Who the hell are you?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2009
Hello everyone, my name is Gustavo.
I'm currently 33 years old.
I live in theBrazilian central high plains in a town called Goiania
My job is in real state, I sell,buy and rent houses and apartments.
I've been playing video games since 1984 when my Dad gave me and my brothers an Atari 2600,when I was ten years old I got a MSX and that's when I really started get into games for real.
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Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States
Meh. Names Frank but I prefer Francis. I'm 17 (gonna be 18 in about a month and a half) annd...not much to know about me really. I tend to be a nice person outside of the Temp but I sure can be an asshole if someone tempts me. I enjoy playing games, that's what I did as a kid and that's what I want to stay doing as I grow older. I joined this community after a long while of lurking looking to hack my Wii and my DS and maybe other consoles. Made my first topic asking about a Wii game compatibility and then the rest is history. Made various threads after that asking for help, eventually learned a ton about a lot of general things and began helping others. Went into the EoF and began participating in there and...then we get to now.

I like most Tempers, only ones I hate are the ones that post really stupid shit...outside of the EoF.

Favorite consoles that I've owned in order from greatest to least is:
N64, PS1, GC, PS2, SNES, NES, 360, PS3, Wii
Favorite Handhelds:
GBA, GB/C, PSP, DS and that's kind of it really.

EDIT1: God mine sucks, so I'm going to be fixing it over time. Starting now.

Blah blah names Frank blah blah all that stuff up there. Lets start with the early life.
I suppose because this is a gaming forum I'll start off with my early game experiences. I can remember back when I was about 5 years old picking up my first SNES controller and playing some cool ass game. I believe it was a TMNT game or something of the like. Ever since then I loved playing every game we could afford. I can clearly remember playing Mortal Kombat and Streetfighter and a Mario game or two and I fully enjoyed every minute of it.

Then my dad came home with an N64. This was about 3 years after it and I believe I was 6 at that time so the N64 had a lot of it's quality titles out already. We had Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda OoT, Goldeneye, some sports games, Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Snap! I also remember a few years later my dad brought home a Pikachu edition N64 with Hey You Pikachu and I was...amazed. That thing was pretty damn cool for a 7 year old. I still have my original N64 today, and I know somewhere we have that Pikachu edition as well. I still enjoy playing it, too, even if the one controller I have is in need of some fixing. I'll admit this is probably my favorite console of all time thanks to all the memories I have associated with it.

During all of this, we also managed to acquire a PS1. This originally stayed in my older brothers room and we were only allowed to play it if we asked first, so for a while I didn't get much play time on it. But when I did, I enjoyed every second. I can clearly remember all of the times I played Tony Hawks Pro Skater or Spyro the Dragon or Final Fantasy. One of my favorite RPGs is also on this system, Legend of Legaia. It was fun times. Eventually my little brother whom was rather young pulled too hard on a controller and knocked our beloved PS1 right to the floor, breaking it and rendering it unusable. I can remember being so pissed about it but could never do anything about it. Eventually I got another PS1 for christmas but this was a few years later back when I only had a game or two.

Handheld gaming was pretty generous to me. We had a Gameboy Color for awhile (I'd still have it today, but I sort of gave it away to some girl...long story) and I played the shit out of the Pokemon games on it. At the time the GBC was out that was all I was interested it, I mean nothing could beat it in my 7 year old mind! As I grew older I also found a hidden love for Dragon Quest I and II which I believe I still have today...It was a great game (originally my fathers) and I spent many hours on it. Never beat it, though, so I suppose one day I'll have to pick it up again and finish it.

Along with my GBC we also had a Sega Game Gear. Oh man was this thing huge! It barely fit in my hand and the screen was tiny! But bitch it was color and lit up so you could play that shit in the dark. Many hours were spent on Sonic.
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Sep 24, 2011
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
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Sep 18, 2011
4:54 PM
Oh hey everyone!
My name is Qasim, i am currently 12 years old (well yes, i'm too young, but it feels like i have the current level to stay on GBAtemp).
I'm from Pakistan, but i grew 10 years of my life here in Canada (so 2 years in Pakistan).
I will be learning in Grade 8 in September.
I've been playing video games since age of 2. My favorite consoles started from The NES to the DSi.
The series I like the most are the Super Mario Series, like all games that were mainly Mario. Zelda was my next.
My experiences are Computer and Technology, I have learned to type fast since my age of 4, followed by intelligent education from my family.

I came to this forum with one way. I had a problem with my moonshell, or probably someone released a homebrew, someone was talking about, that wasn't on any other site, and I found GBAtemp. I decided to stay here, cause it seemed like a fantastic forum, and I thought, that I can come here every day.
I'm that kind of person who is sometimes a bit weird, so they randomly call me Simcard, so you can call me that :P
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Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
I never had an intro thread either so here I go!
Im Chavosaur. The name is a combination of the nickname my father gave me when I was young and when he was still alive, and of dinosaur because I LOVE dinosaurs.

I joined the temp a little after I bought my very first flashcart (which was only a few months ago).
Since then, I have been trying to find my place in the community, and making a few flubups along the way.

I am MOST certainly not a programmer, nor do I know much about hacking except for what I follow along with and read about. But that doesnt stop me from participating in the community. To share the laughs and to learn a little more about everything tech has to offer us.

I've made some friends with a few members here (Black Ice and Castiel to name a couple) and developed a sort of friendship with the mods and senior members around here.

Ive posted a little about me in the blog section. But to break it down a little, My name is Austin Alfredo Trujillo. I have a conflicted past, an easy present, and high goals to be in the FBI in the future. I love technology, i love spreading and sharing joy with everyone, and I love this site.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
United States
29 years + 1 day old
Joined to "hackz my Wii!!!" and then decided to attempt to be productive and helped test/compile stuff for a few devs and work on a couple things with @[member='tj_cool']
Now I mostly troll and speak from my anus, with the occasional helping hand every so often
Stick around mostly out of habit but also to keep in touch with a friend or two
Spend my free time chilling with my wife and son, gaming, and playing guitar/uke (in that order)
I listen to music almost constantly, lots of different stuff
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The Milkman

GBATemp's Official Asshat Milkman
Jan 12, 2011
Throwing milk at the bitches!
United States
My name is Mathew, I'm 15 and I came to these forums originally just for help on DS hacking, till I found most youtube videos answered my questions perfectly so I mostly let this account gather dust for a few months. Then when the 3DS came out, I saw that this was a great place to discuss it (especially good timing since my last forum was closed down) I must admit that while I have played games most of my life (since I was about 4 with my brother on his n64 and SNES) I never really got into gaming as most of you think of it till last gen. And I never discussed gaming till this gen. So excuse me if I don't understand certain things when it comes to past game launches and the power of older consoles and all. While my family is not exactly poor, I would say we are in the higher parts of the lower class. My father abandoned me from before I can remember, I have one brother and one sister. I'm the youngest and the rest of my siblings have moved out quite a while ago.

I like to do things other then gaming such as drawing, In fact I inspire to become a cartoonist, writing, but I lack the focus and patience it takes to think up stories or articulate facts so I don't do it as often as I would like. That's pretty much all I'm up for telling about myself. Nice sharing with you guys.
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Hello all! I am Miko, but everyone just calls me The Catboy.
I just turned 21!
I am a rather strange guy who lives in the middle of no where Indiana.
I am still looking for a job, but I am the Admin over at filetrip.
I mostly enjoy platformers and RPG's. Although a platform RPG blows my mind!
I was a massive pirate. I became a pirate because I was too poor to afford any new games. Although these days I try to buy all my games.
My favorite game (series) is Castlevania, Super Mario Bros., Metroid, legend of zelda, and Pokemon.
I pretty much hang out with anyone, mostly the ones who the world had rejected.
I am a man of honor, logic, and science. I am not a big fan of liars and thieves.

What brought you here? I wanted to run roms on a Game n Music.
Why did you stick around? Someone was being a jerk to me and I stayed to spite them. As well I learned to love and enjoy this community and that kept me here.
How do you identify yourself? I am The Catboy

Tell us whatever you're comfortable in sharing.
I actually made a wiki for just that reason.
I am not a man to hide anything about myself, so I am always willing to answer questions or just talk.
Last edited by The Catboy,


"In all things, balance."
Jul 21, 2010
United States

Oh wait, I hate that show.

Anyways, name's Ben, I'm out in the middle of fuck all, GA. Used to live in Florida but my family ditched that sorry shithole eons ago(read: three years). I'm rather tall for my age (6'4 at 16, now 17), and incredibly hairy, which is great for getting people to WTF at pool parties. I'm single and damn proud of it(I have neither the time nor the money for a significant other), and due to possessing a very unique form of sexuality(I think so, anyways, although it's probably the teen wankst talking), not likely to aquire a significant other anytime soon. I began pirating thanks to meeting the son of a local political official(lol big fucking surprise there) who taught me about flashcarts because I was a "Poorfag," although it's come to the point where my interest in games has been usurped by my interest in anime...

On the IRL side, I'm actually pretty quiet, and I never swear(which is probably why I use fuck like a punctuation mark online)

What brought you here? Was hunting for a flashcart when hello what have we here?
Why did you stick around? Everything; interesting and friendly people, enough butthurt and drama to amuse me but not so much as to be irritating/unpleasant, and I can pretty much just dance around the forum stating my opinion without anyone coming after me since no one really gives a shit if i'm here or not.
How do you identify yourself? Ben, Benny, Big Ben(oh how creative), Warrior, That Really Tall and Really Hairy Guy.

Oh, and advice for my fellow Dwarf Giants:

Shortguy: "Do you play basketball?"
Tallguy: "Do you play mini-golf?"

(pardon my Chanese, been on the ol' clover for too long...)
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Isn't that DELICIOUS!?
Mar 7, 2011
Who am I and why should you care...to be quite honest, I don't even know why you should care.
...But I'm going to go ahead and reintroduce myself anyway :3

Hi! I'm Hydreigon. I joined this site over a year ago, so I (mostly) know how things work around here. Seeing as this was another gaming community, I decided to create an account months after lurking. If I remember correctly, I originally needed help with a particular flashcart...I think. Soon after, I planned on hacking my Wii, seeing that it was relatively simple and there were guides that go into detail in how to do it...but alas, this never came to fruition. I frequent this place mostly because of the help it has given me in the past, and also due to habit.

Well, enough blathering of how I joined...
Hmm...my name...my name...I'd rather not say it. Quite embarrassing to know that I've been named after one of the power rangers... :shy:
However...two of my closest friends on this site do know my real name (and I won't disclose their identities either, you know who you are :ninja:)
I live in the city of Chicago, which just so happens to be the same place tagzard lives in...
At the time of writing this post, I'm 17 years old and currently going on to my senior year in high school.

As you can tell from some of my posts here, I am incredibly shy. I tend to refrain myself from posting because of this, and mostly end up deleting full length posts that take me around 5 minutes to write. I'm also quite sensitive to others...but my exposure to the shit-slinging that goes on around here kinda made me oblivious to the crap people say. Where my perversion came from...uh... :ninja:

And despite being a male, I occasionally switch my gender setting to "female" for a few days. Only a few people here know why I do this. :creep:

Another thing to add, yes, I'm a brony. I originally didn't plan to be one. I didn't plan on liking the show. Hell, I'm not even sure if I was even going to get along with some people here :O
But...in the end...I became one. Might be the show's charm, I don't know, or maybe it reminds me of the innocence I never had as a child...I've seen the face of death many times. :sad:

I know two languages: English and Chinese (a little bit of each dialect). At school, I'm studying three other languages: French (3 years), Spanish (2 years), and German (1 year). I don't think I learned much from these classes :mellow:
Most people ask me, "Why the hell are you taking more than two languages!?" Easy. I needed a few more classes in my schedule, and everything else was filled. Unrelated, but I really, really love math and science. :wub:

I spend most of my time with school related stuff...but my hobbies... :unsure:
I love to play video games, though I can't really be bothered to look at my modest collection of consoles and games right now...
I love tinkering around with stuff I know I shouldn't touch...like this shiny big red button right here!

Yes, I'm a really odd and enigmatic person. After being exposed to FI's insanity for so long, I believe it may have rubbed off on me...and now, I'll never be the same again...whether it be my online interactions or interactions irl.
What goes on in my mind stays in my mind, where I contain my newfound insanity (and my desire to post and contribute) to the best of my ability.

Um...I don't know what other information about me to reveal...but you could always ask.

Gah! With such a long post, I'm bound to make typos... >_>;
I give your paragraph an A*.
Wonderful homework
The irony of this statement: I probably took more time creating this post than the time I take to do my homework. :creep:

Though, I do study more than I should... :unsure:
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Founder of the Church of Renamon
Oct 31, 2011
United Kingdom
I give your paragraph an A*.
Wonderful homework

Hi I'm Rico and im a 16 year old Londoner,
I got to see the olympic torch B-)
I originally found GBAtemp by searching for translations to digimon story lost evolution, I clicked here for that and because my r4 firmware had a gbatemp skin and I thought why not.
Then I began to lurk and explore the other sections such as the NDS hacking section and came across some of the pokemon hacks there, I was intrigued by the depth some of them contained and eventually joined the site to help out with a certain poke-hack that showed promise. But eventually the guy left and many people tried and failed to carry on the awesome legacy of his hack.
Then I stumbled upon @[member='MNOPYZ Strife'] and his hack idea and although sceptical at first. I began helping him and we raised a cool thread and build upon some really cool ideas. I started to gather quite a bit of post count there and to be honest he was my first actual friend here and I stayed to help him finish. When we had to stop 3 months later. I discovered I had nothing to do and then began to venture outside the 3 NDS Hack threads I sat around in.
I began to lurk other sections and eventually came across Hydri and FI in the You are Banned thread. That started my slow and steady process to interaction with other tempers and I became a heck lot more open and willing to share my thoughts and opinions. By the start of 2012 I felt completely comfortable and open here and discovered how much fun this place really is.
I have had my share of arguments and disagreements here too. Alot of them. But I have discovered that alot of the time, my hot-headedness gets me into situations I shouldn't really be in, which is why I try to apologise every time I discover I'm in the wrong.

I identify myself as tall, skinny black boy really. Most of my time is spent playing League of Legends or other xbox games with my friends and messing around on here. I do excel academically in school and have had a somewhat on and off side career as a child actor.
~only paarish has seen evidence :ninja:

Now-a-days im just that douche that posts gifs and makes dry comments on EoF threads. I'd like to think the best thing I've done here is MK7 Day. Its always a laugh to play with you guys :yay:
Well, that's all I can salvage off the top of my head,
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A cute Vixen!
Oct 22, 2009
United States
What brought me here: I think what brought me here was something about the wii, but to gain more knowledge about the wii and how it works. I do work on a Sonic 1 Beta Remake different from Mistergambit's, a PicoDrive Ds I am working on to make it better than JenesisDs and been working on a GB/C emulator the DS. The beta remake and the GB/C has been stopped temporary so I can fully beta test of what works and what not works.

Name: Kris
Age: 19
Current city of residence: Eastlake, OH
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite color: Green
Favorite Movie: Ace Ventura When Nature Calls
Favorite show: The Walking Dead
Systems owned: NES, Sega Genesis, Sega 32x, N64, PSX, PS2, PSP, Gamecube, Wii, GBA, GBA SP, GBC, DS (Original), Ds Lite, DSi, DSiXL, 3DS
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Apr 10, 2004
Who am I? I'm a user going by the name of Issac. That's not my name. It's Tim. Just as it says in my avatar, which I made myself a really long time ago, around 12 years ago perhaps. I used my first wacom pen, which included windows 3.11 drivers. Yeah.
That wasn't that interesting.
What brought you here?
I was lurking around this forum for a long time before I joined. I was also a frequent member of the IRC channel before I joined. Strangely, I remember getting Mega Man Battle Network 2 from here, but it was released before KiVan joined this site (and he's member number 1)... Hmm, I am so confused! Anyway, I lurked around for a long time, then I joined one day, to discuss. And I'm not sure if I have another account, since I got the nickname Issac on the gbatemp IRC channel. OH well. I was brought here for the Roms, for the discussions, from the IRC.

Why did you stick around?
I stick around because I like reading gaming news, (and before, because I wanted to get / see the new releases of GBA games, then DS games... and then I got bored of releases).

How do you identify yourself? As Issac. that's i s s a c. I pronounce it as "is ack", not as the name "ayesack". And I've told this story one hundred times, but It comes from Lunar Silver Star Story Complete Rules, which almost was my user name on IRC. it was LsSsCRules. Somehow My username was shortened from some server, into LsSsC. then another server decided to go all lowercase on the names. lsssc (that's LSSSC). A user thought my name was ISSSC, and that it was misspellt version of "ISSAC" (which in his turn was a misspell of ISAAC). And there my new name was born. Issac!

Tell us whatever you're comfortable in sharing.
I am 24 years old, turning 25 in december. Live in Sweden, studying my final year, becoming a Master of Science and Engineering in Media Technology... I guess that's the english title. (or if it is Master of Science in Engineering and Media Technology.. I never learn). I am a member of Mensa (and through there, I have a "phonebook" with Mensan contact information (addresses, mail, phone number etc.), and one of them is Minecraft dude Notch).
I like eating almost anything, though I am picky about quality and stuff. I'm a passive agnostic, meaning I don't believe in a god, but I'm open to be convinced otherwise. I'm also open to religious people, I support them and am interested in their culture. I like drinking. Never done illegal drugs.
I am a pirate, I must admit that. However, I don't think it's right. Therefore I try to buy as many things I can. Buying manga I like, buying games, buying vinyl albums, dvd boxes. However, some things are hard to get by, and sometimes I'm just cheap. Sometimes I want to try it out.
Now, on this account (and let's say it's my only one since I don't remember): I have been here since april 2004. Thats 8 years and 4 months. I've seen mods and other staff come and go. I've seen several revisions of the board. I've seen several rule changes, and even been a part of one (or a clarification atleast). I've been in arguments with old moderators, wild discussions. They were asses. They got banned for being asses and using their powers. I still miss them though, since they brought a certain spice to the forum. Like the most heated fanboy flamewars that can occur now, but it had nothing to do with any fanboyism. It had to do with rules, morality, changes, religion, sex...
Anyway, 8 years and 4 months. I never had one. single. warning! I feel proud. :)

My favourite colours are grayish blue, and metallic grayish pink. I have a lot of favourite movies; Eternal Sunshine of the Spottles Mind, Vanilla Sky, What Dreams May Come, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Across the Universe and last but not least, The Phantom of the Opera (2004 version).
I like reading, a lot! House of Leaves (danielewski), Raw Shark Texts (hall), Wind-up bird chronicles (murakami) amongst a huge bunch of others. Hit me up at goodreads (pm me here) if you want a detailed list ;)
I like music, a lot! Envy are my favourites, along with Sigur Rós, The Fall of Troy, Lagwagon, NoFX, Bright Eyes and Death Cab for Cutie. amongst a huge bunch of others. Check out last.fm/user/timlarsson and become my friend if you want to.

Which systems do I own? A lot!
NES (standard), SNES (standard), Game Boy Pocket (silver), Game Boy Color (transparent), Game Boy Advance (white), N64 (standard), Game Cube (black), Wii (standard), Phat DS (standard), DS lite (metallic rose (pink)), 3DS (aqua blue), PSX, PS2, PS3, PSP, eeeh... and probably some more... I'll edit this if I can remember more. (in a hurry)

Yeah... I don't know what more to say, except that I collect special editions and limited editions of things. I collect music (vinyl, 7", cd's, limited edition stuff), books, games...

See ya! (oh and I love getting PMs)
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Global Moderator
Jul 15, 2009
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
United States
Oh hey everyone![...]

Liked for the simple fact that you're that young this mature (online at least). I've seen a lot of your posts and never once would think you're almost as old as my little brother.

You're cool. You can stay. Major respect from me. :)
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Sep 18, 2011
4:54 PM
Oh hey everyone![...]

Liked for the simple fact that you're that young this mature (online at least). I've seen a lot of your posts and never once would think you're almost as old as my little brother.

You're cool. You can stay. Major respect from me. :)
Haha, thanks :)
Maturity is required, which creates respect for me, and for anyone else.
Your posts impress me too, its great to see maturity with great humor.


G-old member
Aug 27, 2011
call me Simcard
I call one of my real life friends sim card lol.
Hey I'm a loser 12 year old named Salman.
I was born in Saudi Arabia (During the Fajr Adhaan (Muslims will know what I mean))
I came here randomly after seeing a thread for the fixed installer for Moonshell 2.10.
I know xAC3L3G3NDx in real life.
I TAS and play Mario games but i suck badly at both.
Im going to Grade 8 too (but i feel too young for it because everyone else is 13 and the grade 7's are older then me.
People hate me cause of my trolling habits and bad jokes in the EOF.
I like to be called Luigi but i should be Wario cause I'm fat. (160 lbs FTW)
I like computer's and stuff but i can't afford a good one. (An AMD 3300+ Mobile Sempron. Pentium 4. -_-)
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Sep 18, 2011
4:54 PM
call me Simcard
I call one of my real life friends sim card lol.
Hey I'm a loser 12 year old named Salman.
I was born in Saudi Arabia (During the fazar azan (Muslims will know what I mean))
I came here randomly after seeing a thread for the fixed installer for Moonshell 2.10.
I know xAC3L3G3NDx in real life.
I TAS and play Mario games but i suck badly at both.
Im going to Grade 8 too (but i feel too young for it because everyone else is 13 and the grade 7's are older then me.
People hate me cause of my trolling habits and bad jokes in the EOF.
I like to be called Luigi but i should be Wario cause I'm fat. (160 lbs FTW)
Low self esteem! You mean Fajr Adhaan. But l got no intention to create a religious topic in this thread.

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