Advice regarding filthy suitemates

Alright, so I'm currently an undergraduate student at a university. I share a suite with 5 suitemates (excluding my roommate) and there are 2 bathrooms that we all share; one room has 2 suitemates, the other room has 2 suitemates, the other room has myself and my roommate, and the final room has 1 suitemate.

Initially, it seemed that everybody was using whatever bathroom they pleased so I called a meeting to discuss the matter. We came to the conclusion that me and my roommate and the room next door would use one bathroom and the suitemate in the single and the other suitemates in the other room would use the other bathroom. It seemed like things were fine after this, but I was terribly wrong.

Before the meeting, I cleaned the bathroom thoroughly since it was not cleaned at all since school started (it was about a month after school started). After the meeting, another suitemate was supposed to clean it and he still has not cleaned. I reminded him last week before I went home for the weekend and it still has not been cleaned (this was not the 1st time after the meeting I asked him about it).

On the day I went home, I realized that the kid in the single is using my bathroom rather than his. I asked him about it and he said he showers in his and goes to the bathroom in mine, which I totally don't understand. He probably is only doing this since his bathroom is disgusting (as it has not been cleaned at all) and my bathroom is relatively clean as it was cleaned twice by me and ONLY ME.

It just pisses me off that I'm like the only clean guy in this suite and that everybody is doing whatever the fuck they want. I mean there has been a pizza box in the common area for about 3 weeks now after 1 of them ordered pizza. It just goes to show that they are pigs and never clean up after themselves. I'm the only one taking initiative and I'm almost at a breaking point. I honestly don't know what to do since I have to put up with this shit until the year is over in May of next year. Should I go to my RA (who seems very distant)? Should I contact my RA from last year (who is still an RA and I had a really good relationship with)? Should I just bite the bullet and continue to clean the bathroom by myself; I got to ask my roommate though since he uses that bathroom and he is far cleaner than my suitemates. Any suggestions would do and I greatly appreciate them. Sorry for the long rant just really fed up.
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Could be worse

That said yeah sounds like you lucked out with a group of people that never met the real world before (or maybe did but a terminal bout of laziness and a willingness to play disgusting stuff chicken saw you blink first*), and mass sharing like that only makes things more fun. I assume there are no internal locking doors that could ensure things here for you.

*there have been occasions where people take it all upon themselves but that is no fun.

Ultra violence is a bit drastic so keep that one on the back burner.

I don't know how well your landlord (whether it is the university or someone private I don't know) will do things here short of biohazard. Sometimes you can do things like put bleach everywhere, mention it very well to all concerned (cover your arse here) and say I have done that so your job to clean it off, though that also risks "the universe creates a better idiot" and someone discovers flip flops in said room and other such means, to say nothing of them getting injured and the course of justice in such scenarios not being great (they might have known but if you are sitting there fine as they have bleach burns on their scrote, feet and arse...).

Depending upon what your funding situation is like (going by previous discussions your clothing budget in years past has seemingly been higher than most people's whole fun stuff budget) you might consider a break contact type manoeuvre and leave them with a festering sty for a few weeks as you swan it up in a cheap hotel to maybe drive the point home.

You could increase the apparent danger factor -- some unpleasant but ultimately harmless things (I am familiar with chemistry so I have a wide variety of choices here of things that don't smell pleasant but are harmless and won't track with your clothes), have a toilet seat that appears broken but is actually fine (if they don't/won't clean they probably also wont know how to tighten a few screws on the back, though you then have to remember to unscrew it again after you are done and assume your roommate won't blab either), possibly that also tilts to the side (nobody likes taking a dump when they feel like they might fall off, and it is only a few degrees in it).
Alright, so I'm currently an undergraduate student at a university. I share a suite with 5 suitemates (excluding my roommate) and there are 2 bathrooms that we all share; one room has 2 suitemates, the other room has 2 suitemates, the other room has myself and my roommate, and the final room has 1 suitemate.

Initially, it seemed that everybody was using whatever bathroom they pleased so I called a meeting to discuss the matter. We came to the conclusion that me and my roommate and the room next door would use one bathroom and the suitemate in the single and the other suitemates in the other room would use the other bathroom. It seemed like things were fine after this, but I was terribly wrong.

Before the meeting, I cleaned the bathroom thoroughly since it was not cleaned at all since school started (it was about a month after school started). After the meeting, another suitemate was supposed to clean it and he still has not cleaned. I reminded him last week before I went home for the weekend and it still has not been cleaned (this was not the 1st time after the meeting I asked him about it).

On the day I went home, I realized that the kid in the single is using my bathroom rather than his. I asked him about it and he said he showers in his and goes to the bathroom in mine, which I totally don't understand. He probably is only doing this since his bathroom is disgusting (as it has not been cleaned at all) and my bathroom is relatively clean as it was cleaned twice by me and ONLY ME.

It just pisses me off that I'm like the only clean guy in this suite and that everybody is doing whatever the fuck they want. I mean there has been a pizza box in the common area for about 3 weeks now after 1 of them ordered pizza. It just goes to show that they are pigs and never clean up after themselves. I'm the only one taking initiative and I'm almost at a breaking point. I honestly don't know what to do since I have to put up with this shit until the year is over in May of next year. Should I go to my RA (who seems very distant)? Should I contact my RA from last year (who is still an RA and I had a really good relationship with)? Should I just bite the bullet and continue to clean the bathroom by myself; I got to ask my roommate though since he uses that bathroom and he is far cleaner than my suitemates. Any suggestions would do and I greatly appreciate them. Sorry for the long rant just really fed up.

Yes,the usual Problems today to the TOGETHER life.
Because there are just more egg heads than reasonable people in shared apartments.....

One "Solution" - accept it,do not longer bother about and go on.
It has no point at all to discuss with such people and explain to them a hundred times how they are dealing with it.

After a meeting,it works for 2-3 times/maybe 7-10 days and then...
I call it "the 14 day illness".
Some people are "very clever" and others are "not that smart"

Believe me it is your health and it is your nerves ... these people do not care ....
It does not hurt them, they do not even flinch.
You can talk to them every day, it does not help, they are resistant ...

Other Solution:

You report it every day
You tell it everyday
You confront them with it in every situation
You control it every day
You're gonna be so screwed up somehow......

Your Choice,my Friend.:)
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Similiar thing happened with my GF ... after the girl who initially lived next to her room moved they put two Malaysian girls in the small room and they were kinda disgusting ...
They never cleaned the cooking pots or anything in the kitchen and they let lots of food rot in the personal pots and stuff from my GF and they also invited LOTS of guys every day ... they were sleeping with 8 people in a 15m² room some times and everyone was taking a shower like 3 times a day before praying ! none of them ever occured that opening the window in the Bathroom would be a good idea after the whole room was wet from the steam so everything startet to rot even though I (when I was there) and my GF allways told them to open the damn window.

In the end the only way was to find another place and let those people and the house go down.
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keep some good toilet rolls hidden in your room, and buy the coarsest most sandpaper grade toilet paper you can find to leave in there, they sound like the kinda people who wouldn't bother buying more and just pick up the habit of going to a public toilet, and if they do buy their own make a habit of wasting it, eventually they will "win" by teaching you a lesson and keeping their toilet for themselves and leaving you to suffer with your "terrible toilet and toilet paper"

you basically need to make using your toilet more of an effort than either going elsewhere or just cleaning their own, once they pick up the routine you can go back to normal

i would say confrontations and stuff very rarely solve any situation like that, all it will end up doing is starting a mini civil war with people trying to 1-up each other and piss the other side off more, ultimately being more of a headache than simply cleaning the toilet

back when i was in a houseshare i essentially formed a little pact with the other housemates to withhold rent until this 1 guy was kicked out, he was an absolute arsehole, eating other peoples food, bringing weird junkies to the house, not contributing to the bills, post going missing etc, everyone else was great and as we said to the landlord, once he is gone you get all the outstanding rent, we aren't not paying, we are just forcing the situation as he wasn't willing to do anything as long as he was still being paid, we had to make his potential losses higher than the potential gains from keeping that guy there
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Hot damn that must suck, I complain almost every day to my family members how they use the bathroom like pigs. It got better with constant complaining and support from my mom lol.

I'm curious as to what would happen if you were the straight forward type, and told them to the face that they're disgusting. :unsure:
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Yes,the usual Problems today to the TOGETHER life.
Because there are just more egg heads than reasonable people in shared apartments.....

One "Solution" - accept it,do not longer bother about and go on.
It has no point at all to discuss with such people and explain to them a hundred times how they are dealing with it.

After a meeting,it works for 2-3 times/maybe 7-10 days and then...
I call it "the 14 day illness".
Some people are "very clever" and others are "not that smart"

Believe me it is your health and it is your nerves ... these people do not care ....
It does not hurt them, they do not even flinch.
You can talk to them every day, it does not help, they are resistant ...

Other Solution:

You report it every day
You tell it everyday
You confront them with it in every situation
You control it every day
You're gonna be so screwed up somehow......

Your Choice,my Friend.:)
Exactly. I called a meeting and things fell apart soon after. I’d rather not have them be spiteful if I took drastic measures. Better to be safe than sorry.
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As someone who has a few years of experience being an RA, I (with some definite bias) would suggest you let your RA know what's going on. No matter how distant, they're being paid to do a job and that job includes making sure everyone is comfortable in their own space.

Is your old RA working in the same building? If you're more comfortable going to them instead and they work in the same building as you, then they may also be able to help. In my experience, there is some overlap in authority as far as helping solve issues that may arise from outside an RA's floor (or however it's organized in your res hall).

Heck, I've even had residents who frequently requested to speak to the manager of our residence hall and guess what they were were granted that request. Bottom line is, don't be afraid to speak up, there's nothing to lose :)
I used to live in a dormitory with 2 persons in it. My roommate was dirty, maybe even worse than you wrote here. Complained to the RA, got another roommate, same stuff but a bit better. There is nothing that you can do unless you are willing to pay a single room for you. Now, I live in a single room dormitory but it has a shared kitchen and bathroom. At least the kitchen and bathroom are far from my room. But it sucks that some of my neighbors are dirty (placing the trash in front of the room and some biohazard stuff). I wish I can afford my own house soon. Living with other people closely needs a huge tolerance. I used to live in a house without neighbors (left and side are an empty lot). So maybe it is just me.
Possible solution: if you are dividing the rent rather than someone else deciding how much you each pay, offer to do all the cleaning for a certain amount off your share which is covered by all the others. Eg say the house is $1400/week and you all pay $200 a week. Offer that you pay $100/week and do all the cleaning and they each pay $217/week.

If they're not happy with that, the next option is you pay a cleaner and nobody does any of this cleaning. Say you get a weekly cleaner for $70/week, you all pay $210 a week.

The third option is that you take a bathroom to yourself and pay extra rent that subsidises them. Maybe you pay $230/week and they pay $195 each a week.

One of those options should satisfy everyone and you won't have this simmering resentment that builds and builds until you explode at one of them for no reason, or you all just hate each other and living together is unpleasant.
I agree with the above comments. Your best option is to move. Ask yourself how much your peace of mind is worth.

Do not try to pool your resources to hire a cleaner, because then you will end up with people who owe you money instead.

I wish I had thought to keep the toilet paper in my room, especially since I was paying for it. It probably has not even occurred to your suitemates that toilet paper and other consumables come from somewhere.
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What I would do buddy, since you seem to have your head screwed on right and like to take charge (you called a meeting) - you have already asked that guy with a single why he uses your bathroom.
Maybe clean it with him (since he won't do it himself)... hopefully that will get him to use his own?

You will probably only have to be in this situation (which can improve!) until the summer vacation right, so, just try to survive. For many people the first year at university is tough and they don't know how to behave, living with those kinds of people is difficult but you thankfully won't have to do it all of your life :)
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when I was in college, I had one suitemate (we were both in single dorm rooms). he wasn't disgusting or anything, but I was the only person who'd clean the bathroom.
Place an padlock with key on the door so people except yourself the other person you're friends with(?) will only have access to it, they all sound like literal pigs what filth
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This coming from the guy with the white-coated black van...
Nah I get it. I'm always that guy that likes things clean and constantly cleans up after his roommates. It sucks but aim to get a studio eventually if you can afford it. Or piss and shit wildly on the toilet seat to mark your territory :tpi:
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Recent update: I went to the head of the building and she emailed everybody in the suite to schedule a mandatory meeting (keeping my identify anonymous since it was just health and safety inspections). Literally nobody in the suite is responding to her email despite it being mandatory. It goes to show that these kids don't care and are spoiled brats. This should be interesting what develops of this. Another thing I do is take one of the towels hanging up and clean the shower floor since there is the one kid that always leave hair in the shower. I know it's really disgusting. That pizza box was also thrown out after about 4 weeks; it started growing hair on it.
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I'd be your roommate and you'd like me considerably better than this, that's absolutely disgusting
You lucked out.
Moving is an option? Move.
Moving is not an option? Don't live there, only go back to sleep, take care to avoid the roaches in the way to your bed.
I guess.

Another possibility would that your landlord charges extra for "cleaning service", and contracts a third party to do cleaning weekly.
I have seen this happen.
At least the landlord will take the money from every tenant equally.
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I don’t think this problem goes away you just have to find a place with less people.
Moving away ? This is No option today. Why ? There are now too many Egg Heads out maybe works for a short time period...
It may work for a short while,then you will catch up with them again ...
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's like they think we'll be in their bed pissing on it the next day
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I feel like gbatemp should make t-shirts or memorabilia to remember the lost ones. I bet the Polly shirts would sell out quick.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Nah that could actually bring lawsuits
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Your correct, Somebody would be guilty and there would be riots, then they storm the gbatemp capitol,
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Online or not there are still certain rights that judges would have no issue handing out a warrant over
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Just look at Kim dotcom
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Honestly I'm scared to, from you, but ok, lemme turn on vpn, virtual machine, private browser first
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Remember that Alexa robot I gifted you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    And that laptop Webcam you never tapped up
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That robot is here somewhere, I hear it moving around at night, but I haven't seen it for months.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Oh that laptop I give to ancientboi, so you been watching him for months, and he's been watching you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh good more than enough material for the fbi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn its 5 in morn, I gotta Go wake your mum and send her to work. Check ya later.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    He could make so much money!!! His arm would never get tired lol
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    How are yall doing
  • VXNlcm5hbWU @ VXNlcm5hbWU:
    Just had a pure banger of a sandwich there, was very nice
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    what do you call a dog with no legs?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    A hot dog?
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    doesn't matter what you call it, it won't come
    BakerMan @ BakerMan: doesn't matter what you call it, it won't come