Ipod is the worst mp3 player of all time!!

This is the fifth time that my ipod got completely destroyed. Itunes got forzen and the ipod will not respond. Itunes is a slow ass and terrible software to begin with, I have no clue why so many people like this software, SonicStage from Sony was bad, but it was a million times better than that PIECE OF SHIT itunes. :hateit: I rather eat a piece of horse shit rather than dealing with this f*cked up shit. F*ck you steve jobs, you dirty nazi!!! How is he making so much off such shitty hardware and software?????? I only have this ipod to show off in front of my friends, it dies within months because of hard disk failure. This is my FIFTH TIME!!!! Don't they have quality control???!!?!?! :hateit:


I have an ipod nano generation 1 and it still works fine. Of course, im using rockbox instead of the original firmware. Search it up. It only works on the older versions and some other brands, but it comes with like 50 games and stuff. As for my ipod, every time its been frozen or somethings happened to it I just hold menu and the center button for like 20 seconds and it resets. and its back to normal!
I love the first Generation Nanos. I bought a 4gb one in August, I think its one of the best mp3 players out there.

1st Gen Nano's ftw!
[quote name='Praetor192' post='1785783' date='Feb 19 2009, 10:19 PM']Steve Jobs makes $1 a year.

iTunes is great, have never had any trouble with it, it can be annoying with some software intricacies (changing music's location, etc) but 98% of the time it works like a charm (might be because I use the native Mac version though).

My only iPod I have ever had I bought used and I have now used it for several years, I have had NO troubles with it what-so-ever even though I have accidentally dropped it several times.

Consumer Reports and several other independent review sources have rated the reliability and customer support services of Apple much higher than other competing companies in many different periodicals, based on customer reviews. The overall satisfaction rate when dealing with an issue was also much higher than other competitors according to these publications.

You Are Wrong[/quote]

The $1 a year thing made me laugh. Hard. I seriously hope you are joking.

Also, you run Mac, so you are used to the kind of bullshit that Mac applications spew (as the OS is built around it). Also, the Windows version of iTunes is basically a port of a hack, so it's obviously going to run much worse. And to say "You are wrong" to the OP is just plain rude and ignorant. "Independent review sources" do NOT make an MP3 player better than another.

How's this for why the iPod sucks compared to most other available products: VERY low codec support (about 5 audio [MP3, WAV, AIF, M4A, and AAC] and 2 or 3 video codecs), awful file organization, over-zealous encryption, DRM riddled, mediocre interface, and absolutely terrible way of transferring music.

Who the fuck are you to tell the OP HE is wrong for being unhappy with a PMP that has now broken on him FIVE times???

Anyways, you need to take care of PMPs and such that have spinning hard disks in them. If you need an MP3 player for exercising, the Sansa Clip or a similar solid-state, minimalistic MP3 player (such as the Sansa Clip). They are cheap, simple and durable.
I never liked the ipod designs.
The New nano however, is their first good design for their nano. its thin but putting the screen vertically was a way better design

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I never liked the ipod designs.
The New nano however, is their first good design for their nano. its thin but putting the screen vertically was a way better design
I've had 4 iPods till now and had no problem whatsoever. You're doing something wrong. And offtopic you're from Uzbekistan?! :wtf:
My troll senses are tingling. haha, I think you're just unlucky, my iPod works just fine, and it's been a damn while.
My 3 cents. I like the iPod. I had one of the second gens and 4th gens. Yes, they all broke. I don't know what it is about the iPod but it's sooo prone to breaking wether it be a hardware or software fuckup. That being said, it has a great firmware. The button layout is how mp3 players should be. too bad it's patented because a bunch of other ppl try to copy it with no avail!

I've moved on to sandisk sansa. Mostly because I can get them for free sometimes and I like the drag and drop interface.
I don't think you people actually understand how the business world works. Steve Jobs is worth BILLIONS. Not only does he already have cash shooting out his anus from his past endeavors, his net worth is in the billions of dollars.
Ask anyone on IRC, I am the biggest Steve Jobs/Apple hater of all times.

I however cannot agree with your statements.

Itunes is indeed bloated and slow and I do dislike it, but as for the Ipod quality? I caved eventually and just bought a newer little shuffle, used....it lasted me 2 years of very intense wear and tear including dropping it, very briefly, in a running stream.

This year I have replaced it with the new 8 gig nano, and it is pretty solid aswell I have dropped it a few times, stepped on it twice, and had my 3 year old nephew suck on it like a freezie. It still looks and works like new.

I'd also like to point out, if I am not mistaken that the ipod is not an mp3 player, dont ipods use the mp4 format :P
[quote name='Praetor192' post='1785783' date='Feb 19 2009, 10:19 PM']Steve Jobs makes $1 a year.

iTunes is great, have never had any trouble with it, it can be annoying with some software intricacies (changing music's location, etc) but 98% of the time it works like a charm (might be because I use the native Mac version though).

My only iPod I have ever had I bought used and I have now used it for several years, I have had NO troubles with it what-so-ever even though I have accidentally dropped it several times.

Consumer Reports and several other independent review sources have rated the reliability and customer support services of Apple much higher than other competing companies in many different periodicals, based on customer reviews. The overall satisfaction rate when dealing with an issue was also much higher than other competitors according to these publications.

You Are Wrong[/quote]

[quote name='Beware' post='1785810' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:41 PM']The $1 a year thing made me laugh. Hard. I seriously hope you are joking.[/quote]
Nope, not joking. Look it up, instead of a large salary he gets stock options.

[quote name='Beware' post='1785810' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:41 PM']Also, you run Mac, so you are used to the kind of bullshit that Mac applications spew (as the OS is built around it). Also, the Windows version of iTunes is basically a port of a hack, so it's obviously going to run much worse. And to say "You are wrong" to the OP is just plain rude and ignorant. "Independent review sources" do NOT make an MP3 player better than another.[/quote]
I run a mac, and have used Windows probably more than you have. I have been a computer junkie my whole life, I spend my time playing around with them, doing minor coding experiments and physically taking them apart and rebuilding them (including an old Toshiba laptop). You are obviously one of the retarded biased failures who has either 1) never used a mac 2) bought in to the whole "internet peer pressure" thing, or 3) used it for a small period of time under restricted access settings (ex. school, a friend's, or work). Macs are clearly much better, but that would literally turn into a topic that is dozens (if not hundreds) of pages long (trust me, I have done of those debates before on a site called maplantis.org, now supplanted by staredit.net). Did I say that iPods were better? No, I said the customer satisfaction for the reliability of the product as well as the resolution of problems was greater.

[quote name='Beware' post='1785810' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:41 PM']How's this for why the iPod sucks compared to most other available products: VERY low codec support (about 5 audio [MP3, WAV, AIF, M4A, and AAC] and 2 or 3 video codecs), awful file organization, over-zealous encryption, DRM riddled, mediocre interface, and absolutely terrible way of transferring music.[/quote]
Many mp3 players have low codec support, and iPods handle the most common filetypes. If you wish to play music that is in another format, you can change it or you can install third party programs on your iPod. The file organization is excellent, allowing you to sort by a variety of different criteria as well as create playlists on the fly. Encryption and DRM? Nope, my iPod has neither of those. Only songs bought through online stores and from some CDs have DRM, and it is easily circumvented. Most of my music is either from torrents or CDs and not online stores, so my music is DRM-free. I can use simple drag-and-drop programs to move my music from my iPod to my computer, and iTunes from my computer to my iPod. The interface started out simplistic and manageable, and has since evolved to being a very intuitive management system that is very clean and easy to use. Terrible way of transferring music? By that you mean plugging it in to your computer and dragging files over, as you have to do with every other mp3 player? Or do you mean the iPod Touch's ability to download music on the go? Both seem fine for me.

[quote name='Beware' post='1785810' date='Feb 19 2009, 08:41 PM']Who the fuck are you to tell the OP HE is wrong for being unhappy with a PMP that has now broken on him FIVE times???[/quote]
Nobody I know has had their iPod break more than 3 times, and that person was often neglecting the well-being of his device (he accidentally dropped one, lifted up the leg of the chair he was sitting on to get up to look for it, and that put the leg directly on top of the screen. When he sat down after not seeing it, it got crushed. Another one of his he dropped and one corner of the screen cracked. A third the harddrive gave out, and 1 month out of warranty apple still replaced it for free.) The OP obviously neglects his iPod in order for it to have broken 5 times, and even if it had for reasons out of his control, apple would still likely replace it for free. Thus, I can clearly and objectively say that he is wrong.
tl;dr version: Praetor is mac fanboy, don't try to argue with him or he'll fuck yo shit up with 100-page long arguments on how Macs are clearly superior
I love my iPod, but I despise iTunes. Anyone who thinks that transferring music to the iPod via iTunes is better than drag-and-drop is on crack.

[quote name='Praetor192' post='1785871' date='Feb 19 2009, 09:18 PM']Nobody I know has had their iPod break more than 3 times, and that person was often neglecting the well-being of his device (he accidentally dropped one, lifted up the leg of the chair he was sitting on to get up to look for it, and that put the leg directly on top of the screen. When he sat down after not seeing it, it got crushed. Another one of his he dropped and one corner of the screen cracked. A third the harddrive gave out, and 1 month out of warranty apple still replaced it for free.) The OP obviously neglects his iPod in order for it to have broken 5 times, and even if it had for reasons out of his control, apple would still likely replace it for free. Thus, I can clearly and objectively say that he is wrong.[/quote]Well, since you don't know anyone who's had their iPod break more than 3 times, that must mean it's never happened before.

Obviously the OP is neglecting his iPod. Because the evidence is just so compelling.

Thus, I can clearly and objectively say that you must be correct and that your reasoning is apparently absolute.
Meh, I've had an iPod for 3 years and it's only frozen once. Apple replaced it within 5 minutes when I brought it back to the store, so kudos to them. Unfortunately though, my brother's iPod's screen cracked while it was in a bag on holiday. I have no idea how roughly the bag was handled, but he had to pay £60 for a screen replacement. When Apple are making a single iPod for less than that, it's ridiculous to charge that for a screen replacement. And as poor as iTunes can be, I've never had any life-changing problems with it and it runs fine on my fast PC, so I just keep it around.

That said, I'm slightly disgruntled by how much they take advantage of the market by building flimsy hardware for about £30 an iPod (classic and nano), then selling for over £100. I suppose they make up for it in customer support though.

@Praetor: I don't think it's fair saying he's outright wrong, he's probably just been unlucky with his iPod and put it through a lot of wear and tear. It's slightly insulting to anyone's intelligence assuming they are lying just because your experience differs. I do however agree that Apple's customer support is very good (most of the time, though of course in my brother's case not so good), and that while the iPod breaks relatively more than what would be expected of a top of the market product from an experienced company, you can't complain when 90% of MP3 players are built on the cheap, and thus are even more flimsy than an iPod.
I recently bought the new iPod chromatic 4th gen 8GB nano...
I Love it, it's just like my substitute for Moonshl, I used to watch anime and stuff on my 2gb micro sd and had no room for games hardly, now I find it hard to fill the space of my ipod seriously.
About iTunes; I got it from CNET and it tried to piss me about. The hardest thing is trying to enable disk use. I had to create a lagg to make time to enable disk use by unplugging and replugging (lol) my wireless internet adapter just to click enable, it used to connect -> sync in a matter of miliseconds and then disconnect and there was no way of reconnecting it without unplugging and plugging it back in.
Ok, the software needs MAJOR rethink but my ipod only gave me two problems xD
1. it wouldn't turn on once so I just reset
2. For no apparent reason data sometimes disappears like movies or songs that had recently been put on but nothing to worry about I think.
If you have a blood fued against apple go for Zune, otherwise stick with iPods...they rocks... If only shaking didn't shuffle songs, it looks like you're doing something innapropriate to your ipod :unsure:
[quote name='Smartpal' post='1785822' date='Feb 19 2009, 10:49 PM']I've had 4 iPods till now and had no problem whatsoever. You're doing something wrong. And offtopic you're from Uzbekistan?! :wtf:[/quote]
I'm guessing that I'm just unlucky.

BTW-I'm not actually IN Uzbekistan right now, I was born there. I currently live in Canada. I see you're from India, my language is similar vocabulary wise to many languages of India due to Persian influence.

Anyway, guys. :wacko: Stop fighting over this. Whatever happened, happened. I had bad experience over iPod. I find it funny how people are trying to tell me how my iPod didn't actually break, because it can't break. I'll take your advice and go to the gym with this piece of brick next time. :) Also I take it for exercise because apple supported the exercising arm band for iPod, which I thought wouldn't be too bad for it since it was MADE for the iPod.
[quote name='Densetsu3000' post='1786395' date='Feb 20 2009, 06:40 AM']I love my iPod, but I despise iTunes. Anyone who thinks that transferring music to the iPod via iTunes is better than drag-and-drop is on crack.[/quote]
What are the advantages of drag-and-drop against iTunes? I prefer the iTunes method for some reason because I don't see why it's bad to have all your music in one location, easily tagged, and when I sync my iPod I don't have to manually drag and drop music files to it, cause it does it automatically. But the last time I used the drag and drop method was like 3 years ago, so I don't know :/
[quote name='Salamantis' post='1786721' date='Feb 20 2009, 08:49 AM']What are the advantages of drag-and-drop against iTunes? I prefer the iTunes method for some reason because I don't see why it's bad to have all your music in one location, easily tagged, and when I sync my iPod I don't have to manually drag and drop music files to it, cause it does it automatically. But the last time I used the drag and drop method was like 3 years ago, so I don't know :/[/quote]I have to concede that syncing is nice, but I don't like the idea of not being able to get my music off the iPod and back onto a different hard drive if I want to. Winamp and other programs automatically add ID3 tags from the CDDB and sort the MP3s into organized folders when you rip albums, so tagging and organization has never been an issue for me. And if someone like a friend or relative wants to recharge their iPod on my PC, I don't like how iTunes always comes on and tries to sync their iPod with my music collection. If iTunes had a feature where it could manage separate collections for different iPods, I might find it more tolerable. I stopped using iTunes a long time ago when I was turned off by it, so things might be different now (please tell me if it is). But still, I would rather be able to access the iPod as a removable storage drive and have the option of copying files to and from it by simple drag-and-drop.

I don't just listen to music, but audiobooks and audio courses as well. When I'm done with them, I like to be able to just delete the folder containing those files on my iPod so they don't pop up randomly while I'm listening to some music on the treadmill.

That all said, I still love the iPod, but iTunes could be better.

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