Hello, my edgy little tempers!

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It's been a long time since I've been active on this site because I've been spending most of my time on the website Reddit.
Needless to say, I'm back now.

And I've realized something in the meantime; I cannot fucking stand that website.
Allow me to explain my immense hatred for the online entity known as Reddit.


I will tackle 3 big topics.


Here we go

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Before I talk about Reddit's toxic community I'd first like to acknowledge how exactly it functions. This includes the people that run the website and control the back-end of it.

I'm sure everyone's familiar with how the site works, but for the few who don't know, I'll provide some info about it.

Basically, there are a bunch of different subreddits, which are basically different topics of discussion. In each of these little "subs" (short for subreddits), a handful of posts are made every day, hour, and even minute depending on how popular the sub is. Unlike a traditional forum-based site, such as this one, so many posts are made in so little time that just showing the latest posts doesn't appeal to the communities. To fix this, the site is built around popularity using upvotes (which are basically likes).
The problem is that the vast majority of people don't see your post immediately and thus can't upvote it so everyone can see it. The only people that get to see posts before the masses do are those who sort their feed of posts by "new" instead of the default "hot". Thus those few people who sort by new and happen to see your post will pretty much decide it's fate (whether the masses see it or nobody does).

Allow me to put two and two together,
To get people to SEE your post, it must be upvoted by EVERY ONE of those first ~100 people who initially see it.

This means that anything remotely controversial will not end up being upvoted by all of those first ~100 and thus will get censored.

As a result, most users only see the most inoffensive, watered-down, and widely-accepted content in the subreddit, which obviously does a very poor job of accurately representing a community.

One of the most Ironically broken subreddits on the website is "r/UnpopularOpinion".
The reason why it's broken is because the actual unpopular opinions are downvoted because they're controversial, while the POPULAR opinions are upvoted and thus are the ones that show up in the regular feed. Probably the most typical "unpopular" post that shows up is something along the lines of "I think Trump should be impeached!". People think that this opinion is unpopular, but the very fact that it has tons of upvotes already shows that the opinion isn't remotely unpopular.

Reddit's algorithm is specifically designed to only allow content that is harmless or pandering, which ultimately contributes to the toxicity of it's community.

Another Reddit feature that does this sort of thing is the "Award" system.
Basically, Reddit allows you to give them money in exchange for a virtual stack of silver or gold medals that you can give to posts you like.

You need to PAY the WEBSITE (not the people you award!) money just to give people glorified upvotes.

This is such a fucking stupid and lazy way that the management of the website makes it's money that it fucking embarrasses me. They've created a system that encourages people to become so desperate for public approval that they resort to giving the system money so that they can feel good about awarding a post.
Because Reddit encourages the production of bland content the only posts that get these awards are the ones seen by the masses. As I explained earlier, this tends to be some of the most inoffensive and pandering content imaginable.

This algorithm influences you to seek out approval over individuality. And by eliminating everyone that doesn't fit their own subjective standards, they create a soulless army of yes-men. The few who show their true personality are made outcasts and are buried by the masses.

The structure of Reddit is the soul cause of why the community has grown to be so toxic over the years.

This ties into my next section,

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As if the structure wasn't broken enough, it's made worse by the community that it helped create.

Most of the community has been shaped to lose all of it's individuality so that they could fit into the algorithm better. The result is an army of spineless and pathetic attention-whores that ever existed.
And trust me, when it comes to attention-whoring, I'm pretty experienced (lol).

Let me provide you with what the average Reddit post looks like;

"Lawyer here, you don't actually know if I'm a lawyer or not but how can you prove me wrong? lol here's some terrible law advice. Thanks for the gold kind stranger uwu"

Obviously I'm being sarcastic here, but I feel as if my sarcasm isn't that far away from the actual reality of the posts on Reddit. Some posts are such blatant attempts at getting upvotes that it's fucking hilarious.
After Stan Lee (Marvel) died, everyone's Reddit feeds were BOMBARDED with these upvote-whores. Every subreddit from r/dankmemes all the way to fucking r/cooking was full of these "Rip Stan Lee!" posts and they all were upvoted and awarded like crazy.

Also, for all the females out there reading this:
If you want to get likes without having to have any creativity at all, REDDIT IS YOUR PLACE!
Any sort of picture or post that makes it clear that the OP (Original poster) is a girl will get upvoted. No exceptions.
The community of Reddit is so fucking dominantly full of males that they immediately lose their shit when they see a selfie of a girl. Some of the laziest posts I've ever seen are women and girls posing in sexualized ways on SFW subreddits and they get THOUSANDS of upvotes because of the white-knighting community.

For a community that prides itself on not being "Normie", it appeals to the most basic people imaginable.
This arrogant Anti-Normie stigma is so widespread that it practically is normie itself.

Reddit is so convinced that their community is for counter-culture people and intellectuals, when in fact the website is made up of the most basic, institutionalized, inoffensive, bland, spineless, little pricks imaginable. Fucking Vile.

I would normally leave it at that, but I would be cutting Reddit too much slack if I didn't acknowledge the very obvious political bias that Reddit's community carries.

Let me be clear, I don't care what your political beliefs are no matter how extreme they might be.
Reddit though, does care. Reddit cares a lot.

If you look at r/News, r/UnpopularOpinion, or r/Politics, almost 90% of all the posts are something negative about Donald Trump. If you say something even remotely in defense of him (or really any sort of right wing value), you will get witch-hunted.

That's right, Redditors will get so triggered over your opinions that they will go onto your profile and downvote every post that you've made, regardless of what you said in those posts. This is a real thing that actually happens. I'm dead fucking serious.

I once said in a post that I thought that tube-tops (the tight clothing that teenage girls wear) were trashy and I got FUCKING CRUCIFIED for that. Everyone was calling me an "Neckbeard" and saying that I was probably some grouchy Incel in my mom's basement that hated women everywhere. After a couple hours I started noticing that posts and comments that I made in the past were being downvoted too. All because I dared to say I thought modern clothing was trashy.

These people that called me an "Incel" just made me laugh, because their whole argument doesn't even make sense.
An "Incel" is someone who is desperate for female attention so much that they begin to sacrifice their own self-respect just to get some female acceptance. I was just saying that tube-tops looked trashy, while they were freaking out and saying that I was somehow objectifying women by talking about a piece of clothing. In no way does talking about a piece of fucking clothing translate into objectifying women.
To take it further, the people who were making this accusation were acting more like Incels than I was. They immediately opted to be offended on behalf of women and acted like they were defending them from me. Ugh.

If you go against the normie's opinion, you will get downvoted. Anything conservative at all will be downvoted. You will be called every name in the book, from Incel to Boomer, by the community of lusty and arrogant slobs known as the Reddit community.

Just for the hell of it, let me list of Reddit's top 5 worst subreddits and provide a brief insight as to why they suck.


5. r/Pics
A bunch of Upvote-whores. You got selfies from 14 year old girls that get upvoted by horny 30 year old men, you got photoshoped pictures of Donald Trumps head onto a dead body, and you got pictures of Stan Lee with a blatantly pandering caption to get upvotes. All of which are normie attempts at getting upvoted and getting their own 10 minutes of fame. Eww. This is a very broad topic but it seems like the actual content of the posts boils down to your run-of-the-mill Anti-Trump cartoon, 14 year old e-thot, or cute animal photo. It's so blatantly normie that it makes Instagram look like a fucking paradise.

4. r/Conservative
This is a perfectly fine subreddit that is ruined by invaders. It's hard to find a post on this subreddit that has over an 80% upvote rate because people are so fucking dedicated to fencing out other opinions that they go to this subreddit and downvote every post they see. The same is true on r/Democrats but on a much smaller scale. People with opposing ideas are so hot-headed that they will go out of their way to downvote everyone with a slightly different opinion regardless of where they post just so that they cam get their 10 minutes of fame and while others don't. It's such an immature thing to do and it has completely ruined this subreddit.

3. r/Atheism
This is another perfectly fine concept that has been ruined by the shitty community. Instead of actually having discussions about the idea, the subreddit only serves to bash Christians. Some of the most disrespectful and trashy shit I've ever seen has been on it's front page. On r/Christianity, you will get in trouble for blatantly harassing atheists, but on r/Atheism, you will be CONGRATULATED for harassing Christians! It's so fucking broken and it perfectly shows the huge political/social bias that Reddit has.

2. r/UnpopularOpinion
I already talked about how this subreddit is broken. Popular opinions are upvoted, while actual unpopular ones are downvoted. It's ironically broken in such a way that shows the circle-jerking and hollow community that Reddit possesses. Your only allowed to be counter-culture if you are accepted by everyone, which defeats the whole fucking point of counter-culture as a whole!

1. r/AgainstHateSubreddits
This subreddit is a bunch of people that flag posts made by radicals from different subreddits in order to get the subreddit BANNED. This is how r/Incels and r/The_Donald was removed. The irony is that every sub has radicals, it's just a matter of which of these posts gets to the front page of r/AgainstHateSubreddits and it will get removed. Because only the popular opinion gets to the front page, the subreddits that will get banned are only unpopular right-wing subreddits, even though they have just as much radicals as the left-wing ones. This is MOB RULE AT IT'S FINEST. Dear idiots, censorship doesn't mean that your "winning", it means the fucking opposite. This subreddit is a perfect example of a pure majority rule. It is the opposite of social anarchy, it's, like, the thought police of the internet. Absolutely fucking vile.

If I could sum up Reddit's userbase with one word it would be: "Intolerant".
They always want everyone that doesn't conform to their ideas to be censored and are even given the power to do just that.

Also, endless circle-jerk. Ugh.

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To say that Reddit is full of edgy people would be an insult to edginess as a whole.
Edgy people have individuality and Redditors are the polar opposite of that.

Very few people seem to understand that being a "normie" has nothing to do with social media. In fact, being a normie has nothing to do with anything that you consume. What defines someone isn't what they input but it's what they output.
Using Reddit doesn't make you any better than the people who use facebook, instagram, or even fucking 4chan.

This sort of pale thinking has sort of leaked into modern society.
I know how stupid this sounds, but the Reddit phenomenon really illustrates a problem with the culture of my generation. Individuality has been overpowered by the human urge to fit-in. Everyone thinks and acts the exact same without even realizing it. Everyone's convinced that they're not like the others when in fact that level of thinking is just as widespread as Reddit has come to be.

Let me quote Syndrome, from The Incredibles;
"When everyone's super, no one will be."
Now replace the word "super" with "different", and you single-handedly identified the key concept as to why Reddit culture is trash culture.

Reddit culture or, better yet, digital culture has leaked it's way into roughly 94% of teenage minds here in modern civilization and it is shown in the stuff we consume. Reduced to nothing but a glorified popularity contest that resets every ten minutes until a new batch of posts and videos fills our feed.

Like I said at the beginning, I'm not super active on Reddit anymore.

Although I found that Reddit was a shithole, I am still glad that I gave it a chance. It helped me realize a lot of flaws with myself. I used to be such a huge attention-seeker but after Reddit, I've toned it down a lot. I still go on rants and shit, but this time it's on my own damn terms. No more stupid drama and attention-whoring anymore for me.
That is a lesson that I've learned from Reddit.

Honestly the only time I really use social media nowadays is just to talk about computer hardware or the latest homebrew shit, and for that I have Hardfourm, GBATemp, Darkumbra, and WebOasis. Those sites are filled with much more mature people than the ones on Reddit for sure.

TL;DR; Reddit is horrible but it taught me an important lesson in the end.

Also, the best subreddit is r/Skiddoism

Lol. Shoutout to NancyDS.

Thanks for reading!
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Reddit used to be cooler, but now just like everything else it's bought and paid for content, at least on the top subreddits. I have seen the quality of content dip quite a lot over the years. I also see censorship and intolerance and advertisements masquerading as content, but I still sift through r/videos panning for gold.
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yeah, never got into reddit, went there, seen the pages of cringy trash, left,

i guess it can be ok if you get a direct link to a specific thread thats got decent info, but to find anything remotely interesting naturally on there you need to dig through 48 pages of "i got a kitten much wow, soooo oooooohhh"

funniest thing i have seen was someone coming over from reddit wrote a essay on how they should be respected and people disagreeing with them should be banned because they got "reddit gold" or some shit, i'm sorry but your reddit BS don't count for anything here, dont come acting like an entitled jerk demanding clout because some idiot donated money to reddit so you got a little badge or some shit by your name on reddit
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Well, it does market itself as the “front page of the internet”, so judging at a worldwide forum is perfectly viable.

I do agree that the smaller and less mainstream subs are best though, I would just be cutting Reddit too much slack if I only talked about those.
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The moment you say something remotely different from the consensus is when you get "downvoted into oblivion", yeah. I still comment, and I still use it though, still one of the best sites imo, I just learned not to care about the triggered people there you encounter from time to time.
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Also similar to what @CeeDee said, if you were using that site browsing the most popular subreddits including the ones you get automatically subscribed to on register, you were using it wrong. I know it sucks, but if you take the time to join niche subreddits according to your interests, you will start to enjoy it much more. Sure you still may get censored or encounter sucky users, but personally I don't care anymore about that. Just don't take the site too seriously, like anything in life and you're good to go.
@Whole lotta love
That kind of thinking is exactly what I’m talking about.
You ignored every single argument as to why I would be upset about the banning of that subreddit and instead just dismissed it.

“Oh he’s just salty because they deleted his incel sub haha”

Maybe you actually wanna read what I have to say about it next time? Instead of just saying “u mad lol”?
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Didn't even read the blog (yet) but I already upvoted because I feel this on a spiritual level.
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Nah I read that trash. Your reactionary ass isn't entitled to anyone's attention. Go to voat if you want a safe space for bigots.
@Whole lotta love
Labeling anyone with a different opinion as a “bigot”. Calls my article “trash”.
Yet I’M the reactionary one?

Never said I was entitled to your attention, but don’t come in here talking shit when you have no idea what’s going on.

Piss off man.
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voat doesn't even allow you to browse without an account - that place is so garbage

honestly if you are looking for nazis 8ch or 4chan pol are better options
Call me old-fashioned, but I miss the days when any form of social media was limited to AIM, Newgrounds and small community forums, and IRC channels were a place of solace for hackers, pirates and techies. The common trend with just about anything on the internet is that once it goes big, it goes bad, largely because someone decides to sell out, and it's a really fookin' shame. Happened with CNET, FaceBook, Twitter, Google, Youtube, Reddit... the thing you love today may very well become the thing you hate most tomorrow.
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Ah, the age of Newgrounds. Nothing but hackers, weebs, SNES rom hacks, and egoraptor.

I miss those days so much...
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If you want content that gets removed by Reddit for being "offensive" then browsing 4chan is a better option, since 4chan's /b/, since there are not restrictions on what you can and cannot say (with the restriction of illegal content, obviously). I think that and the fact that in 4chan nobody knows who the other person is one of the great aspects of it.
Though /b/ is mostly porn.
I hate their tasteless joke even when the topic is serious. They are almost as bad as 4chan when it come to this. And then fake sobbing story they make up for r/askreddit are as cringy as 4chan's greentext (at least they don't try be serious) or comedy porn situation from their hentai book for r/tifu keep trending because everyone is thirsty as fuck.
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Reddit gets a lot of flak. I'll admit, the majority of it is warranted. It's a huge place, with every type of person you could not want to imagine.. But I find it useful. For certain tech news, or specific information I can't find on forums. At least it's not Tumblr.
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@Whole lotta love
Really man?

Nobody here said that they support Trump, nothing here has to do with supporting Trump. Don’t shove your politics in here.

The old “Trump people are dumb lol” meme is so out of place here that it comes off as desperate. If you’re only here to preach your political opinions then there’s a whole section for that.
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Crazy people actually spend $50 on that stuff
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Towelie runs my farm, he's awesome.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, Polly is still around from what I've heard.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @SylverReZ, is Pollys alt I knew it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea I see him every once whi!e , incognito
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, I'm not him. Keep looking.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Still don't know why he left unless someone really hurt his feelings
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Don't know why people get so emotional online just get over it ffs
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    He was the ass of gbatemp, everyone knocked on him, I honestly felt bad, even though I was guilty myself, but he egged it all on himself,
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But he still here, but under dif name, he pm me sometimes still even.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's like they think we'll be in their bed pissing on it the next day
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I feel like gbatemp should make t-shirts or memorabilia to remember the lost ones. I bet the Polly shirts would sell out quick.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Nah that could actually bring lawsuits
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Your correct, Somebody would be guilty and there would be riots, then they storm the gbatemp capitol,
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Online or not there are still certain rights that judges would have no issue handing out a warrant over
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Just look at Kim dotcom
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Honestly I'm scared to, from you, but ok, lemme turn on vpn, virtual machine, private browser first
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Remember that Alexa robot I gifted you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    And that laptop Webcam you never tapped up
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That robot is here somewhere, I hear it moving around at night, but I haven't seen it for months.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Oh that laptop I give to ancientboi, so you been watching him for months, and he's been watching you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh good more than enough material for the fbi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn its 5 in morn, I gotta Go wake your mum and send her to work. Check ya later.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: Damn its 5 in morn, I gotta Go wake your mum and send her to work. Check ya later.