Blog: Taleweaver

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Personal Blogs
Same as last year: I'll put up a top 20 of games I played and liked most this year. Note that this is purely what I've played, that I mostly play indie games and rarely things from this year (meaning: don't expect YOUR top games on here). Here goes: Worthy notifications: -the steam controller...
So...after reading plenty of reviews - both positive and negative - I've decided to just go ahead and get my own steam controller. I figured there simply wouldn't be any way to actually know without trying it myself. This review is currently after some hours of playing with it. Keep in mind...
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Personal Blogs
So I've read a book about gaming. More specifically: "Reality is broken: why games make us better and how they can change the world", a book containing a (sort of) thesis about why games are good for you and how they benefit mankind in general. At first glance, author Jane McGonigal brings...
I may be very late to the party, but thus far, I've somehow managed to avoid games where cutscènes are broken up by quicktime events (QTE). I remember playing God of war on a PSP with a friend of mine, and got bored of it before even finishing the introduction levels. This is furthered by me...
Have you ever read a book that made such an impact that afterwards, everything appeared to be turned upside down? That answered questions you didn't know you had in you, and improved the way the world worked as a whole? It shouldn't even be a book; some movies or documentaries can have that same...
Well...I've played quite some games this year. In this entry, I'll list my top 20 games (of about 40-50ish). Keep note that I rarely buy at retail price, so these are mostly indie games and/or from a previous year. On the plus side, it means you can pick these up for cheap. :) Here goes...
I've got to admit something: I never preordered games. Never. I've bought some games on launch day, but not that often. And I haven't felt the rush to "go home and instantly play this game" in...erm...ever? At least 10-15 years. Even now: I've bought Donkey Kong Country tropical Freeze and...
I've been doing a lot of cleaning, lately. Among which, I sort of tossed out most of my youth hobby: cracking games. It was the late nineties to around 2003, burning CD's was just "a thing" (buffer underrun, anyone?) and it held a for-that-time quite large amount of data. And with the internet...
By itself, it was just another one of those threads: "PSVita vs 3DS". By the numbers specs on what each handheld device has to offer, not too shabby comparison and a lengthy poll... But it's all about just those two devices. And not only that, but the obvious "get a smartphone" answer is...
As I'm writing this, there are a few live topics claiming that gaming is dead (here and here). While there is something to be said for them - at least the former - I don't think it does the situation justice. First the pretty obvious disclaimers: * when talking about 'gaming' in this blog...
Right...about ten days ago, I decided to give steamOS a try. My loyal former gaming PC hadn't been used in months (I have a new rig), so it was a great test candidate. I could copy-paste my entry from the steam community (linky...though it may be restricted to steam-users), but it wouldn't be...
It's been around a year and a half since the wiiu launched. While it still sees some use, this has gone at the expense of my wii. And too be honest: I don't mind. I had a lot of fun playing it, as well as hacking it or trying out stuff as it got released. My brief period of testing out uneek was...
Up 'till now, it was pretty much a given: if you had a PC for gaming, it ran windows. This has been the trend for...erm...probably since windows was first released. This wasn't 100% true, of course. Mac's had some games since before they became cool, Linux had a few ports or supported games and...
I'll be honest: at first, I was thinking on naming this blog entry "wii fit u sucks!". But I don't want to sound more negative than it deserves. Or having to defend myself while playing a game that "sucks". As we all know, wii fit was released in 2008 for the wii. That's five years ago (wii...
Okay...first blog post entry (ever), so I'll start off by saying I'm not going to make it much different than making a new forum thread. Or at all. The difference is that while I will be addressing readers (you!) from time to time, I'm not asking for input. I'm good at explaining my thoughts on...

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