Logic behind Christianity?

I've looked into this before, but it seems that whenever I get close to believing, something comes up and makes me say "wait, what?" and puts me back to square one.So, is it possible to be a Christian if you're a logical thinker AND have not been raised with religion?


I don't find anything logical in attacking one's hardened beliefs just because you want to act like some turtleneck-wearing intellectual douche.

Seriously, we just had that stupid ass furry issue, we don't need another dumb thread where people get riled up over nothing.
You did know there is no logic behind religion right? Its called faith and faith doesnt need a justificaction you simply know its true because you do and thats it, for people like me this is a headache because I can think and theres simply to many contradictions in christianity or any other religion, religion was made up by man, maybe God wasnt, but since all religious stuff depends on man theres a margin of error pretty big in everything that you can be told, if you dont really believe then leave it like that, if you try to believe to please someone or because you are scared you are just being hypocryite. And if theres something I have learned from religion is that -insert goldy figure name here- is not going to do anything for you no matter how hard you believe, because if -insert goldy figure name here- was to do actually start doing stuff for us, we could become to dependant and lazy.
Nobody's getting rilled up yet, can't see a problem. The discussion is on a civilized level...whaaat!?! CONVICT TEH FURRIEZ! CRUCIFY ZEM! AND THEN SHOOT JUST TO MAKE TEH SUREZ! </No, not really, actually furry characters are awesome and I see absolutely no point in hating on them, especially since most of us are the Mickey Mouse/Sonic The Hedgehog generation, so we should actually relate rather than hate>
[quote name='Foxi4' post='3768820' date='Jul 11 2011, 07:11 PM']
ahh..I was waiting for you, funny that no Jew or Christian had a problem with it.
They chose to ignore it, including me. You picked the worst starting line ever, calling someone an idiot because his beliefs are not 100% like yours is retarded and only a close-minded moron could come up with such a concept.
I said it about all three religions and if you couldn't see this, or you are a strict religious person, than you're really a moron.
That's even worse.

Also, I did not say that you are barbaric, but all of this religions are. If you have such complexes and you call yourself a speaker of islam, than yes, you got a problem.
If you are such a huge megalomaniac that you can't take criticism, you're the one with issues.
Don't tell me its good what terrorists do.
Partially it is. America's been begging for some ass-whooping for years. I'm not suprised that the Middle East never forgave them for the parties US Troops had on their turf, depleted Uranium shells polution among one of them. I'm including only the US, but European countries did damadge during the Gulf War aswell.
no matter if in name of god or not, they are terrorists.
So are half of world's goverments.

look here, my mum is Jew, my dad Christian, my finance is Muslim and my best friend Buddhist...and we all care a shit about religions or skin colors. thats something, you will never understand, but at least it works here in my part of Europe smile.gif
I'm happy for you, but why are you ragging on someone else? Is it something you're getting off your mum, dad, fiance or friend?

and now go on to hate and praise.
you're religion is the same shit as mine. sorry bro. get over it. There are much more important things in life, how you could make the planet a better palce to live, but for sure not to pray 5 times the day.
That's no reason NOT to pray 5 times a day, those things are unrelated, you can do both.

And if you really believe that Islam is better than Christianity or Judaism...well, let me just tell you, youre wrong, noone is better
all the same crap.

oh, so sweet.
now the orthodox and the muslims help each other.

you know what, Im happy! really! :wub: If this brings you and the muslim guy more near and you forget your differences, thats just great.

it was kinda cute, how you did it.

my job is done!

if the reality would be like this, that our religions would help each other like you helped him, than the world would be at least a bit a better place.
Because the reality in most arab countries and east-europe looks different, but who knows, maybe you and your muslim friend, can work on a communication and this will make all our world better.
It shouldn't be a foregone conclusion that every hot-topic thread like this will eventually get closed. Just show respect for one another in your posts, and you can easily get your points across without having to watch another thread run off the rails.

the truth is that there is no god there is no heaven there is no hell there is no afterlife... when you die you close your eyes and you cease to exist as a consciousness... you stop thinking and never think again.... when i was a kid about 10 i had that revelation and it scared the shit out of me, but it didnt make me want to believe in god just because i was scared of my human nature, it just is. if you were born into religion you would never think that because it would scare your puny mind and make you shit a religious brick...there should be a statement before each members post wether they were born into it or they chose it. cause im guessing every person who is for religion and is in religion did not choose for themselves. point made ,

One thing I've noticed is that the media and a lot of liberal elite class are in effect robbing people of religious faith. When I see law suits over prayer or a nativity scene I think to my self there's something there that these people are deathly afraid of. So they beat down religion every chance they get. What's happened is that a lot of people move in herds and if religion isn't cool or is presented as hateful or backward they tend to go a long with what the media says. I don't think these individuals even know what's happening to them and these elitists are basically getting away with the theft of faith.
oh, so sweet.
now the orthodox and the muslims help each other.

you know what, Im happy! really! wub.gif If this brings you and the muslim guy more near and you forget your differences, thats just great.

it was kinda cute, how you did it.

my job is done!

if the reality would be like this, that our religions would help each other like you helped him, than the world would be at least a bit a better place.
Because the reality in most arab countries and east-europe looks different, but who knows, maybe you and your muslim friend, can work on a communication and this will make all our world better.

Seeing that I agreed with my "muslim friend" as you put it, I'm clearly UNorthodox. I'm just againts being agressive towards anyone just because he or she believes in something else or doesn't believe at all. I'd defend you if you were in the exact same spot he was, despite the fact that you're an obvious troll. Your happiness is premature, I smirked at your reply rather than expressing any emotional response. I meet people like you on a daily basis, trust me, you're not impressive with your "in-your-face, if you're not an atheist you are an idiot" attitude. You're just close-minded and unable to embrace other people's ideas and beliefes. Just a side note, that's a *bad* thing y'know.

One thing I've noticed is that the media and a lot of liberal elite class are in effect robbing people of religious faith. When I see law suits over prayer or a nativity scene I think to my self there's something there that these people are deathly afraid of. So they beat down religion every chance they get. What's happened is that a lot of people move in herds and if religion isn't cool or is presented as hateful or backward they tend to go a long with what the media says. I don't think these individuals even know what's happening to them and these elitists are basically getting away with the theft of faith.

That's a side effect of every Ideology. Religion works like cement, it binds its believers together. Among every group of people there are sheep, and said sheep can be guided. It is more efficient to guide millions than it is to guide a few, that's why Religion was used as an instrument of war many times. It's not "Religion's Fault" though, the people in charge who came up with said schemes were guilty of said atrocities. No ammount of education will change the fact that there are "Smarter" and "Less Smart" people among us, that's why contemporarily people are deep-down *afraid* of the concept of a Religious congregation, especially if said religion has any excerpts that could be conscidered "agressive", even if out of context.
wow really gonna take out my whole point because i said winning at the end of it ... friggin lame well then i will post it again without the winning part.

there is no god there is no hell there is no afterlife. when you die you cease to be a counciousness. you close your eyes and never think again....ya know what.....have fun with your gay thread....remove this post too your religous nazi....fuckin lame
[quote name='Depravo' post='3767085' date='Jul 10 2011, 11:20 AM']Logic and religion are mutually exclusive. Logic encourages us to question whilst religion demands we blindly accept.[/quote]

The two cannot go together so if you must be religious you'd have to be a psuedo-Christian, accepting only what you yourself cannot prove. It's like trying to bring science into a Catholic church, its just looked down upon. However when you do fuse the two, you get scientology.
[quote name='dickfour' post='3768901' date='Jul 11 2011, 11:44 AM']One thing I've noticed is that the media and a lot of liberal elite class are in effect robbing people of religious faith. When I see law suits over prayer or a nativity scene I think to my self there's something there that these people are deathly afraid of. So they beat down religion every chance they get. What's happened is that a lot of people move in herds and if religion isn't cool or is presented as hateful or backward they tend to go a long with what the media says. I don't think these individuals even know what's happening to them and these elitists are basically getting away with the theft of faith.[/quote]
By that logic all of the atheist billboards that have been vandalized and taken down due to complaints are just a result of religious people being deathly afraid of atheism. How can you claim to be persecuted by a society that is overwhelmingly Christian?
[quote name='Hakoda' post='3768916' date='Jul 11 2011, 07:53 PM'][quote name='Depravo' post='3767085' date='Jul 10 2011, 11:20 AM']Logic and religion are mutually exclusive. Logic encourages us to question whilst religion demands we blindly accept.[/quote]

The two cannot go together so if you must be religious you'd have to be a psuedo-Christian, accepting only what you yourself cannot prove. It's like trying to bring science into a Catholic church, its just looked down upon. However when you do fuse the two, you get scientology.

Lolwut? Read up on John Paul 2nd's approach towards science and don't pull out the Middle Ages trump card, it's no longer valid in the 21st century.

"I confide to you my hope that the research which brings you so close to the marvellous mysteries of the universe will enkindle in you an ever deeper appreciation of God's power and wisdom. May your discoveries contribute to the building of a society ever more respectful of all that is truly human. May the Lord of heaven and earth bless you all abundantly!" ~John Paul 2nd, International Conference on Space Research, University of Padua, Italy

Taken from the January 22, 1997 issue of "L'Osservatore Romano". Editorial and Management Offices, Via del pellegrino, 00120, Vatican City, Europe, Telephone 39/6/698.99.390.

By the way, Scientology is a *filthy sect* that deprives its members off their possessions and secludes them from their families, it's not a religion, it's a rip-off for the sheep. Don't even pull it out in a discussion about religion, there's a HUGE difference between a sect and a religion. It might've been "good" in its early stages, but now that you have to "pay to spiritually advance", it's hard not to see where it went wrong.
[quote name='Foxi4' post='3768930' date='Jul 11 2011, 11:58 AM']By the way, Scientology is a *filthy sect* that deprives its members off their possessions and secludes them from their families, it's not a religion, it's a rip-off for the sheep. Don't even pull it out in a discussion about religion, there's a HUGE difference between a sect and a religion. It might've been "good" in its early stages, but now that you have to "pay to spiritually advance", it's hard not to see where it went wrong.[/quote]
Scientology is a religion as much as Christianity is a religion. Where is the huge difference between them?
Oh, not much. Except that reaching higher Operator Thethan Levels requires sufficient monetary deposits (rounds up to 500.000$ to reach Level 5 from what I remember), leaving the sect is incredibly difficult (other operatives go out of their way to stop you from doing so, sometimes even borderline legal stuff) and contact with your non-scientologist relatives is slowly cut short by higher-level Operatives. I've read *alot* about scientology since I was interested in their teachings, but scraping off the sugarcoat revealed a turd underneath it. As General Akbhar would say - "IT'S A TRAP!!!".

In short, religion is free and it does not limit who you're meeting and who you're not meeting with, a sect controls your life.
[quote name='Magmorph' post='3768940' date='Jul 11 2011, 07:08 PM']Scientology is a religion as much as Christianity is a religion. Where is the huge difference between them?[/quote]

The only difference between a religion and a cult is size. If it's big enough it's a religion. Once it's being big enough it always is no matter how far it falls.

EDIT: Cough cough, tithes Foxi4?
It is my honest belief that any "Cult" that manages YOUR posessions and decides whether or not it's okay to speak with YOUR friends and relatives is not worthy of the "Religion" status, hence I use the word "Sect" instead. I guess it's a matter of approach, but as you can see, I'm "not a big fan" of scientology.

As far as tithes are concerned, they are A) non-mandatory, B) not necessary to spiritually ascend.

In scientology, your OTL is really a big deal. Higher Thethan Levels allow you more privilages, so everyone wants to get higher ones. Unfortunatelly, you have to pay to achieve them. Hence, I call it rip-off
...You know, it's really not cool to be ignored. Particularly after I wrote all that about faith being contradictory to human essence and progress. Yeah, I wish people would actually read my stuff.

[quote name='Foxi4' post='3768943' date='Jul 11 2011, 12:11 PM']Oh, not much. Except that reaching higher Operator Thethan Levels requires sufficient monetary deposits (rounds up to 500.000$ to reach Level 5 from what I remember), leaving the sect is incredibly difficult (other operatives go out of their way to stop you from doing so, sometimes even borderline legal stuff) and contact with your non-scientologist relatives is slowly cut short by higher-level Operatives. I've read *alot* about scientology since I was interested in their teachings, but scraping off the sugarcoat revealed a turd underneath it. As General Akbhar would say - "IT'S A TRAP!!!".

In short, religion is free and it does not limit who you're meeting and who you're not meeting with, a sect controls your life.[/quote]
Churches also take a great deal of money from people and even to this day try to get laws passed to control other people's lives. No one is forcing scientologists to pay the money to further themselves spiritually.
Not many are. But a sect is just a subdivision within a religion, cult would be a better fitting word, but for semantics sake that would cover any religion with a small number of followings. And sect only has the negative connotations in Christian societies.

I think the best description of Scientology would be a "Mainly bad SciFi writers confidence trick".
No idea where you're livin', but we don't really have any laws of the sort. Any religious institution pays the same taxes, regardless of which religion it represents. I can't see how they're trying to "control" my life either, and they surely never "took money away from me" or "limited the ammount of phone calls I can do", nor did any religion "tap my phone". Such instances are taking place in Scientology Institutes though.

If you're trying to pull out the "Christianity's naughty too" argument, that's fair and I agree, the church made mistakes in the past and it still does. Yes, I'm anti-clerical.

If you're trying to say that "Scientology is okay" though, I disagree and that's about it.

I think the best description of Scientology would be a "Mainly bad SciFi writers confidence trick".

L. Ron Hubbard...

...you magnificent bastard!

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