The bastard really fucked up now.

So for all of you people who read my last blog and said I was whining and that my parents aren't that bad, I here have the evidence that my father is a violent bastard.
During dinner my little sister was continuously pokeing me in the chest with her finger. I found this annoying, so I tried to push her arm away, and hit my right hand against the table while trying to do so.
This hurt a lot, since (because of my handicap) my right hand is really sensitive, so I shout "goddammit.
Next thing I know is that my father starts raging, he shouts at me that I'm a bastard, and that I shouldn't shout.
I call him a fat retarded hypocrite, and then he starts to (literally) pull my hair (a lot of which got pulled out of my head), spit in my face and hit me over the head.
Now tell me, am I really a whining, stuck up kid that should learn normal manners or is my father a retard that hits me over the head and pulls my hair out if I don't completely agree with what he says and treat him like he's the motherfucking king?



[quote name='br0br0' post='2795232' date='Apr 30 2010, 07:13 AM']*snipped* (sorry Gran)[/quote]
I'm not about to get into this flamewar or anything, but parents are not saints no matter who they are. I consider myself fortunate, living with my mother. I'm grateful to her for all she's done, i make sure she knows it. She's not perfect though, she has definitely wronged me in the past, but i forgive her. But that doesn't make it right.

Now you may notice i mentioned my mother when this thread is about fathers. Truth be told, my mom and dad were never married. I've met my dad a grand total of three times. First time, i didn't know who he was yet, second time he wouldn't speak to me, third time was brief and rude. My dad basically screwed my mom and left her to fend for herself (which she's done a really good job without spoiling me or whatever). My dad though is a serious asshole. He hates everything, including me. He wanted to get mom to have an abortion so he wouldn't have to deal with the responsibility, but she wouldn't have it (very grateful there, even though maybe she would have been better off without having to raise a child on her own). So there's your grand and complete proof that many parents DO dislike their children. My dad is a perfect example. I'm lucky he didn't stick around too, he has a history of domestic violence. His dad beat him and he apparently beats his wife (he married after he fucked my mom apparently). From when he's called to talk to my mom about having to pay child support, he constantly refers to mom with derogatory terms (whore and whatnot. And he refers to me as bastard. The one good thing he's ever done is pay mom $250 twice a month for child support, and he did that only via court order.

And believe it or not, after all of this, i have a pretty damn happy life for some reason. I have one parent who is a complete and utter villain and another who did the best she could do in her situation. Having to raise a kid alone with no former experience. I get on her nerves at times, and she gets on mine, but we live happily enough. Can't complain really. Best trait about her is that she's not so arrogant that she won't admit she was wrong in doing something. She also avoided getting the belt out unless i was being a real asshole. It could have been handled a better way though, there is always an alternative to beating a child.

I know an asshole when i see one, and the blogger who posted this is one has a father who fits that description perfectly. Truth be told, parents can seriously sometimes act 100x more mature than their children ever could. Whoever says this guy deserved to be beaten was either beaten themselves, or is an abusive parent themselves. Or maybe they're just friendless jackasses with no life or soul. Regardless of your stance on child discipline, it's hard to deny the fact that the beating was uncalled for and very immature. And whoever says he deserved it or makes fun of him for a physical defect he can't help are only proving how immature they are.

Really though, call child services or something. Anything. Maybe just to scare him into leaving you alone. But if he persists, he's not worth dealing with. It's against the law and he can go to prison for it. I have no tolerance for parents who take their anger out on kids. I have seen it happen in real life. I had a friend who committed suicide because he was the victim of parental abuse constantly. They ruined his life completely and broke his mind. And they got away with it too, playing the innocent distraught parents. They were sad to have him dead, but not because they loved him, just because they lost their punching bag.

Post went way too long, sorry. Point being, parents can be just as immature as a spoiled two year old. And those who have that tendency get an inflated ego sometimes when they have something they can push around. I was lucky in that respect, but some others aren't. There really are parents who actually hate their children. There have even been parents who have directly murdered their kids. If what the TC says is what happened, the father needs to be shot in the face. There's a reason many kids turn to violence on the street- abusive parents who just don't really love their kids. It's totally possible to hate your children, i've seen it. Just because your parents love you doesn't mean another set loves their own. They're humans, not saints. They're perfectly capable of having hate towards their kids and it's not unheard of.
[quote name='NeoDraven' post='2795683' date='Apr 30 2010, 05:40 PM']I really want to beat your ass myself. You deserve everything you get, you piece of shit.

It's a good thing we don't know each other. I would go and have a beer with your dad, then tell him you said a bunch of shit just to get him to beat the fuck out of you when you got home from your boyfriend's house.

Sidenote; does anyone know this douchebag's dad or mom? I want to see if I can find them on Facebook or something, and direct them to this topic. I would LOVE to see the next thing this emo manpleaser posts to be something to the effect of, "Someone told my dad what I said about him, and he beat the shit out of me."

I am serious. If you know, PM me. Let's get this kid crippled for life.[/quote]

Someone jealous because he can play the guitar better than you :D Talking about getting a 16 year old beat up, get a life.
[quote name='granville' post='2795778' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:31 PM']*snip*
Really though, call child services or something. Anything. Maybe just to scare him into leaving you alone. But if he persists, he's not worth dealing with. It's against the law and he can go to prison for it. I have no tolerance for parents who take their anger out on kids. I have seen it happen in real life. I had a friend who committed suicide because he was the victim of parental abuse constantly. They ruined his life completely and broke his mind. And they got away with it too, playing the innocent distraught parents. They were sad to have him dead, but not because they loved him, just because they lost their punching bag.
Well that's another problem, people outside of my family usually see my father as a nice guy, and they have no idea what's going on here.
And since people are usually stupid enough to trust a lying grown-up over an honest minor (with age being the only reason) the people in my neighbourhood all seem to think that I'm crazy or something, which really pisses me off cuz first of all I'm not crazy and secondly my father is an unreasonable bastard but nobody notices/believes that.
[quote name='granville' post='2795778' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:31 PM']Whoever says this guy deserved to be beaten was either beaten themselves, or is an abusive parent themselves. Or maybe they're just friendless jackasses with no life or soul.[/quote]
Please don't think I'm flaming, but you seem a bit narrow-minded. You have a good reason to be (after all your father really was an asshole), but beating children doesn't always mean that they're going to have a miserable life afterwards. A lot of people who were beaten as a child (that is, they were hit a couple of times when they were young, I'm not talking about really getting punched) say it was a good lesson for them.
[quote name='Demonbart' post='2795814' date='Apr 30 2010, 02:54 PM'][quote name='granville' post='2795778' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:31 PM']*snip*
Really though, call child services or something. Anything. Maybe just to scare him into leaving you alone. But if he persists, he's not worth dealing with. It's against the law and he can go to prison for it. I have no tolerance for parents who take their anger out on kids. I have seen it happen in real life. I had a friend who committed suicide because he was the victim of parental abuse constantly. They ruined his life completely and broke his mind. And they got away with it too, playing the innocent distraught parents. They were sad to have him dead, but not because they loved him, just because they lost their punching bag.
Well that's another problem, people outside of my family usually see my father as a nice guy, and they have no idea what's going on here.
And since people are usually stupid enough to trust a lying grown-up over an honest minor (with age being the only reason) the people in my neighbourhood all seem to think that I'm crazy or something, which really pisses me off cuz first of all I'm not crazy and secondly my father is an unreasonable bastard but nobody notices/believes that.
Well, like I and other people have said, call child services, they must be pros at what they do, so they probably can discern between an honest minor and a lying one.
[quote name='golio514' post='2795824' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:58 PM'][quote name='Demonbart' post='2795814' date='Apr 30 2010, 02:54 PM'][quote name='granville' post='2795778' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:31 PM']*snip*
Really though, call child services or something. Anything. Maybe just to scare him into leaving you alone. But if he persists, he's not worth dealing with. It's against the law and he can go to prison for it. I have no tolerance for parents who take their anger out on kids. I have seen it happen in real life. I had a friend who committed suicide because he was the victim of parental abuse constantly. They ruined his life completely and broke his mind. And they got away with it too, playing the innocent distraught parents. They were sad to have him dead, but not because they loved him, just because they lost their punching bag.
Well that's another problem, people outside of my family usually see my father as a nice guy, and they have no idea what's going on here.
And since people are usually stupid enough to trust a lying grown-up over an honest minor (with age being the only reason) the people in my neighbourhood all seem to think that I'm crazy or something, which really pisses me off cuz first of all I'm not crazy and secondly my father is an unreasonable bastard but nobody notices/believes that.
Well, like I and other people have said, call child services, they must be pros at what they do, so they probably can discern between an honest minor and a lying one.
We regularly go to a psychiatrist (I dunno if that's the correct word but if it's not, f it), sometimes with the three of us, sometimes just me and sometimes just my parents. My mother also called the psychiatrist a couple of times because she felt she couldn't speak freely when he was around. The thing is, the only thing the psychiatrist does is talk with us about how we could avoid situatons like this.
Also child services in the Netherlands is fucked up, and I mean seriously fucked up.
[quote name='Maikel Steneker' post='2795823' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:58 PM'][quote name='granville' post='2795778' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:31 PM']Whoever says this guy deserved to be beaten was either beaten themselves, or is an abusive parent themselves. Or maybe they're just friendless jackasses with no life or soul.[/quote]
Please don't think I'm flaming, but you seem a bit narrow-minded. You have a good reason to be (after all your father really was an asshole), but beating children doesn't always mean that they're going to have a miserable life afterwards. A lot of people who were beaten as a child (that is, they were hit a couple of times when they were young, I'm not talking about really getting punched) say it was a good lesson for them.
Well for some people it might work, but i really don't see beating as the best way to teach a kid something. I have always seen another solution. I'm not trying to seem narrow minded, but i really have no tolerance for unnecessarily abusive parents. I have seen a ton of tragedy involving domestic violence, whether it ended in death or not. In general, i really detest violence, so maybe that's just the way i am. I'm not saying there doesn't exist kids who deserve to be hit or whatever, and maybe it is a good lesson for them. But in a lot of circumstances, the situations i've seen where a parent hit a kid were completely uncalled for. I've actually witnessed a lot of this kind of thing.

But really, if what Demonbart is saying, he's one of the uncalled for people. His dad seems like a dick. I'm not saying i would, but i'd really love to beat parents like yours back and give them a taste of their own medicine. Unfortunately, when that happens, you then realize you're no better than they are. So more often than not, you're kind of screwed with no real way out unless there's someone who you can trust to help you. In my case, my mom was tough here and told my dad to GTFO. Sounds like some mothers just aren't able to stand up against their male counterparts... One reason i appreciate my mom, she's tough yet she turned out good at parenting, lucky me, but it doesn't help you sadly, sorry... :(
[quote name='#5661' post='2795859' date='Apr 30 2010, 09:10 PM']@Demonbart: If things are that hard, and the child services are that bad, then the only way I see it is to 'play the game'.
Don't think I'm being an ass here or ranting at you like other people - what I mean is, if you can't get any help, act falsely nice. Play your Dad. Act pleasent and kind and go with whatever he says until you can get your own house, and then when you do... fuck him.
This is, of course, assuming that he's as bad as he sounds, or if it escalates.
If he's just a normal parent doing normal stuff and these threads are overreactions, then...[/quote]
I can assure you of one thing: I'm not overreacting here. And yeah, that's what my mother tends to say as well: If you can't really be nice to someone, at least be polite and correct.
I had to remove some posts and replies to posts due to insane histrionics. Sorry to the other folks affected.
[quote name='Demonbart' post='2795839' date='Apr 30 2010, 03:03 PM'][quote name='golio514' post='2795824' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:58 PM'][quote name='Demonbart' post='2795814' date='Apr 30 2010, 02:54 PM'][quote name='granville' post='2795778' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:31 PM']*snip*
Really though, call child services or something. Anything. Maybe just to scare him into leaving you alone. But if he persists, he's not worth dealing with. It's against the law and he can go to prison for it. I have no tolerance for parents who take their anger out on kids. I have seen it happen in real life. I had a friend who committed suicide because he was the victim of parental abuse constantly. They ruined his life completely and broke his mind. And they got away with it too, playing the innocent distraught parents. They were sad to have him dead, but not because they loved him, just because they lost their punching bag.
Well that's another problem, people outside of my family usually see my father as a nice guy, and they have no idea what's going on here.
And since people are usually stupid enough to trust a lying grown-up over an honest minor (with age being the only reason) the people in my neighbourhood all seem to think that I'm crazy or something, which really pisses me off cuz first of all I'm not crazy and secondly my father is an unreasonable bastard but nobody notices/believes that.
Well, like I and other people have said, call child services, they must be pros at what they do, so they probably can discern between an honest minor and a lying one.
We regularly go to a psychiatrist (I dunno if that's the correct word but if it's not, f it), sometimes with the three of us, sometimes just me and sometimes just my parents. My mother also called the psychiatrist a couple of times because she felt she couldn't speak freely when he was around. The thing is, the only thing the psychiatrist does is talk with us about how we could avoid situatons like this.
Also child services in the Netherlands is fucked up, and I mean seriously fucked up.
Oh I dunno then...
Maybe you should try telling your psychiatrist abut this whole situation, the hair pulling and all...
By the way, are you sure your neighbours think you're crazy?
Maybe they just don't want to intrude because they fear your father...
Near my house there was this marriage where the husband beat the hell out of the wife, one day one of my neighbours heard her plea for help and decided to call the police, he's in jail now.
[quote name='granville' post='2795864' date='Apr 30 2010, 09:12 PM'][quote name='Maikel Steneker' post='2795823' date='Apr 30 2010, 12:58 PM'][quote name='granville' post='2795778' date='Apr 30 2010, 08:31 PM']Whoever says this guy deserved to be beaten was either beaten themselves, or is an abusive parent themselves. Or maybe they're just friendless jackasses with no life or soul.[/quote]
Please don't think I'm flaming, but you seem a bit narrow-minded. You have a good reason to be (after all your father really was an asshole), but beating children doesn't always mean that they're going to have a miserable life afterwards. A lot of people who were beaten as a child (that is, they were hit a couple of times when they were young, I'm not talking about really getting punched) say it was a good lesson for them.
Well for some people it might work, but i really don't see beating as the best way to teach a kid something. I have always seen another solution. I'm not trying to seem narrow minded, but i really have no tolerance for unnecessarily abusive parents. I have seen a ton of tragedy involving domestic violence, whether it ended in death or not. In general, i really detest violence, so maybe that's just the way i am. I'm not saying there doesn't exist kids who deserve to be hit or whatever, and maybe it is a good lesson for them. But in a lot of circumstances, the situations i've seen where a parent hit a kid were completely uncalled for. I've actually witnessed a lot of this kind of thing.

But really, if what Demonbart is saying, he's one of the uncalled for people. His dad seems like a dick. I'm not saying i would, but i'd really love to beat parents like yours back and give them a taste of their own medicine. Unfortunately, when that happens, you then realize you're no better than they are. So more often than not, you're kind of screwed with no real way out unless there's someone who you can trust to help you. In my case, my mom was tough here and told my dad to GTFO. Sounds like some mothers just aren't able to stand up against their male counterparts... One reason i appreciate my mom, she's tough yet she turned out good at parenting, lucky me, but it doesn't help you sadly, sorry... :(
Well it's only my father, my mother is kinda reasonable usually, and I hit my father on the back of his head when hegrabbed my hair, so yeah...
You shouldn't feel sorry, since it's nothing you can do anything about. The only reason I threw this out there was to vent my anger and hopefully get some tips on how to deal with it.
[quote name='Law' post='2793362' date='Apr 29 2010, 06:43 PM']Maybe try not calling him a "fat retarded hypocrite" at the dinner table and just shutting the fuck up.[/quote]
Once again Law and me are thinking the exact same thing..
[quote name='wabsta' post='2795930' date='May 1 2010, 03:49 AM'][quote name='Law' post='2793362' date='Apr 29 2010, 06:43 PM']Maybe try not calling him a "fat retarded hypocrite" at the dinner table and just shutting the fuck up.[/quote]
Once again Law and me are thinking the exact same thing..
Or you could just do that :wacko:
Being a child who doesn't ever remember being hit by a parent (Thank you many parenting books <3 but if i am being a dick, i get reeeally scary lectures by dad ;_;), i really can't help you out here but do you have a friend's house you can go to and stay there for at least a few months? If you do, call the cops. Child Abuse is usually illegal in most countries and one friend, her dad threatened her with a knife, He went to jail (forgot how long) and prolly got parenting lessons. When he came back, he was all a nice parent who learnt to deal with fustrating situations and whatnot. This could be a serious matter if you've been abused all your life. Stay at a friends house and report to the authorities.
[quote name='Law' post='2793362' date='Apr 29 2010, 09:43 AM']Maybe try not calling him a "fat retarded hypocrite" at the dinner table and just shutting the fuck up.[/quote]


You're a whiny teenager when you complain about a 10pm curfew at sixteen.
Complaining about domestic abuse is completely different, however I still think this sounds like an over-reaction.
It's clear from your posts that you're a relatively(classically) rebellious teenager.
To summarize, in this case your dad was all stupidly angry at you for shouting, and then you shouted back to your dad, which I'm sure has happened more than once- then he pulls your hair, spit and hits your head? Then you post about it on gbatemp, as if it's MINDBLOWINGLY terrible, courteous enough to leave some photos for extra reference.

I mean, it's great news if that's what domestic abuse is considered, generally, because that means that people aren't so lenient.
I'm sorry if I sound like a complete ass, but it sounds like a fight. and, well. that's it.
I know you won't listen to me, but please grow up.

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