Blog entries by Vidboy10

Hello folks, as you know I've been a jerk on the temp for the past 6-7 months. Well the reason why was because of this. So I'm deciding to leave GBATemp due to my mental-like issue increasing higher and higher. -Vidboy10
So I recently watched the newest episode of "Pawn Stars" and my god, I was just watching the episode and then I see something that blows my mind. A miniature car/go-cart version of a 1920s Ford Model T, and after watching the episode I looked it up on Google and YouTube. z71XjDvezeU I looked... Hell yeah.
With this terrible cold right now and having long and short term memory loss right now is like going down a spiral. I feel like I'm being slowly tortured, and when ever I sneeze I feel like being whipped like a slave. Even when I open the window the rain pours on to me and it feels like my skin...
Well, this is my last post before I sleep. I have a terrible cold and also some long and short term memory problems. P.S, For those who say I'm gay need to shut up, I've never been gay, I'm bi and I always have been. Sorry for the quality.
I was just logging in one of my PCs in my school and I saw this. :lol:
So today, on February 4th 2011, the CSA would've been 150! Even though today I've been having illness problems, I've been having sickish/pukey feelings. No fun. :/
With $400 in my Christmas money, I just bought my Schmookums a PC Motherboard, even though my dad got a little aggressive about it. But my schmookunms is happy. And thats all I care about. :3
I was just watching Sports Center this morning when this was in "Plays of the week" lF8w3zN0xiA
As you've seen from my sig, I recently got Victoria II. My dad gifted it for me for Christmas! And I'm telling you this is an incredible game. I've played over 5 hours of it, seriously I can create my own empire from 1836 to 1935, I'm currently playing as the Mexican empire and Im considered a...
The internet here is so bad, it took me 7 minutes to go from Forum frontpage -> Blogs -> Post new topic.
I don't know, ever since my "Two Years" blog, I've started to rehabilitate my old self. Even though I've gotten into arguments with a Dixie moderator, but even though besides that, I feel pretty good. :D
Yep. It's been two years since i signed up for the temp. I went from being a Wii hacker the the king of the off-topic forum.
Okay... So this morning I went to MickyD's to get some free coffee when I came across this car.... Yep, thats right, a mini jeep with Christmas lights and with foamy antlers attached to it. What will they come up with next?
Well, today has been full of frustration, when I got home from school I decided to burn a game for my Wii. I thought it would be cool to play my Wii again because I haven't in played my Wii for like... a year.... So anyways, some I'd the people whove known me for a REALLY long time know that I...
So tonight, I went to KFC since I haven't been there in like a year. So I went there and I had 20$ on me so decided to buy the newest thing they have and which was the Double Down, It looked like a Heart attack on a plate so I would give it a go. When I asked for my meal these employees acted...
Remember I said my dad was doing PR for Treyarch for Black Ops? Well, my dad is so nice he gave me a extra activation code for the Steam version. Yep, thats right, I got it for FREE. If anyones wants to play just add me on Steam. :D
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    AncientBoi @ AncientBoi: MoM, I don't have to do homework, anymore :D:blush::D