What's extasy like?

I go to parties at friends house, and there's just the usual thing going on y'know? People drinking lots of beer, we play beer pong, loud music, people smoking weed.

I smoke weed regularly. And I think I have a weak system as it doesn't take much for me to get high. And sometimes I overdo it and I get to a point that I call myself "scary high". That's where my hearing is vibrating and all I hear is "woom woom woom woom" like loud bass. And my vision starts freaking out, my brain is vibrating, my heart beats fast, and I don't know what's going on. And when I think of like what my brain is going through and all the electric signals going through it, and how a brain works, I start to panic and freak out.

And my one friend does quite a bit of stuff. He'll drink a lot, smoke a lot of weed, and he's done E a couple of times. I seen him do it, and seen what he was like. He was okay to be honest, he was able to walk around, but I think people were guiding him around and stuff. But he would just sit on a couch after swallowing the pill (like an hour or so after), and his eyes would constantly twitch. Like he couldn't keep them still. But I don't know what he was going through. And we had a DJ give us a light show with strobe lights, it was awesome.

What's it like being on E? I know it takes you to a place where, you wish you could stay there, and reality sucks for you afterwards.

I don't plan on taking it, just curious. Anybody done it before?


Firstly, it's spelled differently...
Nah, seriously though, legitimate drug studies at Erowid. MDMA tends to be a cocktail of other shit, too. And it's technically neurotoxin.
[quote name='Quanno' post='3617637' date='Apr 29 2011, 05:46 AM']Ecstasy is more a case of extreme hallucinating.[/quote]
ITT: people who have never done ecstasy and others who hate drugs.

when you take ecstasy, it tastes bitter. but it's better if you chew it because the effects hit you sooner.
if you just pop it/swallow it whole, it takes about 30-45 minutes to kick in.
now the exact feeling you get depends on what kind of ecstasy you take. the different and "best" kinds of E are always changing because of new formulas being created.
i'm going to name a couple E pills. i don't remember exactly what's in them, so i'll create examples just to get an idea of what the difference between specific pills are.
"red naked lady." a pill, red, with an imprint of a naked lady on it. made of 50% caffeine, 10% MDMA, 15% pure ecstasy - and 25% other chemical?
"blue dolphin," a blue pill with a dolphin imprint. made of 25% caffeine, 50% ecstasy, 20% MDMA with 5% cocaine.

now, unless you take a pill that's made of 50-75% LSD (or PCP/other hallucinogens), you will NOT hallucinate at all.
E (generally) doesn't cause hallucinations. what it makes you feel is... well, ecstasy.
physically, everything feels good. you tingle all over, sounds massage your ears, anything you touch feels good against your finger tips.
pretty lights, candles, fireworks, etc are great when you're on because of the sensation they cause you to feel.
music, mostly autotuned pop shitty music is great, even if you're not into that kind of music. i guess this is just because the specific effects used in the music feel great when influenced by E, as opposed to other genres of music. now i'm into hardcore and other variants, but i wouldn't listen to this on E.

your fingertips feel like you're constantly scratching a tickling itch.
like say you rub your jeans, or your earlobes. it'll feel almost tingly like you're tickling yourself and scratching the itch altogether.
this is especially true for certain fabrics, or in my case, animal furs/skins. (i love petting/cuddling with cats while on E, it feels great)

you may sweat a lot, but not on a dangerous level and you don't feel considerably hot.
you feel very friendly, i'm not really sure why it just feels right.
and that's about all i can think of. hope it helps, and even though you say you don't plan to try it, i still recommend you do at least once. it's just a great experience (although it only lasts about 1-2 hours but since you have a weak system maybe 3-4 hours) i'm glad i didn't miss out on.
my drug of preference is still weed, and ecstasy didn't ruin my life.

also, i'm not saying it's impossible but i've never heard of anyone ODing on one pill, no matter how weak their system is. and if you're really scared of that then cut the pill in half, take one half, then take the other when the effects go away - if you even feel anything. if you don't feel it within 30-45 minutes, take the other one.
if you STILL don't feel anything, buy another pill and take it whole :P
oh when for when you do try E, this:
From the Dancesafe.org website (not half as cool as it use to be)

Ecstasy is MDMA, or 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It belongs to a family of drugs called "entactogens," which literally means "touching within." Other drugs in this category include MDA, MDE and MBDB.
Before it was made illegal in 1985, MDMA was used by psychiatrists as a therapeutic tool. Studies are currently underway in several countries including the United States and Israel to assess MDMA's effectiveness in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


MDMA is a "mood elevator" that produces a relaxed, euphoric state. It does not produce hallucinations.
MDMA takes effect 20 to 40 minutes after taking a tablet, with little rushes of exhilaration which can be accompanied by nausea. 60 to 90 minutes after taking the drug, the user feels the peak effects.
Sensations are enhanced and the user experiences hightened feelings of empathy, emotional warmth, and self-acceptance.
The effects of 'real' ecstasy subside after about 3-5 hours.
Users report that the experience is very pleasant and highly controllable. Even at the peak of the effect, people can usually deal with important matters.
The effect that makes MDMA different from other drugs is that it increases a sense of empathy, or the sensation of understanding and accepting others.


E is almost always swallowed as a tablet or capsule. A normal dose is around 100-125 mg.
Black market "ecstasy" tablets vary widely in strength, and often contain other drugs.


Ecstasy is not physically addictive. However, the drug can often take on great importance in people's lives, and some people become rather compulsive in their use. Taken too frequently, however, MDMA loses its special effect.
MDMA releases the brain chemical serotonin, elevating mood and acting as a short-term antidepressant. Compulsive users may be unconsciously trying to self-medicate for depression. Effective treatments for depression are available with the proper diagnosis by a qualified physician.


Ecstasy is illegal and a conviction for possession can carry long prison sentences.
Frequent or high doses have been linked to neurotoxic damage in laboratory animals. It is still unknown whether such damage occurs in humans or, if it does, whether this has any long-term, negative consequences. Our article on ecstasy and neurotixicity goes into more detail about this.
Some people experience depression after taking MDMA. This is caused by MDMA's action on certain brain chemicals. You can learn more about this by reading our article on Ecstasy use and depression.
There have been some deaths associated with MDMA. Usually these have been a result of heatstroke from dancing for long periods of time in hot clubs without replenishing lost body fluids.
Much of what is sold as "ecstasy" on the black market actually contains other drugs, some of which can be more dangerous than MDMA, like PMA, speed, DXM and BZP.
Mixing ecstasy with alcohol or other drugs increases the risk of adverse reactions. You can learn more about some of these risks by reading our article on MDMA Contraindications.

I have been doing XTC since the mid 90s and I have to say the stuff now is not what I grew up with. The best way for me to describe the feeling is by saying it puts me in a state of AWE. I tend lose all inhibition and everyone is my best friend. It causes visual and audio hallucinations, intensifying light color and sound (I see the music and feel the light). My touch censors are hyper sensitive and everything feels good. It puts me in a euphoric state much like nitrous oxide (Laughing gas / whip-its). Depending on the strength of the pills or how many I take, it last anywhere from 6-12 hours with peeks and drops. After eating a pill (I chew them) I begin feeling the effects within 10-20 mins and the first peek accruing about a hour and half after dosing. After the final and strongest peek I begin grinding my teeth and my jaw begins to ache and depending on how much and how hard I have been dancing I start to get cramps in my legs and feet. One bad side effect is that you can become depressed for a day or so after words but that all depends on the person. I am Bi-Polar and I know that its not the best thing for me to do to myself but like many people that are Bi-Polar I like to self medicate. Pure MDMA are called Molly's here in the states, but it is most popular to have it cut with Meth amphetamine , H-bombs are cut with heroin and harder to find now. My personal favorite is a cut with mescaline but this generation of chemist seem to just want to make quick money, because of that I am careful on where and who I get my rolls from. a lot of times you will get bonk tabs and it will have dxm (chemical in most cough syrup / robotrippin) as the cut or be pure dxm and that is what causes stroke related deaths. In some people MDMA / MDA can cause seizures and it can lead to braid damage or death, and then you have the dehydration / hyper-hydration issues, but with all drugs (legal or not) you need to know your limit and be aware of your health and surroundings.
Oh drug threads, they are always amusing.
A friend of mine has always wanted to try it.
Personally, I drink pretty much weekly and have smoked weed once.
The only drugs I would attempt to try are E and salvia.
But enough about my background.
Only experience I've had with E is at a party a couple weeks ago some dude came up to us and informed us he was on E.
He looked quite fucked up to be quite honest, even in my drunken state I could tell he was feeling it.
That being said, he seemed to be enjoying himself, though he looked relatively exhausted.
I think a friend of mine has tried it as well.
Seem to remember saying he liked it and would do it again, though wouldn't go out of his way to do it.
And that's my advice!
"i'm going to name a couple E pills"

I have no quarrel with what followed* but it is best to mention that "trademarks" are not all that respected so I would not place too much stock in them.
I feel bad I omitted the what is mixed conversation as well- I was still largely operating under the rave era/friends who are chemists principle and neglected to cover it properly (as Lyghts said it is not the same stuff that was available when most of those that were experiencing it were coming up).

*what preceded it though-
"new formulas being created"- if you meant new cooking methods maybe (at present I am not aware enough of the common/current clan lab methods and the byproducts to call anything), if you meant different chemicals then I might take issue as they are different chemicals which can be radically different despite a small change (I would be more apprehensive about these random tweaks- MDMA has serious research on the matter but some of the others are previously unknown to science), you covered mixing of different in the rest of the post so if you were referring to that I apologise.

Leaving that discussion I realise my last post might have had the potential to be interpreted negatively which I did not intend it to be- suffice it to say there are far worse things you can be doing and done properly you can get a lot of enjoyment out of it (if you like that sort of thing that is- it might not be for you) for minimal risk*. At present I am merely here to join those advocating on behalf of knowledge.

*there has long been conversation as to the long term effects of such things and studies to match it and while it obviously does depend on the person and other factors I have not seen anything remotely conclusive yet (and I would bet good money on if it turned out it did your chosen government would shout it from the rooftops).

I will also echo the "if you want to make a blanket statement there are better places (we have had several threads on the matter) to do it"- be aware though that you had best bring some serious science to the debate.
[quote name='Blaze163' post='3617608' date='Apr 29 2011, 02:15 PM']Not a clue. Personally I stay away from drugs. If I wanna feel like I'm on top of the world I'll drop by my girlfriend's house and...you can fill in the blanks from there.

Seriously though, I don't even smoke. To me it seems kinda retarded. When you think about it, what you're actually doing is rolling up chemicals you know to be toxic and deadly into a piece of paper, putting it in your mouth, setting fire to it and breathing in the resulting poisonous fumes. And then paying somebody for the privaledge. Call me crazy but I just don't see the logic in such an action. My brother tells me it helps him escape his problems. I prefer to face my problems rather than evade them, thanks. And if all else fails a Zelda marathon has much the same effect, only without killing me.[/quote]
Okay, and since when is weed not a plant anymore, but chemical?

Anyway, I'm not really fond of drugs myself too. I smoke from time to time (weed), I make me and my friends some weedcake or brownies every now and then. When we just want to have a little fun, totally inocent in the park.
But, extasy.. In the Netherlands it's used a lot. And by a lot, I mean a LOT.
Every party, even just a normal weekend of going out at night, there are people everywhere under influence of drugs, mostly extasy.

And ehm. Well, I've never seen such retards. Sure, it feels awesome, but you look so weird. I remember 1 guy coming out of a club with his arms/hands like a dinosaur, saying "ROOOAAAR IM A T-REX!", just walking, on his own, away from the nightscene. (And I still feel bad for not filming it :( )

So yea, I'd say, take another beer, smoke some more weed, but just stay away from extasy.
[quote name='Wabsta' post='3619269' date='Apr 30 2011, 12:00 PM']Okay, and since when is weed not a plant anymore, but chemical?[/quote]
Not a synthetic chemical, but it still consist of a lot of chemicals. Even water is, in the strictest sense, a chemical. And a lot of natural chemical substances are highly toxic.
It's great shit, you should try some.

Fucking idiot.

Drugs are about the greatest way to realize the least of your potential.

But hey, if you'd rather actually BECOME a loser, why listen to me.

If you need a serious buzz, one that won't actually hurt your health, try looking at some of the content that has been revealed by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Deep Field South is imagery of the past, or more precisely, it is light that is from several BILLION years ago. It's almost looking at the beginning of the universe.

Now, if that can't really blow your mind, then I suppose you don't have much of one to risk I guess.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3619391' date='Apr 30 2011, 04:12 AM']It's great shit, you should try some.[/quote] Maybe if you read the post and not just the thread title....

Fucking idiot.
cool story bro

Drugs are about the greatest way to realize the least of your potential.
Yeah, I'm really going to trust someone on the internet who probably just learned everything from PSA's.

But hey, if you'd rather actually BECOME a loser, why listen to me.
let's see, you called me a fucking idiot.....

If you need a serious buzz, one that won't actually hurt your health, try looking at some of the content that has been revealed by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Deep Field South is imagery of the past, or more precisely, it is light that is from several BILLION years ago. It's almost looking at the beginning of the universe.

Now, if that can't really blow your mind, then I suppose you don't have much of one to risk I guess.

lol you're a freakin' nerd dude.
Hey, why not do drugs? People die younger, decreasing social security spending and overpopulation. They're actually very civil that way.

So by all means, go until your hearts content and I'll sit by and watch some good ol' natural selection take route.

Hope this video answered your question.
[quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3617601' date='Apr 29 2011, 08:10 AM']... And I think I have a weak system as it doesn't take much for me to get high...[/quote]
Actually it doesn't mean you have a weak system. It could mean that the herb is either more potent(indoor) or they probably rigged it with some stupidness lol.

Also for your question about E... I remember this one time me and 3 of my boys wanted to go to a club... Then they suggested to try some E for it but I didn't. Well from what I learned from them(they're old time friends of mines so we practically know each other VERY well) is that sensations and hearing is a lot stronger. Apparently, it's one of the best drugs to have sex with due to the user having more sensations over their body.
It does what it says on the tin. You will feel ecstatic.
Just do your research before you do it (erowid.org is a good source), know what to expect and enjoy the ride.

The amount of shit in this thread is unbelievable. Ignore the people in this thread and let them enjoy their beers. They will never experience life like you will.

[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3619391' date='Apr 30 2011, 01:12 PM']It's great shit, you should try some.

Fucking idiot.

Drugs are about the greatest way to realize the least of your potential.

But hey, if you'd rather actually BECOME a loser, why listen to me.

If you need a serious buzz, one that won't actually hurt your health, try looking at some of the content that has been revealed by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Deep Field South is imagery of the past, or more precisely, it is light that is from several BILLION years ago. It's almost looking at the beginning of the universe.

Now, if that can't really blow your mind, then I suppose you don't have much of one to risk I guess.[/quote]

Actually some drugs will help you achieve your potential. In particular; psychedelics will rewire your brain to give you a whole new perspective on life. I would encourage all healthy free-thinking adults to try LSD or Shrooms at least once in their life.

Seriously the amount of people advocating alcohol instead of MDMA is laughable. Have you guys not seen the figures for alcohol related deaths per year? Compared to that most drugs are a doozy. (Not to mention the various medical benefits a lot of drugs has to offer)

/edit 2:
Some sources
LSD: The Geek's Wonder Drug?
Here LSD is described as a
powerful mind expanding tool

Statistics culled from the United States and the United Kingdom report only 7 ecstasy-related deaths per million users of the drug. This is an interesting figure whtn compared to the 625 alcohol-related deaths per million drinkers that occur each year.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3619391' date='Apr 30 2011, 01:12 PM']It's great shit, you should try some.
Drugs are about the greatest way to realize the least of your potential.[/quote]
Nothing serious really, just a comical topic link. :P

From what I read on a magazine article a few weeks ago, it's something like a sense increasing effect. Great for sex, and has some surreal effects. However, the article also said it could be dangerous for your health if taken very often.

Nothing against drugs here, except when they have some sort of severe effect on health.
[quote name='moozxy' post='3620872' date='May 1 2011, 02:19 AM']It does what it says on the tin. You will feel ecstatic.[/quote] There is no tin, it's just one guy who's our buddy, he has them in like little candy baggies.
Actually some drugs will help you achieve your potential.

In a way, I actually believe this. When I'm high, I start thinking about things, because I'm a good drawer, just have yet to reach to that point where I can just randomly draw something great. I get an amazing picture in my head, and when I'm sober, I start drawing it, and it turns out awesome.
[quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3621682' date='May 1 2011, 11:40 PM'][quote name='moozxy' post='3620872' date='May 1 2011, 02:19 AM']It does what it says on the tin. You will feel ecstatic.[/quote] There is no tin, it's just one guy who's our buddy, he has them in like little candy baggies.

I can't believe I forgot to ask, how old are you? If you're still a kid (i.e. under 18), then you should probably leave drugs till you're a bit more mature.
[quote name='FAST6191' post='3619254' date='Apr 30 2011, 02:43 AM']"i'm going to name a couple E pills"

I have no quarrel with what followed* but it is best to mention that "trademarks" are not all that respected so I would not place too much stock in them.
I feel bad I omitted the what is mixed conversation as well- I was still largely operating under the rave era/friends who are chemists principle and neglected to cover it properly (as Lyghts said it is not the same stuff that was available when most of those that were experiencing it were coming up).

*what preceded it though-
"new formulas being created"- if you meant new cooking methods maybe (at present I am not aware enough of the common/current clan lab methods and the byproducts to call anything), if you meant different chemicals then I might take issue as they are different chemicals which can be radically different despite a small change (I would be more apprehensive about these random tweaks- MDMA has serious research on the matter but some of the others are previously unknown to science), you covered mixing of different in the rest of the post so if you were referring to that I apologise.

Leaving that discussion I realise my last post might have had the potential to be interpreted negatively which I did not intend it to be- suffice it to say there are far worse things you can be doing and done properly you can get a lot of enjoyment out of it (if you like that sort of thing that is- it might not be for you) for minimal risk*. At present I am merely here to join those advocating on behalf of knowledge.

*there has long been conversation as to the long term effects of such things and studies to match it and while it obviously does depend on the person and other factors I have not seen anything remotely conclusive yet (and I would bet good money on if it turned out it did your chosen government would shout it from the rooftops).

I will also echo the "if you want to make a blanket statement there are better places (we have had several threads on the matter) to do it"- be aware though that you had best bring some serious science to the debate.[/quote]
when i said "new formulas being created" i was talking about new pills being made, consisting of new and different combinations of chemicals or even hybrid pills.
like a blue pokeball dollar sign: a blue pill with a pokeball imprint on one side, and a dollar bill sign on the other. made of half pokeball and half dollar sign.
we call them blue pokebills and they're fucking amazing.
I've done most tried most drugs now and I'm only 17 and Yes I have tried E but its crystalline form called MDMA, I do it at most parties seeing as it's £17.50 half grams and it gives you a really good buzz, it makes you want to party, dance just move around.

I've never hallucinated or had any bad reactions to it, I find it to be a drug that is only good in party/club/gig situations and it gives you the energy and motivation to dance

If you have anymore questions related to drugs I could answer most, I smoke weed everyday and have tried most drugs once in my life excluding Heroin and Meth so don't hesitate to ask

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    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: https://youtu.be/i1n5dUCBB5M?si=APPrpzXJVZrkwMIm this is why you don't buy preloaded systems lol