Tutorial  Updated

How to Make 3DS Custom Themes *2020 Updated*

After much struggle I have made some critical break through in regards to music formatting, cropping resolutions and theme creation. So I thought I would update my old 2018 guide.

Tools Needed
Step One: Adjust the Image
Put your desired image over the scrolling (blue) or regular (red) layer as desired. Use the Unified Transform Tool to resize the image to fit within the parameters (it's right next to the crop tool).

A: The gap between 3DS screens on the XL is 56 pixels, and all other 3DS models have a similar sized gap. Lots of theme makers ignore the gap, but certain things can look weird if there's that few mm gap where someone's arm or head is supposed to be.

A: Usagi combines themes left to right, so when you crop at 512 it cuts off 100 pixels on the right side, but this also means the bottom screen crop won't be positioned even with the top screen so we need to have its position at 146 by 396. Bottom resolution is 320x240 > 320 - 412 = 92, divide that by 2 and we get 46 pixels, so to get them pixel perfect we take the 100 x position and add 46 to get the perfect bottom screen crop.


Step Two: Crop The Images

Use the cropping tool on GIMP to select the appropriate areas for both top and bottom screens.

Regular top and bottom crops will be done at 512x256, HOWEVER only the area in the RED will be visible.
Position 100 by 100 for top images
Position 146 by 396 for bottom images.​
Scrolling themes are 1024x256 but only the area in BLUE will display on your 3DS.
Position 100 by 100 for top images
Position 100 by 396 for bottom images.​

1.) nicer image quality, 2.) scrolling themes sometimes have glitches and not reach properly. I cropped all my old themes according to internal resolution and the images came out with glitches, didn't align properly, and looked especially bad on scrolling themes.


Step Three: Usagi Theme Editor
Place the top and bottom image into Usagi as shown below. You can play around within here to get background music or custom colors.


Step Four: Looping Audio Converter
Using Looping Audio Converter 1.3.3 find the appropriate song, and convert from MP3 to BCSTM using BrawlLib RSTM decoder.

The bgm file MUST be under 3.3mb and you can ensure this by converting to mono and lowering the Hz of the audio. Please note that a 3.3mb mp3 might be 10mb as an unmodified bcstm which is why mono and new sample rates are helpful in getting the file size where we want it. Use audacity or other tools to edit.

In the old days of theme creation, we had to convert mp3 to wav, then to bcsrm, then bcstm but using 1.3.3 and the brawl plugin you'll always create compatible bgm. You don't need to convert between any additional formats.


Once you have the music file under 3.3mb rename it bgm.bcstm and place it in the folder with the other saved usagi files. If you want to put it on your 3ds without uploading to themeplaza.eu then you best put it in a .ZIP file.

I've made a lot of 3ds themes, but I made many of them WRONG. So this guide is a way of helping other people avoid the mistakes I've made. The biggest one I've done was cropping the images. Originally I did so at the 3ds resolution instead of Usagi's 512x256 (or 1024x256 for scrolling themes) and this created lots of streching or glitches with the image themselves, especially in scrolling themes. My old 2018 crop tool didn't work very well, and my newer one didn't account for that new piece of information. So the one I have uploaded here is positioned in a way to allow perfect scrolling.
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Oct 23, 2020
is there an alternative template in a different file type? i want to make some themes but i don't hate myself enough to subject myself to gimp


New Member
Oct 28, 2020
United States

i have a problem with a bgm.

i've got a theme from themeplaza (Pixel Metro Train) where i wanted to just change the music.
so i converted a mp3 with LoopingAudioConverter, tested it with the theme in 3DS Theme Editor (worked), saved it again and tried to install it with anemone, but when i try to install the new altered theme, it says i've got no body_LZ.bin (i have) and when i just try to install the BGM, it crashes my 3DS.

In the original Theme zip File, theres also a .ogg file, but i guess thats just because of the preview on the site...?

So, there must be something wrong with the bgm, i think its because i didn't use BrawlLib... where do i get that plugin and how do i use it with LoopingAudioConverter?

I was making a theme and make my own bgm file, but it doesn't for some reason work. I tried everything. YES, I made sure it was under 3.3mb YES, I Made Sure to use the right codec (ADPCM), And It STILL DOESN'T PLAY When the theme is loaded... Is there something I'm Doing Wrong?

I recently found the solution to this recurring problem that you have described, which used to occur with my own theme making processes all the time, despite me following instructions from tutorials exactly as they were stated. Put simply, if you are looking to convert .mp3 or .wav files to .bcstm so as to create a working background music file for the 3DS, do not use any version of Looping Audio Converter other than
v1.3 from the 24th of March, 2016 titled 'Looping Audio Converter (and stm-encode) 1.3'. This is an original version of the program designed for our usage case (the one that first added .bcstm conversion as option) which does NOT require the BrawlLib plugin and performs a solid conversion to .bcstm without any file-breaking bugs and confusion seemingly present in later versions. It is also the version used by various YouTube channels which provide newbies with tutorials on making custom 3DS themes (particularly the kind with all the unanswered questions regarding broken BGM that the authors ignore). I have tested this version myself, and it is the only iteration which has successfully produced a working bgm.bcstm file for my 3DS. Just make sure to keep the file size under 3.3 MB as is the general rule, and do not name your music file anything other than 'bgm.bcstm' (no caps).

sorry didn't mean to make a 2nd reply tired deleting it no luck, but i come with good news i got the music to work and its not crashing, im working/looking to making sfx

Yup nevermind. The previous versions of the theme had an option enabled, I believe it was the sound effects, but since my theme don't add any my guess is it was looking for said sound effects but when it didn't saw them it crashed.
I hadn't time to test the latest until now.
but since I'm at it, how to I add sound effects?

In addition, if you are looking to create SFX for your custom 3DS theme, which I have succeeded in doing, there is a specific version of Looping Audio Converter for this very case. That being,
v2.3.1 from the 1st of June, 2019 titled 'Looping Audio Converter 2.3.1 (with rstmcpp)'. This is the version of the program which directly added the .bcwav file type to the list of conversion options which has since been removed in later versions. To clarify, .bcwav is the file type you need to use in order to insert custom Nintendo 3DS theme sound effects. There is no need to find illegal SDK content on the internet, which is some BS that's been circulating lately.

Once you have downloaded this version of Looping Audio Converter, files of the .mp3 or .wav variety are acceptable inputs as usual, acceptible resulting file sizes vary depending on how many you want to insert into your theme (Usagi has an imposed limit of 187,392 KB total after adding the sizes of each piece you've imported), and your .bcwav's don't need to be named anything particular but should be stored in the same folder as your body_lz.bin.
To begin adding custom SFX to your theme, access the 'CWAV Manager' in the latest version of Usagi under 'Experimental'. Then, import SFX where you please. Cursor refers to the sound of your cursor movement on a 3DS, launch refers to the sound played shortly after launching a game or app, close refers to the sound played shortly after closing anything on the system from menus to software, etcetera.

I personally have inserted and tested three sound effects with a custom theme under these conditions and all of them functioned with my 3DS, but only two of them were appropriate. My SFX for folder played after closing a game as opposed to playing when opening a folder. I have reason to believe this is an issue caused by the Usagi theme editor, and I have yet to find a workaround. Fact of the matter is, this process works.

Happy theme designing! :)
Last edited by Ryouten,


New Member
Oct 28, 2020
United States
I'm encountering this same issue and I've tried a couple different means of encoding monaural audio. Is it possible to get a mono track of emanate from both speakers?

When utilizing Looping Audio Converter, there is an option on multiple versions to convert to mono, uncheck this option, do not use it.


Nov 25, 2020
First of all, thank you for the nice guide. I managed today to complete my first theme.

A suggestion: I had problems with the music, it played perfectly with speakers, it was silent with earphones. I solved the problem with NOT checking the "mono" box in the converter. BGM size was still too big, so I put 24000 hz, quality was still pretty fine.

A question: I seem to not be able to do a good work with icons. Any tips? I made a 64x128 image, and created half of a frame, for the icon. It looks off in Usagi editor, but pretty fine in the actual theme, still slightly off.


New Member
Jan 30, 2021
United States
Thanks so much, just made my first theme! Some notes to help other people who may have struggled with the bgm: make your bgm file FIRST. Before you even open Usagi. In Looping Audio Converter, make sure to select "force start-to-end loop" from the dropdown menu before converting your file. Otherwise, even if it loops in the Usagi preview, it will play once and then stop on your 3DS.

Put your bgm file in a dedicated folder for the theme you are making. NOW open Usagi, and immediately save a project file, in the same folder you put your bgm. Enable background music in the flags tab. Hit "Load" below the text that says BGM in the bottom right. Your music should start playing. I found that if you do not load the bgm in Usagi, it will not play on your 3DS, even if you put it in the proper folder. The bgm "Load" in Usagi is critical. Without it, my theme would load, but the stock menu music would play, every time.

For whatever reason, Usagi would not load the bgm if I moved it to the project folder after saving my theme file, which is why I suggest making the bgm first. Upon closing and reopening the theme file, it would fail to find a bgm file every single time. Just a bug I guess.


New Member
Aug 23, 2015
United States
The BGM is only coming out of the left speaker. How do I fix this?
Having this problem too. Not only that, if I shuffle install through Anemone3DS the right speaker has a chance of releasing some form of (very loud) corrupted noise when the theme loads. Usually it's some sort of static or ringing, but sometimes if the broken theme loads directly after a theme that does use the right speaker properly, you'll get a mangled version of that theme's right channel...typically accompanied by static or ringing. I've noticed all the same issues with another theme I didn't make too (incidentally for the same fandom), so it's not just a me thing either.

LoopingAudioConverter settings are mostly the same as op's (no links because new account). Main differences are 1) 22050 Hz because 32000 was too big, 2) ask for all files so both tracks could have an intro before the looping portion.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2018

I recently found the solution to this recurring problem that you have described, which used to occur with my own theme making processes all the time, despite me following instructions from tutorials exactly as they were stated. Put simply, if you are looking to convert .mp3 or .wav files to .bcstm so as to create a working background music file for the 3DS, do not use any version of Looping Audio Converter other than
v1.3 from the 24th of March, 2016 titled 'Looping Audio Converter (and stm-encode) 1.3'. This is an original version of the program designed for our usage case (the one that first added .bcstm conversion as option) which does NOT require the BrawlLib plugin and performs a solid conversion to .bcstm without any file-breaking bugs and confusion seemingly present in later versions. It is also the version used by various YouTube channels which provide newbies with tutorials on making custom 3DS themes (particularly the kind with all the unanswered questions regarding broken BGM that the authors ignore). I have tested this version myself, and it is the only iteration which has successfully produced a working bgm.bcstm file for my 3DS. Just make sure to keep the file size under 3.3 MB as is the general rule, and do not name your music file anything other than 'bgm.bcstm' (no caps).

In addition, if you are looking to create SFX for your custom 3DS theme, which I have succeeded in doing, there is a specific version of Looping Audio Converter for this very case. That being,
v2.3.1 from the 1st of June, 2019 titled 'Looping Audio Converter 2.3.1 (with rstmcpp)'. This is the version of the program which directly added the .bcwav file type to the list of conversion options which has since been removed in later versions. To clarify, .bcwav is the file type you need to use in order to insert custom Nintendo 3DS theme sound effects. There is no need to find illegal SDK content on the internet, which is some BS that's been circulating lately.

Once you have downloaded this version of Looping Audio Converter, files of the .mp3 or .wav variety are acceptable inputs as usual, acceptible resulting file sizes vary depending on how many you want to insert into your theme (Usagi has an imposed limit of 187,392 KB total after adding the sizes of each piece you've imported), and your .bcwav's don't need to be named anything particular but should be stored in the same folder as your body_lz.bin.
To begin adding custom SFX to your theme, access the 'CWAV Manager' in the latest version of Usagi under 'Experimental'. Then, import SFX where you please. Cursor refers to the sound of your cursor movement on a 3DS, launch refers to the sound played shortly after launching a game or app, close refers to the sound played shortly after closing anything on the system from menus to software, etcetera.

I personally have inserted and tested three sound effects with a custom theme under these conditions and all of them functioned with my 3DS, but only two of them were appropriate. My SFX for folder played after closing a game as opposed to playing when opening a folder. I have reason to believe this is an issue caused by the Usagi theme editor, and I have yet to find a workaround. Fact of the matter is, this process works.

Happy theme designing! :)
Compared to other versions of Looping Audio Converters, 1.3 doesn't have the options to choose as ''non-looping'' or force start to end loop''. Does the bgm still loop in the theme?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2018
Hello. I tried to add custom sound effects for my theme, but I don't know what to put where in some cases.
Does anybody know what some of these mean, specifically Frame0, Frame1, and Frame2 ?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2015
United Kingdom
Hello. I tried to add custom sound effects for my theme, but I don't know what to put where in some cases.
Does anybody know what some of these mean, specifically Frame0, Frame1, and Frame2 ?View attachment 282300

Frames 0-2 refer to the three bottom screen images in flip book style themes (which act as animation frames as opposed to either static or scrolling images. Here specifically you can assign a sound effect file to each one.
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May 21, 2021
I'm trying to make a theme but Looping doesn´t seem to make any progress while trying to convert the audio, can´t even close the ¨decrypting¨ windows

HinaNaru Cutie

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
idk anymore..I feel like traveling lol
I recently found the solution to this recurring problem that you have described, which used to occur with my own theme making processes all the time, despite me following instructions from tutorials exactly as they were stated. Put simply, if you are looking to convert .mp3 or .wav files to .bcstm so as to create a working background music file for the 3DS, do not use any version of Looping Audio Converter other than v1.3 from the 24th of March, 2016 titled 'Looping Audio Converter (and stm-encode) 1.3'. This is an original version of the program designed for our usage case (the one that first added .bcstm conversion as option) which does NOT require the BrawlLib plugin and performs a solid conversion to .bcstm without any file-breaking bugs and confusion seemingly present in later versions. It is also the version used by various YouTube channels which provide newbies with tutorials on making custom 3DS themes (particularly the kind with all the unanswered questions regarding broken BGM that the authors ignore). I have tested this version myself, and it is the only iteration which has successfully produced a working bgm.bcstm file for my 3DS. Just make sure to keep the file size under 3.3 MB as is the general rule, and do not name your music file anything other than 'bgm.bcstm' (no caps).

In addition, if you are looking to create SFX for your custom 3DS theme, which I have succeeded in doing, there is a specific version of Looping Audio Converter for this very case. That being,
v2.3.1 from the 1st of June, 2019 titled 'Looping Audio Converter 2.3.1 (with rstmcpp)'. This is the version of the program which directly added the .bcwav file type to the list of conversion options which has since been removed in later versions. To clarify, .bcwav is the file type you need to use in order to insert custom Nintendo 3DS theme sound effects. There is no need to find illegal SDK content on the internet, which is some BS that's been circulating lately.

Once you have downloaded this version of Looping Audio Converter, files of the .mp3 or .wav variety are acceptable inputs as usual, acceptible resulting file sizes vary depending on how many you want to insert into your theme (Usagi has an imposed limit of 187,392 KB total after adding the sizes of each piece you've imported), and your .bcwav's don't need to be named anything particular but should be stored in the same folder as your body_lz.bin.
To begin adding custom SFX to your theme, access the 'CWAV Manager' in the latest version of Usagi under 'Experimental'. Then, import SFX where you please. Cursor refers to the sound of your cursor movement on a 3DS, launch refers to the sound played shortly after launching a game or app, close refers to the sound played shortly after closing anything on the system from menus to software, etcetera.

I personally have inserted and tested three sound effects with a custom theme under these conditions and all of them functioned with my 3DS, but only two of them were appropriate. My SFX for folder played after closing a game as opposed to playing when opening a folder. I have reason to believe this is an issue caused by the Usagi theme editor, and I have yet to find a workaround. Fact of the matter is, this process works.

Happy theme designing! :)

excuse me i know this post is semi old but do you know where to get 3ds sound effects?? cause i don't know where to find any o-o

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