Hacking The "My SD2Vita/PSVSD is having issues" thread


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
Tucson, AZ
United States
Good morning everyone. I am getting back into working on modding a PSTV. I already took care of hencore and everything else. I can use PKGJ with my official memory card without any issues. However, whenever I use my SD2VITA and set it to ux0 then try to download something from PKGJ I get error C1-2741-4. But as soon as I revert back to using the official memory card the problem doesn't replicate. I can upload my config files if needed. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2022
United States
People keep making threads about SD2Vita issues and a lot of them boil down to simple configuration problems. I've been helping individually in threads as they're posted but I'm hoping this might cut down on some of them.

SD2VITA/PSVSD Configuration Guide
This guide assumes you already have henkaku installed and understand how to use VitaShell to connect to PC using USB or FTP

Getting Started Fresh

  1. Download zzblank.img. Use an imaging program to write it to your microSD using a PC. Remove and reinsert the card. Format it to exFAT, default allocation size, no volume label.
  2. Download StorageMgr, the skprx and txt files are all that's needed. GameSD has a lot of issues on 3.65+ it seems and almost every problem has been solved by switching to StorageMgr.
  3. Open VitaShell.
  4. Navigate to ux0:tai and use square to mark all files. Press triangle and select copy.
  5. Navigate to ur0:tai. If the folder does not exist, create it. Press triangle and select paste. Overwrite files if asked. Everything from ux0:tai should now also be in ur0:tai.
  6. Press select. Using either FTP or USB copy storagemgr.skprx and storage_config.txt to ur0:tai.
  7. You can do the rest of the steps via PC or in VitaShell. Open config.txt in ur0:tai. Change any lines in *KERNEL and *main that say ux0:tai/<plugin>.skprx to ur0:tai/<plugin>.skprx.
  8. Add a line in *KERNEL that says ur0:tai/storagemgr.skprx. Save and close.
  9. Navigate to ux0:. Delete the tai folder completely.
Proper Configuration
  1. Connect to the PC with VitaShell using preferred method.
  2. Enable showing hidden and system files. (In any file folder in Windows, go to View, then Options, then select File and Folder options. Then follow this screenshot.
  3. Make a folder for ux0 on the PC and using USB or FTP, copy every thing in the ux0: directory to that folder on the PC.
  4. If you have anything in your uma0: folder, create a separate folder on the PC and back that up as well. From here, depending on how you would like to configure your storage and which FW you have methods will differ.
  1. Copy the contents of your ux0: backup folder to the SD card using your card reader. Install the SD in the SD2Vita or PSVSD.
  2. Navigate to ur0:tai and open storage_config.txt for editing. You will see 4 locations: MCD - The Sony memory card, INT - Internal Memory (don't mess with this, seriously), GCD - The gamecard slot, and UMA - in Vita 1000s this is the Wifi/3G modem slot and in PSTV it's the USB slot. Following this will be the mounting point assignment for those points. Default (the system, not storagemgr) is MCD as ux0, the primary location for apps and games, and UMA as extra storage for non-executable files.
  3. Edit this file so that MCD=uma0. For SD2Vita, edit GCD=ux0 and UMA=grw0. For PSVSD, leave GCD as grw0 and change UMA=ux0 instead. To use both, change them to suit your needs. A common configuration with both is UMA=ux0 (big card in PSVSD for main storage), GCD=uma0 (SD2Vita for ROMS/PSP/PS1, easily swappable/expandable), and MCD=grw0 (more generic expanded storage). Save and close.
  1. Copy the contents of your uma0: backup folder to the SD card using your card reader. Install the SD in the SD2Vita or PSVSD.
  2. Navigate to ur0:tai and open storage_config.txt for editing. You will see 4 locations: MCD - The Sony memory card, INT - Internal Memory (don't mess with this, seriously), GCD - The gamecard slot, and UMA - in Vita 1000s this is the Wifi/3G modem slot and in PSTV it's the USB slot. Following this will be the mounting point assignment for those locations. Default (the system, not storagemgr) is MCD as ux0, the primary location for apps and games, and UMA as extra storage for non-executable files.
  3. Edit the file so MCD=ux0. For SD2Vita, edit the file so GCD=uma0 and UMA=grw0. For PSVSD, UMA=uma0 and GCD=grw0. To use both, leave as is or swap grw0 and uma0.
Finalizing and Cleaning Up

  1. Go into Settings, Henkaku Settings, and Reload TAIhen config.txt, or preferably, reboot.
  2. Use VitaShell to verify the configuration was a success. Any changed locations should now show the SD card size as the maximum size on the VitaShell home screen. If you are using your SD2Vita or PSVSD as extra storage, you're done.
  3. If you changed your ux0 location, access your Sony card (uma0) and delete everything. Connect to the PC and copy your uma0 backup (fresh installs likely didn't have anything to back up) to the Vita. You're done.
  1. Go into Settings, Henkaku Settings, and Reload TAIhen config.txt, or preferably, reboot and run h-encore.
  2. Use VitaShell to verify the configuration was a success. Any changed locations should now show the SD card size as the maximum size on the VitaShell home screen. If you are using your SD2Vita or PSVSD as extra storage, you're done.
  3. If you changed your ux0 location, access your Sony card (uma0) which should look identical to your SD card at the moment. Leave most of the folders alone. If you have a pkgi or nonpdrm folder for example, those can be deleted. Removing Vita system folders is pointless as they will just be recreated if you ever do a full reboot.
  4. Navigate to uma0:addcont/ and delete any files and subfolders. Navigate to uma0:Patch/ and delete any files and subfolders. Navigate to uma0:app/ and delete any files and subfolders EXCEPT: PCSG90096 (h-encore/Bitter Smile) and VITASHELL. Navigate to uma0:appmeta/ and delete any folders EXCEPT: PCSG90096 and VITASHELL. If you remove uma0:app/PCSG90096 and your Vita ever restarts, you will have to reinstall h-encore with QCMA.
  5. If you made a uma0: backup (people fixing issues usually), copy it to uma0: using FTP or USB. You're done.

BONUS: To use uma0 for Adrenaline PSP and PS1:
  1. Open Adrenaline.
  2. Hold the PS Button until the Vita Settings Menu opens. At the top select the "Settings" button next to "Adrenaline".
  3. In the Adrenaline Menu, press "R" twice to navigate to settings.
  4. Change "Memory Card Location:" to "uma0:Pspemu".
  5. If you use pkgj, navigate to ux0:Pkgi using VitaShell or FTP/USB and open config.txt.
  6. Change the line that says "install_psp_psx_location ux0:" to "install_psp_psx_location uma0:". Save and close.
Hopefully this saves people some hassle and slows down on the SD2Vita threads.

Feel free to reply here or shoot me a PM if you have any questions or something doesn't work.
Hello I’m new to the scene and recently installed CFW on my Vita. Is there a guide I can follow to change storage method? I’m currently using YAMT SD2VITA 256GB SD and would like to switch to PSVSD 512GB SD. Id appreciate any help/advice, thank you.


The reason we can't have nice things.
Apr 15, 2013
United States
I tried to hack my Vita for the first time ever today and failed miserably. I technically did get CFW on it, but the homebrew manager would not start. I tried a different one called "Better homebrew manager" which would simply shut off my console when I tried to run it. PKGj *did* actually run buuuut it would not install any games. I did not even get my SD2Vita to be recognized. I ended up giving up and just deactivating and formatting the system, either to sell or gift it. For the record I was using the yt guides by Tech Savvy Buyer. I followed everything he said but Vitashell would always display ux0 as 16GB not 128GB. wth.

I never even found out if you can lower the screen brightness more than usual with CFW installed, or whether you need to install a plugin/homebrew first to be able to do that. (which is the case with the PSP) This was like 50% of my motivation to hack the Vita in the first place. Would be nice to know, ust for curiosity's sake. Can anyone tell me?

EDIT: Maybe I will try again but this time I would not use a microSD card. Because I really think that was the problem, in which case, why wouldn't I try again and simply omit it?

See.. I wasn't aware that the SD card needed to be in your computer *before* putting it in the Vita. I had the microSD in the VIta while doing the CFW and when I removed it I noticed that a lot of my games disappeared. Though perhaps there was a different reason for that.

I noticed that CFW had to be reinstalled each time you power on the Vita, much like a PSP-3000. Is it really supposed to work like that? If not, then maybe that's another thing that went wrong..
Last edited by zeello,


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2022
United States
I tried to hack my Vita for the first time ever today and failed miserably. I technically did get CFW on it, but the homebrew manager would not start. I tried a different one called "Better homebrew manager" which would simply shut off my console when I tried to run it. PKGj *did* actually run buuuut it would not install any games. I did not even get my SD2Vita to be recognized. I ended up giving up and just deactivating and formatting the system, either to sell or gift it. For the record I was using the yt guides by Tech Savvy Buyer. I followed everything he said but Vitashell would always display ux0 as 16GB not 128GB. wth.

I never even found out if you can lower the screen brightness more than usual with CFW installed, or whether you need to install a plugin/homebrew first to be able to do that. (which is the case with the PSP) This was like 50% of my motivation to hack the Vita in the first place. Would be nice to know, ust for curiosity's sake. Can anyone tell me?

EDIT: Maybe I will try again but this time I would not use a microSD card. Because I really think that was the problem, in which case, why wouldn't I try again and simply omit it?

See.. I wasn't aware that the SD card needed to be in your computer *before* putting it in the Vita. I had the microSD in the VIta while doing the CFW and when I removed it I noticed that a lot of my games disappeared. Though perhaps there was a different reason for that.

I noticed that CFW had to be reinstalled each time you power on the Vita, much like a PSP-3000. Is it really supposed to work like that? If not, then maybe that's another thing that went wrong..
what guide did you use? I used vita.hacks.guide


The reason we can't have nice things.
Apr 15, 2013
United States
I used yt videos by Tech Savvy Buyer.

p.s. I tried hacking my Vita again, using a different guide (Retro Game Corps)

But this time I messed up on the very first step. I couldn't get vitashell and h-encore on the Vita. Vitashell wouldn't show up on the Vita screen, just h-encore. The sad thing is, both did show up at first, but the Vita just stalled during the transfer so I unplugged/replugged the cable and restarted in order to try again, but after that point only hencore showed up.
So I gave up (again).
Thank god I did because I could see myself spending all day on it if I didn't give up. I easily spent three hours trying to hack it the first time around.
I should just sell the damn thing. Anyone want an OLED Vita?


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
People keep making threads about SD2Vita issues and a lot of them boil down to simple configuration problems. I've been helping individually in threads as they're posted but I'm hoping this might cut down on some of them.

SD2VITA/PSVSD Configuration Guide
This guide assumes you already have henkaku installed and understand how to use VitaShell to connect to PC using USB or FTP

Getting Started Fresh

  1. Download zzblank.img. Use an imaging program to write it to your microSD using a PC. Remove and reinsert the card. Format it to exFAT, default allocation size, no volume label.
  2. Download StorageMgr, the skprx and txt files are all that's needed. GameSD has a lot of issues on 3.65+ it seems and almost every problem has been solved by switching to StorageMgr.
  3. Open VitaShell.
  4. Navigate to ux0:tai and use square to mark all files. Press triangle and select copy.
  5. Navigate to ur0:tai. If the folder does not exist, create it. Press triangle and select paste. Overwrite files if asked. Everything from ux0:tai should now also be in ur0:tai.
  6. Press select. Using either FTP or USB copy storagemgr.skprx and storage_config.txt to ur0:tai.
  7. You can do the rest of the steps via PC or in VitaShell. Open config.txt in ur0:tai. Change any lines in *KERNEL and *main that say ux0:tai/<plugin>.skprx to ur0:tai/<plugin>.skprx.
  8. Add a line in *KERNEL that says ur0:tai/storagemgr.skprx. Save and close.
  9. Navigate to ux0:. Delete the tai folder completely.
Proper Configuration
  1. Connect to the PC with VitaShell using preferred method.
  2. Enable showing hidden and system files. (In any file folder in Windows, go to View, then Options, then select File and Folder options. Then follow this screenshot.
  3. Make a folder for ux0 on the PC and using USB or FTP, copy every thing in the ux0: directory to that folder on the PC.
  4. If you have anything in your uma0: folder, create a separate folder on the PC and back that up as well. From here, depending on how you would like to configure your storage and which FW you have methods will differ.
  1. Copy the contents of your ux0: backup folder to the SD card using your card reader. Install the SD in the SD2Vita or PSVSD.
  2. Navigate to ur0:tai and open storage_config.txt for editing. You will see 4 locations: MCD - The Sony memory card, INT - Internal Memory (don't mess with this, seriously), GCD - The gamecard slot, and UMA - in Vita 1000s this is the Wifi/3G modem slot and in PSTV it's the USB slot. Following this will be the mounting point assignment for those points. Default (the system, not storagemgr) is MCD as ux0, the primary location for apps and games, and UMA as extra storage for non-executable files.
  3. Edit this file so that MCD=uma0. For SD2Vita, edit GCD=ux0 and UMA=grw0. For PSVSD, leave GCD as grw0 and change UMA=ux0 instead. To use both, change them to suit your needs. A common configuration with both is UMA=ux0 (big card in PSVSD for main storage), GCD=uma0 (SD2Vita for ROMS/PSP/PS1, easily swappable/expandable), and MCD=grw0 (more generic expanded storage). Save and close.
  1. Copy the contents of your uma0: backup folder to the SD card using your card reader. Install the SD in the SD2Vita or PSVSD.
  2. Navigate to ur0:tai and open storage_config.txt for editing. You will see 4 locations: MCD - The Sony memory card, INT - Internal Memory (don't mess with this, seriously), GCD - The gamecard slot, and UMA - in Vita 1000s this is the Wifi/3G modem slot and in PSTV it's the USB slot. Following this will be the mounting point assignment for those locations. Default (the system, not storagemgr) is MCD as ux0, the primary location for apps and games, and UMA as extra storage for non-executable files.
  3. Edit the file so MCD=ux0. For SD2Vita, edit the file so GCD=uma0 and UMA=grw0. For PSVSD, UMA=uma0 and GCD=grw0. To use both, leave as is or swap grw0 and uma0.
Finalizing and Cleaning Up

  1. Go into Settings, Henkaku Settings, and Reload TAIhen config.txt, or preferably, reboot.
  2. Use VitaShell to verify the configuration was a success. Any changed locations should now show the SD card size as the maximum size on the VitaShell home screen. If you are using your SD2Vita or PSVSD as extra storage, you're done.
  3. If you changed your ux0 location, access your Sony card (uma0) and delete everything. Connect to the PC and copy your uma0 backup (fresh installs likely didn't have anything to back up) to the Vita. You're done.
  1. Go into Settings, Henkaku Settings, and Reload TAIhen config.txt, or preferably, reboot and run h-encore.
  2. Use VitaShell to verify the configuration was a success. Any changed locations should now show the SD card size as the maximum size on the VitaShell home screen. If you are using your SD2Vita or PSVSD as extra storage, you're done.
  3. If you changed your ux0 location, access your Sony card (uma0) which should look identical to your SD card at the moment. Leave most of the folders alone. If you have a pkgi or nonpdrm folder for example, those can be deleted. Removing Vita system folders is pointless as they will just be recreated if you ever do a full reboot.
  4. Navigate to uma0:addcont/ and delete any files and subfolders. Navigate to uma0:Patch/ and delete any files and subfolders. Navigate to uma0:app/ and delete any files and subfolders EXCEPT: PCSG90096 (h-encore/Bitter Smile) and VITASHELL. Navigate to uma0:appmeta/ and delete any folders EXCEPT: PCSG90096 and VITASHELL. If you remove uma0:app/PCSG90096 and your Vita ever restarts, you will have to reinstall h-encore with QCMA.
  5. If you made a uma0: backup (people fixing issues usually), copy it to uma0: using FTP or USB. You're done.

BONUS: To use uma0 for Adrenaline PSP and PS1:
  1. Open Adrenaline.
  2. Hold the PS Button until the Vita Settings Menu opens. At the top select the "Settings" button next to "Adrenaline".
  3. In the Adrenaline Menu, press "R" twice to navigate to settings.
  4. Change "Memory Card Location:" to "uma0:Pspemu".
  5. If you use pkgj, navigate to ux0:Pkgi using VitaShell or FTP/USB and open config.txt.
  6. Change the line that says "install_psp_psx_location ux0:" to "install_psp_psx_location uma0:". Save and close.
Hopefully this saves people some hassle and slows down on the SD2Vita threads.

Feel free to reply here or shoot me a PM if you have any questions or something doesn't work.

I thought the 64 KB allocation size had to be used when using over 128 GB microSD cards.
Last edited by Windows_10_User,


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
United States
Hey guys. I wanted to play some homebrew games on my vita, which was already hacked with a 256gb micro SD card full of games, so I did the following:

- went to https://vita.hacks.guide/using-henlo.html#required-reading and used that site as a guide

- updated my firmware from 3.65 to 3.74

- went to http://jailbreak.psp2.dev and launched HENlo

- installed HENkaku and VitaDeploy
- selected "Install a different OS" and "Quick 3.65 Install"

- installed firmware version 3.65, along with HENkaku Ensō

- went to https://vita.hacks.guide/finalizing-setup.html#what-you-need and downloaded ITLS Installer via VitaDeploy
And then I noticed that all the icons for my games were gone. Pkgj was still on there, but it was empty at first, then I refreshed it and it reloaded its library, but it shows that I dont have any games installed. Although it does say that my SD card only has a bit over 7gb of space left on it (which is accurate).
So, what do I do to get my Vita to recognize the installed games? Or is there nothing that I can do, and am I going to have to delete and reinstall all of them?
At least I didn't brick my Vita. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2022
Hey guys. I wanted to play some homebrew games on my vita, which was already hacked with a 256gb micro SD card full of games, so I did the following:

- went to https://vita.hacks.guide/using-henlo.html#required-reading and used that site as a guide

- updated my firmware from 3.65 to 3.74

- went to http://jailbreak.psp2.dev and launched HENlo

- installed HENkaku and VitaDeploy
- selected "Install a different OS" and "Quick 3.65 Install"

- installed firmware version 3.65, along with HENkaku Ensō

- went to https://vita.hacks.guide/finalizing-setup.html#what-you-need and downloaded ITLS Installer via VitaDeploy
And then I noticed that all the icons for my games were gone. Pkgj was still on there, but it was empty at first, then I refreshed it and it reloaded its library, but it shows that I dont have any games installed. Although it does say that my SD card only has a bit over 7gb of space left on it (which is accurate).
So, what do I do to get my Vita to recognize the installed games? Or is there nothing that I can do, and am I going to have to delete and reinstall all of them?
At least I didn't brick my Vita. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Did you install the sd2vita plugin again?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
updated my firmware from 3.65 to 3.74

That was your mistake. Always use 3.60 or 3.65 if possible.

And please always have a Vita memory card registered to PS online account you are using on the Vita for when the SD2Vita ot whatever you are using goes wrong.
Last edited by raxadian,
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2023
Still recommended regardless if it is used as ux0 or uma0, why use it as uma0 ? you got PSVSD?
No, i use a 1tb sandisk on pstv for psp and ps1 emulation so i don't really need to use it as ux0 and the card is brand new. I use the 8gb original memory card for homebrews and installation vpks and the microsd just for adrenaline.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2018
I use this sd psvita adapter. In model 1000 fat 3g psvita. Copy every ux0 files use ftp... Is it fake coz nothing show that 128 gp add there vita shell.... Than k y uo


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