Homebrew Discussion Don't use BCML for Switch


Jun 12, 2021
I think a lot of peope know why so:
- the devs and the mod team are super toxic
- Some text while merging mods or installing them is straight up discrimination
- The Switch compatibility is a nice joke and not really working

I started using bcml when switch support was added. And guess what? I couldn't install any mods cause there wasn't a rules.txt and a .json
So I used Simple Mod Manager instead and it worked without any problems. Then I told others on the bcml server that they should use Simple Mod Manager
cause bcml for the switch isn't even working. After that they told me that this isn't working and "bcml is the correct version and does work) Yet all my mods worked perfectly with smm.

New Mods don't add those stupid files and neither older mods. And after they've abandoned the windows .exe version and forced people to be on 64 bit and python3 I straight up stopped using it. I don't know what's wrong with these people but they literally disgust me on how they treat their users who download the program and the ones that try to argue with them.

Then there's the confusing way you have to setup the switch folders. They keep telling everyone to read their wiki but their wiki doesn't even remotely help. I see so many peeps saying botw crashes for them cause the folders were set up wrong. You're supposed to dump the base + update with nxdumptool then the 2 dlc and then merge the 2 dlc folders. If Simple Mod Manager can handle merging mods without those stupid bnp files then bcml should also be able to do that but it doesn't.

These people are toxic and don't care for any of their users they just like to make fun about them. I suggest to only use bcml for cemu but forget about it for the switch.
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New Member
Aug 16, 2021
United States
i didnt have any issues with BCML mods for switch, well nothing major. Yes it needs the rules.txt and json file if you trying to add the zip file mod, but if you take that same zip file and unzip it and then create a bnp, then it loads the mod into the loader. My problem with simple mod manager, even tho it does work good, is that if you have two mods that edit the same file (Actorinfo.product.sbyml for example) then it will not load both mods, only the last one you enabled will actually work.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2019
United Kingdom
I think a lot of peope know why so:
- the devs and the mod team are super toxic
- Some text while merging mods or installing them is straight up discrimination
- The Switch compatibility is a nice joke and not really working

I started using bcml when switch support was added. And guess what? I couldn't install any mods cause there wasn't a rules.txt and a .json
So I used Simple Mod Manager instead and it worked without any problems. Then I told others on the bcml server that they should use Simple Mod Manager
cause bcml for the switch isn't even working. After that they told me that this isn't working and "bcml is the correct version and does work) Yet all my mods worked perfectly with smm.

New Mods don't add those stupid files and neither older mods. And after they've abandoned the windows .exe version and forced people to be on 64 bit and python3 I straight up stopped using it. I don't know what's wrong with these people but they literally disgust me on how they treat their users who download the program and the ones that try to argue with them.

Then there's the confusing way you have to setup the switch folders. They keep telling everyone to read their wiki but their wiki doesn't even remotely help. I see so many peeps saying botw crashes for them cause the folders were set up wrong. You're supposed to dump the base + update with nxdumptool then the 2 dlc and then merge the 2 dlc folders. If Simple Mod Manager can handle merging mods without those stupid bnp files then bcml should also be able to do that but it doesn't.

These people are toxic and don't care for any of their users they just like to make fun about them. I suggest to only use bcml for cemu but forget about it for the switch.
Is BCML not free?
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Active Member
Oct 29, 2021
United States
i didnt have any issues with BCML mods for switch, well nothing major. Yes it needs the rules.txt and json file if you trying to add the zip file mod, but if you take that same zip file and unzip it and then create a bnp, then it loads the mod into the loader. My problem with simple mod manager, even tho it does work good, is that if you have two mods that edit the same file (Actorinfo.product.sbyml for example) then it will not load both mods, only the last one you enabled will actually work.
What was your filepath for the base game+update ?


Feb 7, 2022
Not Reveal
I already made a working video on how to use it for the switch
I think a lot of peope know why so:
- the devs and the mod team are super toxic
- Some text while merging mods or installing them is straight up discrimination
- The Switch compatibility is a nice joke and not really working

I started using bcml when switch support was added. And guess what? I couldn't install any mods cause there wasn't a rules.txt and a .json
So I used Simple Mod Manager instead and it worked without any problems. Then I told others on the bcml server that they should use Simple Mod Manager
cause bcml for the switch isn't even working. After that they told me that this isn't working and "bcml is the correct version and does work) Yet all my mods worked perfectly with smm.

New Mods don't add those stupid files and neither older mods. And after they've abandoned the windows .exe version and forced people to be on 64 bit and python3 I straight up stopped using it. I don't know what's wrong with these people but they literally disgust me on how they treat their users who download the program and the ones that try to argue with them.

Then there's the confusing way you have to setup the switch folders. They keep telling everyone to read their wiki but their wiki doesn't even remotely help. I see so many peeps saying botw crashes for them cause the folders were set up wrong. You're supposed to dump the base + update with nxdumptool then the 2 dlc and then merge the 2 dlc folders. If Simple Mod Manager can handle merging mods without those stupid bnp files then bcml should also be able to do that but it doesn't.

These people are toxic and don't care for any of their users they just like to make fun about them. I suggest to only use bcml for cemu but forget about it for the switch.
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New Member
Jan 27, 2022
United States
no honestly I feel what he means why do they use python why is it not a .nro also why not just have all the files be zip the are basically forcing us to use this bad mod manager to use switch based mods and there are basically no other repositories for mods other than game banna because its all that's keeping them alive other than smash mods


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
United States
TBH, I'm trying to use BCML, and I can't for the life of me get the game to boot up on my switch No matter how many mods I try to use, it always says there was an error and the game had to close, is there a way to change .bnp files to just normal mods i can just drag and drop into the contents of my SD CARD?, so i can just add them manually? If at all possible I'd rather avoid using a Mod Loader that requires I have moved my whole game to my PC to even use it. That's fine if you use YUZU or something, but common, do I really have to jump thru all these hoops just to mod BOTW? Also why could they not use a normal format for their mods... like .Zip.... wtf is a .bnp.

And yeah, I backed up my owned copy of my game to my pc just to use BCML, but it still crashes when I try the mods on my switch.

Someone needs to make an alternate mod loader, that takes their stupid format and makes it more simple to use... cause right now it's full on dumb af.

Gonna look up simple mod loader that OP mentioned. See if i can't get that working instead.


New Member
Dec 22, 2022
United States
Just for reference, I'm going to briefly explain why BCML is the way that it is, and why it (for the time being) has to exist.

Point 1: The BOTW ROM is tightly packed in ways that make mods collision-prone.
The biggest offenders here are the Resource Size Table (RSTB) and TitleBG.pack, though lots of other files play similar roles. The RSTB is the most important: it tells the game how much memory to allocate for each file in the ROM. So for very many files, editing them will require updating the RSTB. Problem is, if you have more than one mod, your RSTB needs to reflect the correct values for all of them, otherwise the game will crash, hang, or fail to load modded actors.

Similar issues apply to TitleBG.pack, or any pack file. Tons of critical files are stored in TitleBG.pack, such as almost all of the player actor's parameters, static map units, and a bunch else. If you have more than one mod that edits TitleBG.pack, one will overwrite the other entirely if the two don't get merged. This can mean, for example, one mod that skins Link and another that changes how fast Link can climb will be incompatible by nature.

This is what started BCML. The main reason BOTW needs a mod manager at all is to merge the changes made by individual mods so that more than one can safely be used at a time, no matter what type of mod. It was genuinely impossible to, for example, use Linkle and Hyrule Rebalance, Zelda's Ballad and Second Wind, or many other smaller combinations without tediously and manually updating all the individual files that conflict, mostly using command line tools at the time (early 2018). For large mods, the RSTB alone could make this nearly as involved as making the mod in the first place.

Point 2: Merging mods requires a game dump as a base.
One of the most common complaints about BCML from console users is that dumping the game to the PC is dumb and painful. I understand this, but it's also completely unavoidable for anything except the most trivial of mod merging cases. In order to actually identify, isolate, and merge the changes that individual mods make, you need a clean copy of the game to compare with and build from.

That's really all there is to say on this point. Without a game dump mod merging is almost impossible, and thus in very many cases playing with more than one mod would be almost impossible as well except where someone who did dump their game manually created a compatibility patch.

Point 3: Given the diff-and-merge strategy, it makes sense to store and distribute mods with only their changes, and let the merger provide the base on which to apply them.
This may take a big more to explain.

If your goal is to merge the changes all the mods make into a single pack, then there is little reason to include unmodified content in mods when distributing them. For example, as noted above, TitleBG.pack includes both all of the Link's parameter files and Link's model, but we have no reason, if we're going to be merging them anyway, to include an unmodified Link model in a mod than only changes, say, Link's stamina usage. In fact, TitleBG.pack is >70MB on Wii U, even larger on Switch, so to include that entire pack in a mod which only changes a single digit in one of the files it contains would be ludicrous if we could avoid it.

This is why BCML packages mods with no vanilla game files. Any pack, like TitleBG.pack, has all of the unmodified files removed. Where possible, files which can be merged are reduced entirely to small logs of their changes that BCML can quickly parse and consolidate when merging.

BTW, BNPs aren't some mystical file format. They're just 7Z archives, with the different extension to help people tell the difference between "ordinary" mods that store full game files and mods packaged by BCML in this way.

This is also why BNPs can't be directly extracted and used. They don't contain full, working assets. They only contain the minimal necessary data to reconstruct working game files when merging. This provides the following benefits:
  • Smaller mod sizes. For mods that edit TitleBG.pack, this can mean over 90% smaller. Much easier on storage and download speed.
  • Protection from copyright infringement claims. Mods distributed with full, usable game files can include a majority of original Nintendo assets, opening large projects (like Second Wind) up to greater liability.
  • Fewer conflicts. Standardized diff logs eliminate certain categories of binary quirks in modified files.
Point 4: BCML is shackled by Python.
When BCML was begun back in early 2018, nearly all of the libraries needed to edit BOTW file formats were in Python, which meant that Python was also the only feasible option for BCML. Unfortunately, long-term Python has a lot of annoying problems related to version and dependency management, which meant BCML, which originally was using the latest version of Python at the time (3.7), is now stuck behind, unusable with Python 3.10 or higher on any OS, and for most people unusable with 3.9 on Windows. This is because a number of its dependencies, such a cefpython and Python.NET, are updated insanely slowly.

On top of that, Python is generally slow and single-threaded, leading to a more painful experience with large mods.

So, hopefully all of that is sufficient to somewhat explain and justify why BCML is the way that it is. However, this is not at all to say that BCML is perfect, or even anywhere as good as it could potentially be. The profile system is crap, a lot of minor UI and UX things add up to be annoying, error handling is inconsistent, and performance could be much better. But it seems to me that most of the complaints about it involve not getting the basic picture of what BCML is and how it has to work for mod management in BOTW to be feasible at all.

It is no doubt possible that a much better tool could replace it, but so far no one else has tried to tackle the many thorny problems involved in merging BOTW mods. And the only other options from automated merging are either (1) to avoid ever using conflicting mods, which is severely limiting (you'd basically just be stuck with a couple, simple skins), or (2) for users to manually use modding tools to patch compatibility, which is way harder, in many cases prohibitively tedious, and still requires a game dump.

Is there a brighter future? Well... I don't want to give anything away yet.
(But if there is I promise you will still need to dump your game to your PC, no matter what.)


New Member
Nov 23, 2022


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Dec 26, 2022
Im Herzen Deutschlands
I totally agree with you that the guys behind BCML are some kind a Stupid.
The Best thing would be a Switch homebrw NRO that you can acces all the mods like Themer-nx and download and install them via the Homebrew app and nothing more.
So no BCML or other Shitty methods with Desktop PC
I want a Modstore app like the Homebrew store app or Theme-nx
Everthing else is useless and obsolete
when i want to install a mod on switch
I have to go on the discord from the team who devolempt the mod i have to text with them 3 days to find out that they have no fun helping people and they cann not make a simple Tutorial with step 1 step 2 step 3 and so on
Their like to hide their adiveses how to install the mod over the whole place of discord and their websites.
So you have to litterly read every fucking Post and Content they made and after that you have to Write your own Tutorial to understand how to install it.........
I tried once installing the Mod for BOTW second wind.
After hours and hours testing and finding out i finally get the mod running on switch.
Just to get the information that the mod is not done for switch and maybe at 30%
So it was litterly a waste of time.
then i installed the mod for the Cemu version on pc and this tooked way to much time too.
Then i wrote a german Tutorial over multipple sites thats exactly discribes what is too do.
and when you look at the Advices the Mod Team hast given on their website and look into my Tutorial.
Its completely 2 Different Worlds
This is what stand on their website : ````

Installing mods​

  1. In the root of your MicroSD card, there should be a folder named atmosphere.
  2. Within that folder, there should be a folder named contents. Inside that, create a folder with the name of your game's Title ID. For BotW on Switch, the Title ID is 01007EF00011E000. (In versions of Atmosphere prior to v0.10.0, the contents folder was instead called titles.)
  3. Inside that, make a folder called romfs. Your mod files will go in here. (Mods will often include all or part of this folder structure already, to make things easy.)
To use the mod, simply boot the console into CFW, then boot the game, and the mod will be active.

Note that mods are not permanently installed on the console. To remove all installed mods, simply delete /atmosphere/contents/01007EF00011E000. ````
But sadly this is not even close to what is to do ......
here is my tutorial. and thats a big difference
Breath of the Wild a second Wind MOD

Um diesen Mod zu verwenden, müsst Ihr das komplette Spiel, also die Base, das Update auf version 1.6.0 und alle offiziellen DLCs installiert haben

1 . Lade die komprimierte Datei BOTW Second Wind 1.9.10a herunter.

2 . Entpacke die Datei mit Rechtsklick und Entpacken nach "BOTW Second Wind 1.9.10a" Nachdem Entpacken findet ihr ein Ordner namens "BOTW Second Wind 1.9.10a", in diesem Ordner finden ihr einen Ordner namens "bcml-install" öffnet ihn und für die bcml-install.bat aus.
Wartet bis alles fertig installiert ist und danach führt ihr die bcml-launch.bat aus
Jetzt sollte das Programm BOTW Cross Platform MOD Loader gestartet sein. Lasst es offen wir kehren später wieder hier hin zurück.

3. Jetzt startet ihr auf euer Switch in hekate im Launch menü die Lockpic.bin und les eurer Aktuelle Lockpic über Dump from Sysnand aus. Danach startet ihr nach Atmosphere. In Atmosphere angekommen startet ihr das HB menü und das den HBappstore und sucht nach "NXDumdtool" und ladet es herunter und danach könnt ihr NXDumptool starten

4. Jetzt müsst ihr Dump Installed SD card / eMMC content auswählen. Danach wählt ihr BOTW aus. Als nächstes wählt ihr RomFS options aus. Danach geht ihr runter auf Use Update/DLC und stellt es auf folgende option :
v786432 (01007EF00011E800) (UPD) ACHTET DARAUF DAS DIE ZAHLEN STIMMEN !! Ihr sollt hier das Update ! und nicht die dlcs auswählen ! Danach geht ihr auf RomFS section data dump Jetzt kann der Prozess gerne eine halbe stunde bis 45 min dauern bis es fertig ist. Danach müsst ihr nochmal einen Dump starten mit dem DLC 01007EF00011F001 ihr wählt es wieder bei Use Update/DLC aus und geht wieder auf RomFS section data dump. das geht allerdings etwas schneller Das andere DLC könnt ihr irgnorieren das ist hierfür nicht relevant. (Bearbeitet)
Google Docs
BOTW Second wind 1.9.10a .7z

Wenn das erledigt

5. Jetzt schaltet ihr eure Switch am besten aus und verbindet eure SD karte direkt mit dem PC über euren Schnellsten USB port. Dann öffnet ihr den Ordner Switch und den Ordner NXDumptool als letztes öffnet ihr den Order RomFS. Markiert hier beide Ordner von BOTW und kopiert sie auf euren PC an einen guten Ort. Dies kann eine eine dreiviertelstunde stunde oder länger dauern.

6. Jetzt sollte das Programm BOTW Cross Platform MOD Loader gestartet sein. Klickt unten rechts auf den blauen Pfeil, Nochmal auf den blauen Pfeil klicken. Danach sehr ihr auf der rechten Seite die Option Use Switch Mode macht dort UNBEDINGT! den Haken an ! Danach UNBEDINGT bei Disable hard links for master mod den Haken auch anmachen !!
Jetzt müssen wir auf der linken seite ganz unten anfangen und den Pfad für Merged Export Directory Festlegen.
Dort wählt ihr dann sd:\atmosphere\contents aus um eure SD karte und den Ordner Contens auszuwählen.
Als nächsten muss das oben Rechts das Verzeichnis des Games+DLCs ausgewählt werden. der order sollte bei euch The Legend of Zelda_ Breath of the Wild v786432 (01007EF00011E800) (UPD) heißen.
Danach müsst ihr bei DLC directory den anderen Order angeben also das DLC.

7. Jetzt könnt ihr als letztes die Sprache auswählen das muss EU Deutsch sein ! und es sollten überall Grüne haken dran sein dann könnt ihr auf die blaue Speicher taste ganz unten rechts drücken und das Abspeichern.
Auf dem nächsten bildschirm müsst ihr einfach weiter clicken oder wenn ihr wollt könnt ihr auch dem Entwickler Team des Mods etwas dafür spenden über Patreon:

8. Nun klickt ihr unten rechts auf das Plus symbol und danach geht ihr auf Browse.
Jetzt müsst ihr die Datei SecondWindv1.9.10a_switch.bnp auswählen die ihr am anfang gedownloadet habt danach drückt ihr auf Install und der Mod wird auf euer Nintendo Switch installiert Dies kann auch wieder eine ganze weile dauern. Wemm das Erledigt ist seid ihr fast soweit. (Bearbeitet)
Bitte Kontrolliert wie viele Ordner in eurem Contents ordner auf euer SD karte sind. Da müssen mindestens 4 ordner drin sein.
Wenn da 2 ordner Fehlen sollte geht bitte ins CL Download packet und macht von dort aus den Contents ordner neu auf die SD karte.
Es könnte eventuell sein das das programm eventuell diesen ordner komplett geleert hat und nur den game mod reingetan hat deswegen kontrolliert dies bitte einmal Manuell und ggf ergänzt die Fehlenden Ordner die ihr fürs Tesla overlay Menü braucht.

9. Nun könnt ihr eure Switch wieder in Atmosphere Starten und den Mod spielen und genießen.

Ihr solltet in euren Nebenmissionen die Aufgabe sehen können :
I mean that what their writing on their website is not even close to this what i had to do to get this mod working.
and i am Done with it No more Mods for me on switch unless the People turning their brain on an write a homeprew app where i can simple click on download or delete and nothing more !!!
This would be user friendly.
But i will not hang a 3 days straigt in the internet to get every information about the mod.
and how i get this shit working.
That is not even close to that expirience i wanne make when i wanna try a mod.
Its have to bis simple as fuck and not take more then 1-2 minutes.
and it is fucking possible to make a Mod Homebrew store.
The only thing i see why it wont getting made ist that the People creating these mods have a failure in their brain stuckture


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2019
I totally agree with you that the guys behind BCML are some kind a Stupid.
The Best thing would be a Switch homebrw NRO that you can acces all the mods like Themer-nx and download and install them via the Homebrew app and nothing more.
So no BCML or other Shitty methods with Desktop PC
I want a Modstore app like the Homebrew store app or Theme-nx
Everthing else is useless and obsolete
when i want to install a mod on switch
I have to go on the discord from the team who devolempt the mod i have to text with them 3 days to find out that they have no fun helping people and they cann not make a simple Tutorial with step 1 step 2 step 3 and so on
Their like to hide their adiveses how to install the mod over the whole place of discord and their websites.
So you have to litterly read every fucking Post and Content they made and after that you have to Write your own Tutorial to understand how to install it.........
I tried once installing the Mod for BOTW second wind.
After hours and hours testing and finding out i finally get the mod running on switch.
Just to get the information that the mod is not done for switch and maybe at 30%
So it was litterly a waste of time.
then i installed the mod for the Cemu version on pc and this tooked way to much time too.
Then i wrote a german Tutorial over multipple sites thats exactly discribes what is too do.
and when you look at the Advices the Mod Team hast given on their website and look into my Tutorial.
Its completely 2 Different Worlds
This is what stand on their website : ````

Installing mods​

  1. In the root of your MicroSD card, there should be a folder named atmosphere.
  2. Within that folder, there should be a folder named contents. Inside that, create a folder with the name of your game's Title ID. For BotW on Switch, the Title ID is 01007EF00011E000. (In versions of Atmosphere prior to v0.10.0, the contents folder was instead called titles.)
  3. Inside that, make a folder called romfs. Your mod files will go in here. (Mods will often include all or part of this folder structure already, to make things easy.)
To use the mod, simply boot the console into CFW, then boot the game, and the mod will be active.

Note that mods are not permanently installed on the console. To remove all installed mods, simply delete /atmosphere/contents/01007EF00011E000. ````
But sadly this is not even close to what is to do ......
here is my tutorial. and thats a big difference
Breath of the Wild a second Wind MOD

Um diesen Mod zu verwenden, müsst Ihr das komplette Spiel, also die Base, das Update auf version 1.6.0 und alle offiziellen DLCs installiert haben

1 . Lade die komprimierte Datei BOTW Second Wind 1.9.10a herunter.

2 . Entpacke die Datei mit Rechtsklick und Entpacken nach "BOTW Second Wind 1.9.10a" Nachdem Entpacken findet ihr ein Ordner namens "BOTW Second Wind 1.9.10a", in diesem Ordner finden ihr einen Ordner namens "bcml-install" öffnet ihn und für die bcml-install.bat aus.
Wartet bis alles fertig installiert ist und danach führt ihr die bcml-launch.bat aus
Jetzt sollte das Programm BOTW Cross Platform MOD Loader gestartet sein. Lasst es offen wir kehren später wieder hier hin zurück.

3. Jetzt startet ihr auf euer Switch in hekate im Launch menü die Lockpic.bin und les eurer Aktuelle Lockpic über Dump from Sysnand aus. Danach startet ihr nach Atmosphere. In Atmosphere angekommen startet ihr das HB menü und das den HBappstore und sucht nach "NXDumdtool" und ladet es herunter und danach könnt ihr NXDumptool starten

4. Jetzt müsst ihr Dump Installed SD card / eMMC content auswählen. Danach wählt ihr BOTW aus. Als nächstes wählt ihr RomFS options aus. Danach geht ihr runter auf Use Update/DLC und stellt es auf folgende option :
v786432 (01007EF00011E800) (UPD) ACHTET DARAUF DAS DIE ZAHLEN STIMMEN !! Ihr sollt hier das Update ! und nicht die dlcs auswählen ! Danach geht ihr auf RomFS section data dump Jetzt kann der Prozess gerne eine halbe stunde bis 45 min dauern bis es fertig ist. Danach müsst ihr nochmal einen Dump starten mit dem DLC 01007EF00011F001 ihr wählt es wieder bei Use Update/DLC aus und geht wieder auf RomFS section data dump. das geht allerdings etwas schneller Das andere DLC könnt ihr irgnorieren das ist hierfür nicht relevant. (Bearbeitet)
Google Docs
BOTW Second wind 1.9.10a .7z

Wenn das erledigt

5. Jetzt schaltet ihr eure Switch am besten aus und verbindet eure SD karte direkt mit dem PC über euren Schnellsten USB port. Dann öffnet ihr den Ordner Switch und den Ordner NXDumptool als letztes öffnet ihr den Order RomFS. Markiert hier beide Ordner von BOTW und kopiert sie auf euren PC an einen guten Ort. Dies kann eine eine dreiviertelstunde stunde oder länger dauern.

6. Jetzt sollte das Programm BOTW Cross Platform MOD Loader gestartet sein. Klickt unten rechts auf den blauen Pfeil, Nochmal auf den blauen Pfeil klicken. Danach sehr ihr auf der rechten Seite die Option Use Switch Mode macht dort UNBEDINGT! den Haken an ! Danach UNBEDINGT bei Disable hard links for master mod den Haken auch anmachen !!
Jetzt müssen wir auf der linken seite ganz unten anfangen und den Pfad für Merged Export Directory Festlegen.
Dort wählt ihr dann sd:\atmosphere\contents aus um eure SD karte und den Ordner Contens auszuwählen.
Als nächsten muss das oben Rechts das Verzeichnis des Games+DLCs ausgewählt werden. der order sollte bei euch The Legend of Zelda_ Breath of the Wild v786432 (01007EF00011E800) (UPD) heißen.
Danach müsst ihr bei DLC directory den anderen Order angeben also das DLC.

7. Jetzt könnt ihr als letztes die Sprache auswählen das muss EU Deutsch sein ! und es sollten überall Grüne haken dran sein dann könnt ihr auf die blaue Speicher taste ganz unten rechts drücken und das Abspeichern.
Auf dem nächsten bildschirm müsst ihr einfach weiter clicken oder wenn ihr wollt könnt ihr auch dem Entwickler Team des Mods etwas dafür spenden über Patreon:

8. Nun klickt ihr unten rechts auf das Plus symbol und danach geht ihr auf Browse.
Jetzt müsst ihr die Datei SecondWindv1.9.10a_switch.bnp auswählen die ihr am anfang gedownloadet habt danach drückt ihr auf Install und der Mod wird auf euer Nintendo Switch installiert Dies kann auch wieder eine ganze weile dauern. Wemm das Erledigt ist seid ihr fast soweit. (Bearbeitet)
Bitte Kontrolliert wie viele Ordner in eurem Contents ordner auf euer SD karte sind. Da müssen mindestens 4 ordner drin sein.
Wenn da 2 ordner Fehlen sollte geht bitte ins CL Download packet und macht von dort aus den Contents ordner neu auf die SD karte.
Es könnte eventuell sein das das programm eventuell diesen ordner komplett geleert hat und nur den game mod reingetan hat deswegen kontrolliert dies bitte einmal Manuell und ggf ergänzt die Fehlenden Ordner die ihr fürs Tesla overlay Menü braucht.

9. Nun könnt ihr eure Switch wieder in Atmosphere Starten und den Mod spielen und genießen.

Ihr solltet in euren Nebenmissionen die Aufgabe sehen können :
I mean that what their writing on their website is not even close to this what i had to do to get this mod working.
and i am Done with it No more Mods for me on switch unless the People turning their brain on an write a homeprew app where i can simple click on download or delete and nothing more !!!
This would be user friendly.
But i will not hang a 3 days straigt in the internet to get every information about the mod.
and how i get this shit working.
That is not even close to that expirience i wanne make when i wanna try a mod.
Its have to bis simple as fuck and not take more then 1-2 minutes.
and it is fucking possible to make a Mod Homebrew store.
The only thing i see why it wont getting made ist that the People creating these mods have a failure in their brain stuckture

What is the proper way to install second wind on the switch? I have been looking many days but have not find any useful guide. Can you please provide an simple way how to install on switch?
Last edited by piek50,

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  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Mobile app is such absolute dogshit, I haven't used it in SO long
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah mobile versions better people don't think about how apps are just shrunken down websites
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Could be the phone connection etc I've mostly been fine with the app
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Regardless fuck bezos
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Agreed. Crazy how both seeking a job at Amazon, and subsequently quitting Amazon, are both some of the best decisions I've ever made
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Did someone loose a leg? You're fired
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Ffs 55gb patch for hogwarts legacy
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, Teslas are prob running Windows XP to this day.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    sometimes I wonder where I went wrong and why I'm so dissatisfied with my life
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Then I find myself arguing with someone on reddit about how blatantly wrong their understanding of the USB Power Delivery specification is.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    At 1 AM.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Where did I go wrong, again? 😕
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Sicklyboy, What do you mean?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @Sicklyboy, always blame women
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Blame woke.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Blame society.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Woke isn't part of society they woke up from it
  • Veho @ Veho:
    *spends years yelling "wake up sheeple"
    *acts shocked when they actually wake up
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Make up your mind.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You mean the government doesn't care? :(
  • Veho @ Veho:
    I have no idea what you're talking about.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    The government
    SylverReZ @ SylverReZ: https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx4pNi-wvHyf8vhDN0x06Wf8J7aIgx_Hdp