Blog entries by Jamstruth

Yep my parents have gone off on holiday with my little sister leaving me and my brother home. So I'm effectively home alone (my brother does bugger all). I have to look after myself for the next week and a half... will I survive? Only time will tell (though likely I will) My Youtube finally is... That's right, I spent 10 minutes talking about one of my favourite franchises ever. What happened to you :(
So I've been down near Glasgow this week. Did you notice the distinct lack of my presence, tempers? No? Oh well :( Anyone who subscribed to my Twitter will have seen my constant updates. What have I been up to down there? Well the first couple of days were a laugh. Went to a gig with some...
Dear god, the 1st term of my last year at school is over. This has gone far too fast. So yeah. As of now I'm on October Holidays for 2 weeks, wooh! How do I celebrate this? Sitting around in my room doing fuck all... ROCK'N'ROLL!!!!!! Or not as the case may be. My life is boring as shit...
Or maybe I just do a bit of shameful self-promotion. I decided to quickly write and record a Vlog this afternoon to see how it turns out 7wPXQMSiePM I think it turned out quite well considering my previous few videos. I will fiddle with the camera position next time since my face is half...
S'up GBATemp. Its time for another slice of my life I'm sure you all barely care about :) 1. UNIVERSITY SHIT!!! I'm gonna be applying for Uni this year. A scary thought to say the least. Been to 3 Open Days so far and have 1 left to see in a couple of weeks. Decided what course I'm gonna go...
I hate doing this but this is one of those places I feel I can put down whatever and nobody traces it back to me and I can see what large amounts of people think of the situation from the outside. So here goes. There's a girl I like who is one of my best friends. I really enjoy hanging out with...
Alas, the school year hath reached its end...eth. Just realised this is my last School Summer vacation. My last, last day of term before summer. SCARY THOUGHTS!!!! I know have 7 weeks of sun and mates to go through before returning for my final year of school *shudders at thought*. As of Monday...
My god, its that time again... ITS THE JAMSTRUTH BLOG UPDATE RANT THINGY!!!!! 1st order of business: Has anybody seen a Blue/Gold Parrot in the Aberdeenshire area? There's apparently one missing by the name of Bobby. NOW ON WITH THE BLOG!! 1. 6th Year WOOT!!! (Senior Year for you Americans, I...
Yeah, my to do list got put up 2 weeks ago and I only just got around to a decent edit/take of my Creative Zen review. LET THE RAMBLE COMMENCE ydAh4T3p4K8 Its still being processed so quality is iffy. Yeah, rambling review done :D Also filmed a review of my iPod but I think I'll redo it as I...
Over my Exams I've come up with a few ideas for reviews I want to do of different games and devices, as a result I have a bit of a backlog of stuff I want to film and get done. Here's some of them: 1. Pokemon Diamond (GBC) Review I got this game a while ago and have a review written which is... I bought a couple of SNES games off a fellow temper and have some problems with them. Problem 1: They have to be blown into before I put them in the console, hell even if they've been sitting in the console I have to take them out blow into them. This is frustrating though as far as I...
Its Sunday the 30th of May and you are here reading a thread which will be full of complete bullshit from a guy you don't know. ENJOY!! Topic 1: Feeling a bit down this week Posted about this before but I've been feeling a bit down since Tuesday. I give up on myself far too easily. I felt like...
So yeah, at the moment I feeling pretty worked up for next to no reason. I feel all tense and I don't really know why. I mean, I went to my martial arts class tonight and did some sparring. I hate sparring, its not in my nature to hit people hard, not now anyway. I don't want to hurt anybody...
Holy frickin' shit on a bloody stick what an EPIC finale!! The whole story was never really about the people sent there, it was about Gene. The young copper who got shot on his first day. This explains so much about the universe of the show. Its how Gene believed being a copper would always be...
I studied this poem in english this year, its by Philip Larkin. I find it quite compelling as I myself go through the dilemma of the persona in this poem at the moment. I see other people around me in relationships and long to be in one myself but at the same time I don't really want to. I'm...
Hey guys. Just a quick update about MEEEEE!!! Update 1: School! School this week has been stressful as hell. English 2nd Prelim (I am dreading my Higher English exam with the strength of A THOUSANDS SUNS!!!) turned into a disaster as I realised that I wasn't really ready. My first essay sucked...
I work in a Newsagents (its where I get the quotes for my sig, I swear) and during the monotony of putting all the supplements into the papers (spare a thought for us before you chuck those away will you?) I noticed a completely, entirely, idiotic and downright odd story on the front of the...
Ye gads! I think this game is almost perfect!!!! I'm sure many of my friends would disagree, mainly because the game doesn't involve shooting bullets and killing people every 2 seconds but to me a story is what I want in a game. FFXIII delivers me an epic tale I'm really enjoying, all the...
A few pieces of artwork from the depths of my cheap WHSmith A5 sketch pad. An original drawing for once, used a pic I drew of Squall for perspective reference though (I do suck at that...) A little taller and thinner than he should be but its Vivi!!! Portrait of Squall, I even used...
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