Review cover Biomutant (PlayStation 4)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): May 25, 2021
  • Release Date (EU): May 25, 2021
  • Release Date (JP): May 25, 2021
  • Publisher: THQ Nordic
  • Developer: Experiment 101
  • Genres: Action RPG
  • Also For: Computer, Xbox One

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer

Review Approach:

When it comes to role-playing games, the open world model seems to be the go-to approach these days. There's no shortage of games that let the player figure things out by themselves and it's hard not to feel a degree of exhaustion from this trend. As an avid RPG fan I'm always on the lookout for something that's just a little bit different, and Biomutant quickly caught my attention. A colourful game set in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by fuzzy-wuzzy mutants that wield big swords and even bigger guns? Well, this is different! I was happy to be selected for this test drive and give Biomutant a fair shake. Did it deliver on the promise of an experimental RPG extravaganza or did the experiment just create a bunch of mutated ooze? Read on and find out!
Biomutant is an Action-Adventure RPG set in a post-apocalyptic open world abandoned by its people, slowly recovering from a pollution-induced world-ending event. The game's available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series S/X upgrades set to release in the near future.


Karate Kub

Even in a dying world, given enough time, life can flourish once more. The Toxanol company from the before-time is long gone, and the land is slowly recovering from the environmental disaster they wrought. When you were little, your elders taught you some valuable lessons - they showed you that one man's trash is another man's treasure, and that with a little effort one can cultivate even barren land. Most importantly however, your mooma taught you a code of honour, and the principles of martial arts - the Wung-fu. It was her who gave you the strength to face the dangerous world around you, and none too soon too. She knew that one day destiny will catch up with her, as it does with all of us. You were just a small child when Lupa-Lupin raided your village and burned it to the ground. Your parents paid the ultimate price to protect you, and you've never forgotten the face of your foe.

It's been many years since those events unfolded and now, more than ever, the world needs a hero to set things right again. Lupa-Lupin is still at large, and to top it off, monsters of unusual size are chomping at the roots of the Tree of Life, endangering the fragile ecosystem. Will you use your Wung-fu to save the world, or to destroy it? Will you unite the tribes with a silver tongue or with a steel blade? Will you spread your light across the land, or will you plunge it into darkness? Only you can decide.

Big Trouble in Little... Post-Apocalypse?

Biomutant presents itself as an innovative, "experimental" take on an open world RPG, but you wouldn't be able to tell in what way just by playing it. The game features all the staples of the genre, from a player-generated protagonist to specific mechanics like in-game factions, crafting and so on, so if you've ever dabbled in the genre, you'll feel right at home here. It's not shy about throwing you right in the thick of things either, starting off with combat straight away - it may as well, seeing that you'll spend most of your time whacking things with your various implements of destruction.

Speaking of those, your character is armed to the fangs. From swords to hammers, from pistols to fully automatic rifles, with psionic and biological abilities to boot, adjusting your character to your play style shouldn't be much of a challenge. When it comes time to crack skulls the game feels a little stiff, but not offensively so. There's a certain rhythm to it, and once you learn it, unlock more abilities and figure out some combos it comes together nicely. The guiding principle is the aforementioned Wung-fu - you can maximize your performance by combining your abilities, chaining your attacks and, once your martial bar fills up, unleashing your Wung-fu prowess.

There's something to be said about conjuring your earth-bending skills to launch an enemy into the air, charging at them with your sword while they're still vulnerable and finishing off with a pile-driver - it can be janky, but when it works, it's fun. Biomutant tries really hard to play like Devil May Cry, but in practice it's more like The Witcher 3 - it needs a little more fluidity to achieve what the developers intended.

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The adventure begins!

Once the initial battle is over and done with, Biomutant's overbearing narrator explains what the game is all about, and there's a lot of things going on at the same time. The game introduces you to the three pressing issues - the World-Eaters attacking the Tree of Life, Lupa-Lupin's rampage and a tribe war, all seemingly inter-connected. Your job, in short, is to ally with one of the tribes and resolve the conflict, forge alliances in your fight against the World-Eaters and, most importantly, avenge your family. The story is a pretty standard affair - your character goes from zero to hero and decides the fate of the world. It's nothing too innovative or groundbreaking, but it's interesting enough. If you can imagine Kung-fu Panda, except with guns, you get the idea.

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A lesson every child learns sooner or later - making your Mooma wait is a bad idea

This is one of the areas where Biomutant stumbles - I couldn't help but feel that the game lacked direction. It gives off the impression that the developers couldn't decide which story to focus on, so they just threw all of their ideas into a blender and pressed the smoothie button. The result? All of the events feel somewhat disconnected, like a overcooked narrative soup with some indescribable chunks every few spoonfuls. A lack of focus on a specific thread of the story isn't necessarily unusual in an open world game, but in this case you're dealing with three "main" quests which, for all intents and purposes, could be three separate games. In other words, Biomutant has a story, but there's not a lot of plot to go along with it.

To make things worse, Biomutant markets itself as a game where your decisions shape the world around you, and I didn't get that impression at all. Ultimately, your choices can be boiled down to the moral, "light" choice and the immoral "dark" one, with the two sides of your conscience arguing their side until you pick between two usually inconsequential prompts. On the bright side, despite its shortcomings, it's still a charming, fun take on a Kung-fu fable that's just interesting enough to keep you playing.

Furries of Fury

Okay, I've been pretty harsh but it's not all bad, as this title has a lot going for it. The crafting system in particular is worthy of note, as well as the loot you'll be able to collect in the game. Experiment 101 had a very specific environmentalist message in mind, and the game's world and mechanics are crafted around that idea. Your weapons and armor are all "up-cycled" trash, so if you ever wondered what'd happen if you weaponized a toilet brush, Biomutant has the answer.

As you progress through the game you'll pick up all sorts of components which you can combine into some truly innovative weapons and armor, and I really enjoyed that part of the game. By the time I had to face the final boss I was running around with a radioactive assault rifle with a seashell for a muzzle and a biohazardous chainsaw-longsword that tore through enemies like butter. The sheer amount of combinations you can go for is staggering, so if you like crafting, you won't be disappointed.

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Weaponized trash? Sure, why not?

There's also a lot of vehicles and mounts to choose from, ranging from alpaca-like Gnoats to a full-blown customizable mech. You can even find a jetpack to get to those hard-to-reach ledges - that is, unless you choose to learn how to levitate instead. Some particularly hazardous areas of the map explicitly require you to use a vehicle, but don't worry - you'll find the key ones at least. Speaking of the map, the world of Biomutant is truly massive, divided into 8 distinct, often hazardous biomes. Armed with the appropriate PPE, exploring those areas was a treat - discovering the remnants of a civilization long-gone in ruined towns or Toxanol's various industrial plants was definitely a high point to me.

The world-building in the game is excellent, it really feels like an land forgotten by time, destroyed and abandoned. Gliding over green meadows, hopping from one mountain cliff to the next gave me a strong Breath of the Wild vibe, so if you're into that sort of thing, Biomutant has some pretty sights to take in. If there was one complaint I had in this regard, it's the fact that some vehicles are locked out of the rest of the map, which led to some frustration when I tried to summon my jet ski in an area where I ostensibly wasn't allowed to for no particular reason.

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Do you like my mount? His name is Nightmare.

It's very clear that the developers focused on creating a world that felt "real", and it does. In broad strokes, the game is a tale of environmental disaster from the perspective of one of the creatures that went through forced evolution due to high levels of pollution, and it looks the part. Where it fails is filling that world with meaningful interaction. Aside from the occasional side quests that were limited to visiting a specific location or fetching specific items, I didn't feel like I got to interact with the world's inhabitants all that much. NPC's were either hostile or didn't have a whole lot to say to me besides commenting on my personal story or moral compass. That's a shame, because a well-crafted world really needs to have that spark of life, it needs to form connections between the player and the non-playable characters. The player should feel like an integral part of the world; but Biomutant makes you feel removed from it instead.

You can still affect the lives of other creatures, but it's a one-way street as you're always a visitor. Yes, you can pick your allegiance and change it as you go, but I didn't feel like my choice really mattered - I was doing all the heavy lifting regardless. The tribe war played out the way I wanted it to, and while I had the option to resolve it by using the force of an argument *or* the argument of force, the end result was pretty much the same anyway. Yes, I encountered a number of critical NPC's that helped me along the way, but I didn't really "befriend" any of them. I simply delivered the items they requested, and received a key item in return. The developers tried to make me care about the named NPCs, but I simply couldn't. I never got to know them, and not for the lack of trying.

Revenge of the Mammal

With everything said and done, what are you actually getting for your money? A game that's full of ideas, but also one that's a mile wide, but an inch thick. With a story that lacks direction, NPC's that you can't really get attached to and a somewhat janky combat system you have a package that almost collapses under its own weight. It's like a tick-list of genre staples - the game has them all, and nearly all of them needed more work to stand out... and yet... I kept playing. I did my best to rush through the title, but every single time I was travelling towards the next waypoint, I found myself distracted. I couldn't stop myself from exploring the various locations scattered in my path, discovering new things and treasure hunting.

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Say what you will about the game, it sure is pretty to look at

That's when it dawned on me: perhaps it wasn't the actual objective that mattered, but the adventure I had along the way. Everything started clicking into place - the incessant narrator, the lack of focus, the bright and colourful graphics... it's a fable first and foremost, one that you have to make yourself as you play, and perhaps that's what Experiment 101 was going for. There's something here, something that can be built upon, and I hope that the game gets a sequel, or at least another game in the same universe. As it stands, it's... "good", but it could've been so much better.

Should you buy it? Maybe. If you want to take a break from the non-stop deluge of dark, brown, dreary games and escape into something lively and colourful, a game that doesn't do anything spectacular, but is easy to digest as a result, this is it. Biomutant doesn't redefine the genre, but it doesn't have to - it's adequate across the board while offering a charming world that's a treat to dive into, and sometimes that's all you really want.


What We Liked ...
  • Giant and charming open world that invites exploration
  • Easy and fun crafting system
  • An enjoyable take on a "Kung-fu fable"
  • Bright, colourful visual presentation
  • Mountains of inventive loot to collect
  • Plenty of customisable vehicles, mounts and gadgets
  • A sensible New Game+ mode which allows you to skip the boring nitty-gritty and proceed straight to the relevant sections of the game
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Very little NPC interaction
  • Most features feel a bit formulaic
  • A lot of the in-game decisions seem inconsequential
  • The story lacks focus
  • Visible pop-in issues in the console release which underlines the need for a next-gen upgrade
  • One of the most intrusive, annoying narrators I've ever heard in a video game
  • The moralistic, environmentalist message of the game is anything but subtle and can be quite irritating
  • The weapons and powers feel unbalanced, making the guns the go-to solution to just about any problem
While formulaic, the gameplay of Biomutant is solid. The combat system is a little janky, but works with a bit of practice and the various modes of transportation keep things feeling fresh as you explore new biomes.
The world of Biomutant is a sight to behold. Its various biomes look great and make sense in the context of the story. The narrator admittedly rather annoying, but you have the option to turn down his interruptions to a bare minimum which allows you to take in the views and enjoy the colourful locations.
Lasting Appeal
The developer claims that your decisions change the outcome of the story and the world around you, but I can't say that I've experienced this in action. At the end of the day, you'll either reach a Good or a Bad ending. Allying with any particular tribe has very little influence on the story and your choices in the final sections don't seem to be nearly as impactful as advertised - two playthroughs are all it really takes to experience everything the game has to offer. Will I replay it? Possibly, but not before the next gen patch is released.
out of 10


Biomutant is less of an experimental game and more of a formulaic open world adventure. You know what you're getting into from the start, with few surprises along the way. Thankfully, the otherwise mediocre mechanics are carried by a beautiful world, a good crafting system and a mountain of loot to collect. It provides pleasant reprieve from the sea of brownish, boring RPG's by taking you to a somewhat unusual setting with an unusual protagonist, topped off with a splash of colour. Based on that alone, it earns a recommendation from me, if narrowly so. If you're looking for something different, but not "too different", give Biomutant a shot.
AFAIK I have enjoyed most of all the open world games I've ever played, even ones that are a bit criticized ended up being fun and enjoyable for me. This sounds like something I would definitely enjoy despite its flaws, and is at an attractive price too (at least in my region). Will keep an eye on it. :)
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Wish there was a demo of the game
I mean, it's on gog. Not that I mean anything particular with that...

To me, the most annoying thing in that game WAS dialogues where we would hear gibberish with no subtitles, then the narrator would translate that in understandable language and with subtitles too if we want. So basically we're spending twice the necessary amount of time in every dialogue for no valid reason, and the fact that the story isn't really captivating doesn't help being patient.
They added options in the latest update to avoid that, I think we have a choice between animal crossing style (subtitles on gibberish), full narrator style, and the original annoying style (and also an option to disable everything??). I couldn't test yet but it's cool that they listen to what people hate and they fix it.
I mean, it's on gog. Not that I mean anything particular with that...

To me, the most annoying thing in that game WAS dialogues where we would hear gibberish with no subtitles, then the narrator would translate that in understandable language and with subtitles too if we want. So basically we're spending twice the necessary amount of time in every dialogue for no valid reason, and the fact that the story isn't really captivating doesn't help being patient.
They added options in the latest update to avoid that, I think we have a choice between animal crossing style (subtitles on gibberish), full narrator style, and the original annoying style (and also an option to disable everything??). I couldn't test yet but it's cool that they listen to what people hate and they fix it.

Didn't know they fixed that, may get it on console (no DRM) but *shrug* I'm on the fence

Edit: Link to change here
I mean, it's on gog. Not that I mean anything particular with that...

To me, the most annoying thing in that game WAS dialogues where we would hear gibberish with no subtitles, then the narrator would translate that in understandable language and with subtitles too if we want. So basically we're spending twice the necessary amount of time in every dialogue for no valid reason, and the fact that the story isn't really captivating doesn't help being patient.
They added options in the latest update to avoid that, I think we have a choice between animal crossing style (subtitles on gibberish), full narrator style, and the original annoying style (and also an option to disable everything??). I couldn't test yet but it's cool that they listen to what people hate and they fix it.
I actually found the Animal Crossing-style gibberish entertaining, but the constant interruptions as I travelled were rather irritating, even with narration frequency turned down.
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This game has a shred of potential but it definitely released at best 6 months too early.
It felt like they had just gotten each feature to the absolute bare minimum, and then moved on. Then didn't have time to go back and actually flesh it out.

The world is gorgeous but that's the only positive for the game for sure. The lack of any stats kills the crafting. What the fuck does half a bar of ki regeneration mean compared to 1/8th of a bar of health? Why can I piledrive ALL of my stats into strength and notice absolutely no difference in damage? Why bother having a crafting system with dozens of pieces if they're basically all identical in function aside from -1 or +1 stat difference

The morality is an absolute joke. The fact they force you to help some dumbass faction that may not even align with your own goals is obnoxious. I wanted to kill the tribes and save the tree. Why can't I do that? Why does NONE of the factions desire that? Instead all of the goody hippy tribes want to save everyone and hold hands, and save the tree. Or they want to kill everyone. There's no one in the middle.

And yeah the gibberish doubling dialogue time for no real reason got old after the second dialogue.

Oh and fucking tether melee. God I hate that, it's one of the big reasons I despise melee combat in Horizon. It's a solution to baby people who are bad at videogames and make it more accessible, but if you're even halfway competent at videogames it's just an extremely annoying feature that fucks up the flow of combat greatly. Not that melee is even worth using. As a pure strength character I used my gun 90% of the time because it did more damage and kept me out of reach of cheap shots the game doesn't project or animate well.

Man I could rant for hours. I was so disappointed by this game.
In other words, not a bad game but a disappointment, definitely would have worked better if it has used the Skyrim formula instead.
I've been playing it in parts since last week ,, & im really enjoying it ..its like a N64 game but with hyper graphics .. the combat isn't all that bad ... the narrator had to be turned off by because it was too much .. but the game is huge and beautiful .. i think that the 7/10 score is perfect
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I've seen the word "formulaic" twice in this review. What does that even mean? Literally a game is programmed with tons of formulas, why is that a bad thing?
I've seen the word "formulaic" twice in this review. What does that even mean? Literally a game is programmed with tons of formulas, why is that a bad thing?

If you don't have a dictionary, there are several available online for free.
If you don't have a dictionary, there are several available online for free.
Fair enough. So I looked it up and got this:

[ fawr-myuh-ley-ik ]SHOW IPA


made according to a formula; composed of formulas:a formulaic plot.

being or constituting a formula:formulaic instructions."

That technically answers my first question, but doesn't answer my second question.
My thoughts on the game are more in line with the DualShockers review that gave it a 6.5.
Having read their take, there's only one thing that I kind of agree with that hasn't been mentioned here. I have noticed that Biomutant's enemies had minimal variety - when you pop the hood open, put the aesthetics aside and focus on the mechanical nuts and bolts of the game, you're really fighting just four kinds of enemies - a "small guy", a "big guy" (that usually throws things), "a small wild thing" or a "big wild thing" (the latter two sometimes equipped with a bio/psi special power), the rest is a matter of different skins being applied, or a different item being thrown at you. I intended to mention that in the review, but ended up giving the game a pass for it because of the not infrequent miniboss/big boss battles which mix things up a bit.

The gibberish they mention didn't bother me at all, but it can be a barrier to some. Those who don't like it can turn it down in the settings which pretty much solves the problem.

As for the numerical scores, I'm not really a fan - I prefer to read the actual text instead of relying on a non-descriptive number - someone's 6.5 can be somebody else's 7. When all is said and done, I enjoyed my time with Biomutant personally, but the game never really broke the mold. It did the bare minimum in all areas and satisfied the usual cravings, but it doesn't have a "wow" factor of an 8 or a 9, with 10's reserved for games that define a generation. In other words, "more good than bad".
Fair enough. So I looked it up and got this:

[ fawr-myuh-ley-ik ]SHOW IPA


made according to a formula; composed of formulas:a formulaic plot.

being or constituting a formula:formulaic instructions."

That technically answers my first question, but doesn't answer my second question.
Something that's formulaic is going through the motions without doing anything spectacular that'd draw your attention or surprise you. It does "all the things it's supposed to" and nothing beyond that, which makes it less memorable or impactful. It doesn't do anything particularly exciting or innovative, sticking to genre staples instead. You can replace the word with "dull" if that helps you catch my meaning.
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Fair enough. So I looked it up and got this:

[ fawr-myuh-ley-ik ]SHOW IPA


made according to a formula; composed of formulas:a formulaic plot.

being or constituting a formula:formulaic instructions."

That technically answers my first question, but doesn't answer my second question.

-produced in accordance with a slavishly followed rule or style; predictable

-showing no attempt at originality, constructive interpretation, or development
Having read their take, there's only one thing that I kind of agree with that hasn't been mentioned here. I have noticed that Biomutant's enemies had minimal variety - when you pop the hood open, put the aesthetics aside and focus on the mechanical nuts and bolts of the game, you're really fighting just four kinds of enemies - a "small guy", a "big guy" (that usually throws things), "a small wild thing" or a "big wild thing" (the latter two sometimes equipped with a bio/psi special power), the rest is a matter of different skins being applied, or a different item being thrown at you. I intended to mention that in the review, but ended up giving the game a pass for it because of the not infrequent miniboss/big boss battles which mix things up a bit.

The gibberish they mention didn't bother me at all, but it can be a barrier to some. Those who don't like it can turn it down in the settings which pretty much solves the problem.

As for the numerical scores, I'm not really a fan - I prefer to read the actual text instead of relying on a non-descriptive number - someone's 6.5 can be somebody else's 7. When all is said and done, I enjoyed my time with Biomutant personally, but the game never really broke the mold. It did the bare minimum in all areas and satisfied the usual cravings, but it doesn't have a "wow" factor of an 8 or a 9, with 10's reserved for games that define a generation. In other words, "more good than bad".
Something that's formulaic is going through the motions without doing anything spectacular that'd draw your attention or surprise you. It does "all the things it's supposed to" and nothing beyond that, which makes it less memorable or impactful. It doesn't do anything particularly exciting or innovative, sticking to genre staples instead. You can replace the word with "dull" if that helps you catch my meaning.
Thank you, that explains it!
I like how they paid a guy a shit-ton of money to narrate the entire game, gave him thousands of lines, directed him to talk in a specific way for each one, and all that work was for naught because everyone thinks it's annoying.
I like how they paid a guy a shit-ton of money to narrate the entire game, gave him thousands of lines, directed him to talk in a specific way for each one, and all that work was for naught because everyone thinks it's annoying.

Despite those thousands of lines it's presented in an incredibly annoying way. Tons of the narrators lines are repeated dozens of times every time you do something. Break a resource tower? Same line. Start a puzzle? Same one or two lines. Do...anything...same one or two lines.
For dialogue they should've had his translation speaking over the gibberish so it was 1 dialogue box per dialogue instead of waiting for the gibberish to finish and then he translates.

The narrator is great, they just fucked it up
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): May 25, 2021
  • Release Date (EU): May 25, 2021
  • Release Date (JP): May 25, 2021
  • Publisher: THQ Nordic
  • Developer: Experiment 101
  • Genres: Action RPG
  • Also For: Computer, Xbox One
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    hunter x hunter
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    he has not allowed anyone to continue it for him for example
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @salazarcosplay, theres a dragon ball af mod for budokai 3
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    updated ship of harkinian, gonna install some hd texture pack
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    I might download rayman revolution for my ps3
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I may try the new ram site, and download more RAM to my Switch. Not sure if ddr3 is the right ram
    for it tho. Edit- no it uses floppy Ram, just like @AncientBoi
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    And sometimes Z
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, MAGA supporters be wearing tin foil hats lol.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, whats maga?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    It stands for Maniacs Against General Acceptance
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, people rejecting general consensus about stuff?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yup, nuh its really just Trump followers
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, im not american so i dont care about trump
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    or us elections
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Me niether, us north Koreans don't care
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i don't care either, even if i'm american
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    truth be told, i agree with psi, i dislike both candidates, but i'd probably vote trump simply because the economy was better during his presidency
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    Just be careful, if trump ends up winning and using project 2025 America might really change...for the worse.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    I'm not american and even that sends shivers down my spine.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    anything that offers trump an opportunity to become an actual dictator
    is bad in my book, i could care less if it wasn't for that...
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Canada: America's Russia
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious
    NinStar @ NinStar: people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious