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  • To not bother IC_ more than reasonable I'll show the complete picture here
    The CD having the same picture as the packaging is a copy of the blue DISC 1.
    Mm.. I've always used ISO as a synonym for Disk Image. My bad.😅
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    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    Come to think of it, I think I'm right. The various roms sites have psx isos, which are never in .iso format but commonly bin/cue or ccd/img/sub. The pupil corrected the teacher, it seems. 😋
    What is your opinion on this, @SylverReZ ?
    • Haha
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    No matter what ROM sites say: Pretty well-defined – unsuitable for PS1 discs, which often contain more than one track

    Some warez people spread inaccuracies and misinformation. Now that you mention this: This wrong use of ISO might be responsible for the load of useless images uploaded and far from complete preservation (Re-dump quality) regarding PC games
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    Sometimes (perhaps always) the words we don't want to hear (apparently hurt us) are the ones we should hear (actually heal us).
    A word to the wise (namely, to a certain user). 😉
    Would someone be kind enough to explain to me the meaning of " :creep: "emoji? I'm uncertain about 3 interpretations: 1) Run away fearfully crawling so as not to be noticed; 2) Sneak up to strike by surprise; 3) Have the chills. 4) Neither of these. In other words: when to use it?
    @SylverReZ , won't you tell me your opinion on this? I'm almost offended; when I need you, you're never there. 😩
    Joke. 😋
    "Creep" in this context means someone sleazy, skeevy, skeezy, slimy, shifty, or as kids these days would put it, sus af.
    The :creep: smiley is used for underlining suggestive double meaning, sexual innuendo, or similar.
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    Okay, finally a clear and comprehensive explanation. Thanks chief. :bow:
    😡 So you think wasting or throwing away a complete desktop computer for (presumably) a defective PSU is a good idea? 😡
    I could have known, since the diodes didn't fully close in one direction before I started soldering (but I didn't really acknowledge the reading on the multimeter)

    This gave a HUGE blue spark, stench and huge burn marks. Thankfully on the metal top case, which I already put on again and not on my face. That would have hurt badly (though it might have improved my looks)
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    Reactions: SylverReZ and IC_
    Ahahah... It was obviously a joke condensed into an emoji. 😉
    It is obvious that he should not throw it away but possibly fix it.

    You need to start taking lessons in (not german) irony and comedy.🧐

    Shit, with that damn brick Mario almost hit me in the head! 🤕
    Poor thing, you just can't laugh. Well, in fact there is always this risk...

    A really nice Home you have.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    • Wow
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    You've done a great job, Kleines.
    • Haha
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    You might be able to find out why I don't use mountain bikes.
    Please think before opening.
    * No rack for shopping bags
    * Police doesn't like bikes without reflectors, head+rear lights, bell, reflective tires (and neither do I)
    * I really don't feel like getting dirt all over myself including the face (though the latter might improve my look)
    The soldering iron won't help here, sadly.
    I'll cycle to the workshop (don't have the parts anyway) and I couldn't for my life correctly adjust the derailleur gears stuff correctly (which needs to be done as well for some time now)
    Found that closed thread about noise on charging DS
    "Besides, what do you do with 6 DSs?"
    I've lost track of the number of (2|3)DS(i)(XL) consoles I have. Can't ever have enough. There should be one in each corner – never having to search.
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    Really, I don't understand.
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    Pretty obvious answer for the question why things fail, yes.

    The more important part is: Why now? I'm busy with moving!
    As if dead things were possessed by an evil spirit always choosing the worst moment.

    Copying those CDs and writing a short unsystematic analysis was supposed to be a relaxation exercise, not the beginning of exhausting work.
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    "always choosing the worst moment."
    Why? Will there ever be a better time? It's an illusion: the disappointment will always be the same, today or tomorrow. This is a lesson (of course, for me too): don't get attached to anything! Accept the inevitable! Be ready for anything!
    • Like
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    Disappointment? More like fury!

    D*mn! I just wanted to have some fun with this PC. It was often the source of entertainment the last 1½ years. More than gaming (since I could not even really play)

    The secondary HDD could be the failing one… Five minutes of work. Finger exercise.
    No, it has to be the primary HDD → Concentrated migration of the OS.
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    Go to the bank and withdraw the very last freely available savings
    Go to Telekom and hope they initiate moving internet connection
    Send physical letter to electric power supplier to terminate contract end of July

    You know what? I hate it. This life is becoming more of a nightmare every single day.
    Tomorrow: Continue physical work (painting)
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    I hadn't actually thought of that direct consequence: then I was sure you wouldn't give up the Internet. So how about giving me your contact information to communicate epistolary, with good old pen and paper? 😉
    • Sad
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    Sharing my real life identity?
    • Haha
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    Different topic: Even in small things I have no good luck.
    My super cheap (year 2018) Windows 10 tablet computer (with keyboard dock) is literally breaking apart.
    That very used thing is end of life. As if there weren't enough problems already.
    • Wow
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    Friday I'll pack all the remaining blank discs and optical drives into moving boxes. Another part of me leaving the house.
    Seems we will able to sell our kitchen furniture for a ridiculously low price (but don't have to trash them).
    The gaming collection will be the last part

    Soon I'll be sitting in empty rooms waiting for be discarded into prison.
    At least Lora is with me today.
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    Forgive me. I'm at my limit. Each and every day full of exhausting work and nothing left of what I could enjoy.
    For months it has been like this. And it is getting worse. 24th of July is the big day. Hope I'll be still online then (if Telekom doesn't f… up) and I'm able to rebuilt the network.
    Things formally fun and enjoyable have become exhausting necessity.
    D*mn, Lora, don't disturb my writing!
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    • Wow
    Reactions: IC_ and Nikokaro
    To please you, I reacted in this other way: 😯 You still haven't told me who this Lora is: is it perhaps the neighbor's dog that you are kindly looking after?
    • Haha
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    I'll start my evening audio drama now.

    Until next time. Good Night.
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    Reactions: IC_ and Nikokaro
    You sold your 3DS?
     "Rolls up into fetal curl and despairs"
    Is this a joke, or does it represent your current mood? If so, I am sorry about it. Have you still not moved away from your "sweet and loving" father and his nefarious influence?
    • Wow
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    "Have you still not moved away…"
    End of July… told you.
    Do you think I'm living like Barney after he had been visited by the cat burglar and can just walk away (naked)?
    We have a lot of stuff. I despise minimalism. All my memories are connected with my stuff. A moving company said it would cost >5000€ to move our things, so I do what I can myself.
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    Also a lot to do at the other house, which isn't empty either. Have to move remaining furniture upstairs. Recently 5m³ firewood had to be brought upwards over improvised ramps to a shed behind the house in the merciless heat.

    "Is this a joke, […]"
    Neither. It is the only thing, which remains… thinking of your stubborn insistence on decisions that make you life harder (phone instead of PC, mobile data only)
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    @KleinesSinchen , If I am not mistaken, you had mentioned changing your avatar: perhaps one that better represented your tomboy character. I would have a suggestion, but to see it you would have to momentarily disable your image-blocker. I posted here because on your profile you would have deleted it. 🤣 A. Toriyama docet:

    …but Niko dislikes the Mother series and seemingly recommends me using Aral gas stations for whatever reason. :creep:

    Maybe the "Robopump" from Earthbound is a reasonable compromise for now. (My pearler beads stuff is already at the other house, so I can't build the picture now)
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    Ah. And I also recently got a pack of 25 DVD-R, 8cm of the type RITEK-G04.
    Sadly all experiments and pretty much everything I like doing is on halt until end of July when we will have completed move houses.
    • Like
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    Nice. I do enjoy your collection.
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    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    "live life fully, or simply survive?"
    I get your point, but there is no way I'm going to take any more risks regarding real social contacts. Cutting the losses.

    After moving there will be not a single contact left, not even a superficial one. The world has seen me and will finally leave me alone for good. Sitting in the freshly renovated house I will sit silently observing the country burning to ashes (←metaphor!)
    • Sad
    Reactions: Nikokaro
    But it is not enough for one to report that she has been raped; it takes clear objective evidence (signs of violence, bruises, drugs or tranquilizers in the blood, psychological trauma established by psychologists etc.) Cases of false rape, here in our country, are very rare, and often unmasked.
    Time for one of my favorite quotes from Faust
    Ye heavenly tones, so powerful and mild
    Why seek ye me, me cleaving to the dust?
    Ring roundabout where tender-hearted men will hear!
    I hear the message well but lack Faith's constant trust;

    Now to last audio drama of the day. Friend Mirta will knock me out soon.
    I'll answer tomorrow.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Nikokaro
    Impossible to fit reply here → PM once again.
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    Need just a few more. :creep:
    Still no Yamaha CRW F1 and no Kenwood True-X 72x
    ??? I admit that I did not expect this laughter: what exactly is it referring to, compared to what I stated? Did I write something ridiculous? 🤔
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    Number of times (false) friends hurt me: Stopped counting at some point
    Number of times things ("obsession") did anything bad to me: 0

    The looming risk seems manageable.

    Funny how you are consequently ignoring the imminent risks of real life social contacts while uttering warnings about everything else.
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    Of course, human contacts bring potential risks, but it also bring great rewards:it is a risk to take, if you want to mature emotionally and spiritually. Is it better to live life fully, or simply survive? However, in relationships, it is always good to keep an open eye (be watchful). 🧐
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    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    Hello my buddies. I just bought a 1TB USBKey on eBay that I would like to use to archive old animation series, downloading and copying them (via otg and microUSB adapter) directly from my smartphone. Being very cheap, there is an application for Android (not for PC) that allows you to test the true capacity of the key: if it's a scam I'll open a dispute on eBay.:angry::gun:
    Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi

    Double standards… or: Another fragment from the life experiences of a little Sinchen → :creep:

    And: I wish you a good evening
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    Gosh, is it really that bad? We get opposite news about you all here: Germany feels like a wonderland. Imagine then if you came here: you would laugh (or cry, if you sympathize with us) at how we are reduced. You have brought down a myth of perfection for us. Fortunately, your unmatched literature remains forever. 😉
    • Wow
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    Literature remains forever? Want another (serious this time) video excerpt? → :cry:

    Not kidding, I'm actively thinking about ways to ensure long-term storage of knowledge. Literature, technology, movies… everything. What we know as "The Internet" or even "The Cloud" is a fragile thing that will fail in very short time without maintenance.
    • Like
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    Wish list:
    * Longterm stable like engraving text into gold/platinum
    * Stored save against disasters – natural and human (war, including nuclear)
    * Data density like modern digital storage
    * Manual for building an electronic reader from zero → in human readable form
    * Manual independent from language (will anybody still be able to understand current English in 10000 years after a potential full civilization crash?)
    • Wow
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    Hi, how are you? Unfortunately, I haven't been able to participate as much as I would like lately, but every now and then I find time to peek in here and there to make sure you are all doing well: some of you have indeed quietly entered my heart... 😉
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    General Kenobi.
    • Wow
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    Also hey there, Niko. Long time no sea.
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    Hello. Here I am back to you, after some absence, and back with a bang to boot. So, I'm told that in Florida a teacher has been fired for showing her pupils an Italian work of art, Michelangelo's David, a sculpture of a naked man, considered "pornographic" by barbaric, loutish, ignorant American parents! All this for a weenie! Moreover right from there, the realm of pornography (and hypocrisy)!
    • Wow
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    Hey Nikokaro.
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    Hey. I'm still there, but it is the so-called real world that is getting the better of me, enslaving, insterilizing and almost suffocating me with its cold, boring and prosaic commitments. Let's hope for summer vacation, unfortunately still far away. I can still write a few words....😉
    • Sad
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    Oh my, that's not good. All I can say is that things will get better hopefully.
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    For the first time in my life I bought something, which I personally call "bum's happiness" (Hard to translate the actual word: meaning a source of happiness/joy for poor and/or homeless person – which is meant devalue the stuff, not a person). I bought it just to see how you will react on this (thinking back to a previous discussion).
    • Wow
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    "This obviously could decrease exports of the product"
    You mean like the images and warnings which are supposed to stop people for mistaking themselves for chimneys?
    That didn't work either.

    The only effect the disgusting photos have, is disgust me when being forced to see them waiting checkout of a supermarket.
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    You know that I'm open to drug usage (and addicted to some prescription drugs, which officially aren't addictive). I have to pay for this someday. Why should we close the eyes instead of facing the truth? The dangers of prescription drugs are always printed on a piece of paper coming with them.

    Ethanol has addictive potential and causes pretty much everything when used too often and too much.
    That cheap wine wasn't as bad as I had feared. Fairly weak. Both in taste and in effect, but surely okay. No side effects, hangover or headache either.
    I still prefer local wine over imported.
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