Blog entries by bnwchbammer

It's been a while! Been lurking a bit, but figured I'd drop in for those who remember me. Life's been quite good. Grades are about average, got gift cards and clothes for Christmas, as well as Grid from Steam, which was nice. College has been quite fun, got a girlfriend, got a good lot of good...
So another day, another Bassnectar concert, another evening of eating sandwiches. 70% of what I'm going to type may end up being incredibly stupid, but I shall type either way. So I went to the Bassnectar/EOTO concert in Bloomington today. It was incredibly amazing. Incredible dubstep playing...
So as you may or may not know, I've been kinda talking to this girl for a little while. Met her a couple weekends ago. Still in the kinda getting to know you stage of things, but wutever. Here's the lowdown: I'm quite fond of her. I have no idea what she actually thinks of me. (Possibly likes me...
So this is probably the 5th evening I am up this late. I've been reading We - that Russian book. It's quite good, and really poetic, so it may influence my writing. Then again, maybe not, just saying. Anyway, as the title says I am yet again unable to sleep, so I turn to you guys. First evening...
So it's kinda been a default Friday evening. Went to an alright party. I mean, there wasn't exactly dancing going on. Not that I dance, but it does set the mood. Met a few people. Got called cute by some girl. Went home. The immoral thing that my friend and I did was urinate on a church on the...
That was irony. I am as such. This may or may not be funny tomorrow, I dunno. Trying to not make typos is ridiculous. Also I am very paranoid that people are reading over my shoulder. Also I was kinda scared that nobody was able to hear me while in this condition. This is quite sweet...
Been a while since I've posted, that's for sure. I've lurked a biiiiit, but not too much. I'm in college now, gonna hit up a party and drop some tracks. Mostly my two friends dropping stuff, but I'll hop in to drop a few. So how's life been guys? Can't complain here at all. Classes don't seem...
So I started my job working full time at a day program for adults with autism. For the sake of not confusing you they will now be called clients, as, well, they are our clients. It's never dull, sometimes not in the best of ways, but really, it's cool. A day consists of the first half being...
Man, I had been a terrible friend in the past. A bit of background, Last year I had fooled around with a girl who had a boyfriend. This year I have vowed to many people that I will have nothing to do with her aside from hanging out. I plan to keep that promise. Anyway, this isn't what this is...
Hanging with the crew is always pretty fun. Chatting today (and with friends earlier days) I have been very thoroughly convinced that doing anything at all sexual with my friend is pretty much the worst idea ever. And to be honest, it always has been. But with the pact I made with my friend to...
Haven't been terribly active, I know, but I've been pondering stuff last night as I usually do and came up with the 4 faces of bnwchbammer. They are: Neutral bnwchbammer, bnwchbammer that thinks with his brain, bnwchbammer that thinks with his dick, and drunk bnwchbammer. So neutral bnwchbammer...
So for those of you that don't know, I went to Acen today (and will be going tomorrow, so I may have more goodies to show off) But of course today I picked up some goodies. Did a crappy photo shoot with my cell phone. It'd look legit as hell if I had a better cam, but oh well. So let's dive...
So I guess this is a blog advertising my little tournament, but I'll try to add a bit more about life and whatever. Check my siggy for the link to the tournament. Should be fun if enough people decide to play. Need to get back to playing DDR. Seems like I have a few months of the year where I...
So I finally hopped on the Mass Effect bandwagon. Last week Steam put it up for 5 bucks. I was with my friends at the time and asked if I should get it. They all said yes, and here is a chart I made for their reasons as to why I should get it: Haven't gotten to that part yet. Though I'm getting...
YFWkaZjtjjU So it's over. Finished freshman year. It may or may not be a long blog, but I'm gonna separate the year into songs that I was into at that time in the year. Let's kick it off then, shall we? w4s6H4ku6ZY First week of school I texted up a couple of my friends I met over the summer to...
So DJ Earworm came to our school yesterday Don't know him? He mashes up songs generally. Here's an example, it's actually pretty good. LLA7JMPE_xU Anyway, yeah, he played a free show in our quad. Got to be quite close, shook his hand, talked to him for a bit and all that. During the concert they...
So I'm the one in the top right hand corner, the rest are my friends. Stories will go from top left to right, to bottom left to right. Top left always wears a hat and Tapout clothes. The attention to detail in the hat is mostly because I forgot what was on his hat. Tapout shirts are usually...
Suppose I have made it a tradition to announce that I made a new sig and check in and such. Source of this is from an H-manga named Ring X Mama. Read it. No, I will not link you to the full pics of any of the girls in the sig. Regardless, I like the sig. Probably could have done a better job...
So yeah, there's probably gonna be a ton of Portal 2 topics and such in the near future, but may as well say by piece. This game is pretty much the best game ever. (tl;dr at end) Now that that's out of the way I'll just kinda talk a bit about the game. I've never laughed out loud as much as I...
Oh God, why isn't it the 19th at 6am CST? Heh, in case you couldn't tell, I am a big Portal fan. Preordered the 2nd the second it went on presale. Just preloaded it today. And now there's nothing left to do but wait. Impatiently. Very. Impatiently. Plan for the day it comes out: whenever-2am...
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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: I found it funny cause many many years ago, had a roommate in college that did this same dumbass...