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  1. xist

    Walmart owned Asda, UK's 2nd largest supermarket, stops selling the Wii U

    With the slow trickle of Wii U releases it's been a waiting game for owners of the belated console for new software to use with their console. However, it turns out the waiting for sales to pick up has been too much for Britain's second largest supermarket, the Walmart owned Asda chain, as they...
  2. xist

    Paypal makes trillion dollar error - big trouble in Delaware....

    Over the past few months Paypal has revealed some disturbing practices in restricting access to accounts for fear of fraudulent activity despite none being evident. Now in an error so staggering that it equates to more than 5,500 times the debt of the United States government Paypal had...
  3. xist

    I love this gif so much...

    Even though i know what happens it's managed to keep me perpetually amused for the last 3 hours... In fact, the only reason i started a new topic was because i can't find anywhere else awesome to post it...
  4. xist

    How much does Nintendo's digital software management system put you off?

    With the announcement that Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies is going to be a digital only release, and the subsequent muttering but general lack of revolt, it really begs the question why Nintendo is still so far behind with their digital account management. Or rather lack of it, with software...
  5. xist

    MP3 encoding good are your ears? What's your standard choice?

    Lots of people make decisions about the quality of MP3's they're happy with (in terms of bitrate) based upon an irrational sense of more is always better. And whilst more bits can be better, if you can't hear it (through it being out of your hearing range or you just "not" hearing it) then it's...
  6. xist

    StoryBundle - 7 DRM free gaming-related eBooks for $3 (or more)

    Thought some may be interested... For $3 this doesn't seem bad at all....although i've not read any of these, i have read other gaming books and whilst i'd pick a proper novel over one of these as a better read i think that they're great things to blast away a...
  7. xist

    Flying is not the problem. Mass is.

    As I lurk and peruse these forums and many others, I see a sense of transgression pervading the discussion of so-called superhero's. Justifications and guilt-ridden truisms dominate the conversation when it comes to superpowers and potential superhuman feats. Statements such as "It's not...
  8. xist

    Convert text file of sud dialogue into sub file? (may be aegisub related...)

    Need a bit of assistance here because i'd like a solution that's easier than typing it all in manually.... I've been watching the Tower of Druaga on DVD but oddly enough the final "bonus" episode doesn't have subs...which isn't a problem for the DVD as it's dubbed but there are certain points...
  9. xist

    Petition to place out of touch UK MP on benefits for a week...SIGN IT!

    Admittedly this is a UK issue, but if you have any desire to see the ultra rich policy makers realise what it's like to cope with normal problems then it doesn't matter...sign it and make the man experience a little reality! Over here the support for those on a very low/no income was slashed...
  10. xist

    Low drop/steal rates....why punish the player?

    I currently hate everything....A LOT! In fact i hate everything more than A LOT!. I hate everything A WHOLE LOT! Why i hear you ask?(yep i can hear the pre-emptive tapping of keyboards...i'm that good...) It's the Seitengrate. (I hate you Seitengrate...) For the uninformed, the Seitengrate...
  11. xist

    Almost good games that you wanted to like more but slogged through hoping for more

    As someone who effectively finishes every game i start (bar the really, really, REALLY appalling ones which amount to only a handful) i sometimes run into games that on balance i don't really enjoy, but sometimes thanks to the gameplay it gets fun. If that up/down ride is dangled like a carrot...
  12. xist

    PS1/2 Anyone have a PS2 Ratchet and Clank Save?

    I've been playing this on and off for the last three weeks or so (for the first time...and this is my first Ratchet & Clank game too), and i was about to take on the final boss and hopefully finish the game today. However, the game has one of those stupid start menu's where the first option is...
  13. xist

    The Wii U is Nintendo’s last console

    Featured on Yahoo news....must be true - this is a legit topic worth discussing sony Nintendo is one of the big 3 after all any info about them is always welcome and should be discus
  14. xist

    What does this say?

    Well at least i'm guessing it's Chinese, as it was bought in China....anyone able to translate for me? Edited thanks to Andman and Veho...
  15. xist

    Hardware How would you value an Ambassador 3DS?

    I'm umming and erring over how much i can sell this thing for....i bought it at launch so i'll never recoup my costs now, but i'd like to get a decent return. It's essentially not been used....i've tinkered with it but was relatively unimpressed by what i saw and it's lucky to have seen more...
  16. xist

    O'Rly wandering now.

    Please arbitrarily assign me a label!
  17. xist

    Bit-rates and encodes - What is transparent for you?

    Playing around with LAME and my CD's, plus looking across some Bandcamp stuff i've downloaded in a quality i've chosen, i started wondering about which level of encoding is generally what people opt for (be it downloaded or converted from disc). I know many people opt for 320CBR for everything...
  18. xist

    English Dubbed Anime - Need some recommendations

    Sorry purists, i like to watch Anime in removes the language barrier and allows me to empathise with the characters better. Admittedly i've not watched many Subs, but having got hung up on Dubs i'd rather go that way unless i'm really missing out (so if there's something AMAZING...
  19. xist

    FACT! Wii U goes Nuclear

    THE FACTS! Source Obviously the truth given that immense amount of substantiation....maybe i should have posted this in USN.
  20. xist

    'Lulzsec hackers' arrested in international swoop
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