Review cover Fire Emblem Fates (Nintendo 3DS)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): February 19, 2016
  • Release Date (JP): June 25, 2015
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Intelligent Systems, Nintendo SPD
  • Genres: Tactical RPG

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer

Review Approach:

I haven't played a Fire Emblem game since Path of Radiance on the GC. Having heard the controversy surrounding this game, I had to try it out and see how it holds up for a near-beginner to the series.
Amongst the cries of censorship, homophobia, and Nintendo of America's tyranny, and with a stunning lack of breast sliders and girlfriend-petting mini games, does Fire Emblem Fates shine through the cloud of smoke surrounding its release?

No doubt, most of Nintendo's player base has heard about the controversy surrounding this game's localization. And considering just how long it took to bring this game overseas (and it STILL hasn't arrived in Europe), you can imagine that a significant amount of the game was changed, for better or worse. I can happily report that not only does the game manage to present a spectacular story in our native English, but also that I noticed nearly zero translation or localization oddities within the game's presentation. This game is a true thriller from start to finish, certainly for me as a new player but also for veteran players of the series.

Conquest or Birthright?

At Chapter 6, the game forces the player, Corrin, to choose to side with one of two warring kingdoms: the kingdom of Nohr, which has raised Corrin ever since childhood but whose king stole away Corrin as a child, or the kingdom of Hoshido, which claims to have originally given birth to Corrin and therefore is the Corrin's true family. While a player might be tempted to spend a while mulling over this choice in his/her head, the version of the game that you buy determines what choice you will make. The Birthright version of the game sees Corrin siding with Hoshido, and Conquest with Nohr. Revelation is a third DLC version which has not been released as DLC yet but only comes with the $80 special edition, which includes all three games.

I find this version system to have significantly weakened the impact of this decision, as unless you shell out an extra $20 for the reduced price of the other version of the game, you can only really pick one path. Most players will go back and play the second path afterwards anyway. But what is important to note is that this system doesn't work like it does in Pokémon. Each version is an entirely different game featuring entirely different battles, characters, stories, etc. Only a few characters and battles are the same between versions, making buying the second path a good option. The first 6 chapters are the same between versions as well.

Birthright is a much better option for new players; not only are the battles less challenging than Conquest's, but it provides free opportunities between battles to grind for gold and experience. Conquest only gives you these opportunities during story missions, so you can be thrown into a situation in which your characters are underleveled and unable to complete a battle. Conquest is much more like a classic Fire Emblem game. However, Conquest provides a much more richer and fulfilling story than Birthright, as the player must both work from within a corrupt kingdom to help bring back the righteousness of the characters and manage his/her backstabbing family as well. Conquest builds on the battle skills from Birthright, so the best option is to play Birthright first, then go back and play Conquest. They are both worth your time, to be sure.



Fates gives you a huge number of difficulty options at the beginning of the game, which can be lowered, but never raised. The first option pertains to the actual difficulty of the game and has three settings: normal, hard, and lunatic. Hard is most comparable to a normal Fire Emblem game in terms of how hard enemies hit and how much actual strategy is needed to win. Lunatic is for insane people who don't like winning, and normal is best for beginners. The second option pertains to what happens to characters after they fall in combat. The three settings are: Phoenix, Casual, and Classic. Phoenix mode revives characters shortly after dying in a battle, casual mode revives characters after the battle is over, and classic mode kills characters permanently. Classic mode is how most other Fire Emblem games operate. I played on Normal and Classic, which I felt created a nice balance in difficulty. Personally, I would never choose casual or phoenix because permadeath creates a classic Fire Emblem experience and provides most of the challenge in this game.

If you've ever played a Fire Emblem game (or any tactical RPG), you know what to expect in terms of gameplay. The player starts with all his units concentrated in one area of the map. These units can move a certain range and attack once per turn, and once the player has moved all of his units, it is the enemy's turn to do the same. A battle is won by completing a certain objective, be it kill all enemies, defeat a boss, seize an area, or other strange objectives. Units can pair up with each other; the supporting unit in the pair gives stat bonuses to the attacking unit and has a chance to block enemy attacks. Pairing units builds a relationship between them, and unlocks support conversations between them.

Support is perhaps the biggest element of this game. Supporting one unit with another can give you huge combat bonuses, including stat boosts, the ability for a character to become a different class than his/her normal path, marriage, and children who can assist in battle as well. Picking characters to pair up is extremely fun, as the support conversations between characters are hilarious and there are just so many to be had, encouraging playing the game multiple times and building up multiple relationships in order to build your characters in any way you want. The way in which relationships factor into combat and story is truly unique and is one of the best parts of this game if not the whole series. There really is no need to look up guides on how to build characters, simply because there are so many options and players should really just choose relationships based on how they feel battles should go.

It's easy to see the amount of refinement shown in this game's combat system (after all, it's had plenty of time to evolve throughout the series). Gone is the system of weapons breaking over time (except staves), a system which really only cause annoyances more than anything else. Unique new classes really underline the huge variety of ways to play this game. Each defeat makes you want to keep playing and try new strategies, and the game keeps you on the hook the whole time. As many others have said, and as I could see from my experiences (albeit limited) with the series, this is the best Fire Emblem has to offer in terms of engaging and addicting gameplay.


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The stories of Conquest and Birthright are drastically different in terms of both content and style. Birthright takes more of an ancient Japanese approach in terms of how people look and act and in terms of architecture. Nohr is an obviously darker story, featuring less sincere characters and a medieval Gothic style.

Both versions feature an excellent story regardless of their styles. Corrin's choice, being the center of the story, brings up many misgivings as Corrin is forced to abandon members of his family, and try to find someone to trust in as he/she is constantly surrounded by people whose intentions remain unsure. However the parts where the story shines is not in the overarching narrative but in the individual relationships between characters. There is a large amount of effort put into making each and every one of these relationships feel important and special. It's tempting even to just read the support conversations online.


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This game's battle cinematics are easily controlled and customized by the player. There are buttons on the touch screen (which also correspond to physical buttons) that slow down, speed up, pause, play, and reverse animations in battle, and options to disable or skip them entirely. This kind of control is necessary in this type of game and is polished very nicely. If you're frustrated and just want to finish a battle, you can speed up or skip animations to your heart's desire, but if you want to see that critical hit animation one more time, you can slow down, reverse, and enjoy it.

There are several beautifully rendered CGI cutscenes, which really bring out the full technical power of the 3DS's engine, and they are some of the most beautiful cinematics seen on the 3DS yet. However, these few shining moments are brought down by some of the obvious design flaws and shortcuts taken in other areas of the presentation. Battle sprites are 2D and look like they just jumped out of the Famicom, some cutscenes use the ridiculous doll-like models like the ones from Bravely Default, and above all, there is a huge ghosting issue which creates an obvious double image if any amount of 3D is enabled. This ghosting amplifies the poor lighting as well. It's a real shame because I would have liked to be able to enjoy the 3D on a game that was supposed to be in, you know, 3D.

The music isn't amazing either, as it's either too quiet or too repetitive to pay any attention to. However, the voice acting is great, as there are some fully spoken lines as well as little sound bytes at the start of each set of dialogue that amplify the emotions of whatever text is displayed. While none of these elements are too great on their own, there are moments when they all synthesize and come together in a beautiful fashion.


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What We Liked ...
  • Excellent and polished battle mechanics
  • Gripping story including thousands of support conversations
  • Certain amazing 3D cutscenes
  • Engaging relationship system
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Lazy battle sprites
  • Poor lighting (including ghosting issues)
  • Repetitive music
As far as tactical RPGs go, this game has about the best and most polished elements you could ask for, making an addicting experience that works well as a portable title, and has an amazing relationship system with tons of content. The multiple difficulty options allow easily customizable difficulties which are friendly to new players and veterans alike.
Certain aspects of the presentation are totally nailed, like the story, whereas others, like graphics and music, leave something to be desired. That said, there are moments when all of these elements shine and give the player a bone-chilling experience.
Lasting Appeal
With three different versions and thousands of support conversations, as well as a long story with tons of side missions, this game easily provides 100+ hours of fun, lasting gameplay.
out of 10


As a 3DS title and as a Fire Emblem title, Fates does not disappoint. It is everything you could expect from a good Fire Emblem game and a solid addition to the 3DS library. It's the first good 3DS game I've played in a long time, and it's one I'm still playing today. Its minor flaws are easily outshone by its major accomplishments, and localization issues slowly lose all meaning as the player is lost in the mountainous content and beauty of this game.
I don't get the same sex thing, I had no problem getting Azura and Sakura together at A+ rank. There wasn't a cutscene like with the other marriages, is it different in the japanese version ?
I really hope this isn't GBAtemp's only review for the game, because it's crap. Some criticism I'd like to share.

What is up with the misinformed title? I'm talking about this line: "...a stunning lack of breast sliders and girlfriend-petting mini games..." Are you mistaking this game with Xenoblade Chronicles X? There were no breast sliders in FE: Fates to begin with.

Also, way to blow up the censorship controversy. NoA removed only TWO things: the petting mini-game and one support conversation. Thats it! Both for decent reasons. And the word you choose is tyranny? If you were aiming for an incorrect and click-baity title, I suppose you succeeded there.

Giving the presentation a 7 is laughable considering how much they improved in this area since Awakening. The 3d models look much better (they actually have feet now!). The overhead-view to battle-view transitions are more fluid and realistic. They gave every supportable character an amazing cel-shaded model.

No mention about the removal of dual audio, when the Japanese cast was surprisingly star-studded? And you say that the voice acting is great??????? THE VOICE ACTING IN THIS GAME IS SUBPAR AT BEST. WHY NOA CHOSE SUCH A HORRIBLE VOICE ACTOR FOR HINOKA, WHO BTW IS THE FIRST CHARACTER THAT YOU ENCOUNTER AND THE FIRST VOICE YOU HEAR, IS BEYOND ME.


Last point, the support conversations are worse. Can't really explain why, but here's some things I'll point out
- Less stuff happens in the conversations. They either don't have much content or they fixate on one event for all three conversations (C->A)
- The writing is worse. Character diction is not as distinct and flavorful as it was in Awakening, and the overall writing is just grating.
- No voices! Why they decided to remove this aspect is beyond me. In Awakening, story dialogue and support conversations had voice acting. In Fates, support conversations have no voice acting. The absence is very noticeable, and it makes the supports less engaging.
This was the most disappointing aspect of the game for me.

Non-criticism about the review
- Very detailed. Everything else sucked balls.

P.S. Whose idea was it to let a person who didn't play Awakening do the review? Awakening, as in THE MOST CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED FIRE EMBLEM TITLE TO DATE. AND THE PREVIOUS INSTALLMENT TO THE GAME BEING REVIEWED. MY GOD. I know this is primarily a 3ds hacking website, but sweet Jesus, Fates was the most anticipated 3ds game for 2016. It deserves somebody more informed and up-to-date to speak for it.
I don't get the same sex thing, I had no problem getting Azura and Sakura together at A+ rank. There wasn't a cutscene like with the other marriages, is it different in the japanese version ?
The A+ rank gives a character another class. That's all. All supportable characters (excluding the avatar) can have one A+ support and one S support. The avatar gains another character's class set when he/she reaches A-rank support with them IF A-rank is the highest rank achievable (in other words, characters he/she can't marry).
I really hope this isn't GBAtemp's only review for the game, because it's crap. Some criticism I'd like to share.

What is up with the misinformed title? I'm talking about this line: "...a stunning lack of breast sliders and girlfriend-petting mini games..." Are you mistaking this game with Xenoblade Chronicles X? There were no breast sliders in FE: Fates to begin with.

Also, way to blow up the censorship controversy. NoA removed only TWO things: the petting mini-game and one support conversation. Thats it! Both for decent reasons. And the word you choose is tyranny? If you were aiming for an incorrect and click-baity title, I suppose you succeeded there.

Giving the presentation a 7 is laughable considering how much they improved in this area since Awakening. The 3d models look much better (they actually have feet now!). The overhead-view to battle-view transitions are more fluid and realistic. They gave every supportable character an amazing cel-shaded model.

No mention about the removal of dual audio, when the Japanese cast was surprisingly star-studded? And you say that the voice acting is great??????? THE VOICE ACTING IN THIS GAME IS SUBPAR AT BEST. WHY NOA CHOSE SUCH A HORRIBLE VOICE ACTOR FOR HINOKA, WHO BTW IS THE FIRST CHARACTER THAT YOU ENCOUNTER AND THE FIRST VOICE YOU HEAR, IS BEYOND ME.


Last point, the support conversations are worse. Can't really explain why, but here's two things I'll point out
- Less stuff happens in the conversations. They either don't have much content or they fixate on one event for all three conversations (C->A)
- The writing is worse. Character diction is not as distinct and flavorful as it was in Awakening, and the overall writing is just grating.
This was the most disappointing aspect of the game for me.

Non-criticism about the review
- Very detailed. Everything else sucked balls.

P.S. Whose idea was it to let a person who didn't play Awakening do the review? Awakening, as in THE MOST CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED FIRE EMBLEM TITLE TO DATE. AND THE PREVIOUS INSTALLMENT TO THE GAME BEING REVIEWED. MY GOD. I know this is primarily a 3ds hacking website, but sweet Jesus, Fates was the most anticipated 3ds game for 2016. It deserves somebody more informed and up-to-date to speak for it.
The title was mostly a joke :P But I thought that the Japanese version had this option, or at least, they changed the character creation screen when they localized it. :unsure:

About the dual audio and the story, well, it's his opinion, maybe he doesn't care about dual audio and thought that the dub was great, and want to listen to English voices anyway?

Now about the support conversations, did it have more content and different subjects in the previous games? I never got so far into the previous ones to have support conversation. :/

Not playing Awakening isn't also that bad, a lot of people will play this one without playing Awakening for sure, sure it would be nice to see how it got better from Awakening, but in his opinion, it doesn't stand that well by itself, you know. Also the 7 isn't just graphics, but music too.
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I really hope this isn't GBAtemp's only review for the game, because it's crap. Some criticism I'd like to share.

What is up with the misinformed title? I'm talking about this line: "...a stunning lack of breast sliders and girlfriend-petting mini games..." Are you mistaking this game with Xenoblade Chronicles X? There were no breast sliders in FE: Fates to begin with.

Also, way to blow up the censorship controversy. NoA removed only TWO things: the petting mini-game and one support conversation. Thats it! Both for decent reasons. And the word you choose is tyranny? If you were aiming for an incorrect and click-baity title, I suppose you succeeded there.

Giving the presentation a 7 is laughable considering how much they improved in this area since Awakening. The 3d models look much better (they actually have feet now!). The overhead-view to battle-view transitions are more fluid and realistic. They gave every supportable character an amazing cel-shaded model.

No mention about the removal of dual audio, when the Japanese cast was surprisingly star-studded? And you say that the voice acting is great??????? THE VOICE ACTING IN THIS GAME IS SUBPAR AT BEST. WHY NOA CHOSE SUCH A HORRIBLE VOICE ACTOR FOR HINOKA, WHO BTW IS THE FIRST CHARACTER THAT YOU ENCOUNTER AND THE FIRST VOICE YOU HEAR, IS BEYOND ME.


Last point, the support conversations are worse. Can't really explain why, but here's two things I'll point out
- Less stuff happens in the conversations. They either don't have much content or they fixate on one event for all three conversations (C->A)
- The writing is worse. Character diction is not as distinct and flavorful as it was in Awakening, and the overall writing is just grating.
This was the most disappointing aspect of the game for me.

Non-criticism about the review
- Very detailed. Everything else sucked balls.

P.S. Whose idea was it to let a person who didn't play Awakening do the review? Awakening, as in THE MOST CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED FIRE EMBLEM TITLE TO DATE. AND THE PREVIOUS INSTALLMENT TO THE GAME BEING REVIEWED. MY GOD. I know this is primarily a 3ds hacking website, but sweet Jesus, Fates was the most anticipated 3ds game for 2016. It deserves somebody more informed and up-to-date to speak for it.
The breast sliders thing was a little joke. A poke at NOA and its censorship policies. Good one, right?

As was the rest of the introduction, a joke employing hyperbole. As I go on to explain in the review, "localization issues slowly lose all meaning". I'm actually with you in the fact that the localization issues are tiny and meaningless. I don't literally mean tyrrany but I'm sure you saw how some fans adressed the issue and I wanted to have the review contrast that outcry a little bit.

And the rest of you comment is literally just your opinion, which you are absolutely free to give in your own review should you so choose.

And PS I was not chosen to write this review, I just did it freely for fun out of my own volition and it got featured. Simple as that. And frankly, whether or not I've played certain other games shouldn't affect the validity of my review at all, considering it is all from a neutral standpoint.
The title was mostly a joke :P But I thought that the Japanese version had this option, or at least, they changed the character creation screen when they localized it. :unsure:

About the dual audio and the story, well, it's his option, maybe he doesn't care about dual audio and thought that the dub was great, and want to listen to English voices anyway?

Now about the support conversations, did it have more content and different subjects in the previous games? I never got so far into the previous ones to have support conversation. :/

Not playing Awakening isn't also that bad, a lot of people will play this one without playing Awakening for sure, sure it would be nice to see how it got better from Awakening, but in his opinion, it doesn't stand that well by itself, you know. Also the 7 isn't just graphics, but music too.

The support conversations in Awakening were much better imo. One thing I forgot to mention in my original post is that they removed voices from supports, which feels really awkward. The story dialogue and support conversations follow the same format, the only difference being the lack of voice acting in the latter which is very noticeable.

I think that the lack of content in the supports is a consequence of having a ton of characters. Can't provide the same level of quality when the quantity is higher.

The same team that produced Awakening also produced Fates. Awakening had a special importance to the series since it was potentially (but not likely) the last title to be released, and it was also the most well-received. This is why I think the reviewer should have played Awakening.
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I really don't see why you're so angry at this review. There may be some areas where you disagree with it, but its not like its poorly written or misses a whole bunch of aspects. Its just one perspective. There are lots of reviews out there for people to compare, and sometimes people will have different opinions. I know if I were to reviews it I would have different issues(personally disagree alot on the story and voice acting), but that doesn't mean this is review is bad. Its not like this is IGN or something where the reviews are paid for. He took the time to make a well written review, and it informs people about the game well from a fair perspective. Its not like this is the only review on the internet for the game. Hell, it probably won't even end up being the only review of the game on the site considering the hype for it and the fact that the user submitted reviews exist.
I'd just like to point out that there is at least one homosexual marriage in this game. I noticed male Corrin and Niles could get S rank, so I started feeding them Seeds of Joy and partnering them a bunch. It's a bit of a waste of a marriage though because you can't get a child from Niles if he marries male Corrin.
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I'd just like to point out that there is at least one homosexual marriage in this game. I noticed male Corrin and Niles could get S rank, so I started feeding them Seeds of Joy and partnering them a bunch. It's a bit of a waste of a marriage though because you can't get a child from Niles if he marries male Corrin.
Nintendo really did that? Awesome. : )
The A+ rank gives a character another class. That's all. All supportable characters (excluding the avatar) can have one A+ support and one S support. The avatar gains another character's class set when he/she reaches A-rank support with them IF A-rank is the highest rank achievable (in other words, characters he/she can't marry).
Thanks for the info, so I can have an A+ and an S rank on one character ? Because if so, that dramatically changes how I'm doing Birthright from here on out. Can't wait to start Conquest.
Why is the lazy battle sprites a con? I'm 99% sure that was intentionally done by not lazy people. AFAIK every FE game except for the Tellius games have had those sprites as sort of a throwback to the older games.
Why is the lazy battle sprites a con? I'm 99% sure that was intentionally done by not lazy people. AFAIK every FE game except for the Tellius games have had those sprites as sort of a throwback to the older games.
I appreciate the throwback, but laziness is laziness. I'm okay with 2D sprites if they don't look like garbage.
Nintendo really did that? Awesome. : )
I just read that there is also a lesbian marriage with Female Corrin and Rhajat. I didn't notice it in the birthright play-through because I was a male.
I'm guessing what @Reploid meant when he talked about shallow same-sex relationship is that NoA copy/pasted the Female Corrin support conversation to Niles for the gay marriage to Niles and they copy pasted the Male Corrin relationship to Rhajat to the lesbian relationship with Rhajat. In the Japanese version, they had different supports that fleshed out the relationship better.

EDIT: Apparently this isn't just limited to those two conversations. Most of the supports were copy pasted between genders instead of having different ones like in the Japanese one.
I appreciate the throwback, but laziness is laziness. I'm okay with 2D sprites if they don't look like garbage.

There's literally nothing they can do though, unless they decide to change the gameplay itself. If they used decent 3d models in the overhead view this game would be an absolute lagfest. I doubt it would even run on the 3ds.

I thought the 2d sprites were fine. They are clear and distinct, and they look alright. If you play any previous handheld installments (excluding Awakening) I'm afraid your eyes might go blind, because the sprite artwork has massively improved since.

Case in point:
1. How do pre-rendered cutscenes "bring out the full technical power of the 3DS's engine?" Furthermore, what "engine" are we talking about here? I'll completely agree that anima/spooky graphic did fantastic work (and the cutscenes were actually spread out more reasonably throughout the game this time), but rendering video on modern devices isn't really a noteworthy achievement and this line seems like a load of fluff to me.
2. "I noticed zero translation or localization oddities." ...censored content and editorialized dialogue and supports are blatantly obvious if you've played the JP release and then jumped ship to the NA localization, and I'm pretty sure that any reasonable person would consider those "oddities." You're welcome to your opinion on the actual changes (though that's not a debate I feel like getting wrapped up in for the nth time), but you'd either have to have not played both releases or not kept up with the news at all to say there were "no localization oddities." Treehouse changed a lot of stuff, for better or for worse. It seems absurdly disingenuous and/or ignorant to claim otherwise. why the unfunny pickle jokes, treehouse? why?
3. Personal opinion time. I found the music to be fantastic all around, while the voice work was very hit-or-miss in extremes. Gunther sounds like the foxy grandpa I never knew I wanted and Peri (even if she sounds awfully close to Tommy Pickles) strikes the delicate balance between raspy and sultry for me. Meanwhile Felicia just sounds terribly (over)acted all around and Treehouse took an entirely misguided direction with poor Effie-weffie. I also think that the sprites were just fine, and likewise I'd be interested in hearing an elaboration on "it's lazy and it sucks."

Still think the game's a solid 8.5, and it's one of the most mechanically compelling and sound FE games I've played (and I've clocked in hundreds of hours on this series), though these things grate on me.
1. How do pre-rendered cutscenes "bring out the full technical power of the 3DS's engine?" Furthermore, what "engine" are we talking about here? I'll completely agree that anima/spooky graphic did fantastic work (and the cutscenes were actually spread out more reasonably throughout the game this time), but rendering video on modern devices isn't really a noteworthy achievement and this line seems like a load of fluff to me.
2. "I noticed zero translation or localization oddities." ...censored content and editorialized dialogue and supports are blatantly obvious if you've played the JP release and then jumped ship to the NA localization, and I'm pretty sure that any reasonable person would consider those "oddities." You're welcome to your opinion on the actual changes (though that's not a debate I feel like getting wrapped up in for the nth time), but you'd either have to have not played both releases or not kept up with the news at all to say there were "no localization oddities." Treehouse changed a lot of stuff, for better or for worse. It seems absurdly disingenuous and/or ignorant to claim otherwise. why the unfunny pickle jokes, treehouse? why?
3. Personal opinion time. I found the music to be fantastic all around, while the voice work was very hit-or-miss in extremes. Gunther sounds like the foxy grandpa I never knew I wanted and Peri (even if she sounds awfully close to Tommy Pickles) strikes the delicate balance between raspy and sultry for me. Meanwhile Felicia just sounds terribly (over)acted all around and Treehouse took an entirely misguided direction with poor Effie-weffie. I also think that the sprites were just fine, and likewise I'd be interested in hearing an elaboration on "it's lazy and it sucks."

Still think the game's a solid 8.5, and it's one of the most mechanically compelling and sound FE games I've played (and I've clocked in hundreds of hours on this series), though these things grate on me.
So in your opinion, would a translated JP version be a better play through or would a fan be satisfied with Localized copies ?
So in your opinion, would a translated JP version be a better play through or would a fan be satisfied with Localized copies ?
The fanslation in its current state is still unfinished (as far as supports and a surprising amount of menu strings go), though you don't have to deal with much hamfisted dialogue or any removed content, and you'll get all of the DLC (albeit untranslated) first. Personally, the unpolished and unfinished nature of the fanslation makes it lose out to the localization, flaws and all, in my opinion. I'm going with the localization for now. Can't say I'm content enough with it, though.

That said, I think there's a patch in the works for the NA localization that will undub, insert the currently translated JP script, and restore censored/removed content. When that's out (I haven't been keeping up with it, so it may be already), I'll probably jump ship to that.
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"Amongst the cries of censorship, homophobia, and Nintendo of America's tyranny, and with a stunning lack of breast sliders and girlfriend-petting mini games"

You know, I just play games because I like games. I'm sure that the guy who invented the dart board didn't have topical politics, trends, and what have you on his mind at the time, nor do I believe that through the advent of the dart board, his duty as a social justice warrior had been served.

Just give me some squares shooting squares with squares, do it well, and I'm fuckin' happy.
I for one am finding myself disagreeing with alot of the review, although everyone certainly is entitled to thiers. He mentions not needing a guide? Heck I find myself needing a guide just to know who is male and who is female. Everytime I think it is a male character talking to a female in places such as 'my quarters' or in support, a voice (grunt or such) comes from them idicating another gender.

Also there are various undescribed aspects throughout the game (blue lights on ground i m,y castle) that are not explained anywheres I have found, or weapons with blue writing indicating there is something different about them but not what. Now someone here may be able to say what they do but that does not change that they are not readily explained i the game guide or manual. There are many more of these things which I found needed explaining which I couldn't even find on the net.

Yeah, I believe a guide would have been nice.
There's literally nothing they can do though, unless they decide to change the gameplay itself. If they used decent 3d models in the overhead view this game would be an absolute lagfest. I doubt it would even run on the 3ds.

I thought the 2d sprites were fine. They are clear and distinct, and they look alright. If you play any previous handheld installments (excluding Awakening) I'm afraid your eyes might go blind, because the sprite artwork has massively improved since.

Case in point:

I actually miss those old-style sprites.
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): February 19, 2016
  • Release Date (JP): June 25, 2015
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Intelligent Systems, Nintendo SPD
  • Genres: Tactical RPG
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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    i just want a wizard to stick his wand (whether literal or figurative is up to interpretation, either way it's either freaky or sus, or both i guess) up my ass
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm making Texas sheet cake for first time today, my Nieghbor brought us some few weeks ago and damn that's good, so I got her recipe and gonna try it today.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    mmm, sounds good
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its not a brownie, and its not a cake, so what is it- Texas sheet cake.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I tried making chocolate lava cakes the other day in cupcake pan, what a mess, my lava exploded out of the cakes everywhere while baking, was still ok tho, just no lava inside.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    We had our grandkids over yesterday and I got a small above ground swimming pool I filled for them to play in. Well today I woke to find 3 ducks swimming around in it. Don't mind really but they are annoyingly loud, quack quack. Gotta drain it today. Guess what were having for dinner, lol.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    BBQ'd 🦆
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    also i'm sorry your molten lava cakes failed
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    just looked up a pic of texas sheet cake, and it looks delicious
  • AncientBoi @ AncientBoi:
    🌋 Science Project?
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i think i might need to try making lava cakes for the 4th of july fr
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I used butter instead of vegetable oil, and think that's why they squirted out during baking, who knows
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    yeah i think oil is the right call
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    plus if you're making brownies or lava cakes for people with dairy allergies, you should use oil instead of butter anyway
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    @BakerMan Make me a space cake plz
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I make rum cake for 4th July every year, I make it a week prior and then soak it in rum in the fridge all week. I flip the cake each day, and add little more rum, it soaks it up everyday, so good.
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    sorry, idk what you mean by a space cake, and even if i did, i'm not really taking requests right now, because otherwise people will get mad at me for taking a request but not making a birthday cake for @Xdqwerty (i'm sorry for that btw bro)
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    @BakerMan lies, you just want to smoke it

  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    Guess all the food in my fridge can knock out a cow or two
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    I should visit Florida again, miss the alligator barbecues
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Me and wifey was deciding on our next vacation, so I hung up a map on the wall, and give her a dart and said, wherever you hit, we will go. She threw the dart and it missed the map completely and fell into a trash can below on floor. So I said "ok Florida it is."
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    @ZeroT21 ohhh a pot cake?
    BakerMan @ BakerMan: @ZeroT21 ohhh a pot cake? +1