Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity - English Localization v2 Update released (August 2022)


Video courtesy of @suburbMage

Patch update announcement
It's been a while, but our updated version of the Infinity patch is finally ready to be released.
This version has many fixes in the text to hopefully provide a smoother experience, and a major freeze issue has been addressed.
The patch has gone through many internal test versions since our initial public release, and this is likely going to be the definitive version.
We'd like to thank everyone who helped test the patch; we couldn't have done it without you and some of the issues you uncovered were truly eye-opening. :)

Also, I'd like to mention that there is an excellent wiki being worked on over at, which is a great English source for information on the game.

As always, we hope that our efforts will allow more people to enjoy this game.

  1. Freeze after leaving an Infinity Mission has been fixed
  2. The “No Blast Badge” option has been restored, should you want to choose it for some reason
  3. Many small translation errors, inconsistencies, and formatting issues were fixed; many item names were updated to be more consistent with official Phantasy Star games or other names within Infinity
  4. Some weapon special effects were renamed to be consistent with the official PSPo2 game
  5. Beast blast badge descriptions were updated to reflect their function in Infinity
  6. Quiz lines in Hal's Action Shot were updated to prevent rollover
  7. Monster announcements in Gurhal Heroes were rephrased for clarity

Note: to see update posts from us, you can click the Threadmarks button on the top left.

Welcome to the public release of our English localization patch of Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (PSPo2I), a project over half a decade in the making.
For those who aren't familiar with them, PSPo and PSPo2 were games released on the Playstation Portable which were ARPGs that had MMO traits but also had a focus on singleplayer content.
Infinity is an upgraded version of PSPo2 which was never localized to the west—unfortunate for fans of the series, since it's undoubtedly one of the best entries in the PSO/PSU/PSPo lineup.

❊ The main additions to Infinity were:
  • New content
    -A whole new story mode, and the original story is also included.
    -A new race you can play as with its own special power.
    -More (difficult) missions, areas, new bosses, skills, abilities, and more.
    This includes a new mission type called Infinity Mission which has semi-randomly generated maps and the player can customize their stats to a degree.
  • More power progression
    -New, and more powerful loot and more ways to improve weapons.
    -A Rebirth system which allows you to reset your level to 1 while keeping some of your stats.
  • Quality of life
    -You can now "lock" items to prevent accidentally selling them, and among other things, storage space has been doubled from 1000 to 2000 items.
  • Rebalanced gameplay from PSPo2
    -Some weaker skills have been improved, and vice versa—two-handed swords are much faster in Infinity for example, which made them more popular this time around.
  • New features
    -You can now invite your own characters as AI partners, or those of friends who have shared a snapshot of their character with you.
❊ Disclaimer
While the process of installing this patch is fairly straightforward, we take no responsibility for any damage that might occur.
Please read the instructions carefully, and back up your save data beforehand.
This is an unofficial fan patch unrelated to SEGA. If you like our work, please buy a copy of the original game to support the creators, and vote in their polls so that we may see more Phantasy Star content in the future. :)
We receive no remuneration for this but we'd love to hear your impressions, so it would mean a lot to us if you left a comment or told us what you think about our work.
We don't support piracy, so please don't ask where to get an ISO of the game in this thread; this also isn't allowed by GBAtemp rules.

Our patch brings the following to the table:

✲ Localization
The game is fully localized to English—this means any and all text that can be found in the game is translated.
Thanks to the increased window size modification, very few concessions had to be made in the translation accuracy, which is something that often plagues such endeavors.
Care has been taken to keep the translation as accurate and close to the original as possible, with few things being outright changed—this was possible due to no restrictions such as age ratings or company pressure.

✲ Extensive UI hacking
Numerous parts of the interface had to be adjusted in order to fit the English text because Japanese as a language tends to be much more compact than the former, and in some cases even things as short as a handful of characters simply didn't fit as the Japanese was even shorter. Elements such as window/text box sizes, window placement, text alignment and positioning inside menus, interactive menus, programmed messages, and more have been extensively modified to provide a (hopefully) seamless experience.

✲ Image editing to English
Custom images have been made for material that was in Japanese, such as title cards, tutorial images, icons, etc.

✲ Movie subtitling
The movies that appear in the game have English subtitles specially made and timed for them. This also goes for the Episode 1 content, which has the Japanese dub with subtitles added to them.

✲ Customized solutions
The aforementioned Infinity Mission feature uses a naming system based on a place and a name in Japanese. We realized that there was no way to make that fit in English, so we redid the whole system from the ground up. A new naming system was created using terms that thematically made sense and were also typesetting-friendly, while retaining access to the quest system linked to completing missions of this type.

There is also a quiz type mission which included questions that were impossible to solve without guessing for an English-speaking audience—those have been reworked to be solvable.

✲ Quality Control
While this game does not have a particularly long story mode, it does have a ton of text in item descriptions, side-events, tutorials, etc. resulting in a massive word count total.
The original PSPo2 had a lot of content to begin with, and Infinity added another large amount to it, resulting in thousands of different weapons and other items—this is a large game by any measure.

As such, this was not a quick "insert text and done" project (if only it were that easy!)
To give a brief rundown of our process: almost every translated line in the game was manually typeset using line breaks, which then had to be checked whether it fit inside the game.
Everything tech-related had to be reverse-engineered and then tested to see what goes where; a custom tool was created by JamRules to export and import the text and other media.
The game also has very tight memory constraints, which meant that character limits were our constant enemy. Almost every translation entry was not just considered for English quality and typesetting, but also its economy of size.
Some small words were converted to symbols, as these took up less space but are still able to convey the same message.
Other things such as translations that looked fine on paper turned out to be too long in-game were then reworked again, such as combat lines that took up too big a part of the screen.

The hours spent on translation, typesetting, reverse engineering tech, hacking, image/video editing, solving bugs, etc. were well in the four-digit range to get to where we are today.
Many aspects of the localization have gone through multiple revisions and quality checks internally, and then everything was rigorously and methodically checked by a small team of beta testers.
As cliché as it may sound, this was a labor of love for us, and we hope you'll enjoy many hours of fun playing the game using our patch.




✲ What you need:
  • This patch and the bundled DLC
  • A program to uncompress the patch download, such as 7-Zip
  • A Japanese copy of the ISO of the game (the game-ID is NPJH50332)
    (SHA256: d8ef48d7b596708c227a46abf0386b739ac216f64d4a12b67acfe9f263591b5b)
  • A program to apply the patch to the ISO such as xdelta UI
  • A (Windows) PC to perform the above

✲ How to install the patch (.xdelta file)


  1. Download and then unpack the .7z file from one of the DL links below.
    Links to websites for 7-Zip and xdelta UI have also been provided.
  2. Run xdeltaUI.exe.
  3. In the Apply Patch tab, click Open under Patch and select the PSPo2 Infinity English v2.xdelta patch from the files you extracted.
  4. Similarly, for Source File, click Open and select your Japanese ISO of the game.
  5. For Output File, click the ... and choose a name and location for your soon-to-be-patched version of the game.
  6. Press Patch, and wait for the program to create the ISO. This may take a while depending on how powerful your PC is, so don't worry if it seems frozen and just wait.
    You will get a notification when it is finished patching, and the modded ISO will be in the folder you specified at step 5.
  7. Now you can copy the modded ISO to your PSP, Vita, or smartphone, etc. which typically goes into the "ISO" folder at the root of your memory card. Create this folder if it doesn't exist.
    If you're playing on PC, you can just leave it where it is, or move the patched ISO to a games folder of your choice.
    We recommend keeping a copy of the original Japanese ISO for reference.
✲ Important note about the original PSP font and PPSSPP
If you're playing on PPSSPP, you should know that it uses a different font than the PSP.
Our patch is designed to work with the official font, so playing on the PPSSPP font may cause typesetting issues, and at the very least it doesn't look as nice in my opinion.
You can copy the original font file directly from your PSP console.
Google "ppsspp english font fix" if you need help with this.


✲ How to install the DLC (DLM.DAT file)
This file includes various extra missions, mostly Tactical and Trade Missions, and new items you can find in them.
  1. Browse to \memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\ on your storage medium (your PSP, Vita, or PPSSPP folder, etc.)
    Be aware that this file path and the one below are different. Putting the DLC in the wrong folder can cause issues in the game.
  2. Copy the entire contents of the "DLC (for SAVEDATA folder)" folder included in the DL (the content is named NPJH50332DL) into the above location.
    Accept any Overwrite File prompts if applicable (back up your previous data if you want to keep it).
  3. The missions and other content will automatically show up in the game.

How to install the extra Infinity Missions (.EDAT files)
These are pre-made Infinity Missions created by SEGA, and have specific special effects and potentially rare bosses in them.
  1. Browse to \memstick\PSP\GAME\
  2. Copy the entire contents of the "Extra Infinity Missions (for GAME folder)" folder (the content is named NPJH50332) into the above location.
    Again, accept any Overwrite File prompts if applicable (back up your previous data if you want to keep it).
  3. Go to the Code Counter, choose Register Code -> Register DL Mission and select the missions to be imported.


How to convert your PSPo2 US save file to Infinity by Anubis1101

What you need:

  • Copies of JP and US or EU versions of Phantasy Star Portable 2 on your PC
  • Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity on either your PC, PSP, or in Adrenaline
  1. Open the ppsspp.ini file, located in \PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SYSTEM\
  2. Make sure EncryptSave is set to False.
  3. Make sure SavedataUpgradeVersion is set to True. Save the file, but keep it open.
  4. Run PPSSPP, load your US/EU savegame in your US/EU version of PSP2, and then save the game.
  5. Open the save folder in \PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\
  6. Copy the save folder - should be ULUS10529 or ULEU10529, check the pictures to make sure its the right one.
  7. Rename the copied folder to NPJH50043.
  8. Run PPSSPP again, this time load up the Japanese version of PSP2.
  9. Load your game, and then save it.
  10. If you have PSP2i on your PC, You can skip to step 11! It'd be wise to do step 10-2 at some point to prevent future issues.
    1. If you don't, and need to import it to your PSP or PSVita, close PPSSPP.
    2. Pull up ppsspp.ini again, and set EncryptSave to True.
    3. Run PPSSPP one last time, run the Japanese PSP2, then save the game.
    4. Copy the NPJH50043 folder over to your PSVita/PSP, place it in the SAVEDATA folder.
  11. Run PSP2i and import using the option labeled "Import Original Game Save Data."

✲ Main link
MEGA <- click this to download

✲ Mirrors
Google Drive

All links contain the same .7z file so you only need to choose one. Try one of the others if the link you clicked is down.
If all of the links are down, you can PM JamRules or me or post in this thread and we'll re-upload the patch for you.
The SHA256 checksum of the .7z file should be:


✲ Links to other programs:
These have no relation to us.

xdelta UI - a program used to apply the patch
7-Zip- a program used to uncompress the downloaded .7z file
PPSSPP - an emulator which can be used to play the game on your PC and other platforms

✲ Infinity Mission system
Infinity Missions can have various special effects attached to them—most of them are straightforward but a few are not, and since the game doesn't have an English manual we've made a section to explain those.
When an entry lists an Attribute and a value, such as "Arm: Dark +50%" or "Wpn: Light +50%," this means that the drop rate of Dark Attribute armors is increased by 50%, and Light Attribute weapons is increased by 50% respectively.
"Attribute: +3%" means that all items you find will have their Attribute increased by that value if applicable.

There is also a "Drops" effect which increases the overall amount of loot you get. The Planetary Treasures system often asks for specific effects, so keep in mind the difference between the overall drop rate (e.g. "Drops: +10%") and increased drop rates for specific Attributes ("Arm: Dark +50%").


Missions that cannot be synthesized or traded
In the extra Infinity Missions included with the DL, there is one named "Mission: Infinity" that cannot be traded nor synthesized. That one has been marked with a × symbol in that tab.

✲ Which platforms can the patch run on?
Pretty much anything you can play PSP games on, such as: the original PSP, PS Vita, PPSSPP, etc.
To run ISOs of the game on a physical console it needs to have custom firmware though.

✲ How much does it cost?
This is a free patch made by fans of the game, for fans. We will never charge money for this, so if you see a third party offering a paid English Infinity game, it's a scam.
Download the patch from this post to make sure you're getting an untampered copy released by us.

✲ Can I play multiplayer with this?
The official servers provided by SEGA have been shut down for years now, but you can still play online through emulators such as PPSSPP on custom servers.
Here is a link to a guide on how to set up multiplayer on PPSSPP.
Here is also a newer link via the wiki.

You can also play via ad hoc mode on your physical consoles. It may also be possible to play online between a console and an emulator, but that requires a more involved setup.
For the best experience, all players should be running the same patch and DLC version of the game.

Why are the X and O button controls swapped around?!
This is standard for Japanese region games, but you can remap the controls in PPSSPP or download a plug-in for your console to swap them around if you prefer the western standard.

How can I back up my saves?
Your saves are located at: Drive:\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\NPJH50332\ and you can just back up this whole folder and place it somewhere safe, and replace if necessary.
NPJH50332SC in the same SAVADATA folder contains the Friend Characters you've received from other players online and your own Other Characters, which you might want to back up as well.

✲ What is the free DLC?
These are missions that were distributed by SEGA during the game's active lifespan that provided extra content and online events.
SEGA still has a page up with a DL bundle of the missions, but our patch has translated versions of them included, so you don't need to go there.

What is the paid DLC?
There used to be an online shop where you could purchase costumes and weapons for real money, but it has since been shut down.
This patch does not cover any of the paid DLC.
Don't worry though, because you're not missing much gameplay-wise. Most of the paid DLC were collaboration items so you could run around with weapons from other media series for example, but the most powerful gear comes from the actual game and the free DLC mentioned above.

Can I post spoilers in this thread?
We know that the game is very old, but this is the first time it's being released in English. So please don't post spoilers without marking them as such.

✲ I've found a bug! Where can I report it?
While this game has been very thoroughly tested by us and then by a team of beta testers, a project of this scope cannot be fully bug-free simply because of how many variables and content there is compared to our limited testing resources.
So you may find a small bug here and there, but the story mode and other common content should be fully playable without any major issues.
If you happen to run into a bug, you can post it here or PM me or JamRules, but this public release is considered complete and for practical reasons we probably won't release any updates unless a reproducible game-stopping error is found. You can check Threadmark 1 for some more info on a bug fix update.
Also, there's a list of known issues written below. Any found issues should be checked first if they aren't on that list before reporting them.

Will you be translating anything else after this?
I thought I'd put this here since some people have contacted me about helping with their projects.
Unfortunately I won't be taking on anything else this year and probably not next year either.
PSPo2I happened to be one of my favorite games which was why I joined the localization effort, but it occupied far more of my free time than expected since I ended up taking up the tasks of typesetting and main QC as well, and for every issue we squashed, several others popped up in its place.
So after this project is released I'll be taking a break for the foreseeable future, but after that I may take on something else on a smaller scale that interests me.

I'm getting the error "Xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT" when trying to patch, help?
If you see the above error or something similar to it, it means you're using a different or corrupt version of the Japanese ISO. Please check the SHA256 checksum to make sure you've got the correct version.

Do all of the passcodes from the original version work?
The passcodes from the original version should work, however please note that Infinity removed the passcodes for the 5 gravure posters and Moyashimon World Unit.

What if I'm already using version 1 of the patch?
Your savedata should still be useable with version 2.
Also, you should be able to play multiplayer with each other regardless of the version used.
If you have any of the CWCheat hotfixes applied, for example to address the IM crash, they should be turned off with version 2.
Please note that version 2 of the patch should be applied to the original Japanese version of the game, not version 1 of the English patch.
As always backup your files before applying changes.

Below are some of the issues that we've run into and possible solutions for them.

  1. Untranslated lines from a Japanese save
    If you have a Japanese Title set from before this patch, it will be displayed in Japanese until you change it to a Title that is translated.
    Similarly, if you have a character created in the JP version of the game that has JP Auto Words or Quick Orders, they will be in Japanese until you change them to EN manually.
    Old DL Infinity Missions you imported in the JP version of the game require a re-import as well to get the translated version.
    To get the translated DLC from the DLM.DAT, please check the installation guide.

  2. Emulator save quirks / cannot save error message
    Using save states in emulators can result in your game not saving properly anymore through the in-game save function.
    This happens because the game has a check for the save file's date, so if you save in-game and then reload to an older save state, you won't be able to save in-game after that.
    The main way to prevent this issue is to not mix and match your save types, and/or always end your game session with an in-game save.
    If you are having this issue, you can fix it by deleting your current save folder while the game is running (with the character in question), which will then allow the emulator to create a new save.
    Note that this will delete any other characters you may have on the save account except the current one, so back up your save data before attempting this if you don't want to risk data loss.

  3. Auto Words UI overlap in the Friend Search section
    The Auto Words setup screen under the Friend Search section has some overlap with another UI element, but unfortunately there was no easy way to fix this and it's mostly a cosmetic issue.
    The same setup screen accessed from the Start button menu in the normal gameplay modes does not have this problem.

  4. Open Mission progress wall in Story Mode
    At some points in Story Mode you're asked to run an Open Mission and if you cancel the mission you're running without finishing it, the game may not unlock the next story objective even if you finish another Open Mission.
    This is reportedly fixed by running the same mission you abandoned. If that doesn't help, you can try completing various other Open Missions and see if one of them will count.
    Curiously, this bug seems to be an oversight in the original game programming.

  5. Data Install crash
    The Data Install function from the title screen can cause the game to crash on the PPSSPP emulator, so don't use it.
    Everything is located on your HDD/SSD anyway instead of a spinning disc, so there should be no speed difference.
    For the same reason, there is no need to enable this on a real PSP/Vita either since you're running an ISO of the game.
    If you have this installed already somehow, you can remove it by deleting the folder NPJH50332GI in your SAVEDATA folder.

  6. Music loop
    While using PPSSPP, the music can start to cut out and loop if you stay in the same event window for too long.
    Apparently this is an issue with the emulator and also happens in the JP version of the game.
    This shouldn't be a problem during normal gameplay since it only occurs if you idle on the same screen for 10-20+ mins.
    If you leave the game active for extended periods in an event window, the game may eventually freeze up after the music stops and you attempt to transition scenes.
    This will probably take hours so it won't affect normal gameplay, but we recommend pausing the game or saving and exiting if you're not playing it for a long period.

  7. PPSSPP movie playback glitch
    The very first frame of a movie may appear to have some artifacts, but the rest should display properly.

  8. Multi Mode crash
    If the game crashes when you select Multi Mode in PPSSPP, try toggling the Wi-Fi off and back on in settings.

  9. Challenge / Infinity Mission selection crash
    If the game crashes at selecting Challenge or Infinity Missions, try redownloading & reinstalling the DLC.

  10. Infinite mission loading bug in multiplayer on PPSSPP
    The kind of Infinity Mission you don't want.
    Some people have reported that they cannot get missions to finish loading in multiplayer and they end up stuck on the loading screen.
    This mainly seems to affect Windows 7 devices, so if you're having this issue, the easiest way to solve it is to upgrade to a newer version of Windows.

  11. Endless Friend Search
    Using the Friend Search mode from the title screen, the search goes on endlessly and can't be canceled.
    You can still exchange characters by sending your card in multiplayer mode.
    This may be related to the above infinite loading bug, so if you get that you will probably experience this bug as well.

  12. Random freezes & crashes
    Freezes/crashes can occur if you're running different versions of the game in multiplayer, so try to use the same version for both the patch and the DLC.
    The above is only applicable if you somehow have differing versions of the patch and/or the DLC, or if you're mixing the JP & EN versions of the game.
    This is not guaranteed to happen, but if you're having problems, the first thing to try is the above.

  13. Internet-Multi Mode (orange color) Missions can't be played
    Internet-Multi Mode cannot be used as the servers have been shut down.
    This means that any "internet-only" missions cannot be accessed. You can still play online using PPSSPP though, or via ad hoc by using multiple PSP and/or Vita consoles.

  14. (Paid) DLC issues
    DLC items need to be imported at the title screen or they will show up as "Download Item" and possibly untranslated.
    The paid DLC that was available at some point in their store does not fall under the scope of this project.

  15. Dialogue window pointer flickering
    Some testers have noted that the pointer indicating the speaker in the dialogue window may rapidly switch between the two speakers on PPSSPP.
    This is probably fixed by changing your graphical settings in the emulator. Try a different setting for "Backend" such as Direct3D 9 or OpenGL.

  16. DLC data appears as "corrupt" in the Adrenaline menu
    The DLC for the game might not have an icon or appear listed as "corrupt" in Adrenaline.
    This is expected and nothing to worry about, as the content will work properly in the game.
    If you're experiencing actual issues nevertheless, we recommend reinstalling the DLC data and making sure you follow the right folder structures.

  17. Some Infinity Missions may hang when returning to Clad 6 Fixed in v2
    Some Infinity Missions may hang when returning to Clad 6, especially in Episode 1.
    You may be able to tell if a mission has an issue by starting it, then using the start menu > Mission Data > Quit Mission to see if it freezes.
    A CWCheat has been prepare as a "hotfix" for the problem.

    The following CWCheat will hopefully alleviate the issue.
    As always we recommend taking regular savedata backups.
    If you suspect that this causes unexpected issues please disable the cheat.

    _C1 Mission Hang Hotfix
    _L 0x2013BDF4 0x3C040005
    _L 0x2013BDFC 0x34841000
    _L 0x2013BE30 0x3C060005
    _L 0x2013BE3C 0x34C61000
  18. The status effect name "Taunt" has been used for two different effects Fixed in v2
    One version of Taunt should be Charm which makes enemies target the attacker.
    The other version should be Rage which increases your power at low health.
    A list of the affected weapons and a CWCheat has been prepare as a "hotfix" for the problem.

    The following CWCheat should replace the status text.
    As always we recommend taking regular savedata backups.
    If you suspect that this causes unexpected issues please disable the cheat.

    _C1 Taunt Hotfix
    _L 0xE0020000 0x00AFC8B0
    _L 0xE0010054 0x00AFC8B2
    _L 0x20AFC8B0 0x00430000
    _L 0x20AFC8B4 0x00610068
    _L 0x20AFC8B8 0x006D0072
    _L 0xE0020000 0x00AFC900
    _L 0xE0010054 0x00AFC902
    _L 0x20AFC900 0x00520000
    _L 0x20AFC904 0x00670061
    _L 0x20AFC908 0x00000065

    Weapons/instances of each status are:


    Vivienne Punisher - unit
    Innocent Punisher - unit
    Eternal Punisher - unit
    Dream Master
    Shark Puppet
    Rappy Barrel
    Heart Teapot
    Rumbling May
    Cheese Pizza Shield
    Denish Mari
    Hand Spear
    Hand Spear S
    Cheese Pizza Slicer
    Innocent Mari
    Pretty Baton
    Nano Shark Puppets
    Twin Bear Claws
    Twin Bouquets
    Bloody Mari
    Twin Real H.guns G
    Real Hand Gun
    Real Hand Gun G
    Tension Blaster
    Dream Fisher
    Amore Rose
    Love Inferno
    Poron Poron


    Nosmegid - tech
    Twilight Rune
    Angelic Breath
    490 Ossoria Shag
    Final Impact
    Iron Wall Famitsu
    Lavis Cannon
    Twin Brand Replica
    Double Cannon
    Daylight Scar
    Twin Cannon
    Lavis Blades
    Nanoblast Scythes
    Pure Heart Gun
    Magana Revolta
    Bringer Rifle
    Black Rebellion
    Degahna Cannon
    Lavis Arrow
  19. The titles for "Capable of equipping n X-rank weap." have incorrect requirement numbers Fixed in v2
    Each title says that the requirement is 25, the actual requirements are 25 C-rank, 20 B-Rank, 15 A-Rank, and 10 S-Rank.

  20. The option for "No Blast Badge" is missing Fixed in v2
    For beast characters when changing Blast Badge via the Salon there are only 6 options, whereas the original game has 7. The option for "No Blast Badge" (ブラストバッジなし) is not available. This should hopefully not impact on gameplay in the majority of cases as there is little reason not to have a Blast Badge equipped.

  21. Multiple Mirages/SUV units can be equipped
    In the patched version you can equip multiple Mirages/SUVs, although only one of them will activate.
    This does not appear to cause any notable undesirable effects or crashes.

❊ Miscellany
There are some extra things you can do to spruce up the game experience. For example, you can make Infinity run on 60 FPS instead of the normal 30 FPS, and there are higher resolution textures in the works by Rozalin. For news on that project, please visit
Here is a link to a guide on how to use the 60 FPS hack.
Alternative archived link for the guide
If you're having any tech-related issues while using them, we recommend reverting to the normal gameplay experience and see if the problem goes away.

There is now a new PSP2i Wiki which aims to be the #1 source for all information regarding Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity.
Please check out the getting started page on the wiki below.
This page will explain how to set up the english patch, downloadable content, modifications, and multiplayer.
It will also explain how to set up the game in general.

❊ Trivia
Working on the ripped text files over the years, I've noticed that not everything in the files made it into the game.
For example, at least two dialogue scenes between two characters are missing, and many characters have lines for events that aren't in the game.
This makes me think that there was supposed to be an extra chapter or act that was cut at some point.

There are also a few lines in the files for various missions that aren't displayed, but these might be tech-related on SEGA's end.

❊ Credits


❊ Special thanks
Everyone who worked on the patch at some point
Everyone who helped us with something
Anubis1101, for creating the save conversion guide
SuburbMage, for creating the promotion video in this post
People who have been following us over the years—you know who you are
The creator of the "Playing online" guide
SEGA for creating this game














Last edited by Weyu,


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2019
United States
Did anything change about how you obtain the "true" ending in Ep1? I'm following a gamefaqs guide but am only getting the title for the "good" ending despite s-ranking all the missions and making the good dialogue options
I've gotten all 3 endings so yes its possible. If necessary, you can use a save editor to modify your Emilia Points™ to be enough before starting mission 10-1.
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Active Member
Jun 25, 2013
United States
Some of this stuff you're just gonna have to test and figure out for yourself. I've created a bunch of mission codes, and while I don't fully understand some details of it, most of it is pretty straightforward once you try it. There are a few people out there that have been messing around with it for years, so do some searching and you'll likely find more info.

There is nothing straightforward about it man. After doing more research, only now I found out the obvious: that Synthesis Points are not shared, they can only be earned and used by the mission you've acquired them in AND that Infinity Missions don't actually disappear after "fusing" them. You would think this type of crucial info should have been at least briefly mentioned on Devifox guide, on in-game tutorials or anywhere online but nope. It took finding out some old JP wiki that no longer exists to discover this.

Yes, I would have discovered this much after trying it out (and wasting Synth Points and my time for nothing). But you know what I wouldn't ever find out? That keeping an IM LVL low is strictly better for EXP+ due to also diminishing the appearance of Table 5 enemies. Or that OTOH if you're looking for drops, high IM LVLs are desirable and at that point the effect of Drop Rate+ is so negligible it might not even be worth the hassle.

Save state does not help with any of this unless you already know what to do. You either know that having a mission code without ANY special effect but high Synthesis Points is extremely valuable to speed up Special Effects strengthening and breeding or you don't. You either know that having multiple codes with mismatching special effects is required to go beyond 3 special effects or you don't (and of course you need to have Synth Points on these variations as well). And so on.

And due to the points given at higher levels, it's better to wait anyway. Rebirthing early is wasteful. Do it once for the slots, then not again until 180+ at the very least.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the EXP needed per Rebirth Point ratio greatly favors lower LVL Rebirths VS high LVLs? This is the top 10 list of Rebirth LVLs on the EXP per Rebirth Point ratio: 1-) LVL 50 2-) 54 3-) 57 4-) 51 5-) 70 6-) 65 7-) 69 8-) 62 9-) 68 10-) 60.

Now, I understand this does not reflect efficiency in real time investment (because stronger enemies gives more EXP and 600+ Rebirths also take more menu time than 6 Rebirths). I may be wrong here but even in this case Rebirth at extremely high LVLs don't seem optimal. There are 3 reasons for that:

1-) Magashi Plan requires messing with Episode 1 and requires stones, which detract from its efficiency. Not to mention some PSP2 vets like my real life friends wouldn't wanna touch Episode 1 ever again if possible otherwise I'm sure I can't even convince them to even wanna touch Infinity.

2-) Missions like Gurhal Heroes exist.

3-) The impact of Rebirth stats and the ability to bring a high LVL main character as a Partner weights much more heavily at lower LVLs so even though you get less EXP, you can do it much quicker. About 2 optimal Magashi runs = LVL 50 (around 10 minutes give or take), but on the flip side this ultimately costs more stones than doing high LVL Magashi runs. OTOH who knows how efficient you can be running something like Gurhal Heroes with a high LVL Partner and tagging enemies with Zalure, this requires no setup, no stones, no messing around with Episode 1, etc.

Am I missing something?

As for Type LVLs: regardless of method, it's almost impossible not to max out all Type LVLs in the time it takes to max Rebirth stats. That being said, your Type impacts your efficiency the higher LVL you are so in this sense lower LVL Rebirth runs benefit more since your Type won't affect each Rebirth cycle speed anywhere as much as high LVL runs.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2019
United States
There is nothing straightforward about it man. After doing more research, only now I found out the obvious: that Synthesis Points are not shared, they can only be earned and used by the mission you've acquired them in AND that Infinity Missions don't actually disappear after "fusing" them. You would think this type of crucial info should have been at least briefly mentioned on Devifox guide, on in-game tutorials or anywhere online but nope. It took finding out some old JP wiki that no longer exists to discover this.

Yes, I would have discovered this much after trying it out (and wasting Synth Points and my time for nothing). But you know what I wouldn't ever find out? That keeping an IM LVL low is strictly better for EXP+ due to also diminishing the appearance of Table 5 enemies. Or that OTOH if you're looking for drops, high IM LVLs are desirable and at that point the effect of Drop Rate+ is so negligible it might not even be worth the hassle.

Save state does not help with any of this unless you already know what to do. You either know that having a mission code without ANY special effect but high Synthesis Points is extremely valuable to speed up Special Effects strengthening and breeding or you don't. You either know that having multiple codes with mismatching special effects is required to go beyond 3 special effects or you don't (and of course you need to have Synth Points on these variations as well). And so on.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the EXP needed per Rebirth Point ratio greatly favors lower LVL Rebirths VS high LVLs? This is the top 10 list of Rebirth LVLs on the EXP per Rebirth Point ratio: 1-) LVL 50 2-) 54 3-) 57 4-) 51 5-) 70 6-) 65 7-) 69 8-) 62 9-) 68 10-) 60.

Now, I understand this does not reflect efficiency in real time investment (because stronger enemies gives more EXP and 600+ Rebirths also take more menu time than 6 Rebirths). I may be wrong here but even in this case Rebirth at extremely high LVLs don't seem optimal. There are 3 reasons for that:

1-) Magashi Plan requires messing with Episode 1 and requires stones, which detract from its efficiency. Not to mention some PSP2 vets like my real life friends wouldn't wanna touch Episode 1 ever again if possible otherwise I'm sure I can't even convince them to even wanna touch Infinity.

2-) Missions like Gurhal Heroes exist.

3-) The impact of Rebirth stats and the ability to bring a high LVL main character as a Partner weights much more heavily at lower LVLs so even though you get less EXP, you can do it much quicker. About 2 optimal Magashi runs = LVL 50 (around 10 minutes give or take), but on the flip side this ultimately costs more stones than doing high LVL Magashi runs. OTOH who knows how efficient you can be running something like Gurhal Heroes with a high LVL Partner and tagging enemies with Zalure, this requires no setup, no stones, no messing around with Episode 1, etc.

Am I missing something?

As for Type LVLs: regardless of method, it's almost impossible not to max out all Type LVLs in the time it takes to max Rebirth stats. That being said, your Type impacts your efficiency the higher LVL you are so in this sense lower LVL Rebirth runs benefit more since your Type won't affect each Rebirth cycle speed anywhere as much as high LVL runs.
Ah, see I consider the act of discovering and figuring out game mechanics to be part of enjoying it, so it's difficult to sympathize. I'm glad you got most of it figured out, though. The game's been out for a decade, so there's plenty of guides and stuff you can dig up.

Also, I seem to remember coming across an IM editor at some point. Might be worth looking into if you're having trouble getting the features you want.
Last edited by Anubis1101,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
Hey guys, since the PSP2(i) section at PSO-World seems dead and Gamefaqs is no better, I figured I'd ask here.

I have been playing Infinity Missions for hours upon hours and it seems there are barely any rare drops, even though all IMs start with a boosted drop rate and some even start out at 170% and go over 200% as you progress during the mission. I have been playing a lot of S rank mission with lv 175+ monsters but I can barely get any weapon drops, let alone the rare ones. Even while doing normal S rank free missions, I get way more rares without any drop rate boosts. In Magashi Plan, I get a crapload at 200% drop bonus. Yet in IMs, I have yet to come across any 11-12* rares or rainbow rares. I do get them in clear boxes, but the regular monsters seem to drop low star rares mostly. At first I thought I was unlucky, but I have been playing high level IMs for over 30 hours now and I'm kinda losing hope on farming them for the weapons I need. Sadly, it's the only way for me to fight lv 175+ monsters solo as a lv 105 character.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2019
United States
I have been playing Infinity Missions for hours upon hours and it seems there are barely any rare drops, even though all IMs start with a boosted drop rate and some even start out at 170% and go over 200% as you progress during the mission. I have been playing a lot of S rank mission with lv 175+ monsters but I can barely get any weapon drops, let alone the rare ones. Even while doing normal S rank free missions, I get way more rares without any drop rate boosts. In Magashi Plan, I get a crapload at 200% drop bonus. Yet in IMs, I have yet to come across any 11-12* rares or rainbow rares. I do get them in clear boxes, but the regular monsters seem to drop low star rares mostly. At first I thought I was unlucky, but I have been playing high level IMs for over 30 hours now and I'm kinda losing hope on farming them for the weapons I need. Sadly, it's the only way for me to fight lv 175+ monsters solo as a lv 105 character.
The actual drop rate for things is pretty well obscured, and varies both by monster and mission under normal circumstances. I'm not sure how its base chance is determined in IM's, but it's very possible it's lower than standard missions. I mean already you're talking in the fractions of a percent for most rares, so a 200% drop rate is.... still likely <1%. I would try to track individual drops from specific monsters, and run IM's with those monsters to see if there is a noticeable difference. Consult guides and wikis, there are a few good ones out there, and some stuff hasn't been changed much from PSP2, so the PSUPedia might be able to help as well.
Last edited by Anubis1101,


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
I wonder what those drop rates affect. PS0 had them only increasing enemy drops, so area drops suffered. That and 4 x 0,01% is still nothing.

@metastase an early game rush might be worthy it for those ability points and some base goods, but I wouldn't bother seeking the end of ends with full rebirths, all lv50 types and a bunch of top end weapons. Unless you resort to cheats this is a long. long run.


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2003
For the record, the memory CWCheat to make IM's playable is completely stable with no actual negative consequence from what we can see. Doesn't mean you don't need to take precautions, but just know it's okay to run the game with it on at all times.

The cheat fixed my issues. Wasn't expecting you to get that fixed so quick. Nice work again!

The infinity mission editor is in my save editor but there are a lot of unknowns. Its the special hex that is the part with the special effects which i couldnt work out 100% when i wrote the app. I am revisiting all this recently after the release of this translation though.

I personally made my specials in the game then copied them to different areas and bumped the enemies up as far as i could without it crashing using my editor.

Stuff like Mother appearance rates are hidden in there somewhere too. Have fun with it.


Emilia / Nagisa points cant be edited because you get points for each mission so they need to be added up for a total. It's not just a single number to edit in the save as far as I could tell.
Last edited by retrohead,
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2019
United States
Emilia / Nagisa points cant be edited because you get points for each mission so they need to be added up for a total. It's not just a single number to edit in the save as far as I could tell.
I swear I edited them at some point, somehow. Now you got me scratching my head over it. Maybe I used a cheat to fix the value? I gotta see if I have any cheat files from old PPSSPP installations...


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2007
I came across a cheat that is supposed to make the orange internet only missions playable. I haven't unlocked any of those yet so I haven't been able to test if it works. But if someone wants to give it a try here it is:

_C1 Multi-Mode Only Orange Missions Playable
_L 0x20003C00 0x341F0001
_L 0x20003C04 0xAC9F0000
_L 0x20003C08 0x8FBF0000
_L 0x20003C0C 0x03E00008
_L 0x20003C10 0x27BD0010
_L 0x201576B0 0x0A200F00
_L 0x201576B4 0x00000000
_L 0x201576B8 0x00000000
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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2003
I swear I edited them at some point, somehow. Now you got me scratching my head over it. Maybe I used a cheat to fix the value? I gotta see if I have any cheat files from old PPSSPP installations...
It's me thats mistaken, you can edit them. Must have been someone else's editor as mine doesnt do that.... yet.
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Nov 17, 2020
United States
I came across a cheat that is supposed to make the orange internet only missions playable. I haven't unlocked any of those yet so I haven't been able to test if it works. But if someone wants to give it a try here it is:

_C1 Multi-Mode Only Orange Missions Playable
_L 0x20003C00 0x341F0001
_L 0x20003C04 0xAC9F0000
_L 0x20003C08 0x8FBF0000
_L 0x20003C0C 0x03E00008
_L 0x20003C10 0x27BD0010
_L 0x201576B0 0x0A200F00
_L 0x201576B4 0x00000000
_L 0x201576B8 0x00000000
I tried the code out, It works perfectly! Thank you for posting it.
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New Member
Dec 5, 2020
Just tried playing the new patch on my laptop and boy, I'm lovin' it and it works perfectly! However, I won't be home for about a week tomorrow so I decided to try it on my android phone. It was okay at first, but once I got out on My Room, there's a massive frame drop that's happening. I still tried playing it a little bit and noticed that story related conversations, and going out on missions/combat had no lag and looks very smooth. Just wondering if there are some settings or something that can fix it. (Or maybe It's just my phone lol)

Also, made this account to THANK EVERYONE who made this english patch happen!! All of you are f***in awesome!! :grog:
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2019
United States
once I got out on My Room, there's a massive frame drop that's happening.
The Room is relatively graphically-intensive, so that's not surprising. You can try messing with texture/filter settings, but my guess is it's the extra effects and animations of the stuff you've got in there. You can try removing decorations and see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2007
So I've mostly been playing this on PPSSPP, but when I play it on the Vita I notice that it just feels more responsive for some reason.
Even with the 60fps patch on PPSSPP it just doesn't feel quite right.
You can tell if you run in a straight line to the left or right and quickly start moving in the other direction. There's a slight pause before the char switches direction on the emulator that isn't there on the Vita.

It's not like my PC is crap either so I don't know where the problem could lie. I've tried messing with some settings like different renderers, resolution and sync real clock but nothing has seemed to make a difference. It's the same on PSP2 so it's not due to the translation patch.
Has anybody else noticed this and managed to fix it?
Last edited by Silvor,


Active Member
Jun 25, 2013
United States
Has anybody else noticed this and managed to fix it?

At 1st I had the hardest time messing with control settings before getting it right, I almost gave up on playing this game on PPSSPP. My problem was that my analog stick was jumpy/glitchy in certain directions, like the character couldn't get full running speed even with the analog pushed all the way in. Although I no longer have the ability to simply walk with my character, the best solution I got was with this:

- Deadzone Radius: 0.0 (if your character is walking on its own when you don't hold the analog on any direction, crank this up slowly until it stops)

- Analog mapper mode: X + Y (fixes the "glitch" where it seems like your character is stuck moving only on cardinal directions and the diagonals as if your movement isn't analog)

- Analog mapper low-end (inverse deadzone): 1.00 (the higher this value the more responsive the strength of your analog even at the slightest push however at 1.00 which is the max value you simply lose the ability to walk. That is OK as far as I'm concerned since it's the best for actual gameplay)

- Analog auto-rotation speed: 25.00 (I'm not sure what exactly this does, didn't notice much of a difference but I cranked it up to max just to be safe)

there's a massive frame drop that's happening. I still tried playing it a little bit and noticed that story related conversations, and going out on missions/combat had no lag and looks very smooth. Just wondering if there are some settings or something that can fix it. (Or maybe It's just my phone lol)

It's probably both your phone and the settings. My PC is good (NVIDIA card) but I was having some weird lags too (to be fair though I'm using the HD texture pack and cranked upscale up). After messing with the settings, this is what I got:


- Mode: Buffered Rendering. In theory you want to turn this off for faster performance (I've seen some Infinity players do this) but with my PC this makes the screen go black so I have to keep this ON.

- Software Rendering (slow): OFF

- Postprocessing Shader: OFF (didn't notice any GFX improvement from this after I have Upscale x5 ON)

- Hardware Transform: ON

- Software Skinning: ON

- Spline/Bezier Curves Quality: LOW (again, I noticed no improvement from cranking this up anyways)

My Upscale Level is cranked up to x5, Upscale type xBRZ


- Fast Memory (unstable): ON

- I/O on thread (experimental): ON

- I/O timing method: FAST. I think the default is HOST and despite what the description says, HOST causes way more lag for me. If you're planning to play online though I think setting it to HOST is necessary?

- Force real clock sync (slower, less lag): OFF. Again, despite what the description says, turning it on actually causes more lag for me.

- PSP Model: PSP-2000/3000

I didn't mess with the emulated PSP CPU clock (auto).

This eliminated all major lags I had even with upscale and better textures, all sound got normal too. Sometimes there is still a very minor hiccup when loading after entering/leaving My Room but that's more due to the fact I usually play while having 30+ tabs open on Chrome.
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New Member
Dec 6, 2020
United States
Does anybody know the criteria for completing "Escaped Specimens" with an S rank? It's a multi mode tactical under parum.. I'm not exactly a completionist but it bothers me that I don't understand it


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2007
- Analog mapper mode: X + Y (fixes the "glitch" where it seems like your character is stuck moving only on cardinal directions and the diagonals as if your movement isn't analog)
Thanks for the tip! I did notice it seemed like I maybe wasn't getting analogue movement for some reason. Worth a try.

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