Review cover Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition (PlayStation 5)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): November 11, 2021
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games
  • Developer: Grove Street Games
  • Also For: Computer, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Is the second time the charm, when it comes to remastering the classic PS2 Grand Theft Auto games on a new platform?


Releasing on the same day as Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is yet another franchise that is no stranger to ports, re-releases, and remasters. As fans of the second highest-selling video game of all time wait for yet another port of Grand Theft Auto V, Rockstar has trotted out another GTA remaster: Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition. GTA is a household name, and part of that is due to the absolute acclaim of the PlayStation 2 trilogy of games--III, Vice City, and San Andreas. This collection packs together what some consider to be the absolute best the series has to offer, all for current generation consoles and even the Nintendo Switch. 

However, this isn’t the first time Rockstar has tried this. San Andreas has seen a good few revisions throughout the years, beginning on the PlayStation 2, making its way to the original Xbox, finding itself getting an “HD” version on phones in 2013, and then porting that mobile version to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The latter of which was considered to be a poor remaster, developed by the exact same team that worked on Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition. Fortunately, some lessons appear to have been learned in the seven years since their last attempt. 


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There’s a reason that video games get remastered so commonly; with how fast the industry moves in the span of a decade, a game can release to outstanding reception, become the standard that all other developers follow and innovate upon, and then wind up utterly outdated and clunky by the time people want to go revisit it for nostalgia purposes. In replaying the PlayStation 2 versions of Vice City and San Andreas specifically for comparison against the Definitive Edition, I found that beyond being able to rock out to Micheal Jackson’s Billie Jean, those games have control schemes mired in the early ‘00s, and the lack of free aim feels frustrating when you want to hit specific targets easily. While I loved my PS2 back in the day, the 20 years since have brought a lot to the table in terms of what gamers expect when they jump into a game.

Which is why the Definitive Edition feels like such a critical revamp. The modernizations are apparent in one of the first missions of Vice City; you’re tasked with blowing up a red barrel by shooting at it as you’re swarmed with enemies. In the PS2 version, you’d have to either shoot wildly while running around, hoping you’d accidentally hit the target, or kill everyone and try to line up a shot without being able to freely aim. In The Trilogy, all you have to do is hold LT to aim, just like any other game on the market right now. Originally, driving used the X and O to accelerate and reverse, but now it uses the triggers, which feels more natural. This is exactly what a remaster should do: keep aspects of the original, while adding in small changes that make it just as fun to play as it did two decades ago.

Visually, the game has gained and lost a lot. Certain filters in San Andreas that used to add some moody lighting have been toned down to look more neutral, while other aspects, like the neon reflections in Vice City have been cranked up to eleven. Most textures look great, especially when driving, but scrutinizing them will reveal they do look a little dull. On the whole, character models tend to look nicer, with actual definition to clothing, but there is the occasional goofy-looking expression that looks like Rockstar forgot to put the finishing touches on some models in the remastering process. 


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At times, there is some frustration; GTA is such a massive franchise--clearly Rockstar could have done better with the resources they have. The neon lighting of Vice City, all redone in 4K, casts some great-looking hues across the streets, but is this really the best they could do with the power of the PlayStation 5? Textures look nice, but not to the point that the framerate in Grand Theft Auto III should be stuttering at any point. I can't help but think that if these three games are some of the most instrumental in gaming history, they might deserve better treatment than a visual upgrade with a few QoL improvements. It can be a mixed bag, though for me, the positive changes certainly outweigh the negative quirks. This is, at least, applicable to the PS5 version--the Nintendo Switch and PC ports appear to be less than stellar. 


Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition, at the end of the day, is three well-regarded games bundled together, with some modernizations to help keep them relevant, nearly 20 years after their original release. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that I’m new to GTA that prevents me from finding many issues with this collection, as I’m absolutely taken with the fun gameplay and more than content with both the graphics and performance. But that also goes to show how this collection helps introduce these games to the current generation, allowing new fans to understand the hype behind three classic industry-defining titles.


What We Liked ...
  • Revamped aiming
  • Weapon wheel, new GPS, general QoL changes
  • Textures and details have been majorly improved but...
What We Didn't Like ...
  • GTA III has some noticeable framerate drops
  • Hitboxes on buildings and cars aren't always quite right
  • The faces aren't so good
The classic GTA formula is here, but with a few tweaks that make them feel genuinely improved. Free aiming and the changes to the driving really help these games fit on the latest consoles.
You can easily be both dismayed and amazed by The Trilogy's new coat of paint in the span of a minute. On the whole, all the games look nice, but there are annoying frame drops in III or awkward car hitboxes and faces every now and again.
Lasting Appeal
You've got three games to run through here, meaning each cost exactly $20 each, which is great value for how much content you'll have to play through.
out of 10


"Originally, driving used the X and O to accelerate and reverse, but now it uses the triggers, which feels more natural."

As someone who's never used such a control scheme, using the triggers to accelerate/reverse just sounds unnatural to me.
And played about 12 hours on the Switch port of Vice City; it's been pretty solid imo, with only one random crash (people tend to make it sound like it's a common occurrence) and the "flying cars" cheat causing helicopters to freak out and become unflyable.
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"Originally, driving used the X and O to accelerate and reverse, but now it uses the triggers, which feels more natural."

As someone who's never used such a control scheme, using the triggers to accelerate/reverse just sounds unnatural to me.
And played about 12 hours on the Switch port of Vice City; it's been pretty solid imo, with only one random crash (people tend to make it sound like it's a common occurrence) and the "flying cars" cheat causing helicopters to freak out and become unflyable.
It used to be that way for me too. I used to play racing games on Nintendo with either X or B as the accelerate button (remember Top Gear?). Also when I bought Horizon Chase physical, it started with B as accelerate. After the patch, it became the triggers.

Now, I don't mind it at all. I just got used to it after GTA V.
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This is for sure one of the worst optimized game in history and If I’m honest I would’ve loved to see a Re-Release of the older titles instead of this mess.
It’s just unacceptable that it runs that poorly on all Consoles even the Switch should’ve run the game better.

Digital Foundry made a Good Video about this mess Go and Watch it.
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chary how can you even think bout a 7.5 did you even try the switch version?, you'd change that score real quick if you did
Under game features, there is an X next to co-op indicating the collection lacks it. Does that mean the 2 player mode you could achieve in San Andreas is not in this version? It wasn't perfect, but it was a neat little addition to get multiplayer into the series in some form at that point.
Someone wanna explain why this game has a 0.5 on metacritic? Haven't played it yet, but I'm definitely not spending money on it if it's hot shit.
It was delisted on launch day on PC, presumably because the developers left in all the old files, including the hot coffee stuff and licensed music they no longer had the rights to in the game files. Then, a lot of people were upset about how the Switch version performed. Then, the biggest complaint is probably the one where the updated graphics can be a bit lazy with all the texture filtering causing some characters' faces to look off. It is undeniably a port that cut a lot of corners, but it's not unplayable or too ugly to look at. Again, for PS5 and possibly Xbox Series afaik. As far as glitches go, I haven't encountered a single one that people say are uber frequent--the rain issue never happened for me, no cars fell through the world, etc.
How can you downscore a remaster of 3 games for not having multiplayer or online when the originals didnt have them, online gaming wasnt the main thing back then.

We used to actually get a solid game that didn't focus mainly on its online modes and back then used to actually get a campaign game worth buying.

But one thing i will say is the switch versions are very poor, cars randomly popping up just feet away infront of you.

Textures dont look that good, detail has been cut back, shadows and lighting is also poor.

Noticed a few glitches like exiting vehicles you just warp outside if your car

Volume isnt that great eithet, seems rather quiet when om full.

You can tell its been dumbed down for the switch which is petty bad considering is a basic remaster of ps2 games.

But you can also tell how bad its been dumbed down as you barely see people or cars on the road and they seem to magically show if tiu move the camera infront of you, then hey presto a car has just poped up from behind you.

I also noticed (tho I think this will be across all platforms) you can tell textures are just flip/roated and its embarrassing to think how rockstar didn't even notice this when testing the game.

You could see a shop texture where the shop sign is ok, then the shop been two buildings, the shop texture next to the first one, the text of the shop sign is backwards.

Its good to see these great ps2 games remastered but i dont get why its so cartonish,.

I will happily buy it tho on the switch and put it into storage and then also buy it on the ps4 to get the better version, better texture resolution, better lighting and shadows and other decals that have had to be removed to make the switch able to run the gsme

Ohh and lets not also remember the cheapness of nintendo going for carts yet again, as if they didnt learn this mistake on the n64, but at least my ps4 version will contain all the games and not have to manually download the other games.

Its just shit that nintendo have passed the expense of game storage and console storagr onto the gamer or dev, while they sit back knowing its constant old ports will easily fit onto the game cart.

But at last, since the switch launched, the bloody thing offers me the option to buy said game as it launches at the same time as the other systems.

Having nintendo again fail its promise of better third party support games and littered with old ports.

While i have plenty to play on the ps4/xbx1 and had next to nothing on the switch that i dont already oen, at least now with this i can turn around and say yes, i will buy it on the switch.

Which has always been one of my problems when it comes to nintendo and its lacking third party support.

While it is terribly dumbed down, at least I was given the option to buy it on the switch, tho i will still get the better version on my ps4 or maybe xbx1 which i rarely even play on it.
If it turns out Rockstar are using the mobile ports as base for the remaster and AI upscaling it... I don't think I will be touching this game any time soon or at all for that matter.

I still remember Square Enix used the mobile port of Chrono Trigger for the PC version, so it wouldn't surprise me if some other company do the same for their games.
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As a person who hardcores GTA SA/Rockstar games day in day out, this is the worst thing the company has produced.
If you haven't played this game in the past decade then it's worth getting if you want to casual it up.
I still remember Square Enix used the mobile port of Chrono Trigger for the PC version, so it wouldn't surprise me if some other company do the same for their games.
IMO it's at least less an egregious misstep to port the mobile version of a game when it's a 2D title. Even then it can cause unforeseen problems though, and the PC version of Chrono Trigger took a fair amount of patching before mostly positive reviews started pouring in.
How can you downscore a remaster of 3 games for not having multiplayer or online when the originals didnt have them, online gaming wasnt the main thing back then.

We used to actually get a solid game that didn't focus mainly on its online modes and back then used to actually get a campaign game worth buying.

But one thing i will say is the switch versions are very poor, cars randomly popping up just feet away infront of you.

Textures dont look that good, detail has been cut back, shadows and lighting is also poor.

Noticed a few glitches like exiting vehicles you just warp outside if your car

Volume isnt that great eithet, seems rather quiet when om full.

You can tell its been dumbed down for the switch which is petty bad considering is a basic remaster of ps2 games.

But you can also tell how bad its been dumbed down as you barely see people or cars on the road and they seem to magically show if tiu move the camera infront of you, then hey presto a car has just poped up from behind you.

I also noticed (tho I think this will be across all platforms) you can tell textures are just flip/roated and its embarrassing to think how rockstar didn't even notice this when testing the game.

You could see a shop texture where the shop sign is ok, then the shop been two buildings, the shop texture next to the first one, the text of the shop sign is backwards.

Its good to see these great ps2 games remastered but i dont get why its so cartonish,.

I will happily buy it tho on the switch and put it into storage and then also buy it on the ps4 to get the better version, better texture resolution, better lighting and shadows and other decals that have had to be removed to make the switch able to run the gsme

Ohh and lets not also remember the cheapness of nintendo going for carts yet again, as if they didnt learn this mistake on the n64, but at least my ps4 version will contain all the games and not have to manually download the other games.

Its just shit that nintendo have passed the expense of game storage and console storagr onto the gamer or dev, while they sit back knowing its constant old ports will easily fit onto the game cart.

But at last, since the switch launched, the bloody thing offers me the option to buy said game as it launches at the same time as the other systems.

Having nintendo again fail its promise of better third party support games and littered with old ports.

While i have plenty to play on the ps4/xbx1 and had next to nothing on the switch that i dont already oen, at least now with this i can turn around and say yes, i will buy it on the switch.

Which has always been one of my problems when it comes to nintendo and its lacking third party support.

While it is terribly dumbed down, at least I was given the option to buy it on the switch, tho i will still get the better version on my ps4 or maybe xbx1 which i rarely even play on it.

Some of your points are just how the game is programmed and happened in the original. If there is something obstructing your vehicle exit animation, the game teleports you out so you don't get stuck in your car. I think every version does this, even 5.

Also, everyone know things spawn behind you, it's an integral part to forcing enemies to spawn on certain side of you or to catch a ride by standing on the road and looking the opposite direction or the lane you're in so someone stops behind you. It was to help with immersion so you didn't see cars popping into existence from the low render distance on older hardware.

In the original GTA3, whatever car you drove in last would spawn more often, so if I had a cool car that was about to explode I would park it, get out, then do the backwards facing spawn trick.

I'm having a great time playing SA on Switch, the revamped controls are great and it's not anywhere as terrible as the android/ps3 port.
7.5 out of 10 for the worst versions of the best GTA games seems appropriate to me - they’re still the same games, they just look like they fell out of a cheap upscaler. There are mods out there that look better than Rockstar’s facelift, but the score is for the entirety of the product, not just the quality of the remaster.
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Some of your points are just how the game is programmed and happened in the original. If there is something obstructing your vehicle exit animation, the game teleports you out so you don't get stuck in your car. I think every version does this, even 5.

Also, everyone know things spawn behind you, it's an integral part to forcing enemies to spawn on certain side of you or to catch a ride by standing on the road and looking the opposite direction or the lane you're in so someone stops behind you. It was to help with immersion so you didn't see cars popping into existence from the low render distance on older hardware.

In the original GTA3, whatever car you drove in last would spawn more often, so if I had a cool car that was about to explode I would park it, get out, then do the backwards facing spawn trick.

I'm having a great time playing SA on Switch, the revamped controls are great and it's not anywhere as terrible as the android/ps3 port.
When i say popping out of your car, I dont mean if you are obstructed, i find most of the times when your out in the open, they'll be no animation, you litrally just pop up outside of your car, no animation as to opening the door and shutting it.

As for cars, no, it is that bad that you can see a car blend into the game litrally a few yards in front of you, whereas on the ps2 you would see them pop up further into the distance.

Thr switch port has very low draw distance that you see shadows and other details pop up again litrally in front of you, buildings also can be seen pop up just in front of you are texture details dont show properly until you get closer.

Yes that's normal but the switch version is only just loading the texture details until your close to the building or other models, again, ps2 distance was alot futher back than the switch been a few steps away from you.

The thing with the ps2 is it was their first 3d gta game and a ndw console so not only did they have to work with a new console and it been the first 3d game, its bound to not look that good, but saying that gta3 back then was pretty amazing.

In fact i still play it now on my ps2, tho i am ??? To why i cant play it on my other ps2 that uses the component cable, i get strange gray layers floating over paths and roads and it looks shit, yet if i use a normal scart cable, it doesn't hsve this problem.

But then gta3 also on the ps2 had more cars on the roads, the switch version doesnt seem to be able to have many cars on screen at the same and and that they pop up infront of you and even pop out not too far from you.

Also on the switch version, you dont see as many pedestrians on screen at the same time.

Having played both the ps2 and switch version, you can clearly see how inferior the switch version with cars and people and draw distance.

Only difference that improves is that the tirlogy has had a model/texture rehaul.

I never saw textures like shops been flipped and be backwards in the ps2, ive confirmed this by going to that shop and its not like how it is on the switch.

As for SA it will be the ps2 port so dont get how controls will be terrible but can agree on tablets.
I hope they patch the versions up after this backlash. The QOL changes are nice and the upscaling they used is a good enough basis, but the fact that they just had absolutely no Q&A double check and polish up what the AI couldn't handle is just laughable. Many textures now have spelling errors in them, some meshes have been smoothened out when they shouldn't have been, the animations in some cutscenes could do with a pass to smooth them out, and at least on the switch the rain shader is just completely broken considering the ocean is rendered above the rain.

For a company the size of rockstar it's just sad that they couldn't have a small team polish those things up well before launch.
Dudes and galls, bad port is bad game.

The originals still exist, waiting for you. Wanna have me some fun, go to the originals. They love me long time.

People going to get remasters and other cash grabs always make developers lazy and don't be developers anymore. Only copy pasters.
After enjoying the ports of these 3 games on Android, I'm not sure if I should get this version for the Switch. My point being that I can't watch any videos of the gameplay of this remake without having a lot of mixed feelings. :unsure:

The graphics don't look good. They may fit in the "enhanced" category, but don't look nice at all. Please tell me if I'm the only one who thinks this way. :rofl:
I'm sensing that people are talking and complaining about this like it's supposed to be a "Remake", when it's only a "Remaster".
If they remastered all three of these games, maybe just maybe people will think it would be better. I kinda understand that people don't like the new face's hilarious actually since I saw some of it in the meme box.
I'm sensing that people are talking and complaining about this like it's supposed to be a "Remake", when it's only a "Remaster".
If they remastered all three of these games, maybe just maybe people will think it would be better. I kinda understand that people don't like the new face's hilarious actually since I saw some of it in the meme box.
The thing is... it's a failed remaster. It's graphically jarring in that the art direction is pretty much ignored in the graphical changes made to these games, while the AI upscaling used as a cost-cutting measure to increase asset fidelity produces mind-boggling, hilariously incompetent results. Seemingly, they didn't even bother verifying what came out the other end - they just ran the assets and models through and jammed them back into the game.

Just look at the donut screenshot above: it's absurd, and no one should've approved this, assuming someone was approving anything. Or look at this:


Is this what passes for competent in 2021? Or for "worth $60"? Also keep in mind that these are based on the old mobile ports which is just bizarre.

That's not even getting into the bugs (rain...), stability, lighting etc.

It's a cheap hack job, is what this is.
I really enjoy them(well the original games were awesome so it is hard not to enjoy them)

I mean it is a lazy job done here but hey, we had much worse "remastered" editions and re-releases so the GTA remasters did a good job in not failing that hard
while the AI upscaling used as a cost-cutting measure.. Also keep in mind that these are based on the old mobile ports which is just bizarre..
Was it confirmed? I mean, did they use AI upscaling and worked on the mobile port as a basis for the remaster? If so, that's a complete disservice to the loyal fans and newcomers alike, speaks volumes on this half-assed "Definitive Edition" remaster treatment, smh.. Waiting for the "Ultimate Edition" (or mods that'll fix/address some of the issues) ..
I'll give it an 8... I'm playing it on PC sofar I'm getting 30FPS (don't know why) but I'm enjoying the game
Was it confirmed? I mean, did they use AI upscaling and worked on the mobile port as a basis for the remaster? If so, that's a complete disservice to the loyal fans and newcomers alike, speaks volumes on this half-assed "Definitive Edition" remaster treatment, smh.. Waiting for the "Ultimate Edition" (or mods that'll fix/address some of the issues) ..
I've seen people report they found mobile version bugs in - at least - San Andreas. Considering the overall... attention to detail and quality of what we got I'd say that sounds absolutely ridiculous and totally plausible at the same time. I guess it might've been cheaper and/or easier to do it this way vs going back to the PS2 and actually remastering these games properly, with care?
I think in light of the responses this game release has generated this review is remarkable; It sticks to the game experience on the PS5 and leaves most of the other stuff aside. I've not seen that done anywhere else so credit to the reviewer.

I personally wouldn't have been able to be so restrained and chill.

My review would have been a violent call to arms, a brutal shaming of everyone involved and ultimately a case for the dismantling of this dystopic hellscape we're subsisting in.
Then, the biggest complaint is probably the one where the updated graphics can be a bit lazy with all the texture filtering causing some characters' faces to look off.

That's not what I'd consider the worst of it. From the looks of it, they used AI to upscale the textures, which has messed up the text on certain things like signs and banners. For example, "M" was interpreted as "H" by the AI they used. This is totally unacceptable to me, especially when the community has been using AI upscaling without issue for years. I can forgive the faces, but this ruins text based gags and whatnot, taking away the intended humor.
That's not what I'd consider the worst of it. From the looks of it, they used AI to upscale the textures, which has messed up the text on certain things like signs and banners. For example, "M" was interpreted as "H" by the AI they used. This is totally unacceptable to me, especially when the community has been using AI upscaling without issue for years. I can forgive the faces, but this ruins text based gags and whatnot, taking away the intended humor.

And as we all know, text based gags are the beating heart of GTA.
The breaking of text based gags is *definitely* a big deal.

The purile / satirical / toilet humour gave these games a tonne of personality and took the edges off the rougher technical aspects.

There is no 'beating heart' to the kind of games these 3D GTAs ended up being - they were bigger than the sums of their parts, and the tiny details like very specific bad puns they shoved into almost ever texture with text really did help make the games shine.

They probably didn't mess this one up but take the parody haulage company vehicles named RS Haul i.e. 'arsehole'. It's pointless and dumb and that's why it's great.

But thanks to the quick n dirty AI upscaling who knows how many pointless but flavourful jokes were erased, cleansed away by an acid bath bot.
When i say popping out of your car, I dont mean if you are obstructed, i find most of the times when your out in the open, they'll be no animation, you litrally just pop up outside of your car, no animation as to opening the door and shutting it.

As for cars, no, it is that bad that you can see a car blend into the game litrally a few yards in front of you, whereas on the ps2 you would see them pop up further into the distance.

Thr switch port has very low draw distance that you see shadows and other details pop up again litrally in front of you, buildings also can be seen pop up just in front of you are texture details dont show properly until you get closer.

Yes that's normal but the switch version is only just loading the texture details until your close to the building or other models, again, ps2 distance was alot futher back than the switch been a few steps away from you.

The thing with the ps2 is it was their first 3d gta game and a ndw console so not only did they have to work with a new console and it been the first 3d game, its bound to not look that good, but saying that gta3 back then was pretty amazing.

In fact i still play it now on my ps2, tho i am ??? To why i cant play it on my other ps2 that uses the component cable, i get strange gray layers floating over paths and roads and it looks shit, yet if i use a normal scart cable, it doesn't hsve this problem.

But then gta3 also on the ps2 had more cars on the roads, the switch version doesnt seem to be able to have many cars on screen at the same and and that they pop up infront of you and even pop out not too far from you.

Also on the switch version, you dont see as many pedestrians on screen at the same time.

Having played both the ps2 and switch version, you can clearly see how inferior the switch version with cars and people and draw distance.

Only difference that improves is that the tirlogy has had a model/texture rehaul.

I never saw textures like shops been flipped and be backwards in the ps2, ive confirmed this by going to that shop and its not like how it is on the switch.

As for SA it will be the ps2 port so dont get how controls will be terrible but can agree on tablets.
I dunno... I'm playing on Switch and haven't seen any of these problems, maybe a cheap/slow SD card is to blame for most of this stuff. I know on a regular 5400rpm spinning disk GTA5 has a ton of texture loading issues and instant popping of assets. I have a 256 FAT32 name brand card in mine with good benchmark speeds.
I dunno... I'm playing on Switch and haven't seen any of these problems, maybe a cheap/slow SD card is to blame for most of this stuff. I know on a regular 5400rpm spinning disk GTA5 has a ton of texture loading issues and instant popping of assets. I have a 256 FAT32 name brand card in mine with good benchmark speeds.
The Switch doesn't take advantage of those faster SD's. Switch is capped at UHS-1 104MB/s. Using the faster UHS-2 won't make a difference, and there is little difference between the slower and faster UHS-1 SD's. So it's not the SD speed.
I dunno... I'm playing on Switch and haven't seen any of these problems, maybe a cheap/slow SD card is to blame for most of this stuff. I know on a regular 5400rpm spinning disk GTA5 has a ton of texture loading issues and instant popping of assets. I have a 256 FAT32 name brand card in mine with good benchmark speeds.
Wow you should go to spec savers, its clearly slap bang in your face how bad gta 3 has been dumbed down.

Maybe if you take a slow drive you will see decals slowly loading not far in front of you.

Resolution, and i don't get how you haven't noticed the lacking of vehicles on the roads and how they can magically pop up right in front of your eyes.

And the rest.

It will be something you may not notice until you actually see it compared to the original.

Bit like how bad THPS 1+2 had been dumbed down.

It has nothing to do with your sd card at all, it is how its graphic settings have been set to try keep a decent frame rate, and to do this, it needs to turn shit right down.

Dont get me wrong, its nice for a change to have the option to say, i know, i have plenty to play on my ps4/xbx1, ill buy this new game, rather than having to wait ages for the switch version.

But then again, seeing the price you pay and you can pay same and getting the poorer version.
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And as we all know, text based gags are the beating heart of GTA.
Considering that visual gags make up the majority of the humor in a game full of Playdoh models, I'd say it's a pretty major artery. It defeats the entire purpose of trying to be humorous. So, I don't really understand all of the pissing and moaning over janked character faces. Because that totally ruins player experience in a 20 year old franchise where characters have always looked like caricatures.
Wow what?! Sonic Colors must've been so bad I had no idea it even existed.

It was a Sonic game for the Nintendo Wii. The remake, more so for the Switch, is a buggy mess.

The Wii version actually sold quite well for a third party Wii game. Over two million copies sold between the Wii and DS version. That may not seem like much nowadays but for back then it was a lot and sold more that any other new Sonic game released at the time.
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): November 11, 2021
  • Publisher: Rockstar Games
  • Developer: Grove Street Games
  • Also For: Computer, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    and you convince your owner to help you break out of the virtual world to real world
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Eyes - "yawn"
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    you bleack in to goverment computer systems to get cyborg schematics so you can get a robot body constructed
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    btw @BigOnYa the health bar doesnt decrease when i take damage (and yes i put the "at the beggining of the scene change value of greenflatbar: set to Protagonistcopmode.Health::Health())
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    i the protagonist
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    human, robot, cyborg
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    human with cyborg enhancements
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    or like terminatior
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    with living tissue
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @Xdqwerty there is health behaviour you can add to your character, then to use a health bar is lil more complicated, google n watch a few tutorial video on it, be too hard to explain here.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, the character has the health behavior
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I know you have to create a health and health max variable. Then there is a calculation you use in code to subtract width size of the health bar. Google few vids.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, the "greenflatbar" is one of the preset health bars btw
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea you can use any bar/sprite. It will just change the width. Ok good luck and have fun. I'm off to go shoot some pool at the bar. Talk to you later.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, why does the health behavior exist if you can just use a variable?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and nope the number still doesnt change
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    ok im gonna make my own asset
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    nvm i think i fixed it
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, I fixed it
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    how are you\
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @salazarcosplay, we just talked like 2 hours ago
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: