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Opinions on the anti-lgbtq legislation.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
United States
1. Yes they are just costumes just like a man dressing like a woman is just a costume. At the end of the day when there bones are dug up 1000 years from now and someone looks at the pelvis they will say "male died in there (insert age here). Check DNA X and Y chromosomes dont lie. But back on point some costumes are not suitable for children expecially at a early age. We shouldnt have to make laws to state this but one side keeps pushing it further.
Again you are confusing Crossdressing/Drag with trans people. Also, what is inappropriate about long dresses that aren't revealing in any way shape or form. Again, this seems to be you deciding something is inherently sexual when it isn't.
2. I do mind my own business and it becomes my business when the teacher decides to have a person with a different life style (only way i could think of saying it without coming off as a complete dick) read to children in class without consent. I should always have the final say in what my child is subject to...now go back to class and teach them reading or math because the whole world knows our students are falling way behind on the important issues.
Yeah you really don't mind your own business then, in fact, unless it is your child, you are decidedly shoving your nose directly into the business of others.

Also, by your logic, we shouldn't allow anyone to read to children because there are tons of different lifestyles out there. Of course I know that you are conflating Crossdressing/Drag with being withing the LGBT+, despite the fact that there are plenty of straight people that dress in drag as well because, and this might blow your mind, but there is this amazing thing called dressing up and another amazing thing called acting.

Finally, none of the Crossdressers/Drag Queens are doing it at school, and they almost always have announcements for it, and it always a voluntary activity.
if i want to teach my child that homosexuality is a sin and blah blah. (Even though i dont believe in that
Could have fooled me considering you keep trying to paint anyone that doesn't fall into a "normal lifestyle" as sexually charged, deviants and pedophiles that are corrupting and grooming the children.

I would say you are trying to keep a front up and not seem like a dick, but that mask fell off pages ago and no one is buying your bullshit here.
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MediCat USB Dev
Jul 23, 2012
WA State
United States
Spoken with the right tone/inflection, "nice shirt" could be a putdown, anything could be technically. By definition it is not, though.

It's always the same offenders dragging down every thread on this topic. I'm not worried about receiving a warning just for stating facts. Some people act as if the use of pronouns will cause the sun to explode.
I keep telling everyone he has nothing worth contributing to the conversations. I don't know his age, but he's got a boomer mentality. A real stick in the mud.
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temporary hermit
Aug 17, 2012
Here is a document about person who decided to make a transition, but doctors, judges, didn't give her a chance to find a reason under all of this and face with her past personal problem to look for a real cure. There's no english captions but she should recive a professinal help and it seems nobody can't provide it. Person who decided for mastectomy knowing she don't have any cancer. Do you know any medical reason to cut off part of your body for your wish? As for me I vote for any anti-lgbt legalisation, just stop this promotion and maddnes.

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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
"Reactionary" is not the same as "any given reaction." People who get massively riled up over a discussion on the definition of words reveal more about themselves than they intend to. It's not an absolute in every circumstance, but just look at how many of the most homophobic preachers have been caught sleeping with men.

I’m not disagreeing with that. People who adamantly stand for or against something often are infatuated with their “opposition” to their own “fault”.

I much prefer getting hit on by women, but guess who straight women love hanging out with? Gay guys. The more experiences you're open to, the more opportunities you're presented with.

It seems culturally different here. Looking at American culture, it generally seems like women feel threatened by other women, and would rather be around people who didn’t hurt their chances of being noticed. In Japan, women typically feel safer around women, with clubbing and bar culture being a lot more scarce by comparison. I am not suggesting anything about the company you choose to keep. If you have a friend who identifies as gay want to be a wingman, more power to you.

Because I fall well within the straight portion of the spectrum. I've only ever been attracted to and slept with women.

The designation sounds arbitrarily determined. If you consider yourself straight because you are more hetero than homo, I suppose that’s one interpretation. Personally, if I am attracted to someone, it’s not because I am seeking sex, but because they have traits/charisma that are appealing.

If I was insecure about my sexual identity, I wouldn't be okay with going into this much detail about it on the internet.

I disagree that’s an implication. Some people seek validation on the internet, like I suspect of OP. But your prior response did indicate defensiveness regarding being attracted to members of the same sex, and you went to go as far to suggest that it’s “not wrong”. Sounds like you’ve got some scruples.

Put simply: if random momentary and intrusive thoughts defined who we are, everybody on Earth would be a suicidal and bisexual.

Intrusive thoughts don’t define us but they do indicate areas of personal difficulties and fears. If you often have intrusive thoughts that thematically regard race, then you might be more racist than you are willing to admit. Same goes with sexuality. If you think about killing yourself, it is worth examining. Intrusive thoughts don’t happen for no reason.

the man really messaged me after this with the subject "Do we have a problem, little boy?"
the cringe is real

You seem surprised.

I keep telling everyone he has nothing worth contributing to the conversations. I don't know his age, but he's got a boomer mentality. A real stick in the mud.

You are still upset about something I outperformed you on. By ignoring me, you miss what I am actually contributing, yet you can’t stop talking about me. Are you trying to bandwagon a clique and make GBATemp your personal safe space? Imagine not being triggered by dissenting opinions. Life would be so much nicer for you.
Last edited by tabzer,
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Darth Meteos

Jan 6, 2015
The Wrong Place
United States
has anyone noticed that political conversations on here are the absolute worst and conform fairly well to established alt-right online invasion tactics
political discussion always attracts the right, who turn relatively short, simple discussions into far-reaching philosophical discussions that have nothing to do with the original point
concern trolling and war of attrition tactics are used where they just go on and on forever and cede nothing, giving the impression there's a healthy debate about whether-
(checks notes)
-whether the law should oppress minorities for existing
what value is being extracted by having these conversations
continually correcting people when they're persistently wrong is fine, but like... for how long


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
-whether the law should oppress minorities for existing
Which laws are we talking about. You want to pretend you are operating on good faith, at least point out what laws and how they are oppressing.

And you say "concern trolling", lol. That's literally the foundation of this thread. What are you contributing? Moral support? Ironic displays of irreverence?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
has anyone noticed that political conversations on here are the absolute worst and conform fairly well to established alt-right online invasion tactics
political discussion always attracts the right, who turn relatively short, simple discussions into far-reaching philosophical discussions that have nothing to do with the original point
concern trolling and war of attrition tactics are used where they just go on and on forever and cede nothing, giving the impression there's a healthy debate about whether-
(checks notes)
-whether the law should oppress minorities for existing
what value is being extracted by having these conversations
continually correcting people when they're persistently wrong is fine, but like... for how long

Lol rofl. Believe it or not, I vote left. Nearly 100% of the time. My views on the economy, the race problems, the environment, war and where I want this country to be is leftist. I hate big business. Couldn't care less about corporate profits. Even some aspects of immigration. I don't think someone who's illegal and never paid dime in taxes should be allowed to vote, purchase real estate or be able collect anything except a free ride home or to jail but I think there should be a reasonable path to citizenship if someone wants to work hard and pay their dues. I want more strict gun control laws. I don't practice organized religion. I want to invest heavily in green tech and I think global warming is a HUGE problem. I still wear masks. Have every vaccine. I am pro choice and support the gay community.

That said BLM can kiss my ass, it's so far from what it claims to be. Total bullshit. I support the police.

Wokeness on the surface is great. Being kind, considerate and inclusive sounds wonderful. However wokeness in actual practice isn't about being nice to each other so the world can be better place. It's about pandering to the lowest commom denominatior and mob rule
I don't care about people's identity. None of my business. I don't care about their agenda. I don't care who where or what adults go to for sex. I don't care about what adults want to do to their bodies, what they want to call themselves. I don't care how they conduct themselves around other adults. None of my business.

I do care if they want to involve kids or people that do not consent. They have rights too. The door for freedom and free speech swings both ways. For everyone. From the LGBTQIA to the KKK. From the left to the right. Like it or not, the craziest people have the same rights you do. And they think you are the crazy one.

I think the whole thing gets blown out of proportion all the time but when kids are in the crossfire I see why it gets so emotional.

It's all so stupid and hypocritical.

Parents have the right to teach their kids whatever they want. They.are the responsible party. They are the ones with the brain, hopefully. You can't tell somone to teach their kid your values. You can't make decisions for someone else's kids. You have to let parents be parents. It's their kid. Parents can't even discipline their kids without some legal risks. But you still want the kids to know right from wrong and grow in to decent people.

Kids have the right to be kids. Nine out of ten prefer crayons to guns and none of them care about your gender issues. They all want toys and play time not drugs and therapy. Anyone who stands in their way is stealing their childhood and should be stopped. Anyone who performs unnecessary surgeries on a minor should be jailed. Sex changes are not necessary. A tonsillectomy is necessary, a voluntary mastectomy is not. Your child isn't trapped in their body but they may be trapped in your delusion.

But you just want them to be happy, right?

Leave them kids alone.

Gender identities? Adults, you can be you! Love who want! Modify yourself! Do anything you want as long as you aren't harming anyone else. Having a 6ft3 obvious man in the women's room harms people. It scares women and children. Not because of intolerance but because of common sense. The whole reason gender specific places exist is because, like it or not, it had been an issue! There's a lot of sickos. It's kinda like gun control. Blanket laws because of few sickos. You may not be a threat. Most.gun owners/trans may not be a threat. The general idea is to protect the innocent, non involved, maybe weaker, maybe unable to consent people. Like it or not, some people are fucked. Men/women/trans/armed/unarmed. Let's just agree protect the weaker people so everyone has a shot at happiness.

You need women's spaces. The women need places to feel safe. There shouldn't be any guys in their sports
It's not fair or safe. They need their bathrooms too. Trans doesn't equal pervert but there are plenty of perverts pretending to be trans.

Just give the benefit of the doubt and the advantage to the women and children. Why not? Leave them alone.

Laws that outline proper behavior in these cases are, it seems, necessary. People can't be trusted to make the right decision for YOU or YOUR loved ones. What those laws should entail?? We'll figure it out. It will take time.

Just leave the women and children alone. The macho monkey brigade will calm down eventually and so will the bitchy femms. Lead by example. Stop trying to wake people. It won't work. Stop putting your feelings and fears before others. Society is a giant compromise. Nobody gets everything they want but everyone should be okay. Everyone should feel safe. And stop playing the victim. There are oppressors but you're not oppressed. There's very few places left where you can't be you. People don't have to like you. They just have to let you be. Get over it. Lead by example. Be a good person and leave this world better than you found it.
Last edited by mikefor20,


GBATemp's Meme Lord
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
That said BLM can kiss my ass, it's so far from what it claims to be. Total bullshit. I support the police.
Its far more than a hate group, they're profiting off their so-called "woke business" to hate on the police for nothing. Why can't white people get the support more than black people? White people have also been shot by police, and there have been LGBT related hate crimes on gays too.

I feel like we should all support races regardless. :)


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Imagine "right" being a slur. Where is your language taking you? Maybe people should treat everyone as they want minorities to be treated. The hypocrisy is astounding.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
Its far more than a hate group, they're profiting off their so-called "woke business" to hate on the police for nothing. Why can't white people get the support more than black people? White people have also been shot by police, and there have been LGBT related hate crimes on gays too.

I feel like we should all support races regardless. :)
That's right. Blm is division. Just like all the acronyms!

Any group that puts themselves on pedestal in the name of equality is retarded. That's not equal. We have to stop categorization of people. Nobody fits firmly in any catagory. We have to start seeing each other and ourselves for what we are. Human. All Human. Race, gender, class, religion, politics are all bullshit. Human is all that matters. Just stop playing the victim. Stop trying to get undue advantages. And be thankful for what you have.

I asked in a prior thread, "Why do pride celebrations get an entire month but veterans get one day?"

Some moron said 'When they're oppressed for a hundred years you get a month"

This is part of the issue.

That moron can't see that we all owe everything to the people who died for your rights. You wouldn't have any freedom without them. They DIED! For YOU! Like the fools who were never slaves blaming all white people for their ancestors. Reparations! Um,.did you forget the Civil War? Where white people died in droves to free the slaves? Blame the south! Infact most of these anti gay anti freedom laws come from the same place. From descendents of the same slave owners. Fuck southern politics.

Here I go. Us vs them again. It will never stop until Us just means human.

Just be human. It will all blow over someday if wr stop categorization and flag waiving. Just be people. All colors, sexes, religions, creeds. Just stop talking about it. Stop complaining. Stop being a dumb ass and it will fade.

We're all just trying to be happy. These laws are someone's myopic misguided attempt at protecting someone. If we weren't all selfish turds we wouldn't need the laws. Since we're all human, flawed selfish little brained one step from an ape humans, we need some of these laws unfortunately. Just the ones that pretect the weak.

Leave the women and children alone.


GBATemp's Meme Lord
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
That's right. Blm is division. Just like all the acronyms!
tl;dr bla bla bla right-wing propaganda.

Reading this gave me a brain aneurysm. :rofl2: :rofl2:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
Reading this gave me a brain aneurysm. :rofl2: :rofl2:
You're part of the problem. You can't see that you are an opressor. You are an aggressor and you don't deserve anything. Human is not right wing. They think of people as props and pawns. You're just a fool. Be a person. You'll be a lot happier.


THEE GAY WARLORD™ - Defender of GAY Rights
Jan 25, 2021
On the Patio NaKeD w/COFFEE
United States
Reading this gave me a brain aneurysm. :rofl2: :rofl2:

lol, basically the dude was saying "Get Back In Your Closets!" "And Don't EVER Come Out Till We're Ready!"

Pfffffft I say to him. 'Cause if it were up to him/them the subject would Never be Brought to Attention again.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Mushroom Kingdom ( o Y o )
United States
lol, basically the dude was saying "Get Back In Your Closets!" "And Don't EVER Come Out Till We're Ready!"

Pfffffft I say to him. 'Cause if it were up to him/them the subject would Never be Brought to Attention again.
No. You don't have to be in the closet. Not at all. You don't need to be in peoples faces either. Have tact and good taste. Show some respect and restraint. None of that means in the closet. Just be civilized. Leave the kids alone. And leave woman's spaces for women. You are not special. You don't deserve anything. There are appropriate venues to get freaky. Just be human. If your sexuality is all that defines you you are boring and crazy and only partially human anyway. Be a real person. And let eveyone else do the same. Selfish childish entitled jerk.

Look im not trying to hurt anyone. I just think everyone knows. They know the limits and they test them. We all know what's right and wrong. Just try to look through othe people's eyes. Mutual respect. The hate needs to stop. Everyone deserves to be happy. I want everyone freedom to love anyone they want. These days everyone is extreme. Polarized. I believe in equal rights. I don't think making everyone uncomfortable all the time is okay. Everyone can be presentable and dress respectfully when the situation presents itself. People's kids are their business. I don't see any reason to allow the sterilization or mutilation of a minor. Ever. I am for allowing parents to decide what is taught to their kids. It's their kids. I don't think trying to augment the meaning of everything and then getting mad when people didn't get the text message about it is cool. I belive in LGBTQIA rights when they don't cause problems. Trans Women in womens sports, for example, is unfair. I don't want anyone sad. I just dont think we have the right to get everything we want. Maybe women's sports need to evolve. Idk. Nobody has the perfect solution. It's all just trying to protect. All life protects it's own.

I like talking in here. Not to hurt. There's some smart people here. I honestly like hearing ideas. Please don't mistake my direct approach for hostility. I mean no harm.
Post automatically merged:


Read this if you haven't. By calling it Black History you imply it's not part of human history. Mr Freeman is a smart man. (It's the freckles) This is what I meant. Not that no one will speak of it again. These divisions caused this mess.

Hope all is well

Just sawnthe deleted stuff. Ill shut up.
Last edited by mikefor20,


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
Buckingham Palace
United Kingdom
No. You don't have to be in the closet. Not at all. You don't need to be in peoples faces either. Have tact and good taste. Show some respect and restraint. None of that means in the closet. Just be civilized. Leave the kids alone. And leave woman's spaces for women. You are not special. You don't deserve anything. There are appropriate venues to get freaky. Just be human. If your sexuality is all that defines you you are boring and crazy and only partially human anyway. Be a real person. And let eveyone else do the same. Selfish childish entitled jerk.

Look im not trying to hurt anyone. I just think everyone knows. They know the limits and they test them. We all know what's right and wrong. Just try to look through othe people's eyes. Mutual respect. The hate needs to stop. Everyone deserves to be happy. I want everyone freedom to love anyone they want. These days everyone is extreme. Polarized. I believe in equal rights. I don't think making everyone uncomfortable all the time is okay. Everyone can be presentable and dress respectfully when the situation presents itself. People's kids are their business. I don't see any reason to allow the sterilization or mutilation of a minor. Ever. I am for allowing parents to decide what is taught to their kids. It's their kids. I don't think trying to augment the meaning of everything and then getting mad when people didn't get the text message about it is cool. I belive in LGBTQIA rights when they don't cause problems. Trans Women in womens sports, for example, is unfair. I don't want anyone sad. I just dont think we have the right to get everything we want. Maybe women's sports need to evolve. Idk. Nobody has the perfect solution. It's all just trying to protect. All life protects it's own.

I like talking in here. Not to hurt. There's some smart people here. I honestly like hearing ideas. Please don't mistake my direct approach for hostility. I mean no harm.
So you believe in LGBTQ+ rights when they don't cause a problem which means we're beholden to people like you in case our existence causes offense. So we have to beg for scraps and then be quiet. The right wing media would have you believe we're going into schools, convincing young girls and boys to cut off body parts because hey why not and that men in wigs are going into womens toilets regularly to rape them. Trans people have been using the toilets of their prefered gender for many many years, it's only recent that it has now become a problem. A rapist is a rapist, they will do what they want to rape, banning trans people from going to the toilet will not change that. You say you're not trying to hurt anyone but you woud rather us be who we are in the dark to not make you uncomfortable, that's pretty hurtful. No one is basing their entire existence on their sexuality but plenty of straight men will walk around cat calling women, commenting on women's bodies in general and it's accepted in wider society. It may be frowned upon in a civilised setting but no one is up in arms saying "oh here we go again, the straights are here to make everyone uncomfortable, why do they have to do it in our faces?". You can't say you want everyone to be equal when clearly you don't. You want us to hide away in a dark cave to never be seen again because we make you uncomfortable.
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