to express a series of emotions. Instead, they're far more flat and one-note, which kills their characterisation appeal.
    I've never watched a single Studio Ghibli movie - never knew about them as a kid.
    Oh damn, I guess I'll have to see it for myself.
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    According to TV Tropes, Grave of the Fireflies was released theatrically as a double-feature - the other one being My Neighbour Totoro. So that's interesting; @impeeza, would you consider that the best double-feature ever?
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    humm to my knowledge for Ghibli a double-feature is not enough you can see 10 one after other with no problem at all!!!

    as my granma used to say: Ghibli es como kokoriko, ¡no tiene presa mala!

    (kokoriko is a local fried and roasted chicken chain, which traidtionally is the best, so the people used to say there is no bad piece of Kokoriko chicken) so Ghibli, like Kokoriko have no bad piece!!
    P3R is getting The Answer! Making it the definitive P3 release!

    On a sad note, those who watch Scott's Thoughts (a Pokémon 'speedrunner' of sorts) will know that GameHook has *also* been deleted from GitHub. GameHook, well, hooked into the code of RBY and Crystal, allowing for easy RAM watching and editing.
    Yeah, true enough - even if Lua scripting isn't as beginner-friendly as an app - but with the recent several takedowns I thought it was worth bringing up.
    I bet your glad they took out the femc:rofl2:
    @poughstings There's already a mod for it, for the base game, so who cares?
    Besides, The Answer also has a female PC in the form of Aigis, so either way there IS a "feMC".
    • Haha
    Reactions: poughstings
    I just realised - the "Switch 2" (official name TBD) is supposedly coming out next year.
    Nintendo certainly doesn't want it to be exploited as easily as the Switch, or for "Switch 2" emulators to be made so quickly.

    Maybe that's why they're scaring people off the topics right now.
    It's the reason why they're hiring "hackerz" and pay them to find vulnerabilities, just like with the "Switch 1". Because Nintendo wants people to know that a non-exploitable console is more exciting than one with emulation capabilities.
    I swear, this has to be the Anti-Emulator Week.
    It's a feeling of impending doom with the Doomsday Clock at seconds to midnight and not just emulation.
    Even Tuhr gets what I mean lol, with the controversies of Q1 2024 happening, now we just have to wait until the world finally puts an end to itself. teehehee!
    The only fate worse than an apocalypse is surviving one and dying in the end anyway.
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