Review cover Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo Switch)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): April 28, 2017
  • Release Date (EU): April 28, 2017
  • Release Date (JP): April 28, 2017
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Nintendo
  • Genres: Racing

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Simple port or the definitive way to play Mario kart? It’s time for me to put my switch down for a minute and answer that question!


I played Mario Kart 8 back on the Wii U and enjoyed what I had played. It was incredible then, and it’s even better now. The interesting dilemma here is the minute changes that were made to the game itself and more so the platform that it now exists on.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe comes bundled with everything the original game had and a few small extras. There are a couple more karts, some new characters in the likes of Splatoon and king boo, the third drift spark, double items and the revitalized battle mode. These additions could honestly be chalked up to a baby DLC pack that the Wii U could have gotten.


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I found that the increased items make this game even more chaotic and honestly a lot more entertaining. Some have argued it takes the skill out. Some would also argue the people are arguing that don’t understand how to have fun in a party racing game.

Mario Kart also controls beautifully on the switch with the joy-con grip and in the tablet form with both joy-cons attached. The button positioning on the controllers is comfortable for long play times, and the various forms of control are also great. I liked using the gyro controls of the joycon on its side, and well as with the joycon grip controller. However, trying to use motion controls in tablet form was incredibly awkward. Just imagine taking a small tablet and frantically jerking it from side to side while trying to focus on the screen at the same time. I don’t recommend it.

What I found both delightful yet slightly upsetting is that all the characters and tracks are unlocked right from the beginning. It is nice to be able to fire right into the game and play yet there’s a hollow feeling to not unlocking as much content through natural progression. You can still unlock plenty of car parts but the joy of unlocking characters in time trials or perfecting your race craft is entirely lost now. Instead, it’s a constant bombardment of rewarded car parts that doesn’t feel as special when all it takes is running through a few coins in standard races. The only unlockable character is Gold Mario and you need to win all 200cc cups to obtain him. I don't quite understand why they didn't do this with more characters because the reward is what entices the gameplay.


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With that minor complaint aside, however, it’s genuinely difficult to harp on this game. Deluxe is gorgeous on TV screens and on the switch screen itself. Deluxe also has the luxury of running at 1080/60 in dock form and 720/60 in handheld form. Meaning it runs just as good on the switch on the go as it did at, “full power,” on the Wii U. And the music blends with every track phenomenally and is a joy to listen to while wearing headphones in the Switch’s tablet form.

The revitalized battle mode is also a treat, adding five new objective based modes to the fray. From stealing coins from other players to the joys of popping balloons in battle face-offs, battle-mode managed to come back with a vengeance.

All of this is highlighted even better by the fast loading times and quick matchmaking for online, yet the overall online experience is still as barebones as it was on the Wii U.


The same lobby system since the Wii version of Mario Kart.

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I find it incredibly disappointing that in 2017 Nintendo has yet to figure out the proper way to introduce better online lobbies, better matchmaking, lack of communication through the switch itself, an invite system, or any other basic features that other consoles have been pulling off since the mid-2000’s. I don’t just find it disappointing; I find it a hinderance to the overall enjoyability of the online experience.

Don’t get me wrong; I have enjoyed my fair share of online races. I’ve dominated the US scene as my lovely little Isabelle. But I would have enjoyed that experience even more if it were easier to play with the few switch friends I already have. If I want to play with friends I’ve made on our website for example, or people met on the Switch subreddit, I should be able to ping them a message on my friend's list or through MK8D itself and tell them I want to play. The excuses for external communication are getting tiresome, and I don’t want to have to tether myself to other hardware to utilize with a piece of hardware I genuinely adore.


Taken on the handheld splitscreen mode

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Which brings me to my main selling point of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, the Switch itself. Having this console like racing experience on the go is wonderful. Mario Kart 7 did a lot of things right for handheld Mario Karts (including creating the best track ever, Piranha Plant Slide,) but Deluxe turns all of that on its head regarding content and feel. It is so damn smooth not just as a singleplayer handheld experience, but even in two player form. I took my switch to work and hid it next to a box and played a cup against my coworker on the screen with two joy-cons. The ease of setting it up, getting into a race and being able to play without frame drops and split screened is the most astounding thing about the experience to me. Sure, it was small, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying it to the fullest extent that we could. In the past, you had to organize the time to play Mario Kart with someone or have to be in your home to do so. If you had it handheld, you both had to have a system to do download play and race each other. Now it takes one system, which has two controllers ready to go at all times, and you can be playing your friends in Mario Kart anywhere.

The game does a good job of selling itself. It’s Mario Kart after all. But I think it’s the Switch itself that actually sells Mario Kart as the best way to play the game.



What We Liked ...
  • Controls wonderfully
  • Can play anywhere
  • Packed with content
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Not as many unlocks
  • Bad online infrastructure
Mario Kart has damn near perfect gameplay, and it is the best it has felt in any of its iterations.
If this game had better online services, its presentation would be perfect and would have nailed every aspect of the game. Instead, it holds the game back from being even better.
Lasting Appeal
There is a ton of content and plenty of reason to keep playing. The only reason I maintain this score at an eight is thanks to the online hinderance. I could see myself playing this game online for most of the switch lifecycle if it was not held back by Nintendo's terrible implementations for online.
out of 10


Nearly impossible to put down, chock full of content yet hindered by an archaic online system. Mario kart 8 Deluxe is another phenomenal game in the growing switch library, yet an ominous precedent for the future of Switch online games.
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Online actually does kinda suck, at least, in my experience. I've had much too many connection errors.

At least it's better than BOTW. ;)

(Oh, and also, Isabelle FTW)
Yeah if I ever get the switch within the next couple of months this would be the 1st game I'd buy. I'm pretty satisfied with BOTW on PC and Wii U
Seems like a good game. I rarely play online anymore (;-;), so the online stuff isn't a problem for me.
*desperately waits for years for price drop*

*Lose interest*

Nope, already got sonic sega all-star racing, maybe sega will port to switch. :creep:
Well, there's not much we can say, cauz we all already known it, it doesn't worth to buy if you have already owned on wiiu
Well one thing i noticed is this one allows to carry 2 items at once, why they didn't think of that before SEGA did is sad. :creep:
Pretty sure there were two carried items in previous MK games too, so they did think of it before Sega. Not to mention Sega is basically owned by Nintendo at this point, no?
Pretty sure there were two carried items in previous MK games too, so they did think of it before Sega. Not to mention Sega is basically owned by Nintendo at this point, no?
I dunno what leads you to believe that when they just had released Yakuza for ps4 not long ago. Besides that, if someone can find any mario kart game before mario kart 8 deluxe that has the option to hold 2 items at once like you can in this one, then i will respectfully accept it was nintendo first. :mellow:
I dunno what leads you to believe that when they just had released Yakuza for ps4 not long ago. Besides that, if someone can find any mario kart game before mario kart 8 deluxe that has the option to hold 2 items at once like you can in this one, then i will respectfully accept it was nintendo first. :mellow:
Yeah I'm not sure where I picked that up, Sega is doing their own thing as a publisher. Guess I was also mistaken with the two items thing, because you can hold one item outside your kart in older games and still pick up another item, but there aren't technically two item slots as there are in MK8.
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They fucked up online again?

Never change Nintendo.
I mean, the online functions just fine. I've had pretty much zero lag when I play online. It's just limited in terms of modes/options and no lobbies, etc. Which will probably change when the paid services are introduced so that you can play with friends directly, among other things.
I think the problem is the friend codes. Look, i bet many people said this before but lobbies is important in online infrastructure. Open room, invite people, (REGARDLESS OF FRIEND LIST OR NOT) chat, send messages, pair up players, HAVE FUN!

Nintendo constantly continues to avoid doing such things in favor of strict safe and user friendly environments that is more like parental control for anyone not just kids, and resorting to decade old things. On NDS/Wii it used to be a friend code per game, but least now is not like that, is just per system, so is a step forward. But the friend codes doesn't matter, is the fact that you can't add a simple invite function.:blink:
Nintendo constantly continues to avoid doing such things in favor of strict safe and user friendly environments that is more like parental control for anyone not just kids, and resorting to decade old things. On NDS/Wii it used to be a friend code per game, but least now is not like that, is just per system, so is a step forward. But the friend codes doesn't matter, is the fact that you can't add a simple invite function.:blink:
It's been made pretty clear I think that will be the functionality of the app. Invites, new ways to add friends, lobbies, voice chat, and other things. It'll all be simple and quick to use. Dunno if it's something Nintendo is developing alone or not.
Meh , its mostly fault of Nintendo and its 1983 servers. Let's hope with the paid online service we get a better service than this one.

We can hope. That's the revelation Sony had. Better to pay for good service than have to deal with a shitty free service.
We can hope. That's the revelation Sony had. Better to pay for good service than have to deal with a shitty free service.
Except free is why people are more likely to buy the console. Poverty bros. :ninja:
Though my opinion, nintendo never really relied on online gaming to be a core essential of their games, they probably made the decision to get the better online paid service for the third party devs who probably wanted it, so it was a struggle for nintendo and third party to make games for their systems.
I dunno what leads you to believe that when they just had released Yakuza for ps4 not long ago. Besides that, if someone can find any mario kart game before mario kart 8 deluxe that has the option to hold 2 items at once like you can in this one, then i will respectfully accept it was nintendo first. :mellow:
Double Dash?...
Well, it's a multiplayer game that almost anybody can play, specially with the "smart" driving thingie. AND ITS 10000 Times better than 1-2 Switch, PLUS it´s mario kart. No brainer for me, even if I had bought the Wii U's version
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We can hope. That's the revelation Sony had. Better to pay for good service than have to deal with a shitty free service.
What about the epiphany PC gaming's had forever? Never pay for a service far greater than that on consoles. It wasn't a "revelation" for Sony. They just found out they could charge people for things that are free elsewhere because its a closed platform and their customers have no choice. I wouldn't give Sony any credit for that and so I'm not excusing Nintendo for following in their footsteps.
The lack of unlocking characters is weird. Of course that was part of the fun. If Nintendo was SuperCell you'd have to pay $20 to unlock legendary carts.
I loved it! I think its so much better than the WiiU version in every way imaginable. It feels more solid all round playing, lots more content and I found online really good my end! I didn't really play MK8 much on the WiiU so I suppose I'm lucky in that sort of way but I found MK8Deluxe so much more enjoyable being able to just grab your Switch take it too your car or anywhere you like for that matter and smash it out on Mario Kart, yes I loved it and well worth the £41.99p price tag that Smyths & Toys'r'us are selling it for and I didn't feel ripped off at all for a reboot of MK8 from the WiiU. If you are a Switch owner and you did have MK8 on the WiiU and your feeling a bit like "why should I buy it again?" then I suggest buy it now, you wont feel let down, trust me on this ;)
Edit: I forgot about the best part of owning MK8Deluxe at least now you can play online matches fairly!
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I thinks its so much better than the WiiU version in every way. It feels more solid all round playing, lots more content and I found online really good my end! I didn't really play MK8 much on the WiiU so I suppose I'm lucky in that way but I found MK8Deluxe so much more enjoyable being able to just grab your Switch take it too your car or anywhere for that matter and smash it out on Mario Kart, yes I loved it and well worth the £41.99p price tag that Smyths & Toys'r'us are selling it for and I didn't feel ripped off at all for a reboot of MK8 from the WiiU.
You seem like you didn't really play the wii u game, hard to feel ripped off when you didn't have much experience with it. I didn't purchase the wii u game cause i didn't get any price drops for it, but now this is out, i have no reason to buy it, now is this i can buy. Paying the same price for a game you did 3 years ago but now everything is in the game including the extra spent on dlc is a rip off, on top of the fact they didn't lower the initial price. Had it been maybe $40 or something, it would be like a common port of all games that get upgrade ports but is just full price resell of a better game nintendo had already done with wind waker hd, and twilight princess hd.:mellow:

Mostly what I am saying is that people who didn't pay for the wii u game wouldn't feel ripped off. :ninja:
For the record I am saying had you paid the full price of (Whatever $60 is equal to in your country) And then buy dlc all on wii u then pay the same $60 again for the upgrade with all the previously owned DLC already there, now on new console, you would feel ripped off. For example I did pay $60 and buy every dlc (except mewtwo) for smash bros wii u and 3ds, and if they just add all the content together and charge $60 again with on minor upgrades, it would seem like a rip off.

Keep in mind you buy both games for 3ds/wii u at $40 and $60 and the extra dlc for both, Which cost more than just buying for one system is pretty pricey already, then buy the game with everything again both content merged into one game with slight improvements (up to them to decide that part) For the same $60.

How much different is wind waker HD and twighlight Princess HD compared to the gamecube game? Slight better controls, and new game modes? Wind waker mii verse is filled with selfies of link in dumb poses and bottles all over the ocean. Twilight princess has amiibo support for ajust difficulty, and HD up to 720P It was just two popular demand games.
You seem like you didn't really play the wii u game, hard to feel ripped off when you didn't have much experience with it. I didn't purchase the wii u game cause i didn't get any price drops for it, but now this is out, i have no reason to buy it, now is this i can buy. Paying the same price for a game you did 3 years ago but now everything is in the game including the extra spent on dlc is a rip off, on top of the fact they didn't lower the initial price. Had it been maybe $40 or something, it would be like a common port of all games that get upgrade ports but is just full price resell of a better game nintendo had already done with wind waker hd, and twilight princess hd.:mellow:

Mostly what I am saying is that people who didn't pay for the wii u game wouldn't feel ripped off. :ninja:
For the record I am saying had you paid the full price of (Whatever $60 is equal to in your country) And then buy dlc all on wii u then pay the same $60 again for the upgrade with all the previously owned DLC already there, now on new console, you would feel ripped off. For example I did pay $60 and buy every dlc (except mewtwo) for smash bros wii u and 3ds, and if they just add all the content together and charge $60 again with on minor upgrades, it would seem like a rip off.

Keep in mind you buy both games for 3ds/wii u at $40 and $60 and the extra dlc for both, Which cost more than just buying for one system is pretty pricey already, then buy the game with everything again both content merged into one game with slight improvements (up to them to decide that part) For the same $60.

How much different is wind waker HD and twighlight Princess HD compared to the gamecube game? Slight better controls, and new game modes? Wind waker mii verse is filled with selfies of link in dumb poses and bottles all over the ocean. Twilight princess has amiibo support for ajust difficulty, and HD up to 720P It was just two popular demand games.
I edited my comment again because the best part of owning MK8Deluxe on the Switch is the fact that now all online matches are now fair game, unlike the MK8 on the WiiU that is now pointless and destroyed beyond repair to even compete in anymore.
I edited my comment again because the best part of owning MK8Deluxe on the Switch is the fact now all online matches are now fair game, unlike the MK8 on the WiiU that is now pointless and destroyed beyond repair to even compete in anymore.
Are you referring to the cheating hackers?
No, course not! what do you think I'm referring too? players that compete by magic..
It could be highly skilled ninjas with cars powered by Ninja arts, and uses sneak tricks to win. Who knows, i never played mario kart 8, Mario Kart DS is where is at. :creep:

On serious note, that is a good reason to play the switch over wii u is if the hacking cheaters on there, along with if you haven't played it before. Sad it had to be the same price as the other game again.
if someone can find any mario kart game before mario kart 8 deluxe that has the option to hold 2 items at once like you can in this one, then i will respectfully accept it was nintendo first. :mellow:
If you are talking about two item in box, then Mario Kart Double Dash uses two item system. Heck they have two item pickups stack on top of each other. If you are talking about having two items in general, then since Mario Kart 64. Drag one behind and carry the other one. Heck I think Mario Kart 64, you can have 5 bananas peels and still carry an item.
2 item boxes, not "Carry a item behind your kart and pick up another in your box." I'm talking about this.
Name one mario Kart game before this one that has T-H-I-S! :mellow:
We can hope. That's the revelation Sony had. Better to pay for good service than have to deal with a shitty free service.

Hell, some free online services are better than this (look at Steam).
2 item boxes, not "Carry a item behind your kart and pick up another in your box." I'm talking about this.
Name one mario Kart game before this one that has T-H-I-S! :mellow:
It has been stated twice now what games has that. @TotalInsanity4 and myself have posted the version of Mario Kart. The game has very unique items back in the days, too bad Nintendo won't bring them back.
Edit: Perhaps I didn't quite word it correctly in my previous post, but yes, that is exactly what I meant as seen in the pic you posted.
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It has been stated twice now what games has that. @TotalInsanity4 and myself have posted the version of Mario Kart. The game has very unique items back in the days, too bad Nintendo won't bring them back.
Edit: Perhaps I didn't quite word it correctly in my previous post, but yes, that is exactly what I meant as seen in the pic you posted.
Okay then, for the record I did not know that, i have not played that game before. I'm not familiar with how the game works besides watching some videos of characters constant switching seats on a kart which honestly i didn't know could be for a game of nintendo's ranks. For me to know that two item boxes are possible was easily overshadowed by the fact two characters are riding a single kart.
Okay then, for the record I did not know that, i have not played that game before. I'm not familiar with how the game works besides watching some videos of characters constant switching seats on a kart which honestly i didn't know could be for a game of nintendo's ranks. For me to know that two item boxes are possible was easily overshadowed by the fact two characters are riding a single kart.
It's an older game for the gamecube. While the mechanic was different, but essentially the same for items. Each characters carry one item apiece and that makes two items total, and two item box is shown. Swap characters, the item boxes will also swap with it's respective character. It also funny that you can also drag one of the characters on the ground, if they fallen off, but still hanging on for dear life.
So now you know.
It's an older game for the gamecube. While the mechanic was different, but essentially the same for items. Each characters carry one item apiece and that makes two items total, and two item box is shown. Swap characters, the item boxes will also swap with it's respective character. It also funny that you can also drag one of the characters on the ground, if they fallen off, but still hanging on for dear life.
So now you know.
Well i don't think i can get hold of a gamecube to try this game, but guess i can just use dolphin, too bad i wouldn't have anyone to play it with. :unsure:
Double Dash?
Double Dash .-. ?
It has been stated twice now what games has that. @TotalInsanity4 and myself have posted the version of Mario Kart. The game has very unique items back in the days, too bad Nintendo won't bring them back.
Edit: Perhaps I didn't quite word it correctly in my previous post, but yes, that is exactly what I meant as seen in the pic you posted.
Now i know i'm not the only one who doesn't read all comments before posting. :huh:
The best way to play Mario cart is with Mario Cart 7 and 3D on
For consoles it isn't even Mario Kart that wins, its CTR for PS1.. though i do like the night time and glowing hover karts of MarioKart 8, it still doesn't make it the best.. wish i was a genius and could recreate CTR with Mario Kart 8's game engine .... oh well
I dunno what leads you to believe that when they just had released Yakuza for ps4 not long ago. Besides that, if someone can find any mario kart game before mario kart 8 deluxe that has the option to hold 2 items at once like you can in this one, then i will respectfully accept it was nintendo first. :mellow:
Mario Kart DD
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Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): April 28, 2017
  • Release Date (EU): April 28, 2017
  • Release Date (JP): April 28, 2017
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Nintendo
  • Genres: Racing
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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