Review cover Enchanted Portals (PlayStation 5)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): September 5, 2023
  • Release Date (EU): September 5, 2023
  • Publisher: Perpetual
  • Developer: Xixo Games Studio
  • Genres: Action
  • Also For: Computer, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
It's not Cuphead...


They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but when you're so heavily inspired by a specific game that is so well-known and so great, it's all the more disheartening and unflattering to produce a title that is so confounding.

Enchanted Portals takes heavy cues and stylings from Cuphead, however, its slightly mundane take on the run-and-finger-gun genre leaves me feeling massively underwhelmed, and a bit short-changed. Sure there are some unique boss battles and characters, but my goodness is it repetitive and monotonous!

You begin the game with Bobby and Penny, two low-value characters, who knock over a spell book whilst cleaning. They read something from it, and something happens. They cast a portal, they get sucked in and chaos ensues. That's about the long and short of the rather low-energy introduction that sets the tone for the game.


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Slick Animation, Interesting (in-game) Visuals

Jumping in, the game's animation is nothing short of silky smooth with a definite nod to the Disney cartoons of yesteryear and the more modern games it wants to emulate. It is gorgeous in itself, with zero slowdowns no matter the number of sprites on screen, and plenty of animated projectiles and mindless enemies trying to prevent your progress.

The tutorial level gave me Ghouls 'n Ghosts vibes which was initially compelling but it failed to really teach me much or prepare me for the proceeding levels. Sure there is a legend you can look at in the game options, but it's no use there, you need to have an example and give the player a chance to feel out what the game is about and how it should work going forward.

Controlling the game is pretty standard fare too with Cross to jump or double jump, Square to dodge, Circle to block, R1 to Melee, and L2 to shoot. The left analogue stick controls movement whilst the D-Pad selects which of your three special powers you will be spamming throughout the proceeding level. Moving with the left stick and changing powers with the D-Pad is clunky at best and at worst it slows down your gameplay. Given its bullet-hell-style gameplay of dodging and firing, it would have been just fine had the developers not included the coloured aura system that sees you only able to down green-shrouded enemies with green firepower.

Perhaps I'm too critical, but when you tap the D-Pad direction to change your chromatic ammunition while moving, your character stops moving, which breaks the flow and causes you to take a hit or three if you're lucky. When jumping it's floaty, and really hit or miss whether you make the jump over an enemy you literally just managed but for a second time. It's frustrating to have to endure these controls, and you get overwhelmed with projectiles and crowded enemies in places, even on the baseline easy difficulty.


Platforming Perils, Bullet Dodging Hell

Enchanted Portals would be semi-passable for the platforming part if there were more interesting platforming sections, and if there weren't any baddies. When having to switch projectile type to take down enemies in order to regain health, I found it infuriating to fire at a crowd of enemies only to not destroy a single one. The reason is that the clipping of the enemies can prevent you from striking the right one with the right colour because of their pixels overlapping as they layered atop one another.

I also didn't initially understand why the first boss fight (a witch on a moon) enters phase 2 of the battle with the characters looking completely different and somewhat like a cheap flash animation. Later on, I would realise it was a stylistic choice to alter the characters into different styles at the end of each battle, like shiny-eyed anime style, or 2D Tim-Burton-Esq, only for them to then revert to "normal" 1930s-looking animation.

Later levels see you flying on a broomstick to take down a cyborg cow, flitting around under-da-sea as a mermaid out-manoeuvring a monocled octopus and ghost crustaceans, dodging lava and jumping on dragonflies to thwart a princess frog, buffalo with miniguns and mobster roosters with a time-travelling chicken defending the fountain of time, and finishing it off with a good old fashioned tree battle.

I can see the creativity wanting to shine bright, and I can feel the enthusiasm of the developers bubbling up and itching to really pull out all the stops, but something stifles it all: the core pillars of its control system.

With a minimal HUD of just your health status at the top left, EP is a game that forces you to do better in order to progress further but unfortunately, the low-energy aura it gives off did not inspire me to play for too long. I got annoyed at the difficulty spikes, I hated the switching mechanic, and I really deplored having to restart the entire level sequence if you died.

Perhaps something more "meta" like a scoring system of some kind would have given this game more replay value. As it stands, when it's done it's done: in under one hour. I would give a cliche like "short but sweet" but honestly it's not sweet. If anything it's left a very poor impression on me and I probably won't return to play it on harder difficulties unless the developers re-jig the core gameplay physics, controls and overall feel.


Half Baked, Half Fun, Half Points

Personally, I think Enchanted Portals needed a longer in the oven. A lot longer. There is a kernel of an idea here that could easily be reworked and retouched to take it from a mid-range under-whelmer to a high-end corker. Let's see if the devs make that a reality through updates, listen to critiques, and stop focusing purely on the visuals; because graphics alone do not make a game.


What We Liked ...
  • Silky smooth visuals
  • Never slows down regardless of the sprite count
  • Interesting boss-fights
  • Co-op mode
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Horrible controls & physics for a game of this genre
  • Repetitive and annoying from the get-go
  • An hour long
Poorly conceived controls make it not so fun, especially when this genre of games dictates tight jumps and split-second mid-air action. It's just not 'there', fundamentally, to make you want to play it without frustrations.
Slick visuals in-game sadly don't match the lacklustre presentation of the intro and "cut-scenes". The animation and creativity of the boss characters are fantastic, but the game lacks polish and feels unfinished throughout.
Lasting Appeal
With barely one hour of gameplay, it's a little light on content for me, and I really didn't feel much draw, if any at all, to return to it once it was over.
out of 10


Enchanted Portals should have been so much better, and it really could have! Give us more polished controls, more interesting characters, more engaging cut-scenes and more impetus to play!
This review seems biased right from the beginning like you knew you wouldn’t like the game going in, but still wanted the free code.
Did you read the full review?

It’s good in places, but feels unfinished.

It takes cues from a very similar game, which the devs confirmed is where the direction comes from, but unfortunately as it stands EP is not entirely fun to play, which is a shame, it could have been better.

This review is merely my opinion of what I played, feel free to decide for yourself.
if the control's were better it would be ok. but man.... fighting the same boss over and over even after you die tick's me off. i mean i keep losing to the 2nd boss last phase. but you can't skip cut screen's after the first 2 phases of the 2nd boss you get a cut screen and you have to wait to fight the bosses last form. i was thinking if you die after a cut screen you should respawn there but nope back to phase one. i mean. i have to play a little more but still got to the third world and took a break. i just wish you can start at the boss of a world once you get there. also the run and FINGER-Gun pun was funny.
any review is going to have bias in it so what are people complaing about? reviews are opinions and not everyones opinion is going to be the same. i credit the author of this review for openly sharing their bias. just because they didnt like the game doesnt mean other people wont like it.

me i prefer more critical reviews so i think everyone complaining doesnt understant the concept of a review and an opinion and wants everyone to think exactly the same as they do.
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A lesson learned: Don't Be an Imitator.™ (Yeah, not actually trade-marked - at least, I don't think so, but I thought it'd be funny.)

It would have been better to see where Cuphead's inspiration came from and mimic that instead. Better yet, go your own way and find a better style you're more accustomed to.
The reviews from other outlets are fairly scathing too so not surprised by the tone of this review
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Games that follow up bigger titles usually flop when they release something new, not sure why, rushed maybe.
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Yeah I gotta agree with this review. It is just rather mediocre. Almost feels unfinished more than anything.
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A derivate of something is not the same as that from which it is derived.
If you don't want your creation to be compared to something else, don't literally make that thing again but worse. If they had made their own run and gun boss rush game, a few people might have compared it, but they didn't. Instead they copied the animation style, art direction, controls, and even the complete gameplay formula, all nearly verbatim. The "it should be compared on its own merits" argument doesn't work when you try to steal the merits of others in the first place. This is the type of game you get on for 3 dollars, not 20 bucks on steam.
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Yea it's too bad they pretty much made a reskinned clone so to speak. I think the art looks nice and they definitely put a lot of work into the artwork and animation. Just, they're dragging along on the coattails of another game. I would love to see more games with that 30s art/animation style, but otherwise more originality in gameplay. I know in today's over saturated market, making, marketing, and releasing a game is daunting and you have a 99% chance of your game immediately disappearing in the maelstrom. Still, I have seen if hard work and dedication is put into a title and it is somewhat unique (games with this art style are still few), devs might see reward.
What I commented is the literal dicitionary comment.

Is this the part where I have to say "lmao", in order to be correct?
No, this is the part where you need to learn to both spell and speak proper english, considering that nothing you said refutes the comment you replied. "The literal dictionary comment" is, in fact, completely meaningless and does not prove, in any way, whether or not you actually understand the words you're saying or just think they make you sound smart. Considering your reply was "the literal dictionary comment," I'm going to say its the latter.
No, this is the part where you need to learn to both spell and speak proper english, considering that nothing you said refutes the comment you replied. "The literal dictionary comment" is, in fact, completely meaningless and does not prove, in any way, whether or not you actually understand the words you're saying or just think they make you sound smart. Considering your reply was "the literal dictionary comment," I'm going to say its the latter.
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): September 5, 2023
  • Release Date (EU): September 5, 2023
  • Publisher: Perpetual
  • Developer: Xixo Games Studio
  • Genres: Action
  • Also For: Computer, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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