Review cover Resident Evil VII: Biohazard (Xbox One)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): January 24, 2017
  • Release Date (EU): January 24, 2017
  • Release Date (JP): January 26, 2017
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Capcom
  • Genres: Survival Horror
  • Also For: Computer, PlayStation 4

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Resident Evil VII Lives Up to its Promise to Bring Fear Home

Fear Comes Home: Returning to Roots

In 2016, the Resident Evil series celebrated a whopping 20 years of existence as a franchise, with the first game being released on March 22, 1996 for the original Playstation. Such a milestone is typically reserved for powerhouse franchises such as Mario, Zelda, Metal Gear, Pokémon and the like, which makes this a true honor for the series. In celebration of this, Capcom’s latest installment, Resident Evil VII: Biohazard, brings the series back to its simpler roots in a great way.

The plot of the game is beautifully simple; you play as Ethan, a young man who’s travelled to Dulvey, Louisiana in search of his missing wife, Mia. Upon arrival in Dulvey, Ethan finds the abandoned farmhouse where Mia directed him via an email. It’s here that Ethan is captured by the home’s residents, the Baker family; Jack, Marguerite, and their son Lucas, who intend to assimilate him into their family as the latest in a long line of kidnapping victims. Escape is the name of the game as Ethan must survive this house of horrors, rescue Mia, and escape from the Bakers and their sadistic plans.


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The tagline of the game is Fear Comes Home, and it’s an incredibly accurate statement on the content you can expect. This game is downright terrifying. I haven’t felt this much fear and anxiety playing a video game since the first time I played the original Resident Evil in 2008. The majority of the game’s terror comes from the dark, disturbing atmosphere of this old, rotting farmhouse. It’s very reminiscent of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, right down to our introduction to the Bakers being around a dinner table amidst a feast of human flesh. As a huge fan of horror films, I loved the visual atmosphere, and had a blast exploring the old farmhouse.

There’s no music when wandering the property, meaning you get to hear every creak of the house, every bump in the hall, and every slight movement in the building. In my opinion this is the scariest the franchise has ever been. The lack of enemy hordes for a majority of the game lets the atmosphere do the work, and is scarier than any amount of zombies ever could be. The graphics are pretty good by modern standards, though there's nothing in particular to brag about. Capcom did a good job of shading the environment however, giving shadows to flying drapes, items in the vicinity, and even your own character, which adds a hand in helping deliver this horrific experience.


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This is a return to form from the last three instalments of the franchise, which’ve slowly made the transition from survival horror to direct action games. While each one does have some horror elements that keeps it grounded in the series, combat is the name of the game for Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6. While they still lead to quality games (though with RE6 that’s debatable), this departure from the core of what made the series popular led to many fans becoming progressively disheartened with the franchise, downright begging Capcom to bring the games back to what made them successful originally. It’s a pleasure to see Capcom responding to that request with a fervour, giving us more of what the series was founded on, but keeping it unique enough to give the players something new.

Groovy!: Gameplay and Combat

Changes in gameplay is nothing new for the Resident Evil series. In 2005 they went from a third person fixed camera to an over the shoulder shooter, forever revolutionizing how third person shooters would be made going forward. Resident Evil VII changes things up yet again, transitioning the franchise into a first person shooter. This isn’t anything new to the franchise; it was actually first done in the 2003 spinoff title for PS2, Resident Evil: Dead Aim. Dead Aim used the traditional third person movement in the overworld, but switched to a first person perspective when in combat, making use of a light gun accessory released by Capcom. First person was again used in Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and The Darkside Chronicles, which were on rail shooters designed to give an abridged version of the events of previous entries into the series (RE:0, 1, and 3 for UC, RE2 and Code Veronica for DC) as well as some more background lore for the series as a whole. (EDIT: A reader has brought it to my attention that there was an FPS Resident Evil game even before Dead Aim; Resident Evil Survivor, a PS1 exclusive light gun shooter that was very poorly received due to the American release not actually being compatible with a light gun. For this oversight I do apologize, however because RES is utter garbage, I'll be maintaining my alternative facts as truth.) REVII marks the first time that first person has been integrated into the core series, however, and despite controversy surrounding this decision, I think it worked out very well.

Gameplay is nothing spectacular by FPS standards; if anything, it’s painfully average and does nothing to break the mold like they did with RE4. Instead it opts to use these average mechanics to its advantage; being in first person, your view is limited to what’s directly in front of you, which mixes well with the horrifying atmosphere, constantly making you turn and check behind you, and creeping around every corner to see what’s waiting around the next turn. And when you do come face to face with an enemy, you get a very personal look at them, seeing every disgusting detail rendered.

As I mentioned, the combat is nothing spectacular. You aim a gun with left trigger, and fire with right. Like all Resident Evil games, ammo is limited, and you must ration it. While the relatively low amount of enemies you fight may seem like it would make this easier, the amount of bullets each enemy can take before going down more than makes up for it, making rationing still a requirement, and leaving much of the combat up to every Resident Evil player’s oldest friend; the knife.

The knife is sort of a running theme in Resident Evil games, being an incredibly powerful weapon that never runs out of ammo, and is only limited by how fast you can mash your attack button. People have done entire playthroughs of games with just the knife, myself included, just as a testament to how useful this weapon is. Like with everything else though, the first person view adds something new to the knife mechanics; the requirement that you must be close to an enemy to use the knife on them puts you right in close proximity to them; they can attack you if you’re not quick enough, and you once again get a personal look at these grotesque enemies.

Enemies you’ll be facing are few and far between. Depending on the area you’re in, the majority of your time will be spent fighting the various forms of the Molded; disgusting, Regenerator-esque enemies that pop out of patches of black mold and attack you, using their incredible strength and weapon-like hands to deal massive damage. There are two ways to defeat the Molded; either dismembering them limb from limb until they can’t attack you anymore, or taking the age old Resident Evil approach to enemy disposal; shoot them in the head.


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The true enemies of the game are the Bakers themselves, however. No matter what area of the house you’re in, at least one of them is ever present, constantly wandering the home and attacking you on sight, right up until your big boss encounter at the end of the stage, where you need to use the weapons and skills you’ve picked up to finally dispose of them, one by one. They’re another major source of terror throughout the game, and quite reminiscent of Nemesis from RE3, where they cannot be defeated until the proper time; fighting them before a boss fight is a waste of time, and you will not be able to kill them until the game wants you to.

One more gameplay mechanic brought back into the game that’s been lost over the last few entries, is a major emphasis on the puzzles; much of your time in-game will be searching the property for various keys and puzzle pieces to advance further, making sure you think before you act. The interesting thing here is that like the original Resident Evil, a lot of the game is very open world, letting you get almost anywhere you want and pick up any puzzle piece as soon as you find it. This can lead to problems however, as this means you can advance too far without having everything you need, triggering events you’re drastically underprepared for. If you die because of this, it makes you rethink your strategy, and if you can make it through, it’s only made the game tougher on you than it needed to be. It’s unique in this day and age of straight forward progression in games, and a return from the series that I eagerly welcomed back.

You Ain’t Gettin’ Away: Post Game Content and Problems

As with all Resident Evil games, the fun isn’t over after a single playthrough. In addition to extra goodies such as more powerful guns and faster walking shoes that you get for beating the game at different difficulty levels/meeting specific criteria, there are hidden treasures and various modes of difficulty from Easy and Normal to this game’s professional version, Madhouse, that will leave you able to test your abilities as many times as you’d like. There’s also a fair amount of achievements unable to be earned on your first playthrough, leaving multiple ventures necessary to complete it to perfection. There’s even two different endings possible, meaning not every playthrough will necessarily be the same.

Littered throughout the game are three types of collectables; Mr. Everywhere statues that must be destroyed, Antique Coins which must be collected so you can buy upgrades in a safe area, and VHS tapes giving you a more in depth look at the story through the eyes of other characters, as well as giving you a bit of a preview of the area you found the tape in, letting you know where certain keys for progression are; at one point towards the end, viewing a specific VHS tape becomes essential to your survival if you’re trying not to die, showing you how someone before you failed a puzzle and died because of it. The tapes are a very unique addition to the game, and give more incentive outside of achievements and completion for finding these collectables.

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Those multiple runs aren't as daunting as in games past, however, because there’s one problem haunting this game worse than the Bakers, and it’s one I can’t overlook now matter how much I enjoy the game; This game is short. A very, very short campaign to the point where there’s a trophy/achievement to beat the game in a mere four hours. While this isn’t the par time for completion, it’s not that far from it if you know what you’re doing; it took me about 16 hours to complete the game, and I’ve seen some Redditers claim to have beaten the game in as short as 2 ½ hours. Personally this doesn’t bother me, as I felt satisfied with every second of gameplay and I know I’ll be revisiting the title to earn every single collectable. However, I know not every gamer is like that. And if that doesn’t describe you, I don’t think you’d be able to justify picking it up at full price.

One final issue that I had, while not major, does stand out; Ethan, as a protagonist, is boring. Unlike the heroes of past RE games, he’s no cop or special agent. He’s just a regular guy who was thrown into this outrageous situation. This helps the immersion necessary for an FPS title, and his infrequent speech makes immersion entirely possible. The issue here is that the Resident Evil series is packed full of memorable, iconic characters such as Jill Valentine and Leon S. Kennedy. While there’s nothing wrong with Ethan’s blandness, it unfortunately makes him forgettable when next to the likes of Jill, Leon, Wesker or Chris. Despite these complaints, I still had a ton of fun playing through Resident Evil VII. These complaints don't even come close to ruining the experience for me personally, and I don't see them ruining the experience for fans of the series.


What We Liked ...
  • Amazing Visuals
  • Terrifying Atmosphere
  • Returns the franchise to its survival horror roots while still adding new ideas to keep the series fresh after 20 years.
What We Didn't Like ...
  • The game is very short
  • Repetitive post game caters primarily to completionists
  • The protagonist is bland and forgettable next to the slew of iconic, memorable characters that populate the franchise.
While bland by FPS standards, the gameplay combines itself well with the atmosphere to create a truly unique experience to the franchise. The combat runs smoothly enough, and getting up close and personal with your enemies is a terrifyingly welcome addition.
The game is downright terrifying, and it knows it. The graphics, while nothing spectacular, do well to add to the scare factor, and the sound design only amplifies your emotions throughout.
Lasting Appeal
While I think the game makes perfect use of every second it has, there’s no denying that it’s a short game. For those not interested in perfecting the game or finding each and every treasure, they’d be hard pressed to justify a $60 price tag.
out of 10


It's fitting that this game follows the series 20th anniversary, because it’s basically Capcom’s love letter to their series, and to horror in general. If you’re a fan of Resident Evil or horror movies, you’ll enjoy the game. If you’re a fan of both, as I am, you’ll love it.
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Was RE ever scary? Have no idea of what kind of 'horror' everybody's talking about here. Its more of a funny B-movie it always was.
Personally I found the original trilogy of games to be pretty scary while still maintaining those moments of B-movie type hilarity (Jill sandwich, anyone?). As cliché as it sounds to say, the originals were definitely scarier. I think RE4 hit the balance between creepy and campy pretty well, and they just got less and less scary with each installment. I felt RE7 here definitely weighed itself more to be scarier than campy, though it does have its fair share of those moments as well.
Was RE ever scary? Have no idea of what kind of 'horror' everybody's talking about here. Its more of a funny B-movie it always was.

I had the same I can understand the first one being a bit jumpy. But that was mostly with the awkward controls then being really scary like games as Silent Hill and later Forbidden Siren and I played Resident Evil when I was 10. I am really glad with this one. Reminds me a bit of Alien: Isolation which was my first first-person horror game and I still love and play it to bits.

Can't wait to try this when it drops in price.
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Reactions: RyRyIV
No Jill Valentine, No Chris Redfield, No Claire Redfield, No Leon Scott Kennedy, no Ada wong.... NO CO-OP OR MULTIPLAYER MODES? NO BUY.

Hate me if you want, but i still like 5 and 6, but this has nothing that i like in it. Also the First person POV having the floating hands? I dunno man. I'm not gonna say is a bad game, but is not something i would be interested in, hoping maybe Castlevania VR would be a thing, a horror game in vr with something i can recognize.
No Jill Valentine, No Chris Redfield, No Claire Redfield, No Leon Scott Kennedy, no Ada wong.... NO CO-OP OR MULTIPLAYER MODES? NO BUY.

Hate me if you want, but i still like 5 and 6, but this has nothing that i like in it. Also the First person POV having the floating hands? I dunno man. I'm not gonna say is a bad game, but is not something i would be interested in, hoping maybe Castlevania VR would be a thing, a horror game in vr with something i can recognize.
I don't think you understand what a Resident Evil game is supposed to be, CO-OP? Multiplayer? play something else. BTW you have no taste if you actually like 5&6 in any form sorry.
I don't think you understand what a Resident Evil game is supposed to be, CO-OP? Multiplayer? play something else. BTW you have no taste if you actually like 5&6 in any form sorry.
I'm not offended by those comments, especially if people like 7, but i like what i like and you like what you like.
I don't think you understand what a Resident Evil game is supposed to be, CO-OP? Multiplayer? play something else. BTW you have no taste if you actually like 5&6 in any form sorry.
I mean, RE5 had some pretty great co-op and it was a blast to play through with friends. It's one of the worse entries from the series, but I was at least able to have fun with it.

I can't defend RE6 though.
They are both fun to me. I never said i was a fan of resident evil series, cause i'm not. I don't like RE4, i never played the first 3, and the one time i had revelations, i stopped playing it after one hour, got tired of scaning slime. But maybe revelations 2 is a bit more fun. :P
No Jill Valentine, No Chris Redfield, No Claire Redfield, No Leon Scott Kennedy, no Ada wong.... NO CO-OP OR MULTIPLAYER MODES? NO BUY.

Hate me if you want, but i still like 5 and 6, but this has nothing that i like in it. Also the First person POV having the floating hands? I dunno man. I'm not gonna say is a bad game, but is not something i would be interested in, hoping maybe Castlevania VR would be a thing, a horror game in vr with something i can recognize.

Of course there's no co-op or multiplayer. The idea is isolation, and it does a great job of making you feel helpless. It's classic survival horror, the way it should be.
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Reactions: RyRyIV
Of course there's no co-op or multiplayer. The idea is isolation, and it does a great job of making you feel helpless. It's classic survival horror, the way it should be.
Okay then, i'm glad people like it. But it could least used some of the characters the series is known for. Although i didn't say is a bad game, it probably is good but i can't find something interesting about it.
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Reactions: digipimp75
This game can be beaten under 3-4 hours, and it's sold for 69 euro which is absolutely overprized and unfair, plus crapcom cutted baker family's plot and sells you as dlc... why u all support this shit company??
This game can be beaten under 3-4 hours
Can you elaborate any on this time? Is it a full speedrun using known locations/solutions, does it use glitches or anything else that might render it different to a general play through?

Also from French Amazon
Plates-formes Prix Neuf/D'occasion
PlayStation 4

EUR 53,90Écran
EUR 50,00

EUR 37,12Écran
EUR 37,12
Xbox One

EUR 54,99Écran
EUR 54,99

55 Euros is a lot of money to be spunking on a game but this is still less than 2 weeks from launch.
This game can be beaten under 3-4 hours, and it's sold for 69 euro which is absolutely overprized and unfair, plus crapcom cutted baker family's plot and sells you as dlc... why u all support this shit company??
Every single classic RE game is's about replay ability. The first RE you unlock a rocket launcher for beating the game in under 3 hours. Kids these days will complain about anything, it's not about length it's about content. Capcom does the right thing for once and everyone still complains.
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Reactions: RyRyIV and T-hug
Sadly for me no, it didn't impress me at all. It's just a gore maniac game. And no it isn't returning to its roots. In fact, Resident Evil never was like this.

What I really liked about the first RE games was its intellectual challenge. You often have to explore very complex industrial areas and/or very well designed architectural mansions, and understand what's there, read scientific notes, operate some top-notch technology engine... etc..

Even though the puzzles were simple but you learn something about engineering, that's what I really liked about the franchise. No one admits it but RE is/was really a highly educational scientific game that dealt with science, engineering, biology, armament ... etc.
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Reactions: Sonic Angel Knight
RE highly scientific? Next you are going to say Phoenix Wright is good for legal education.

I will give that the 3d printer in RE code veronica was cool though.
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Reactions: Bonestorm
Sadly for me no, it didn't impress me at all. It's just a gore maniac game. And no it isn't returning to its roots. In fact, Resident Evil never was like this.

What I really liked about the first RE games was its intellectual challenge. You often have to explore very complex industrial areas and/or very well designed architectural mansions, and understand what's there, read scientific notes, operate some top-notch technology engine... etc..

Even though the puzzles were simple but you learn something about engineering, that's what I really liked about the franchise. No one admits it but RE is/was really a highly educational scientific game that dealt with science, engineering, biology, armament ... etc.
what a weird post "educational scientific game" lol wtf
You might disagree but that's how I liked RE it in the first place :P
I never had interest in resident evil, i still don't honestly. I only played it cause resident evil 5 it was free on playstation plus, I played it, and while i'm not the best i beat it after long time and patience. Spent the whole time playing alone with AI Sheva, and not buying anything, damn that was a challenge and on the veteran difficulty all from new game. It wasn't bad but until i got infinite ammo, it got more fun for me. :D

Everyone said resident evil 4 was best game, so i bought it on sale and i disliked it. But resident evil six came out. My god is so much action, not to mention, cool stuff including ABUSING SLIDING Lol, random stuff they must have stolen ideas from uncharted, an all those quick time events. But the skill system was unique (And i say that as in Infinite ammo) as well as the many different actions to perform to defend yourself, and the scenes may be random and nothing more of a quick time event or just explosions and stuff. Is just cool stuff to see. :P
Ordinarily I am not inclined to use memes and silly images in responses but that really does make the "can't tell if serious..." button want to be hit.

Like what you like but know for that one you will find yourself very much in the minority there.
I have played Resident Evil series from the first game, it really became one of my favorite survival horror game. Surviving in a zombie world, solving puzzles to open doors or rooms, and the horror setting is really amusing. The first 3 series was very good, especially RE 3.

Then, the game setting started to change, from RE 4. The original zombie game started to change to more like a mutant human. Man... what the heck? Well, okay. At least this game still have some similarities to the first 3 games, even though the control and some other thing is different. Then, come RE 5 and 6. After i checked the gameplay and game setting, then I can say this for sure. This game has change completely. This is completely different than the previous games, which i like very much. The action, the Co-Op, and the environment setting are nowhere similar to what RE used to be. At that moment, i decided not to follow this series anymore.

For those who don't play the first 3 games in PS1, maybe RE 5-6 is okay, or even good. But for me, this is a completely different game. So, when i heard that they will back to the roots, i was really excited with it. RE 7 really nailed it in term of horror, even though some aspects still made me disappointed. I prefer the 3rd person POV like RE 1-3 rather than RE 7. And the enemies... i truly wished they would revert it back to original zombies, not a monster like being like this. But all in all, i believe they started to get back on track with this game.
At least on PC, it's apparent that RE VII is a much better port than most. If you want at least solid parity with the consoles, it's best to play on no less than Medium, since Low presets would degrade the excellent visuals too much beyond that. However, one thing that will become apparent, is that the game does use an enormous amount of VRAM.

Even for 1080p, you really want more than 4GB of vRAM; CPU usage climbs significantly on 4GB or Less, but seems to calm down when there's enough video memory to handle the details. Even older cards like the R9 390 handle the game well when there's enough memory to hold everything the game is wanting. Source: Tom's Hardware
Reading into it, it sounds like a case where there was an earlier build released that lacked any form of DRM, and all said crack does is remove dependency on Denuvo to begin with.

Seems more like a blunder from Capcom in that regard.
That was conan exiles

RE7 was a regular denuvo protected game that was ripped from steam at launch and cracked within 5 days or so.

In yet another embarrassing blow to denuvo, someone left private files on their servers open to anyone, the leaked files contains tons of emails to denuvo, and possible denuvo templates?
I'm right before the last bossfight. I've been playing RE since the directors cut on PS1 and Capcom had transformed the series in many ways before. It was almost never bad but strayed from its roots. This game is a fantastic return to form that's not only is scary in it's own unique way but incorporates the feel and style of classic RE without shying away from adopting mechanics and play styles from more modern horror games. It mixes both without taking away from the other in a very organic way. It was worth my money and I give it a high grade.

Also props to the game for having a good PC port. It's getting rare these days.

EDIT: Beat it. Last boss was cool.
i dont get how people even capcom say it brings the franchise back to its survival horror roots.

when the game itself feels like it was meant to be a completely different IP, maybe an axed game that later was revived and thought I know, lets slap Resident Evil as its title, this will gain sales from our RE fan base.

to me, it doesnt make sense at all, without giving any spoilers, maybe those that have completed the game have the same questions.

but mostly what i do not understand is the cause, what purpose had Umbrella gain in its cause, how did it somehow end up there.

To be this is just a spooky fps game, I find the AI is pretty poor.

Think the whole hand getting chainsawed off, then stapled back on and hey your hand is functioning as normal is just a total crock o crp.

I think also this game heavily relies on how dark its set to look good, if you turn the brightness up the detail and models look pretty poor, youd expect from a PS3 game.
I just got done with killing the mom and holy shit this game is an amazing experience. The chainsaw fight was incredible too. Am on PS4 though.
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Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): January 24, 2017
  • Release Date (EU): January 24, 2017
  • Release Date (JP): January 26, 2017
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Capcom
  • Genres: Survival Horror
  • Also For: Computer, PlayStation 4
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's like they think we'll be in their bed pissing on it the next day
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I feel like gbatemp should make t-shirts or memorabilia to remember the lost ones. I bet the Polly shirts would sell out quick.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Nah that could actually bring lawsuits
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Your correct, Somebody would be guilty and there would be riots, then they storm the gbatemp capitol,
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Online or not there are still certain rights that judges would have no issue handing out a warrant over
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Just look at Kim dotcom
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Honestly I'm scared to, from you, but ok, lemme turn on vpn, virtual machine, private browser first
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Remember that Alexa robot I gifted you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    And that laptop Webcam you never tapped up
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That robot is here somewhere, I hear it moving around at night, but I haven't seen it for months.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Oh that laptop I give to ancientboi, so you been watching him for months, and he's been watching you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh good more than enough material for the fbi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn its 5 in morn, I gotta Go wake your mum and send her to work. Check ya later.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    He could make so much money!!! His arm would never get tired lol
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    How are yall doing
  • VXNlcm5hbWU @ VXNlcm5hbWU:
    Just had a pure banger of a sandwich there, was very nice
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    what do you call a dog with no legs?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    A hot dog?
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    doesn't matter what you call it, it won't come
    BakerMan @ BakerMan: doesn't matter what you call it, it won't come