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  • Hey, everyone and Alex. Say, Pretendo is finally here for us. And even though the Nintendo 3DS WiFi is gone forever, at least I get to play with my Pokémon friends and my Nintendogs and kittens. That’s cool.
    Manuela said:
    Pretendo is finally here for us. And even though the Nintendo 3DS WiFi is gone forever, at least I get to play with my Pokémon friends and my Nintendogs and kittens. That’s cool.
    Happy to see you back Missus Sparkles
    Happy to see that you're still around.
    Everyone and Alex, once my birthday arrives on Saturday of September, in animal crossing new leaf, K.K. Slider will sing a special birthday song for me! I can’t hardly wait!
    Well, everyone, that direct of Super Mario Bros wonder is amazing! And the elephant apple power up can turn Mario and his friends into elephants. Although it can make them so heavy when they ride on Yoshi.
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    Hey, everyone. Guess what, on Thursday, there’s going to be a Nintendo direct about the Super Mario Bros. wonder game on the switch and it will have details about it.
    So, everybody, I just heard the news about the return of the Covid 19 virus. And we’re all going to stay home from the corona virus. That means quarantine again.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Nikokaro
    There's no "return" because it never went away. It's the new seasonal thing, like the flu, or pumpkin spice latte.
    And there won't be another quarantine.
    We hope not. We will see. It will still find me ready, I think... 😷
    Everybody, I got a question for all of you. How can I get K.K. Slider to sing a birthday song on Saturday in new leaf for me on my birthday?
    I think he should be there any time after 8pm on Saturday until midnight
    Hmm..... I haven't the foggiest idea, I'm afraid. 🤧
    Hey, everyone. I’m feeling lonely today and I need some one to play with me so that we can play animal crossing new leaf. Because I want to visit your towns.
    • Sad
    Reactions: gamefan128
    Hey, guys. Say, Since Super Mario Bros wonder is almost here, there’s going to be an overview trailer of the game. I can’t wait to see it! And also, the new power up is an apple with a face of an elephant in the game.
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    Reactions: Mama Looigi
    Hey, everyone and Alex. Say, what’s more annoying than the turtles in time game? The remake one in the Xbox arcade! My big brother has it and the remake game is more annoying!
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    Reactions: impeeza
    Hi, everyone and Alex. Say, Super Mario Bros wonder is coming to the switch this October and it has something to do with elephants. That’s right, a special power up that involves elephants. 🍎 🐘
    Actually, the Elephunk power up allows Mario to become Indian God Ganesha allowing Mario to rule over Indians.

    This is in order to establish and restore the lost english colonies!
    You know Mario is Italian right?
    • Haha
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    Hi, friends. Do you remember that cartoon Christmas movie of The year without a Santa Claus on Cartoon Network last year? Because it reminds me of my town and my town has never snow here during the winter holidays.
    Hi, everyone. Say, it sure is very hot outside, and there’s nothing like cold ice cream treats on a hot summer day.
    Nah, instead of IceCream I'd go for cold water or a cold beer.

    Reason is, IceXream has calories, that will actually make you feel hotter a few hours later.
    Ah yes, beer, the calories free beverage
    • Haha
    Reactions: RichardTheKing
    @JuanMena Then just eat more ice cream a few hours later, to combat the heat! Duh!
    Plus, drinking multiple cold beers during the day will just lead to higher risks of liver disease (cirrhosis or something?), so...maybe don't do that.
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