Microsoft will debut an all-digital Xbox Series X refresh next year, according to leaked documents


A new leak has let the cat out of the bag, when it comes to what new hardware Microsoft has in store. Regarding the ongoing Microsoft and FTC court battle over Activision Blizzard, some new classified documents have been leaked. While much of the court document was redacted, certain parts were mistakenly left available for public view, including detailed images and information about upcoming refreshes to the Xbox Series line of consoles.

The leaked roadmap shows that Microsoft plans on releasing a "slim" refresh of the Xbox Series X, with the working name of Project Brooklin. It'll boast more storage, a different physical design, better power usage, a new controller, and some improved internals over the original Xbox Series X. The system will also be digital only.

loPt4m6.png sebile.png stats.png

Project Sebile is the codename for the updated Xbox controller, which sees Bluetooth 5.2, a rechargeable battery, modular thumbstick, and an accelerometer, among other things. Also noted within the document is a "Project Ellewood", which will be a 1TB console, with a retail price of $299.99, presumably the upgraded version of the Xbox Series S, featuring more storage, better Wi-Fi, and reduced power consumption. Additionally, "Edith", another codename for what appears to be the Xbox Series S, will be priced at $199 for Black Friday to push sales for the older system. Meanwhile, Microsoft plans to announce the "end of life" for Starkville, though it's not specified for what system that may be.


While things may change, and the document might be out of date by now, as it was originally shown to the FTC in October 2022, the graph shows that Microsoft plans on releasing the new Xbox controller sometime in May or June of 2024, with the announcement of both Project Ellewood and Brooklin to follow shortly after. An actual release timeframe for the Xbox Series S refresh is set for the end of August 2024, and the Xbox Series X refresh to follow shortly at the end of October 2024.

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Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
On img 5/5 in the OP, there's a bullet point that says: "Starkville EOL ahead of Brooklin launch"

So they're ditching discs unless there's a separate disc drive accessory ala PS5 in the works.
It does indeed say that, however the system is widely available as it is, not to mention that this roadmap is subject to change - it’s not exactly fresh documentation. Like I said earlier, I don’t have a problem with an all-digital version of the X (and I’m kind of surprised it didn’t launch with an all-digital SKU), so I’ll reserve my condemnation for a later date. If Microsoft completely ditches physical media in the next generation, I’ll have to seriously rethink if I really want an Xbox at all, especially considering the fact that my primary motivator for owning one, Halo, is available on PC anyway. If they do, I’ll pick one up very late in its life cycle for the sake of owning one as a collectible, just like I did with the OUYA (yes, I own an OUYA - terrible piece of trash that I bought for £10 just to have one. It lives in its box, in shame).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2014
More of the same, less for us.

The "New" xbox console, is a trashcan disguised one (like the original xbox was disguised as a washing machine resembling its huge size), that will offer digital-only games that you will never own at all, but will have to pay full price to play them.

Sadly the tendence is the final doom of physical games, and collecting will be even more of a rare sport.

If, and only if, the game's prices get greatly reduced, this will not even be considered as a gaming option by myself.
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Sep 28, 2017
United States
1. I hate the concept of digital only platforms, might be better than an all cloud environment, but trying to force physical media out the door is never cool.

2. More and more the Nokia N-Gage is starting to look like a more interesting console and not so ugly anymore in comparison to these....whatever the hell poor taste design concepts modern consoles keep taking. Whoever is designing these modern systems respectively has dogshit taste.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Thus becoming Microsoft plan B to prevent gamers from buying pre owned games, lending/borrowing.

So the only ones that actually gains anything and profits, is Microsoft.

And this is only made possible because gamers today are brain dead sheep and invest in all this digital shit.

Said it before and will say it again, enjoy trading this useless console or selling it, with no games, so you end up getting next to fuck all for it.

It'll also put their plan in place to dominate the gaming market as we already see game retailers are struggling to keep a float.

Pre owned game sales are what makes up majority of their custom. Sure when there's a big launch title coming up with will get a boost im game sales, but in the meantime customers are buying and trading in.

All this will stop and if gamers keep buying these shit digital only consoles, it gives Microsoft the excuse to say there's more demand or they see digital only console sales rising.

Then go ahead with their plan b to block pre owned games and force its consoles as digital only.

So basically becomes a subscription only service in which your throwing money down the drain just to be given permission to download/stream games.

Wasting money buying a console that has no investment value at all.

Will also put an end to collectors who over time find their collections increasing in value.

This isnt the only time where we have seen companies get greedy when they see collectors able to make pretty large profits by collecting and they find any means and ways to put a stop to it.

Microsoft dont care about the gaming market, all they care about is ensuring it has as much control over the industry and its competition so it makes as much profit as it can, taking up majority of the gaming industry sales.

But they have no clue how to provide for the gaming market or actually make good games, they're just as bad as nintendo recycling the same shit over and over.

Example, when they launched the first xbox, they hoped buying and taking over RareWare would secure them nicely in the gaming market, having RareWare making some of the best Nintendo games.

A studio that was that good, nintendo would even allow them to create projects without nintendo having to have much input.

The studio was trusted to be given a project and they would return with a game that nintendo were very happy with, which is very rare considering other studios over seas would have their dev teams under lock and key, giving strict working instructions and even monitored by security and cctv.

The only reason we had Starfox Adventures is because RareWare had come up with an almost complete project to pitch to Nintendo and it impressed them that much that they wanted them to continue with it, but at that time was thinking of a new Starfox game.

So they agreed to take this before Microsoft bought them out.

Then what has Microsoft done with RareWare since, other than totally destroy the great titles they once made as great games, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazzoie, Conker (when they made that crap sequel like game), Killer Instinct.

Then what have they done with them, literally nothing, then Microsoft go buy rights with Remedy and Alan Wake to make it a Microsoft exclusive and it is Microsoft that dictated to remedy not to work on Alan Wake 2.

And forced them to work on what they wanted, which wasn't much.

Then when Microsoft continued to be lazy and forgot to renew licensing for Alan Wakes sound track, remedy swiftly regained its ownership rights to Alan Wake, thus allowing them to freely do as they please.

Hence the "remasters" on the ps4, xbx1 and its demaster for the switch.

And then focus on finally making Alan Wake 2, Microsoft are the only ones to blame for its delay.

And they still fail to make great games for its console and lack exclusives as they dont know how to come up with great ideas for games and continue to tie the hands of the studios they take over.

And all they want to do is be the console that is selling the most units, be the actual console that wins the console war in terms of selling more than Sony and Nintendo.

They then look at how Activision Blizzard have if not some of the worlds best selling titles, such as Call of Duty, Balderstone Gate, World of Warcraft, then theirs the other titles like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon and many more that now Microsoft have full control over.

Making these titles and all its shit dlc to hit Microsoft consoles and shit cloud service first and then no doubt will make them as exclusive to Microsoft, to try ensure its dominance over the console gaming industry.

And as these games have gamers in there millions, all of these gamers are bound to then become xbox gamers buying xbox consoles, then the hope they win this childish console war.

But them themselves still have no clue about making quality games and like they have done in the past with other studios they've ruined, are they then going to ruin these games, though you cant exactly ruin call of duty as it has for a long time been a pile of shit.

Even worse now as this is an over priced stupid plastic piece of crap that doesn't even contain the game your purchasing as it just contains a small file to install warzone that you dont even want to play nor wanting to buy or even clearly stated on its Call of Duty packaging.

That upon wasting money buying Call of Duty, your not actually getting this game on the disc, your getting this crap online only multiplayer shit and then given permission to then be forced to download the actual game you thought you was purchasing.

More digital only shit that can be pulled at any given time as Microsoft sees fit, and all you are left with is a poor over priced investment with fuck all on the disc but a dead downloaded app.

And Microsoft will continue recycling its same old shit still, all they care about is ensuring they make as much money as they can, dominating the console market, rather than making great games, they just throw billions to greedy sharehders and directors to sell up.

Then they win and take over and force the game console market as digital only, raping the customers out of their hard earned cash while they sit back milking every single penny as they can.

I just hope sony dont follow suite, even though they have been buying out studios, but they have better relationships with studios paying them for exclusivity of their titles, which gets Microsoft all pissy because they have a shit relationship with devs and cant get as good game exclusives as sony, so Microsoft decide to buy them out instead.

But this is what gaming consoles should have, exclusive rights to said games from third parties, its what makes buying a game console, when you have the option to play something different from the other consoles.

Rather than playing the same games that are released across both the playstation and xbox. Consoles need exclusives, just because Microsoft are shit at making games, doesnt mean they should throw money to take studios over.

But then it also gives them the heads up in terms of next gen hardware, if they continue to allow titles to be multiplatform, then they also get to know what their competitions next gen hardware is going to be, this giving them the chance to up its next gen hardware, making it the better console.

Though lately they keep shouting out "the most powerful console" when it is just a sack of shit running shitty windows, essentially making it a mid end gaming pc, not a console.

They'll have no concerns when it comes to nintendo as we all know they'll always be the inferior cheaper hardware, so they'll likely honour its "10 year" contract, be lucky by that time nintendo will have released its next console with inferior cheap hardware to be able to run Call of Duty games from the past generation consoles that they as always fail to get when they're current and new.

But if this day comes where Microsoft plan b to fuck its customers over and prevent the use and sale of pre owned games, which will heavily impact our game retail stores and they'll be forced to close (like most leading stores and small independent game shops have), that is when I'll stop buying and playing console games.

Though I'll never buy a shitbox console ever again, not after the shit they implemented in its shitbox 1 forced power system and updates.

I made the mistake of then buying a shitbox again when the shitbox1x launched and from day one its was a defective pile of shit.

Then they "repaired" it after over a year of fighting with its Indian customer service and the console came back with the same faults, but they caused further damage to the console.

Then had the bollocks to claim if I reported the issue from the start when it was under warranty they would have replaced it.

So I am stuck with a shitbox with no original box (as they told me to send it back to them in and they disposed of it and sent it back to me in a shitty thin brown box) its case is scratched to high heaven, you'd think it had a fight with freddy fucking krugar.

When playing games it sounds like its taking off, its shit Windows os keeps failing to play physical games, promiting me I dont own the game or if I do, to re download it again from the market store.

Its controller is so out of sync, press it once and it'll act like you've pressed it five times and its looser than baggy hookers twat.

When installing physical games it seems to take forever as ive proven its actually downloading the game rather than installing off the disc.

As I did a comparison, installing the same game, one while connected online and the other while not connected online.

Funny how while offline it installed off the disc alot faster and was same base game version with no digital day one update crap.

Then we have its forced cloud storage for 360 saves its recycled failure cloud app off windows called Grove.exe then later recycled to something else then ditched and revived again as one drive.

This sack of shit that kept failing to save my game progress and sync to its shit Grove.exe cloud and keep kicking me out of my games with failure messages trying to connect and sync my data.

Then when loading up again, all my data is lost or reverts me back to a game save from weeks if not months ago.

So yea, Microsoft have no clue when it comes to making game consoles or actually great games to play.

This is just another giant corporation that thinks it can take over and dominate because it has the money and investors to do so.

And they will continue its plan which everyone rightfully hated them for when they already tried to prevent the use and sale of pre owned games on its shitbox 1.

And what do they do now......

Plan B, and all these brain dead gamers and fanboys, fail to see that this is exactly the same thing all over again, just in a different way, and you've all been brainwashed into thinking all of this digital shit is good and worth the money.

Ill happily sit back with my consoles that are 20-40 years old and enjoy when game devs used to actually sit down and plan on making its next game, something new, unique and fun to play.

Not recycling the same shit over and over and isnt forced to require an Internet connection in order to download the game before you can play.

Simply nice and easy, insert game, turn on and game away.


Jun 30, 2021
United Kingdom
I see accelerometer but no gyro.

Cuz bro if it has gyro and swappable battery then it's the perfect controller that's all I've been asking for a new xbox controller

I do hope they add gyro support in xinput so games can implement that and console shooters get playable

That's true, I think gyro has become the term for accelerometer based motion controls in the gaming scene.

One of the simplest solutions is allow people to map their analog inputs to the accelerometer outside of any games, making it usable on all of the games instead of a select few


Shaun's Mum
Nov 5, 2002
i always wait until a mid life console refresh so they scale down the size and power but the fact they are possibly taking away the 4k drive is a game changer for me in a bad way, yes i could keep my current console for that or throw £400 at a good 4k player but the whole point of scaling down is not to have too much around..

guess its digital moving forward now and if thats the case they need to cut the cost of online games as they are sooo overly priced!
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Sep 13, 2009
United States
I wish they had pushed to changing to game carts, instead of trying to get rid of physical media. Would have made them cheaper quicker. Also, the irony of Sony going to carts.

That aside, I'm not sure what they are doing. They are just giving even more reasons, just to go to PC.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
I wish they had pushed to changing to game carts, instead of trying to get rid of physical media. Would have made them cheaper quicker. Also, the irony of Sony going to carts.

That aside, I'm not sure what they are doing. They are just giving even more reasons, just to go to PC.
Console gaming these days is trying to compete with PC gaming and they charge you to play online (unless it's F2P). Even the shitty Nintendo online service is a paid subscription.

Consoles were about convenience, inserting a disc and play, and now... 😕


Nov 18, 2013
United States
You will own nothing and like it.

Where the hell do you put this thing? "Innovative new design" - makes sense that they've never seen a trash can where this design belongs.

Not to mention that Gates is a WEF stooge who plans on destroying 70 million acres of trees in just the US alone.
Last edited by _47iscool,


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2018
That's true, I think gyro has become the term for accelerometer based motion controls in the gaming scene.

One of the simplest solutions is allow people to map their analog inputs to the accelerometer outside of any games, making it usable on all of the games instead of a select few
Well, if it behaves « the same » then I guess it's fine either way, but I thought that something like the Wiimote had an accelerometer and the motionplus added a gyroscope, and given the difference I just hope it's really a gyro and not just « shake the controller to do something »

I know SteamInput allows for a gyro to move a stick, but it just doesn't work as well as moving the mouse (but some games hate using a keyboard and a controller at the same time). But yeah that would still be a convenience for a lack of proper implementation. I just hope it means it's going to be democratized. I'm still convinced people just don't know how useful a gyro is for aiming.


A genuine feline disaster.
Mar 28, 2019
United States
"Adorably all digital?" I think I'm gonna hurl.

The biggest selling point of this stupid refrigerator is that it's backwards compatible with every generation of Xbox. Yanking out the disc drive and copying Apple's Mac Pro design from 2016 kills that completely.

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