Suikoden is getting a spiritual successor developed by its original creators

As Konami holds onto older IPs, the original creators of some of those series have gone on to create spiritual successors, or even new projects. We've seen Koji Igarashi develop Bloodstained, based upon Castlevania, or how Hideo Kojima went on to make his own studio, after Metal Gear Solid V. Now, it's time for Suikoden to get revived, in a way, through a spiritual successor called Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. This new project sees multiple developers who worked on Suikoden I and II collaborate once more to create a classic-styled RPG. Yoshitaka Murayama, Osamu Komuta, Junko Kawano, and Junichi Murakami, each of which who had directorial or writing input on the original Suikoden games are on board for Eiyuden Chronicle. Together, they've formed a studio called Rabbit & Bear, with a goal of "making the most interesting game of our lives [...] to make as many fans happy as possible".

The development of Eiyuden Chronicle will require crowdfunding, which will go live on Kickstarter on July 27th, seeking $500,000 to develop the game and release it on PC. An additional stretch goal will be available, with the intent to bring the title to next-generation consoles and the Nintendo Switch. Other talents that will be involved with the game are Michiko Naruke, known for composing the soundtrack to Wild Arms, and Motoi Sakuraba, of Tales of series fame.

Our story begins in one corner of Allraan, a tapestry of nations with diverse cultures and values.
By dint of sword, and by way of magical objects known as “rune-lenses,”
the land’s history has been shaped by the alliances and aggressions of the humans, beastmen, elves,
and desert people who live there.
The Galdean Empire has edged out other nations and discovered a technology that amplifies the rune-lenses’ magic.
Now, the Empire is scouring the continent for an artifact that will expand their power even further.
It is on one such expedition that Seign Kesling, a young and gifted imperial officer, and Nowa, a boy from a remote village,
meet each other and become friends.
However, a twist of fate will soon drag them into the fires of war, and force them both to reexamine everything they believe to be right and true. 

:arrow: Source


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2009
Welcome to the world of old~ish JRPG. It's not for nothing that it took a while for JRPGs to make ways into international territory, since the general market found the games "too hard". Also the reason why "Casual" mode exist in Fire Emblem games now.

with design flaws like this, of course people weren't happy

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Of course. Octopath got popular doing it, so now everyone has to do it.

3d world with sprites was the go to for many old rpgs


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
221b Baker Street
United States
3d world with sprites was the go to for many old rpgs

To be fair, though, many of them did it because of technical limitations. To do it in 2020 is to play to nostalgia, and doing 3D world with sprites as a deliberate, nostalgic aesthetic choice is a trend that I see beginning with Octopath Traveler. It's not necessarily bad, but a lot of aesthetic choices centered around nostalgia deal in things which were originally simply a product of the limits of technology. Pixel art was done by necessity, and now is a nostalgic aesthetic choice. And the same is happening with 3D world/2D sprites. I don't think it's bad, but I will absolutely acknowledge that a lot of games are going to do it specifically because Octopath did it.
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Your friendly neighborhood guy in a dog suit.
Aug 1, 2008
Sacramento, CA
United States
I'm with Chary on this one. I might actually back this one! Well, it would honestly be... the second project, I've funded, I think. But I loved the old Genso Suikoden games and this excites me.

more screenshots here. looks like it's both 2d and 3d?

Nice! Gives me Octopath Traveler vibes, and that's a good thing. Though OT was all pixel-art. Heh.
Last edited by GuyInDogSuit,


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
I remember being super pissed off during my play-through of the first game because I got to a certain point where you couldn't level up any of your characters nor swap their gear, and then suddenly the co-main character had a duel with the general of the enemy and permadied. All it would take was one random battle to get the co-main character to the appropriate level because of how exp works in that game, but he was 20 levels under and also had no gear, so there were no amount of tactics or save scumming that could possibly save him. I didn't have any saves from like 2 hours back, so I had to continue and beat the game from there. I had no reason to start Suikoden II, because that dude was dead and I had an incomplete save. I've pretty much never touched anything from the series again after that. If they make this game, I hope they don't have stupid mechanics like that, because I hate having to need a guide to play through a game to make sure I don't screw myself.

Wait, so the MC in the OG Suikoden can kick the bucket and you don't get a game over? Or is it game over when both bite the bullet?

And which games of the Suikoden series should I play, assuming I can have time to play anything this year given how my schedule's about to get shat all over with OT at my current job? :( Like, I know there's the 5 main games, but then you have the Tactics spin-off, even though I thought there's some parts where you have to go and play a sRPG in Suikoden already from some screenshots of the game where you have multiple soldiers charging at each other with in-game graphics during a gameplay segment, so...


Your friendly neighborhood guy in a dog suit.
Aug 1, 2008
Sacramento, CA
United States
Wait, so the MC in the OG Suikoden can kick the bucket and you don't get a game over? Or is it game over when both bite the bullet?

And which games of the Suikoden series should I play, assuming I can have time to play anything this year given how my schedule's about to get shat all over with OT at my current job? :( Like, I know there's the 5 main games, but then you have the Tactics spin-off, even though I thought there's some parts where you have to go and play a sRPG in Suikoden already from some screenshots of the game where you have multiple soldiers charging at each other with in-game graphics during a gameplay segment, so...

The first two are the only ones I've played, and many say those are where the series really shines. If you have access to those (and these days most people do), I highly recommend starting with those.


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
To be fair, though, many of them did it because of technical limitations. To do it in 2020 is to play to nostalgia, and doing 3D world with sprites as a deliberate, nostalgic aesthetic choice is a trend that I see beginning with Octopath Traveler. It's not necessarily bad, but a lot of aesthetic choices centered around nostalgia deal in things which were originally simply a product of the limits of technology. Pixel art was done by necessity, and now is a nostalgic aesthetic choice. And the same is happening with 3D world/2D sprites. I don't think it's bad, but I will absolutely acknowledge that a lot of games are going to do it specifically because Octopath did it.

Here's my opinion on it:

With Bloodstained: ROTN, they should have just gone full pixel art. I know, "but pixel artists are hard to find, rare, expensive, etc." I've seen MUGEN conversions of characters from 3D games (think Jin Kazama from Tekken, Dormammu from UMVC3 (who's way more awesome looking than that fucking CGI face...thing in the Doctor Strange movie, Deadpool from the same game, Ghost Rider, any SF4 character) that look really close to what you might have seen back in the day, albeit maybe with the usual touch-ups that a paid employee could provide, but still.

I think going 2.5D with that game is what killed it on the main system that I think the target audience was getting it for: the Switch. Personally, I would have played the game on the Switch if it didn't run like shit and if I hadn't already completed the game on PC...where the game's visuals just don't really hold up. Like, sure, I know i t was improved from that one backer demo, but even with said improvements, what you have is a game that's structurally fine, it has all the charm a big budget IGAvania would have had that may have been fine on an Xbox 360/PS3...but on PS4? With performance issues to boot? I mean, that one boss fight in the Digital Foundry video with the base PS4 and him doing that one attack shouldn't have caused the framerate to take a shit if they had optimized the performance for the system. Like, make the fragments of chips being destroyed all 2D as opposed to real-time 3D renderings.

I still think it's a great game, but the only reason it didn't burn as hard as Mighty No. 9 is because they didn't try to fund another project completely different from the main one (the retro throwback one was already a stretch goal from what I remember), and they didn't have a translator be all like, "yeah, we didn't get everything we wanted done, but it's better than nothing, right? RIGHT!?" *Mega Man 11 boss music plays* on top of something as cringeworthy as this:



Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
221b Baker Street
United States
Here's my opinion on it:

With Bloodstained: ROTN, they should have just gone full pixel art. I know, "but pixel artists are hard to find, rare, expensive, etc." I've seen MUGEN conversions of characters from 3D games (think Jin Kazama from Tekken, Dormammu from UMVC3 (who's way more awesome looking than that fucking CGI face...thing in the Doctor Strange movie, Deadpool from the same game, Ghost Rider, any SF4 character) that look really close to what you might have seen back in the day, albeit maybe with the usual touch-ups that a paid employee could provide, but still.

I think going 2.5D with that game is what killed it on the main system that I think the target audience was getting it for: the Switch. Personally, I would have played the game on the Switch if it didn't run like shit and if I hadn't already completed the game on PC...where the game's visuals just don't really hold up. Like, sure, I know i t was improved from that one backer demo, but even with said improvements, what you have is a game that's structurally fine, it has all the charm a big budget IGAvania would have had that may have been fine on an Xbox 360/PS3...but on PS4? With performance issues to boot? I mean, that one boss fight in the Digital Foundry video with the base PS4 and him doing that one attack shouldn't have caused the framerate to take a shit if they had optimized the performance for the system. Like, make the fragments of chips being destroyed all 2D as opposed to real-time 3D renderings.

I still think it's a great game, but the only reason it didn't burn as hard as Mighty No. 9 is because they didn't try to fund another project completely different from the main one (the retro throwback one was already a stretch goal from what I remember), and they didn't have a translator be all like, "yeah, we didn't get everything we wanted done, but it's better than nothing, right? RIGHT!?" *Mega Man 11 boss music plays* on top of something as cringeworthy as this:

I think we're talking about two totally opposite kinds of 2.5D.

We're talking about games with 3D worlds, that are played in 3D on a 3D plane but characters are rendered as 2D sprites. See: Octopath Traveler.

You're talking about the inverse kind of 2.5D. Characters are rendered in 3D, but they play on a 2D plane. Similar to the Klonoa series, or... well, Bloodstained.

And while I would be interested in talking more about either sort of 2.5D visual styles, I don't think a post on Suikoden is the place to do that. If you would like to send me a DM where we could talk about Bloodstained: ROTN, or if you want to make a post about it, I'd gladly chime in, but I think that the topic is a little tangential to the point of this post.


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States
I think we're talking about two totally opposite kinds of 2.5D.

We're talking about games with 3D worlds, that are played in 3D on a 3D plane but characters are rendered as 2D sprites. See: Octopath Traveler.

You're talking about the inverse kind of 2.5D. Characters are rendered in 3D, but they play on a 2D plane. Similar to the Klonoa series, or... well, Bloodstained.

And while I would be interested in talking more about either sort of 2.5D visual styles, I don't think a post on Suikoden is the place to do that. If you would like to send me a DM where we could talk about Bloodstained: ROTN, or if you want to make a post about it, I'd gladly chime in, but I think that the topic is a little tangential to the point of this post.

I was more trying to say that I think these companies, ESPECIALLY KS projects, need to consider better what systems to port things to, what promises to make and when, and to focus on the mainstream systems before trying to port to everything else. It's why Shovel Knight has been on basically every platform 7th generation and beyond and Mighty No. 9...has been relegated to being a joke no one wants to play.

Hey, at least Bloodstained COTM got a sequel! :)


Has an itch needing to be scratched.
Feb 17, 2006
I remember being super pissed off during my play-through of the first game because I got to a certain point where you couldn't level up any of your characters nor swap their gear, and then suddenly the co-main character had a duel with the general of the enemy and permadied. All it would take was one random battle to get the co-main character to the appropriate level because of how exp works in that game, but he was 20 levels under and also had no gear, so there were no amount of tactics or save scumming that could possibly save him. I didn't have any saves from like 2 hours back, so I had to continue and beat the game from there. I had no reason to start Suikoden II, because that dude was dead and I had an incomplete save. I've pretty much never touched anything from the series again after that. If they make this game, I hope they don't have stupid mechanics like that, because I hate having to need a guide to play through a game to make sure I don't screw myself.
From someone who played the first game more hours than FFVII (and that was not an easy task) pay attention to what the attacker says in the duel.
The sentences are the key to what they are going to do. Level is not important there. You can make it without taking a single hit.

I never managed to end the second because my PSX was dying at the time and the first army battle lagged pretty much.

Suikoden I is my favorite PSX game. The complete ending... Is something to behold.

Missing Number

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003

damnit konami release ur IPs from your sweaty stinky deathgrip already........... we've got a story spanning decades and centuries, hate for all that to be abandoned......... sure i love bloodstained.... but its still a painful reminder its not castlevaniaa

that being said, this looks good.......... just aa shame it wont be paart of that lore and we wont be seeing any returning ccharacters

no viki, no jeane, no ted, flik, victor, luk.......
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fanboys triggered 9k+
Nov 17, 2008
It doesn't seem like Konami is making video games anymore and are just focusing on their Pachinko, Slot Machine, and other video gambling machines business they have.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
United States
Welcome to the world of old~ish JRPG. It's not for nothing that it took a while for JRPGs to make ways into international territory, since the general market found the games "too hard". Also the reason why "Casual" mode exist in Fire Emblem games now.

The game was a cakewalk, the problem is getting screwed out of a 100% because you neglected a single character because he sucks and you have like 100+ people to choose from. He is the only character in the history of the series to get a duel when he's not the main character.

Wait, so the MC in the OG Suikoden can kick the bucket and you don't get a game over? Or is it game over when both bite the bullet?
It's Pahn that duels and he gets executed if you lose and you continue the game as normal.

From someone who played the first game more hours than FFVII (and that was not an easy task) pay attention to what the attacker says in the duel.
The sentences are the key to what they are going to do. Level is not important there. You can make it without taking a single hit.

It may be like that for future games, but in the first one, you would still take damage even if you choose the superior option. Pahn was totally ungeared and like level 20 or something. Even a perfect counter would still have me lose most of my hp and Teo would lose like 5%. A bad option would just be a one-shot.


Has an itch needing to be scratched.
Feb 17, 2006
It may be like that for future games, but in the first one, you would still take damage even if you choose the superior option. Pahn was totally ungeared and like level 20 or something. Even a perfect counter would still have me lose most of my hp and Teo would lose like 5%. A bad option would just be a one-shot.
It was the first. Never played the rest because Europe.

I had the idea that you had only three options:
Defend, Counter Attack and Attack. (kind of rock, paper, scissors)

On defense, you'd get hit. On counter, you'd dodge and deal some damage, and attack is up to the AI's stance if you'd get hit or not, but I haven't played the game for quite a while now and I'm probably misremembering something.


Nov 6, 2002
Land o't pies
United Kingdom
The game was a cakewalk, the problem is getting screwed out of a 100% because you neglected a single character because he sucks and you have like 100+ people to choose from. He is the only character in the history of the series to get a duel when he's not the main character.

It's Pahn that duels and he gets executed if you lose and you continue the game as normal.

It may be like that for future games, but in the first one, you would still take damage even if you choose the superior option. Pahn was totally ungeared and like level 20 or something. Even a perfect counter would still have me lose most of my hp and Teo would lose like 5%. A bad option would just be a one-shot.
Obviously if you liked the game enough (as I did) you made sure on a second playthrough that you'd powered Pahn up as high as you can go (within reason), and he would win the bout though?? Because you weren't gonna 100% the game on your first go anyway, unless you used a guide (and thus knew to power Pahn up as a result)
To call this a design flaw, or whatever you're trying to say, is ridiculous....;)
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Has an itch needing to be scratched.
Feb 17, 2006
is it worth playing the series ?
The first two, yes. The first is, for me, the best RPG on the PSX. For that reason, I couldn't sell the doulogy I own.

The rest are apparently a little weaker by comparison, but alas, I never was able to get them.
Obviously if you liked the game enough (as I did) you made sure on a second playthrough that you'd powered Pahn up as high as you can go (within reason), and he would win the bout though?? Because you weren't gonna 100% the game on your first go anyway, unless you used a guide (and thus knew to power Pahn up as a result)
To call this a design flaw, or whatever you're trying to say, is ridiculous....;)
The problem was never Pahn. It was Gremio and damned Clive.
Last edited by eyeliner,

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    @BigOnYa, im not american so i dont care about trump
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    or us elections
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    Me niether, us north Koreans don't care
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    good night
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    i don't care either, even if i'm american
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    Why so serious!
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    @BakerMan, yeah that's about the only reason I would vote for Trump over Biden.
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    I don't give a fuck about what happens to America but I would like it if your shit didn't spill out on the rest of the world, thank you.
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    I give a fuck about what happens to America but I would like it if our shit didn't spill out on the rest of the world, thank you.
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    @Veho, didn't need any news. Just going to the store and buying groceries is a constant reminder.
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    A reminder that all corporations reported record profits these last few years?
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    Reminded that every single price gouging law was blocked by republicans because "muh gubmint overreach"?
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    Won't somebody please think of the corporations?!?!
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