Why I Believe Nintendo Should Fail - UPDATED!


Hello again, fellow Tempers! Today, I thought I'd revisit one of my articles that caused quite a bit of controversy when I wrote it, as I had written it from a completely subjective point of view. You guys pointed some of it out, but there are some things I said then that I don't necessarily believe to be true now. So, here we go again, as I delve into my original article entitled Why I Believe Nintendo Should Fail (and Why It Would be Good for the Company).

That said, I should point out that I never wanted Nintendo to fail. I still don't like everything Nintendo has done, but I'm a bit more optimistic than I was then. I abandoned that post because I got a lot of heat from it, but I'll do my best to not only be nicer, but to be more factual and also more open-minded.

Let's begin:

Before you think that this is an open attack on a company from someone who doesn't know a durn thing what he's talking about, let me start by saying that I am a Nintendo fan. I live and breathe Nintendo. I am very passionate about the company, and Luigi is one of my all-time favorite cartoon characters. I've watched some videos with Kit and Krysta, and I have done extensive research on everything Nintendo.

That's why I hate Nintendo.

But if I'm a fan, how can I hate what I'm a fan of? Well, let me elaborate on that - I hate what Nintendo has become.
That "extensive research" was mostly Wikipedia and opinion pieces. I have broadened my horizons quite a bit since then to include much more than what I was referring to. I also was basing my thoughts on word-of-mouth - my parents' disdain of Nintendo services, store employees, and even others I talked to on the streets! It's not very reliable, I've since found out.

Even so, I still don't like what Nintendo has become, but I'll explain as we go on...

They first started looong time ago as a hanafuda card company. It wasn't until the founder's grandson, Hiroshi Yamauchi, came to the United States in the 1950s to manufacture licensed playing cards, that Nintendo would later become a video game giant. During the 1960s and early 1970s, Nintendo ventured in toys, taxis, a subway station, rice products, and even a love hotel. Then, after they started distributing the Magnavox Odyssey, they got into developing video games.
I should have mentioned that Nintendo only had distributing rights of the Magnavox Odyssey in Japan, a fact I overlooked. They never did so in the United States or beyond, but they did partner with Magnavox to create a light gun for the system, based on their earlier Wild Gunman arcade machine.

Then, the Video Game Crash happened. By 1983, many manufacturers of dedicated game console systems and their games either went out of business, suffered bankruptcy, or decided to manufacture the increasingly popular platform - microcomputers. These computers hooked to your television sets were much more flexible than consoles which just played video games. That reason, along with the overflow of low-quality games and money mismanagement, hurt many video game companies during the early 1980s.

That was before the Nintendo Entertainment System, the savior of the video game industry. The innovative, yet surprisingly out-of-date technology that made up the NES was top-notch for the day, and really hit on all over the U.S.
This was very region-specific on my part. I wanted to base it off of the 1983 Video Game Crash to try to prove a point, but no such crash happened in other regions outside of the United States. It's kind of lame, if you think about it, because it doesn't prove very well that Nintendo is the god of video gaming globally.

Kimishima graduated from an economics and commerce school (Hitotsubashi University), and was in charge of financial departments in a bank and as president over the Pokemon Company. His financial business sense should have helped Nintendo overcome their difficulties, and they somewhat did, but at a cost. Kimishima, although intelligent in the monetary sense, is by no means a sociable man. After becoming president of the Nintendo of America division, he jacked up the prices of new consoles, games, and accessories. The Game Boy Advance, released during his presidency in the U.S., sold for nearly $150 nationwide - later Game Boys, with better and more expensive hardware, sold for less than $100! On top of that, the Club Nintendo service, a loyalty program which started in 2002, did not reach North America until after Kimishima left. Due to ridiculous pricing and mismanagement of Nintendo services, the company began losing fans. Nintendo managed to make more money in the U.S., but not particularly due to Kimishima.

A good business makes a lot of money, but a better business cares about people just as much as making money, or perhaps more so. Kimishima didn't really care so much about if it was good enough for the customers; he cared more for the welfare of Nintendo. Quite possibly because of this, the Playstation 2 outsold the GameCube by a landslide (GameCube Sales v.s. Playstation 2 sales).
I still believe Kimishima is not a sociable man, but he can't be fully to blame for Nintendo's failures during this time. Sony had a far more superior console due to its multimedia capabilities. Nintendo struggled (and still does) to keep up for two reasons:
  1. Nintendo is not as tech savvy as other manufacturers because they have always seen themselves as a toy manufacturer - in fact, the real reason Nintendo was able to save video gaming was a clever marketing stratagem of selling the NES as a toy! That's because it's only natural - Nintendo started as a toy company, so why deviate from their origins? AFAIK, Nintendo still sells hanafuda sets in Japan.
  2. Nintendo doesn't believe they NEED to change the way people game because... they're Nintendo! Everybody knows Nintendo, so that'll keep them afloat... right? Unfortunately, Nintendo is relying a lot on nostalgia, which could cost them in the long run, because in general, younger gamers (Gen Z'ers specifically) don't really care about what 8-bit used to look like. They want games that are better, faster, and have come out within their lifespans (so therefore they'd flock more towards newer franchises like Angry Birds and Minecraft over something like Mega Man and Rayman) - in other words, games THEY are familiar with playing on systems they themselves owned. Now, that's not to say that there aren't Mega Man lovers who are Gen Z, but to consistently reference 8-bit Mega Man? CAPCOM might then be considered a nostalgia company just like Nintendo! They don't do it very often, but Nintendo does. A LOT. Especially within main games like Super Mario Odyssey.
Here's an interesting article by TheGamer similar to this: 25 Glaring Problems With The Super Mario Series Fans Won’t Admit

Satoru Iwata saw how Nintendo seemed just like any other gaming company, and decided to kick it up a notch with a new console that would not only be innovative, but help tackle the problems of technology isolating people and helping them be immobile. That's why the Wii was released, and it was such a huge success, Nintendo had problems keeping up with the demand for two whole years!
Yeah, but that also caused quite a bit of friction with fans, and Iwata wasn't able to address all of the issues with Nintendo single-handedly. I mean, come on! They're a business with a board of directors, not a charity with a leader at the helm! Even the late, great Iwata couldn't keep other Nintendo execs from making bad choices, but he did his best.

Although the Wii U was critiqued and didn't sell well at first, Iwata's stubbornness for doing what he called "creating something unique" (which he says at the beginning of Nintendo Direct Pre-E3 2012, along with his ideas for helping people become "connected", or physically interact with each other) helped to boost sales and gain better reviews.
Yes, but the Wii U is, sadly, still considered one of Nintendo's worst failures. That may have not been the case if Iwata had survived his bile duct cancer the second time around, but we'll never truly know for sure.

The death of Iwata left Nintendo in a shambles. Progress on current projects simply halted for a time. Desperation calls for drastic measures, and that can lead to unintended - and often disastrous - consequences. Kimishima stepped in, and took charge. I have reason to believe that Nintendo searched for another Iwata-like president, and when none could be found, Kimishima stayed.
I still believe that very well could be the case, but so far I have not found evidence of such. It's quite possible that this was never openly discussed, but I presumed such was the case due to some of Nintendo's activities shortly after Iwata's death. However, this is only a theory, and I will never present it as fact.

Their decision to keep Kimishima as president for all of Nintendo was a great mistake. Under Kimishima, a dozen services and legacy shops were closed or announced to be closed, including Miiverse, the DSi Shop, and the Wii Shop - critical services which consoles relied on. Also, E3s of times past had ranged from mediocre to awesome, but during Kimishima's time as president, it went from pretty fantastic to abysmal in just three summers (2016 - 2017 - 2018).
Kimishima is a financial man, and from what I understand of the man - the way he talks, his facial expressions, etc. - he looks at Nintendo services as ways to make money from consumer interest, not as ways to please consumers better (Iwata, by contrast, did what he could to please customers first - "In my heart, I am a gamer."). Therefore, his axing of older, non-profitable services makes sense for any business, but for those of us who saw potential, as I did (especially Miiverse!), it was a stupid move because it alienated customers who wanted to use those services. I think a lot of times why people jump on the next big console is not so much excitement over something new, but also fear of no longer being supported anymore. Just my way of thinking, really.

What made YOU get on the Nintendo Switch from the previous console? Will YOU buy the next Nintendo console after the Switch? Let me know in the comments!
Also, E3 has gotten abysmal on its own. Especially after 2020. 'Nuff said.

As long as Nintendo doesn't seem to care for their customers, I will never buy a Nintendo Switch, nor will I partake in anything Switch related. I have the next-to-latest console, and that's good enough for me.
...Says the same guy who got one for Christmas that year, then bought another one, hated it, swore off Switch, missed it, got back on it, and now... well, you get the point. :rolleyes:

Shuntaro Furukawa, I assumed, was going to be another Iwata. However, despite his initial statements about uniqueness and support for older devices, it seems that we have lost contact with the man. He's not in the lime light as Iwata was. Is it possible that he's just another Kimishima - or worse? How much do we really know about the man? It is my lack of hope in Nintendo that has led me to believe that Furukawa is not going to do anything new or exciting, nor does he seem interested in keeping the Wii U and 3DS as there is no longer any more news on them.
Furukawa is a weird case, from what I've found out. He's younger and likes to think of Nintendo as an "entertainment" company - hence why the theme parks and the Super Mario Bros. Movie. Yet, he doesn't seem to like to be out and about very much, instead allowing Yoshiaki Koizumi and Shinya Takahashi making Nintendo Directs, and allowing other key people like Miyamoto to show their faces more often instead of him. It's... I dunno. It's just weird. Then again, maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm expecting another Iwata figure and not getting it. I really don't know.

I like the concept of the Switch, simply because it has Iwata's handiwork all over it. He was a key developer in the project before his death.
More presumption, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out if it's true.

Nintendo now has only one primary console. I see how the Switch is being promoted over all other consoles they have ever made, even over New 3DSes. This means that Nintendo has abandoned 3DS and Wii U users, because there are no news or other improvements for those platforms. Iwata would have made sure that services for these older platforms were extended.
Wellllllllllllllllll... maybe not. Then again, he might have pushed for it, but if he did, he would have suggested that the services be migrated into something newer, probably, which would have then made the older devices obsolete anyway. Kinda like what he did with the whole Nintendo DS line, actually.

Focusing on beating the competition has killed their innovation. Nintendo seems to be more focused on competing with other consoles with such features as Nintendo Switch Online. This is not "Lateral Thinking of Withered Technology". This is not "creating something unique". This is Nintendo trying too hard to best their competitors, instead of doing what they were doing all along - being unique. Now, Nintendo Switch services are no better off than Playstation 4 or Xbox One, because they're just like them.
This is both true and false. While I do believe that trying to best their competition has made it where Nintendo is not coming up with as unique of ideas anymore, originally it was the motivation for innovation. Nintendo pioneered several things in the gaming industry we are accustomed to today (the D-pad or control pad, "rumble" i.e. vibration in controllers and systems, motion control in games, and even VR games, just to name a few), but unfortunately they seem to have lost sight of that and are more concerned about staying on top.

Nintendo support is less than helpful. I've had bad experiences with trying to reach out to Nintendo support. It appears to me that Nintendo has stopped listening to their customers. It's almost as if they're isolated on an island, listening only to the praises of reviewers, partners, and extremely loyal fans, while ignoring the problems of technology and barging on with what seems exciting and new, but is actually not that much different from competitors.
I think we can safely say that first-level tech support of ANY company is not really the best support! This is more of my disdain for Nintendo and its services, which unfortunately wasn't thought out very well.

There have been no sales or discounts on the Switch. The price for the Switch is ridiculously high, and as far as I can see, Nintendo refuses to put it on sale. This does not mean that there hasn't been any sort of deal, as GameStop allows credit to go towards one, and recently you can get $35 eShop credit for a specific package, but the price itself will not bend from $299. PlayStation 4 and Xbox One both have gone on sale multiple times, sometimes lower than the Switch price, and they're even more expensive than the Switch!
I probably wouldn't say today that there has absolutely NEVER been any kind of sale, but I personally haven't seen one. It's quite possible stores have managed to discount Switch consoles at some point - let me know in the comments if any of you got a Switch on sale somewhere.

Online play is no longer free. Paying for playing online, although cheap, had to be conceived by Kimishima as a way to make money, not as a way to reach out to customers. Gaming online before the Switch has always been free, and for those Nintendo consoles that still allow playing online, it still is free.
No change. I still complain about that.

Backwards compatibility is once again non-existant. The Switch has NO native support for Wii or Wii U game discs, nor does it have support for Nintendo 3DS cartridges. This is really bad for players who want to upgrade to a new system and expect to still play their old games.
...And yet it exists. My main gripe with how Nintendo (and now other services) are handling this is by offering the games AGAIN on digital storefronts and subscription services at a cost, but at least it does exist in some way or other.

Upon hearing about the Wall Street Journal's announcement of two new Switch devices, my heart sank. I suspected that this would mean the final nail in the coffin for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. Whenever they come out, I expect to toss my old consoles in the closet shortly afterwards - Nintendo will soon cut the eShop from both Wii U and 3DS, as well as any other internet-related services still active. If they do not, I will be utterly surprised.
Uh, hello? We all saw it coming, actually. Also, while I am sad that the 3DS and Wii U are no longer open for business, what puts my mind at ease is the painstaking efforts of the community of gamers to archive as much content as possible from these platforms (like the Completionist). So, not as much of a loss, really.

People want something new and exciting, not a repeat of an old product. If Nintendo expects to receive thunderous applause (which I'm afraid they do), they may only get crickets.
I've since learned that people can be fickle. If told to clap, they probably will, so... repeat or not, they'll also buy into it. Simply because it's Nintendo.

There's a likely possibility that if Nintendo continues the way it's going, bankruptcy is in its future. People have already started to lose interest, and the fan base is shrinking steadily. If Nintendo keeps making high financial goals, they will suffer greatly.
SOURCES! We need SOURCES! :wacko: Why do I always assume stuff?

Nintendo's failures could actually improve the company. Any kind of financial low could mean changing the current employees to those who might actually listen to their customers, and perhaps a revival of old services (under different names).
...Then again, not always the case.

I feel like a lot of my negative viewpoints are because of my own personal experiences with the company. My personal life was at an all-time low when I wrote that blog post, so I was not only naïve, but also confused and depressed. Now that I'm a little better off... I still am not too fond of Nintendo services. Yet, I see potential in Nintendo being better as an all-purpose entertainment company as Furukawa suggested. While their game services still are lacking, their ideas for theme parks, toys, movies and TV shows are phenomenal. So... maybe Nintendo should focus more on those? I mean, Nintendo failing at gaming consoles and services wouldn't be so bad if they're gonna transition to something more successful. I mean, they could be more like SEGA became - SEGA ditched consoles and now do all kinds of stuff. They still make games, but they've also invested in other things too. Perhaps it would be better if Nintendo annexed dedicated consoles - as Iwata himself might have suggested; in a fiscal Q&A from 2014, he stated "I believe that the era has ended when people play all kinds of games only on dedicated gaming systems", and while he then supported the idea that Nintendo should continue to offer dedicated gaming hardware with "walled garden" software, he might not have thought so today if he saw what Nintendo was doing in contrast to other companies (Steam Deck, anyone?).

I mean, the Switch is great as a console, and games on it are fun to play. It's even not too hard to use. However, Nintendo's being Nintendo in neglecting to update the hardware for better performance, as well as services that you have to pay for that are not only costly but include things that were free before. In the hacking scene, Nintendo doesn't seem to trust anyone, as they're cracking down on one hacking group after another and locking down their console software to make it even more difficult to mod.

So... I'm still a Nintendo fan. I ultimately don't want Nintendo to fail, but if it did fail in dedicated consoles, I think it could continue to exist in other ways other companies have existed.


So there you go! That's my revised take on why I believe Nintendo should (or at least has the option to) consider that dedicated consoles are a failure (despite Switch sales having reported to be so high - I still raise an eyebrow on those proclamations, but whatever).

What are YOUR thoughts? Do you think Nintendo should give up on closed-source video game consoles? What are your gripes with Nintendo? Unlike my previous article, I'm also more open to disagreements with this blog post, so if you find a problem with my way of thinking, fire away! Just don't argue, please.

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Pros: You aren't a sony spy
Cons: Didn't Nintendo save the Video Game Industry?
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Nintendo shouldn't fail.
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You're right, of course.


What made YOU get on the Nintendo Switch from the previous console? Will YOU buy the next Nintendo console after the Switch? Let me know in the comments!
I never got a Switch in the first place. Not the least because of their decision to ban homebrew users from using eShop.

I'm done with the gaming industry as such. About Nintendo specifically: Comparing my own contacts to Nintendo support when I was a child with trying nowadays is like comparing day and night.
No, thanks. I always had the hope customers would show companies that being friendly and helpful and caring would – in the long run – work better than squeezing out short term profits.
Alas, this meme nails it.

Customers will buy a turd if there is a Nintendo or Apple logo on it.
  • Haha
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I never got a Switch in the first place. Not the least because of their decision to ban homebrew users from using eShop.

I'm done with the gaming industry as such. About Nintendo specifically: Comparing my own contacts to Nintendo support when I was a child with trying nowadays is like comparing day and night.
No, thanks. I always had the hope customers would show companies that being friendly and helpful and caring would – in the long run – work better than squeezing out short term profits.
Alas, this meme nails it.

Customers will buy a turd if there is a Nintendo or Apple logo on it.
Yes, I suppose you're right. A lot of people get sucked into these schemes that ultimately are just there to drain their wallets. Even so, I don't mind some forms of DLC, even though I question season passes' approach (unless it really IS a value), but yeah, a lot of gaming stuff can be overrated.
You only get BC for one console cycle. More than that you are kinda stuck with the same controllers like the playstation. And even the playstation kept changing the plugs and bluetooth protocols for its controller every gen.
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Crazy people actually spend $50 on that stuff
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Towelie runs my farm, he's awesome.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, Polly is still around from what I've heard.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @SylverReZ, is Pollys alt I knew it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea I see him every once whi!e , incognito
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, I'm not him. Keep looking.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Still don't know why he left unless someone really hurt his feelings
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Don't know why people get so emotional online just get over it ffs
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    He was the ass of gbatemp, everyone knocked on him, I honestly felt bad, even though I was guilty myself, but he egged it all on himself,
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But he still here, but under dif name, he pm me sometimes still even.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's like they think we'll be in their bed pissing on it the next day
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I feel like gbatemp should make t-shirts or memorabilia to remember the lost ones. I bet the Polly shirts would sell out quick.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Nah that could actually bring lawsuits
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Your correct, Somebody would be guilty and there would be riots, then they storm the gbatemp capitol,
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Online or not there are still certain rights that judges would have no issue handing out a warrant over
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Just look at Kim dotcom
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Honestly I'm scared to, from you, but ok, lemme turn on vpn, virtual machine, private browser first
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Remember that Alexa robot I gifted you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    And that laptop Webcam you never tapped up
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That robot is here somewhere, I hear it moving around at night, but I haven't seen it for months.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Oh that laptop I give to ancientboi, so you been watching him for months, and he's been watching you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh good more than enough material for the fbi
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Damn its 5 in morn, I gotta Go wake your mum and send her to work. Check ya later.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: Damn its 5 in morn, I gotta Go wake your mum and send her to work. Check ya later.