Why do anti pirates come to a homebrew forum mostly used for piracy?

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Largely ignored
Jul 7, 2010
United States
Such a fallacy. Thats like saying guns dont kill people.
"Warez" - ROMs, WADs & ISOs

"Warez" is an internet term used to describe copyrighted software, game, film, music and data piracy.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2014
Franklin, Massachusetts
United States
I see stuff on the front page or in recent comments all the time I then go and give my negative opinion on
because the aforementioned
Simple narcissism
keeps people from being able to
mind their business

  • We do not condone piracy in any way.
This is called legal indemnification. Piracy is the term for literally sharing and stealing copywritten material. That is not allowed here. Homebrew software that allows the playing of backups is not in and of itself piracy, but it A) obviously allows piracy and B) is most certainly a notable feature of this site.
Last edited by amoulton,


pirate booty inspector
Jan 3, 2014
behind a parental advisory sticker
United States
hi wormdood here long time crook, criminal, and pirate as well as ex-thief (yes there is a difference)
i want say a few thing if i may (and of course i can as can the so-called "anti pirates") because we can are allowed to do so as long as we don't break (major) laws or intentionally insult, attack, or otherwise flame people. we are allowed to say as we wish like the case is in many open forums
as a long standing pirate i feel its perfectly fine for the anti-pirate to not only have his opinion but also the ability to share it openly as long as its done in a respectful manner. (without putting someone down or otherwise trying to belittle them and/their choices/life) just as a pirate should be allowed to say openly something like "i grew watching bootleg movies all my life when i learned what that ment i was appalled . . . i had been paying for what others (like the bootleger) got for free" or when someone is trying to recover games from a lost or stolen system say "you know piracy is always an option"

and @amoulton totally nailed it

also @gudenaurock those rules you quoted do not prove the intent of this site only its fear of being shutdown gbatemp was originally "the place" to go specifically for links to the last 10 gba roms hence gbatemp (game boy advance temporaries) GBAtemp.net#History
Last edited by wormdood,


Largely ignored
Jul 7, 2010
United States
hi wormdood here long time crook, criminal, and pirate as well as ex-thief (yes there is a difference)
i want say a few thing if i may (and of course i can as can the so-called "anti pirates") because we can are allowed to do so as long as we don't break (major) laws or intentionally insult, attack, or otherwise flame people. we are allowed to say as we wish like the case is in many open forums
as a long standing pirate i feel its perfectly fine for the anti-hacker to not only have his opinion but also the ability to share it openly as long as its done in a respectful manner. (without putting someone down or otherwise trying to belittle them and/their choices/life) just as a pirate should be allowed to say openly something like "i grew watching bootleg movies all my life when i learned what that ment i was appalled . . . i had been paying for what others (like the bootleger) got for free" or when someone is trying to recover games from a lost or stolen system say "you know piracy is always an option"

and @amoulton totally nailed it

also @gudenaurock those rules you quoted do not prove the intent of this site only its fear of being shutdown gbatemp was originally "the place" to go specifically for links to the last 10 gba roms hence gbatemp (game boy advance temporaries) GBAtemp.net#History
I am well aware of how this site was, I just want to make sure the rules are known.
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Guess where this thumb goes.
Jun 9, 2014
a fit of spasms and accidental black magic
United States
I enjoy heated debate and like to hear the reasonings from both sides. When I say a "faceless random" shouldn't have any impact I didn't mean that in an insulting way but more that because they are an unknown is why SHOULD you care what they think you do, it doesn't effect them at all so they should mind their business and not act like a mother.

Well, the only argument one could ever hope to make in any situation is one that plays to the other person's logic or desires. If, say, someone was trying to steal from you and you began arguing only about how unhappy you would be, if they had no interest in your personal happiness, then the argument would be completely void. For the case of the argument against piracy, the argument should be not about morals, something completely subjective, but about the outcome of the act, namely, damage to the industry that both parties have interest in. In that sense, the argument would be valid only if both parties valued the continued development of games or some similarly, mutually agreed, "good" outcome. If the pirate has no interest or respect for the games industry at all, then yeah, the argument would be dust in the wind.

As for thinking that "it doesn't affect them at all", then I have to argue that yes, of course it does. It affects the industry and, subsequently, everyone who partakes in its labors. Not only does piracy dissuade game companies from publishing games for certain consoles, but it also causes them to implement a great number of anti-piracy measures that heavily impede the efforts of the modding community. If people didn't pirate, game companies would have no need for the encryptions and DRM and all that other bull that gets in the way of player and modder alike, and gaming would be, in my opinion, a nicer experience as a whole. Take the Vita, for example. It's a huge upgrade from the PSP in terms of processing power, graphics, style, yada yada, but it's still a chained beast in comparison to the PSP's simple yet free state. The PSP is a notoriously/famously easy to hack console, which has led to people creating some absolutely wonderful emulators and tools to run on the PSP which have given me personally a uniquely diverse and entertaining experience with the system. The Vita, on the other hand, is locked down so hard that it not only impedes hackers (the harmful pirates and the harmless modders alike), but it even blockades the end user in a number of obtuse and uncalled-for ways, the need to re-format the Vita every time you want to change accounts being just one such example. If piracy did not exist, or even if piracy were not such a widespread occurrence, the game companies would never have had the incentive to lock-down systems like this. The Vita isn't the only console which has suffered from this problem, either. Remember the Xbox One with all its "no used games" and "daily DRM" awfulness? All of that was in an effort to quash piracy. Granted, most of those things have been removed, but only after the community got all uppity about them. Game companies do this kind of crap all the time, and they will continue to do so so long as piracy is still a major player in their bottom line.

Now, looping back to my original thoughts on arguments, if you are a pirate and this kind of thing doesn't matter to you, well, then there really is no reason at all that you shouldn't pirate. The argument becomes valid when someone can appeal to a common "good", a desired outcome that both parties share a desire for, and I believe there exists one for the argument against piracy, otherwise, I would have to agree with you completely.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2014
Franklin, Massachusetts
United States
If piracy did not exist, or even if piracy were not such a widespread occurrence, the game companies would never have had the incentive to lock-down systems like this.
Even that cause and effect chain is questionable- the Wii was exploited with a launch title and it still sold like gangbusters. If the hardware/software offering is compelling and innovative enough it will sell- and people who resort to piracy because they can't afford games would never have provided revenue to gaming companies in the first place. At least Ninty gets the console sale. Microsoft goes hard on DRM because their business model is to [have separate companies who eat any losses] release the same kind of games over and over again, just with better graphics- and in lieu of almost any innovation, they want to protect their current revenue streams. It's not like there's any lack of revenue to go around in the gaming industry, it's just oddly fragmented.


Guess where this thumb goes.
Jun 9, 2014
a fit of spasms and accidental black magic
United States
Even that cause and effect chain is questionable- the Wii was exploited with a launch title and it still sold like gangbusters. If the hardware/software offering is compelling and innovative enough it will sell- and people who resort to piracy because they can't afford games would never have provided revenue to gaming companies in the first place. At least Ninty gets the console sale. Microsoft goes hard on DRM because their business model is to [have separate companies who eat any losses] release the same kind of games over and over again, just with better graphics- and in lieu of almost any innovation, they want to protect their current revenue streams. It's not like there's any lack of revenue to go around in the gaming industry, it's just oddly fragmented.

Yes, I definitely agree that console hacks have more of a positive influence on console sales than negative, but I don't think that game companies understand that. If I'm remembering correctly, Sony strongly blamed piracy for the PSP's perceived "struggles", air quotes there because I'm sure the hardware exploitation actually increased sales. It also seems like they think that developer support would fall through because of the ease of piracy on their system, which may or may not be a significant factor. Besides keeping the 3rd party devs comfortable, investors might react negatively to a console which is easily hacked, leaving the company in question in a possibly awkward position.

In the past, companies have released statements blaming and condemning piracy for many things; whether or not they actually believe that or they're just using it as a scapegoat, I'm not sure. While I think the modding scene only does positive things for the games industry, I don't think the industry realizes it.

But why else would Microsoft try and include DRM in their console? What exactly could DRM change but the ease of piracy? (suspected user information-gathering aside, that is.)


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Yes, I definitely agree that console hacks have more of a positive influence on console sales than negative, but I don't think that game companies understand that. If I'm remembering correctly, Sony strongly blamed piracy for the PSP's perceived "struggles", air quotes there because I'm sure the hardware exploitation actually increased sales. It also seems like they think that developer support would fall through because of the ease of piracy on their system, which may or may not be a significant factor. Besides keeping the 3rd party devs comfortable, investors might react negatively to a console which is easily hacked, leaving the company in question in a possibly awkward position.

In the past, companies have released statements blaming and condemning piracy for many things; whether or not they actually believe that or they're just using it as a scapegoat, I'm not sure. While I think the modding scene only does positive things for the games industry, I don't think the industry realizes it.

But why else would Microsoft try and include DRM in their console? What exactly could DRM change but the ease of piracy? (suspected user information-gathering aside, that is.)

What you don't understand is that game companies don't make their money on hardware sales; they make their money on software sales.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
United States
Wouldn't that be a good reason to include anti-piracy measures in their products, hardware and software alike?
Your point must have sailed over my head. As I did not follow the whole thread, that one post, apparently taken out of context, made it seem like you were promoting piracy as a positive for console manufacturers.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
This is a site aimed at both piracy and homebrew. Some people like on and absolutely condemn the other.

I do not think I have seen people condone piracy but condemn homebrew. Some might not care for homebrew and/or write it off (their loss as there was some great stuff on the GBA and DS) but condemning it is a bit further than they tend to go. There are some that condemn homebrew as well as piracy and all the blurred lines in the middle of that but they are very much invited to do one.

As for the question of the title then as others said there are a great many discussions about many things, several of which are actually some of the better places for it on the English speaking internet. To that end they might have reconcile certain beliefs they might hold and as the main way to do anything on this site is to post a thread/make a post then that is why happens.

Also on second hand games they are fine and if you think they are wrong then you are wrong. I really hate that people managed to get others to dislike the concept -- it is a fairly recent occurrence and I laughed at the notion at first, I can not believe it stuck.


Guess where this thumb goes.
Jun 9, 2014
a fit of spasms and accidental black magic
United States
Your point must have sailed over my head. As I did not follow the whole thread, that one post, apparently taken out of context, made it seem like you were promoting piracy as a positive for console manufacturers.

Not piracy, no, but I do think that mods, homebrew, and the like promote console sales, a good example being the PSP, which people are still playing and buying today.

Hungry Friend

It was my destiny to be here; in the box.
Apr 16, 2015
United States
I don't think the problem is the fact they're against piracy. It's the fact they get offended I pirate games from their ~precious company~
And yeah I agree with the OP in the "They won't see the ~error of their ways~" statement.
"Oh no. I took 20$ from Nintendo. How could they possibly survive this? I'm a horrible person. I'm gonna start buying games now." -said no pirate ever
Fanboys also think people pirate games only to be cheap. (Which isn't true.)
Not everybody can get a job to afford games.
And no, just because I have a 100-200$ console doesn't mean I can afford a 60$ game.

Pretty similar to my position as well. It's one thing to criticize piracy in a civil manner but it's another to constantly badger & berate people and act like some holier than thou douche about it. I fully acknowledge that it's piracy when I download ROMs but I think people should stay out of others' business and yeah, fanboys are annoying as shit when it comes to everything because if you criticize their favorite company they go off like children having temper tantrums.

It doesn't REALLY bother me if people give me shit for piracy but my initial thought is basically fuck off and mind your own damn business, and if you don't like the way I do things, too bad. Judge not lest you be judged, and emulation is one of the greatest things to ever happen to gaming. It expands access to once rare games and eliminates the need to buy overpriced used games unless you're a purist who insists on owning the real deal.(which is understandable)

I'm not gonna give people shit for pirating new games either. It's their business plus I used to burn shit tons of Dreamcast games in 2000-2001. Good times.
Last edited by Hungry Friend,


Fossilized Gamer
Jul 29, 2006
By the sea
They come for attention.
Also I'll bet half of them are hypocritically downloading music and streaming movies anyway.
Fuck 'em.
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Apr 10, 2004
Well, it's simple really. This isn't a forum mostly used for piracy.
Now, I'm a pirate and I do use this forum... but rarily anything I do around here revolvs around piracy. I'm a regular in the "Japanese FAQ" super thread, I discuss games (the content), video game business / industry, programming... Talking about which games to buy, reading reviews, sharing experiences...

Sure, a lot of people come here for help and support with their piracy devices or help with modding, but it's far from the purpose of this forum now (in the beginning it was the sole purpose).
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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, and since the default emulator is below average i downloaded some "replacements" like snes9x for snes games for example
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    And I also have my ps3
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea ps3 is a beast still to today compared to most "sticks"
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    If you just want pi for emulation no point when Anbernic releases new shit every two seconds
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    What's really cool about Pi's tho is you can have multiple SD cards with different OS on each SD card and change from say a gaming machine to a full fledged pc if wanted
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Plus all bios are set up and usually includes at least 128gbs or 64
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah but if your main goal is just to play n64 and GameCube you can save about $50 and have the portability option
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    True, but on 2 monitors at 4k. Its just want you want really, to each they own.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    For a kids aspect Anbernic would be the better option they'd probably melt over the price on a good 4k display
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    For that texasroo guy, I'd recommend the Spell and speak as his first system.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So they buy a pi5 kit for about $150 and say a 28" 4k display probably looking around $400 total
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    They'll be getting in the territory of portable Pcs anyway
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Again you get what you pay for, its like buying a S series for $300 but its only 1440p native, if you want true 4k, gotta get the X model for $500. But yea you right, when moms buying it anyways, you gotta stay cheap.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    They could use HD out on their TV no real need for a monitor these days tbh the purists will disagree
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I'm kind of phasing out on the need for wanting all these consoles cool to have but they just become dust build ups
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I here ya there, I have too many myself, and have hard time letting them go, since most of mine I've modded at some point. Anymore I just play Switch on the go, seriesx at home.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    ack my throat
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I need to invest in some storage totes tbh
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Tootles? Wtf
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh tootles
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Oh totes , lol, like Tupperware storage, I gotcha
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm designing my own entertainment cabinet for my man cave, to store all my systems, then I'm also designing a power supply/HDMI switcher so I can switch to whichever system I want, and power it also. Already picked up the cabinet board, but tinkering with my drawings before start
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    But yea, I have frogger arcade cabinet that I gutted and put a Pi4 then Pi5 into, but it never gets played much anymore, should sell it. Even when the kids come over, they don't want to play on it, just the xbox. TMNT and Simpson's arcade is still so fun on it, esp w 2 players.
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: But yea, I have frogger arcade cabinet that I gutted and put a Pi4 then Pi5 into, but it never...