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  • Resuming my Platinum save after ages, at the League first time, fucking Gliscor froze or flinched my Torterra with ALL FIFTEEN Ice Fangs!>:/
    Like seriously, I'm fucking pissed! If I had just healed I'd get frozen and if I tried to attack I'd get flinched, fucking hell the RNG hates me... probably punishing me for somehow getting stupidly lucky and catching Giratina with 5 IVs at 31 somehow and that's Gen 4, when legendaries didn't have max-locked IVs lol
    just bring an x speed?
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    Reactions: ThoD
    What for? X Speed would make me faster, but I'd still get freeze-haxed... Also my Torterra is negative speed nature (Relaxed, -speed +defense), because I wanted it to be mixed attacker when starting out and super bulky (it could take 3 x4 Ice Fangs from Gliscor and still live, it's absurdly bulky), just got haxxed like crazy! Anyways, just PP stalled it and won the League, at Fight Area now:D
    Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu just keeps getting better & better each week, I fucking love that show!:D
    damn that title is a mouthful
    True, but what do you expect from LN adaptations?:P Also, mouthful or not, the show is AMAZING, it's like watching Flip Flappers again with the level of fun absurdity it has!
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    Reactions: Seriel
    Just 100%ed MH3U for the 18th time, every time it takes me less and less time to beat, this time it took 138 hours, love that game!:D
    By 100% I mean all achievements and (of course), all quests done with Cha-cha and Kayamba at max level with all masks, not HR999 since after HR124 you don't get anything new.
    s l i m e s h o t
    Nah, GS main, hate Kelbi bow:P
    Hopefully I'll be getting a job soon, HAD to use a connection, but shit is absurd here... at least if I get one things will be easier... :/
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    Reactions: Seriel
    I have seen that character before, but can’t remember where or who.
    It's from Ao no Roku-gou, a very old anime from before 2000 that I rewatched recently, really good post-apocalyptic one with amazing characters and character designs! The avi is one of the mutio, they are kinda like man-made amphibian mermaids of sorts, they have no individual names but this one is a unique one. Anyways, give it a watch, you'll probably love it, it's only 4 OVAs long!
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    Reactions: The Catboy
    The Catboy
    The Catboy
    Blue Submarine No. 6! I need to rewatch that again!
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    Reactions: ThoD
    Yup, only I prefer Japanese names, hate translated titles because it gets confusing... and you should, great show!:D
    Apparently there's corona virus porn now where people fuck in hazmat suits... I've never wished for humanity to go extinct this much before!
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    Reactions: Sono
    You ain't seen shit yet.
    I've seen shit from a real-life human centipede reproduction with people into shit porn literally sewing their mouths to the other person's asshole in a circle of 6 people all the way to a dude literally "snapping" his boner in half to twist it around enough to give himself anal, so yeah...
    I think that's enough internet for you today.
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    Reactions: ThoD
    Been dismantling and reassembling my 2DS to study it,suddenly wouldn't turn on,a WEEK later I realized sleep mode switch was turned on... :/
    The Catboy
    The Catboy
    I know this feel
    Took it apart and reassembled it a good 50 times before I realized it honestly, kept thinking "maybe a ribbon cable connector is damaged or something", was nearly at the point of giving up and ordering new parts to fix it then I finally saw the bottom right corner with the switch turned on lol
    Today's discord: Jew memes Yesterday's: White supremacy memes Can't wait for tomorrow's! /s
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    Reactions: Jiehfeng
    Tfw you have some ridiculously hilarious gaming-related memes but can't post them on meme box because they are slightly or very nsfw... ;~;
    Meh, I'll leave it, I mean, kinda want to test how much it really takes to get a warn... in like 2+ years on here I haven't gotten a single one, just deleted posts and stuff or a certain mod censoring the word "fuck", when I've straight up posted hentai once or twice among other stuff...
    PS: For the record, that's by far the most sfw out of the bunch of the memes I have and can't post!
    I'll take 2 of those drinks, please.
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    Reactions: ThoD
    ThoD, have you tried water ballet class? It's fun and refreshing. Besides, water ballet is so fun that girls can do tricks in the water.
    You realize I'm a dude, right? lol

    An almost 2 meter tall guy weighing around 100Kg isn't fit for ballet, I can break concrete with a hard jump, ballet parquet isn't gonna last:P
    Saw one of those motorcycles with a huge ass windshield like a fucking wall in front a moment ago,as if you get much air resist at 40Kmh lol
    It's to keep the flies and other pests from kamikaze-ing into your eyes and mouth.
    Yeah, but I mean, you should be wearing a helmet for that or glasses/mask like other bikers do, not have Trump's wall in front of you:P And it's always some 50-60yo fatass on those for whatever reason and half-bald...
    Hi, ThoD. So, I'm waiting for another snowfall in my town tonight. And I'm excited for Valentine's Day. My mom just ordered a book as my Valentine's Day gift for me.
    Gotta be sad to getting Valentine's gifts from your mom instead of a boyfriend:P

    But I'm not one to talk, I have nobody...
    Use the "comment" button for replies to profile posts, no need to make a new post:P
    Deleted User
    Okay sorry did not see the button
    Cool youtube channel
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    Reactions: ThoD
    Kinda neglected since I wanted to post Iceborne videos but only got it yesterday, so might get back into it, either with more Monster Hunter or just random games, thinking of making a mini-series with games from my childhood (1999-2008) because there are so many good classics, but no time;~: Thanks though!
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    Reactions: Deleted User
    Watching Hajime no Ippo after a decade & DAMN I forgot how amazing this series was, reminds me of DB,good shit,we need more shows like it!:D
    Well, it has a LOT of joke moments like that, just like DB, plus progression in the story works the same! Great show, with fun gags!
    And the English dub is hilariously bad. Just like, watch an episode for a good laugh lol.
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    Reactions: ThoD
    I don't want to go deaf, so I'll pass and stick to Japanese dub:P
    How do people nowadays not remember games that were incredible masterpieces back in the day like Bully, Fat Princess or Brothers in Arms?
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    Reactions: Alexander1970
    Tired of 3DS games so have gone back to PSP ones and remembered I had Fat Princess lying in a folder, kept me playing for 3 or so hours straight as a "warm up" lol
    Deleted User
    Wowie, I didn't even know there was a PSP variant :0 If it's anywhere near as good as the PS3 version I'll definitely have to give it a try
    I actually like it more since it's handheld and all, really like having those kinds of games on the go instead of having to sit in front of a TV or something. It's not as "robust" as the PS3 version, but it's still pretty darn fun!
    So, in the duration of 40 minutes, I went from having almost nothing in my "to download" list to having ~470GBs worth of stuff lol
    "Mostly old anime/classics" Actual anime or do you really mean hentai?
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    Reactions: ThoD
    Hell yeah, wanna share some of that list of animes?
    Texhnolyze, Vampire Princess Miyu, Hajime no Ippo, old Devilman, Ghost Hound, Devilman Lady, Futari Ecchi, old Baki, The Big O, Alps no Shoujo Heidi (for nostalgia reasons), etc., good shit, I never bother downloading hentai anymore, only anime, since hardly any hentai are coming out anymore, my library with most ever released up until 2015 is more than plenty enough, 4TBs:P
    Found a lovely pack of classic PC games from 1992-1998 on a torrent site, so many old gems like Doom/Quake/Hexen/etc., good shit!
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    Reactions: Seriel
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