Tutorial  Updated

Fixing system memory error 160-0103 (failing eMMC) without soldering | using redNAND with ISFShax

What is this for?

If you are encountering Error Code 160-0103 "There is a Problem with the system memory" or your Wii U is freezing at bootup or during Factory Reset it is likely that the eMMC Chip is failing.
This tutorial goes into fixing this Error 160-0103, by using the SD card in the front slot as replacement for the failing eMMC.
In this tutorial we will rebuild the MLC, which means it is empty, whithout your data. In the end I show how to salvage savegames from the failing eMMC.

Please note there are other possible causes for the 160-0103 error (like a CBHC brick). Also there are other possible solutions to this problem. To see if this Tutorial is right for you, check out the Ultimate Wii U Troubleshooting Guide


What this will do

We will first install ISFShax, which is an early exploit that runs before the operating system loads. This allows us to patch the OS to redirects the reads and writes, that normally go to the eMMC, to a partition on the SD card. So you will need to have the SD card in the Wii U to use it, as that is now it's new internal memory.
Also you need to keep the standby servcies (and with that the Quickstart menu) disabled as they don't work with ISFShax. (Your Wii U will hang once you turn it off till you remove power if standby services are enabled).
In this tutorial we are only redirecting the MLC. If you plan to try some dangerous things in the future, you can still mess up your system SLC and SLCCMPT. If you want to use this for such experiments consider using full redNAND, where all 3 devices get redirected.


28.01.2024 - Wii VC games (from he eShop or VC Injects) now works from the redNAND internal memory. Keep in mind that Wii VC is more picky about the SD card. So far Sandisk cards worked for me, but Samsung cards didn't. If the card is incompatible, it will hang on a black screen after the silver Wii logo.

Choosing an SD card

I highly recommend to use an SD card, which is designed to sustain lots of writes, like Sandisk Max Endurance or at least High Endurance or Samsung Endurance. The absolute minimum size is 8GB using, 1,5GB for the FAT32 partition and the rest for the MLC partition, but it is recommend for the the card should have at least 16GB, so you can have at least 8GB for the MLC partition. The Maximum size of SD you can use is 2TB.

Since the Wii U Discs suffering from Disc rot and also for convenience, you probably want to dump all your Game Discs and install the Games from these Dumps You find detailed instructions on how to do that here: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/#/dump-games (do it after you completed this guide)
Later in that guidel you will create a second partition, which replaces the Internal Memory. You won't be able to resize that partition, without rebuilding again, so you better size everythng properly the first time.
The first partition is where all the Homebrew goes to and also where the dumps of the Wii U games go to. So this partition needs to have at least enough space to store your largest Wii U game with some extra space. If you want to use a USB Loader with vWii, you can also store the (OG) Wii games on the FAT32 partition.
The second partition (the MLC partition, which you format initally with NTFS) is where you install all your Wii U games (eShop and dumped Disc games, updates, DLC, saves...) to, including the VC Injectes. Also 5GB are used up by the Wii U system.
Make sure the the SD card can fi both these partitions.

Installing ISFShax

For installing ISFShax follow this tutorial: https://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-set-up-isfshax.642258 but skip the "Autoboot" part for now.

Optional: Backing up savegames

If your Wii U can still run Tiramisu or Aroma: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/#/ you can use SaveMii to back up your save games.
If it can't you then you probably already used UDPIH to install ISFShax. Launch the recovery again using UDPIH and then use the Dump SLC + MLC option. Your SD card needs to have at least 64GB for that (for a 32GB console). You then need to merge mlc.bin.part files in the right order and can then extract the savegames using wfs-extract.

You can also backup your saves after setting up redNAND, even if your old system isn't booting anymore, see this post for more details: https://gbatemp.net/threads/fixing-...ing-rednand-with-isfshax.642268/post-10417998

If you lost the password to your NNID and can't recover it because the email doesn't exist anymore, you can transfer it. This is only a last resort option. If you still have the email address, it would be better to use the "Forgot Password" option now, as you won't have it on the new system.
There is also the option to use a password reset option on the PC. For that you need to create a Nintendo Account and then link the NNID to it. When linking it will ask for the password and give a reset option using the email.

Keep in mind this transfer only works on the same console and only if you don't do a Factory Reset.
To transfer the NNID It's enough to copy the account.dat file over.
You can use ftpiiu everywhere to save it to the PC for now. Just copy the whole /storage_mlc/usr/save/system/act/ folder to the PC. In that folder you find one subfolder for each user and in that subfolder you find an account.dat (it's a plain text file, you can open it with notepad). The folders are numbered in the order the users were created.

On the new rebuild mlc the numbering will start again with 80000001. If the user with the NNID had a larger number just create new users on the new system until you reach that number. Then you can copy the account.dat back and reboot.
After that you should be able to access the eShop and download the games again.

Partitioning the SD card

On Windows you need to use a third party tool like Minitool Partition Wizard or easeus, on Linux you can use gparted.
You need to have two primary partitions on the card:
  1. FAT32 - (in gparted set lba flag). This is what the PC will see and all your homebrew goes
  2. NTFS - This partition will be the MLC replacement, it should have at least 8GB. (don't assign a drive letter)
Shrink the existing FAT32 partition to make room and then create the NTFS partition after it. It's recommended to align the Partitions on 64MiB boundaries and use a multiple of 64MiB for the size. The MLC (NTFS) partition should be at least 8GB but other than that you can choose whatever sizes you like.

Configuring redNAND

Create a file minute/rednand.ini on the sdcard with the following content:


Rebuilding the MLC

  1. Download all the mlc system titles for your region from NUS. This can be done conveniently with MLCRestorerDownloader by @Xpl0itU. To use the MLCRestoreDownloader, you need to extract it and then copy the otp.bin from the SD card to it's directory. Then start the Downloader and select mlc and then your consoles region.
    You will get the output/MLC/{region} directory, which contains a directory for each title. In total there should be 52 titles totaling ~1.1GiB.
    If your console has an older firmware it might also be necessary to get the latest SLC titles.

  2. On the root of your SD card create a folder wafel_install. Then copy all 52 titles to the wafel_install folder, so it now contains the 52 subfolders, one for each title. If you want to reinstall / update SLC titles, you would also put them there.

  3. Put the wafel_setup_mlc.ipx on the SD card in /wiiu/ios_plugins.

  4. Select Patch (sd) and Boot ios redNAND in minute to start the setup of your fresh MLC.
    During the setup you won't see anything on the screen. You have to go by the power led.
    The power LED will flash blue, while it is installing the titles.
    if something goes wrong the LED will turn orange, but it will continue as long as it is blinking.
    The LED will become static once it finished. You can now power off the console.
    If the led is blinking red, something fatal happend. Ask for help.
    During the setup a short log gets written to the SD: wafel_setup_mlc.log.
    In the end it will enable the inital setup on the next boot.

  5. Remove the wafel_setup_mlc.ipx from /wiiu/ios_plugins on the SD.

  6. Select Patch (sd) and Boot ios redNAND again. If everything worked, the initial setup should launch.
    (no longer required with latest minute)

  7. Follow through with the initial setup. After the "settings" part of the setup, it will drop you back into minute, just select Patch (sd) and Boot redNAND again.

Setting up autoboot

To automatically boot into redNAND create the file sd:/minute/minute.ini with the following content:

Installing minute to SLC

If you haven't already installed minute (fw.img) to the SLC, you should do that now so In case the SD get's lost the Wii U displays at least the minute menu. Follow the "Booting without SD" section from the ISFShax tutorial for that. You only need to install the fw.img and can skip the ios_plugins part as you probably don't want to to boot the eMMC anyway.


  • smealum and WulfyStylez for redNAND
  • @shinyquagsire23 for minute, stroopwafel
  • @rw-r-r_0644 for finding and implementing isfshax
  • @GaryOderNichts and @QuarkTheAwesome for their direct contributions and help to the mlc setup
  • @V10lator for implementing Quota support and some improvements
  • @Xpl0itU for MLCRestorerDownloader
  • @vgmoose for all the support and for the Wii U that replaced the one Idestroyed during early isfshax testing
  • @Maschell for his help and all other contributions to the Wii U scene
  • @Lazr1026 for testing and some fixes
  • hexkyz for the warmboot boot1 exploit which made all of this possible
  • Salt Team for the original minute CFW
  • dimok789, FIX94 and others for the iosuhax CFW
  • fail0verflow for mini
  • and all other contributors to the Wii U scene!
Last edited by SDIO,


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2019
Is it recommended for everyone to have this prepared to use "just in case" ?
No. Even if your Wii U breaks you can launch minute through de_fuse and install ISFSHax from there. I would even advise to not do this when not needed as the method is relative new, so there might be uncovered bugs in the process. In other words: Installing ISFSHax could brick your console! Chances are low but the longer you wait / the more other users tested it before you, the lower the chance of something bad happening.

Also why prepare for something that affects just a small userbase anyway? That's like purchasing NAND-AIDs to prepare for a console having a Toshiba eMMC.

tl;dr: Just think positive: When your Wii U works now chances are high it will just continue to work like that but even if the eMMC fails sometimes in the future you can fix this without beeing prepared.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2023
What's the best way to back up the newly created rednand?
On Linux I would just use dd with the conv=sparse option on the mlc partition. On Windows no clue, you can probably use some third party imaging software. Maybe even Minitool or easeus can do it.
Also keep in mind some data like the tickets and settings are stored on the SLC. You can backup that with minute (like you already did)
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New Member
Dec 24, 2023
United States
On Linux I would just use dd with the conv=sparse option on the mlc partition. On Windows no clue, you can probably use some third party imaging software. Maybe even Minitool or easeus can do it.
Also keep in mind some data like the tickets and settings are stored on the SLC. You can backup that with minute (like you already did)
Thanks, good to know. I just wasn't sure if those backups play well with wii partition formats


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2023
In fact some tools will have a problem with that, if they try to back up as NTFS, but then they should just complain that the FS is damaged. You need a tool that ignores the FS and just does a 1:1 Sektor Image


New Member
Dec 29, 2023
Dominican Republic
This guide just saved me, I just fixed my "half bricked" Japanese Wii U. I just want to say thank you for taking the time to gather all this information and displaying it in this fool proof guide for the community.
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New Member
Jan 4, 2024
United Arab Emirates
I would really appreciate if someone got the time to make a youtube tutorial about this step by step it will definitely help those who aren't native English speakers


New Member
Jan 24, 2023
United States
Hi everyone, I had trouble when using "Patch (sd) and Boot redNAND" in minute. After using that option in minute it just gets stuck on "Searching for OTP store in patch... Searching for OTP store in plugins..." and nothing happens afterwards. Does anyone have a clue where I might have messed things up?


Feb 1, 2021
While this works, I've been frequently having the error code 160-2203 at startup. It disappears after rebooting. I have no idea what could be wrong so I'll dump the log here of the latest crash to see if you can detect it. I'm using Aroma.
2024-01-19 11:16:15
Cafe OS SDK Version 2.13.01 Build 69088 Branch sdk_2_13
Espresso: 0x0000700100000201
Latte: 0x0000409f
System mode: 0x100000
Boot flags: 0x10000
Security Level: 0x1e
Key Type: 0xfffffffc
Prod Version: 0x5
Serial: 102912461
Model: WUP-101(03)
Prod Area: 0x4
Game Area: 0x4
5GHz Code: 0x18
BOOT1: 0x20b9
DRH: 0x190c
BT: 0x205

----------- Starting System Log -----------
00:00:00:238: MMC(0): initializing Controller 0, Slot 0 base 0x0D070000
00:00:00:240: MMC(3): initializing Controller 2, Slot 0 base 0x0D100000
00:00:00:242: MMC(4): initializing Controller 3, Slot 0 base 0x0D110000
00:00:00:307: USB Trace: Activating root hubs @ uptime 0.305 s with options 0x40000.
00:00:00:321: UHS0 Trace: DevFsm(EHCI-0/L0/P0): Creating device, speed=HIGH.
00:00:00:326: UHS0 Trace: DevFsm(OHCI-0:0/L0/P0): Creating device, speed=FULL.
00:00:00:329: USB Info: UhsServerAddHc 0 OK.
00:00:00:340: UHS0 Trace: DevFsm(EHCI-1/L0/P0): Creating device, speed=HIGH.
00:00:00:346: UHS0 Trace: DevFsm(OHCI-1:0/L0/P0): Creating device, speed=FULL.
00:00:00:349: USB Info: UhsServerAddHc 1 OK.
00:00:00:357: TEST Info: crossProcessHeap OK.
00:00:00:362: AUXIL Info: crossProcessHeap OK.
00:00:00:365: UHS0 Trace: Powering on root hub group 0.
00:00:00:382: UHS0 Trace: Powering on root hub group 1.
00:00:00:384: AHCI_MGR Trace: Turning on drive power.
00:00:00:386: AHCI_MGR Trace: Turning on drive power.
00:00:00:391: AHCI_MGR Trace: Initializing phy.
00:00:00:393: AHCI_MGR Trace: Initializing phy.
00:00:00:394: AHCI_DRV Trace: Initiating cold open.
00:00:00:395: AHCI_DRV Trace: Initiating cold open.
00:00:00:397: AHCI_DRV Trace: Resetting HBA.
00:00:00:398: AHCI_DRV Trace: Resetting HBA.
00:00:00:401: AUXIL Info: Net OK.
00:00:00:449: AHCI_DRV Trace: HBA Reset OK.
00:00:00:451: AHCI_DRV Trace: HBA Reset OK.
00:00:00:452: AHCI_DRV Trace: link ready, speed is GEN 1.
00:00:00:453: AHCI_DRV Trace: link ready, speed is GEN 1.
00:00:00:698: UHS0 Trace: DevFsm(EHCI-0/L1/P2): Creating device, speed=HIGH.
00:00:00:702: UHS0 Trace: DevFsm: There are now a total of 1 connected devices.
00:00:00:733: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Device EHCI-0/L1/P2/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 0.731 s.
00:00:01:006: AHCI_DRV Trace: device ready.
00:00:01:007: AHCI_DRV Trace: device ready.
00:00:01:008: AHCI_DRV Trace: port operational.
00:00:01:009: AHCI_DRV Trace: port operational.
00:00:01:027: ODM: ODM: Successfully configured preload cache
00:00:01:029: ODM odm_fsm.c(856): ODM: Successfully configured preload cache
00:00:01:399: UHS0 Trace: DevFsm(EHCI-0/L1/P1): Creating device, speed=HIGH.
00:00:01:403: UHS0 Trace: DevFsm: There are now a total of 2 connected devices.
00:00:01:428: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V1058|P2621|IF0): Device EHCI-0/L1/P1/A02 entering probing state @ uptime 1.426 s.
00:00:01:533: ISFS: FAT INFO (ch WUP): slot 58 / seq 1673477 (Each FAT slot has been updated 26148 times in avr)
00:00:01:536: ISFS: fs_fat.c(545)FAT INFO (ch WUP): slot 58 / seq 1673477 (Each FAT slot has been updated 26148 times in avr)
00:00:01:540: FSA: [uptime 1.540 s]: Attached volume to slc01 (isfs): Capacity 511 MB, 262016 logical blocks of size 2048 B.
00:00:01:627: ISFS: FAT INFO (ch RVL Compat): slot 10 / seq 445100 (Each FAT slot has been updated 27818 times in avr)
00:00:01:631: ISFS: fs_fat.c(545)FAT INFO (ch RVL Compat): slot 10 / seq 445100 (Each FAT slot has been updated 27818 times in avr)
00:00:01:634: FSA: [uptime 1.634 s]: Attached volume to slccmpt01 (isfs): Capacity 511 MB, 261632 logical blocks of size 2048 B.
00:00:01:643: SCFM:Start init. BUILD_TIME:[16:02:03]
00:00:01:648: SCFM:FSAInit
00:00:01:648: SCFM:AddClient
00:00:01:650: SCFM:scfmMountSlc
00:00:01:651: SCFM:scfmLoad
00:00:01:652: SCFM:Done init.
00:00:01:653: PCFS: Disabled because we are in PROD mode.
00:00:01:655: MCP: booting from NAND
00:00:01:656: MCP: Boot PM flags - PON_COLDBOOT
00:00:01:676: MCP: Cafe OS SDK Version 2.13.01 Build 69088 Branch sdk_2_13
00:00:01:678: MCP: Booting on Espresso (0x0000700100000201), Latte (0x25100028), RTC (0x01)
00:00:01:680: MCP: Platform - boardType(CF), boardRevision(11), devicePresence(0x00000000), sataDevice(3), consoleType(1)
00:00:01:689: FSA: [uptime 1.689 s]: Attached volume to sdcard01 (fat): Capacity 244016 MB, 499744768 logical blocks of size 512 B.
00:00:01:694: ISFS: FAT block entries check start
00:00:01:695: ISFS: fs_ops.c(2215)FAT block entries check start
00:00:01:701: ISFS: FAT block entries check finished.
00:00:01:702: ISFS: fs_ops.c(2292)FAT block entries check finished.
00:00:01:715: FSA: [uptime 1.715 s]: Attached volume to mlc01 (wfs): Capacity 8192 MB, 16777216 logical blocks of size 512 B.
00:00:01:720: FSA: [uptime 1.720 s]: Attached volume to ramdisk01 (raw): Capacity 125 MB, 129022 logical blocks of size 1024 B.
00:00:01:724: MCP: Formatting Device ramdisk to wfs
00:00:01:869: FSA: [uptime 1.869 s]: Attached volume to ramdisk01 (wfs): Capacity 125 MB, 129022 logical blocks of size 1024 B.
00:00:01:873: MCP: Format Complete
00:00:01:973: ISFS: FAT block entries check start
00:00:01:975: ISFS: fs_ops.c(2215)FAT block entries check start
00:00:01:980: ISFS: FAT block entries check finished.
00:00:01:982: ISFS: fs_ops.c(2292)FAT block entries check finished.
00:00:02:102: [ES] checkOwnedTitleUpdateFlags: no delete in progress
00:00:02:104: [ES] checkOwnedTitleUpdateFlags: no import in progress
00:00:02:116: MCP: File loading from ramdisk cache is enabled
00:00:02:127: MCP: Master title 000500101004e200 os 000500101000400a from mlc01 flags 0004
00:00:02:149: MCP: no valid title list found, rebuilding...
00:00:02:156: MCP: os version 10 NDEBUG (0x000500101000400a)
00:00:02:158: MCP: FSA volume on device /dev/mlc01 (wfs) attached @ uptime 2.158 s.
00:00:02:170: MCP: found master title 500101004e200 on mlc01 at 2.170 s
00:00:02:173: MCP: FSA volume on device /dev/ramdisk01 (wfs) attached @ uptime 2.173 s.
00:00:02:176: MCP: Titles scanned (dev_state 0006) on device /dev/ramdisk01 (wfs) @ uptime 2.176 s.
00:00:02:179: MCP: FSA volume on device /dev/sdcard01 (fat) attached @ uptime 2.179 s.
00:00:02:181: MCP: Titles scanned (dev_state 0006) on device /dev/sdcard01 (fat) @ uptime 2.181 s.
00:00:02:184: MCP: FSA volume on device /dev/slc01 (isfs) attached @ uptime 2.184 s.
00:00:02:186: MCP: FSA volume on device /dev/slccmpt01 (isfs) attached @ uptime 2.186 s.
00:00:02:189: MCP: Titles scanned (dev_state 0006) on device /dev/slccmpt01 (isfs) @ uptime 2.189 s.
00:00:02:450: ISFS: fs_ops.c(3733)Can not change the owner Id of a non-empty file
00:00:02:452: ISFS: fs_ops.c(3733) Can not change the owner Id of a non-empty file
00:00:02:454: ISFS: fs_ops.c(6719)Could not set attribute, rc=-524312
00:00:02:456: ISFS: fs_ops.c(6719) Could not set attribute, rc=-524312
00:00:02:478: MCP: Titles scanned (dev_state 000e) on device /dev/slc01 (isfs) @ uptime 2.478 s.
00:00:02:803: MCP: ECO mode is disabled
00:00:02:804: [+-* DK is ready for console input *-+]
00:00:02:806: MCP: syslog mask is set to 0xffffffff
00:00:02:819: W2C: Does not need W2C-reflection
00:00:02:860: MCP: Titles scanned (dev_state 0004) on device /dev/mlc01 (wfs) @ uptime 2.860 s.
00:00:02:864: MCP: Titles scanned (dev_state 000c) on device /dev/mlc01 (wfs) @ uptime 2.864 s.
00:00:02:868: MCP: Titles scanned (dev_state 0006) on device /dev/mlc01 (wfs) @ uptime 2.868 s.
00:00:03:198: UHS1 Trace: DevFsm(EHCI-2/L0/P0): Creating device, speed=HIGH.
00:00:03:204: UHS1 Trace: DevFsm(OHCI-2:0/L0/P0): Creating device, speed=FULL.
00:00:03:206: CCR_MAIN: activating root hub.
00:00:03:230: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V1058|P2621|IF0): Acquired by client in pid 5.
00:00:03:234: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V1058|P2621|IF0): Enable endpoints 0x00020004.
00:00:03:241: UMS Trace: Dev(0) - WaitReady: not yet ready with code=0x70, sense 0x2/0x4/0x1.
00:00:03:260: FS_MAIN: UMS Server Created.
00:00:03:264: AUXIL Info: resumed.
00:00:03:512: UHS1 Trace: DevFsm(EHCI-2/L1/P1): Creating device, speed=HIGH.
00:00:03:516: UHS1 Trace: DevFsm: There are now a total of 1 connected devices.
00:00:03:518: BT: BTA/BTE/STACK now operational
00:00:03:557: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF0): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.555 s.
00:00:03:563: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF1): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.561 s.
00:00:03:569: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF2): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.566 s.
00:00:03:575: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF3): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.572 s.
00:00:03:581: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF4): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.578 s.
00:00:03:587: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF5): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.584 s.
00:00:03:593: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF6): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.590 s.
00:00:03:599: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF7): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.596 s.
00:00:03:605: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF8): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.602 s.
00:00:03:610: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF9): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.608 s.
00:00:03:616: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF10): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.614 s.
00:00:03:622: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF11): Device EHCI-2/L1/P1/A01 entering probing state @ uptime 3.620 s.
00:00:03:627: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF0): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:631: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF0): Enable endpoints 0x00080000.
00:00:03:675: __ccr_hid_attach_add_interface: idx 0 ep 3
00:00:03:679: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF1): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:683: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF1): Enable endpoints 0x00100000.
00:00:03:727: __ccr_hid_attach_add_interface: idx 1 ep 4
00:00:03:731: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF2): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:735: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF3): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:739: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF3): Activating bAlternateSetting 0.
00:00:03:746: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF4): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:750: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF5): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:754: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF5): Activating bAlternateSetting 0.
00:00:03:761: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF7): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:765: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF7): Enable endpoints 0x08001000.
00:00:03:769: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF8): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:774: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF9): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:778: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF9): Activating bAlternateSetting 0.
00:00:03:784: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF10): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:788: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF11): Acquired by client in pid 6.
00:00:03:792: UHS1 Trace: CltIfFsm(V057e|P0341|IF11): Activating bAlternateSetting 0.
00:00:03:797: DRH chip revision 00000040
00:00:03:798: DRH firmware version 190c0117
00:00:03:799: DRH cdc version 00080000
00:00:03:800: DRH wifi module id a8e502d0
00:00:03:802: DRH SPL id 00001c58
00:00:03:971: NET: Applied interface MTU (wl0:1400 eth0:1400).
00:00:03:990: USBETH Trace: Created interface 100.
00:00:03:993: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Acquired by client in pid 7.
00:00:04:084: MCP: boot1 version 2.11.09
00;00;03;185: COSREPORT: Set level:1 from syslog level
----------------------------------------------- BPERF: (0/3186050) PPC Init.
00;00;03;185: Cafe OS SDK Version 2.13.01 Build 69088 Branch sdk_2_13
00;00;03;185: PPC NDEBUG Kernel Build date - Feb 4 2021 16:37:45
00;00;03;185: BUILT AS OS_VERSION_MAJOR 000500101000800A MINOR 0x3DE8
00;00;03;185: core=1 COLD BOOT
00;00;03;185: -----------------------------------------------

00;00;03;188: KiCblRegisterBlocks() completed with status 0:-4.
00;00;03;188: PROD Mode - don't even try to load kdebug.elf
00;00;03;189: title id: 500101004e200, app type 90000020
00;00;03;189: ---------------------------------------
00;00;03;189: OS VERSION ID 0x000500101000400A
00;00;03;189: ---------------------------------------
00:00:04:149: IFNET_ETH: Link DOWN.
00:00:04:164: MCP: loaded and parsed 'preload.txt' at '/vol/system/title/00050010/1000400a/code'
00:00:04:184: MCP: Wake 0 signal
00;00;04;073: DIAG:+KiRPLLoaderSetup
00;00;04;073: DIAG:-KiRPLLoaderSetup: before no-return call to KiLoadContext (0xEFE09400) (0x01003FFC)
00:00:04:233: ACT: Current account is #1.
00:00:04:249: UMS Trace: Dev(0) - WaitReady: not yet ready with code=0x70, sense 0x2/0x4/0x1.
00:00:04:380: DRH using runtime generated WLAN data
00:00:04:381: Setting DRH to Normal mode
00:00:04:384: setting DRH system time to 11:16:17
00:00:04:388: sending DRC WOWL wake
00:00:04:390: ccr_admin_wowl_wake_drc() returned -1893541
00:00:04:447: WUD_BCMFWCheck ==> chipname 20702A1 build 517 from SERIAL FLASH
00:00:04:451: BT: BTRM now Active (WUD Operational)
00:00:05:256: UMS Trace: Dev(0) - WaitReady: not yet ready with code=0x70, sense 0x2/0x4/0x1.
00;00;05;455: DIAG:+KiProcess_FinishInitAndPreload
00;00;05;456: KiCblRegisterBlocks() completed with status 0:-4.
00;00;05;472: Kernel is loading shared data...
00:00:05:621: NET: Change admin state (0 -> 1)(iface:1 link:2)
00:00:05:623: IFNET_ETH: Configuring link for auto negotiation - flowControl=ON.
00:00:05:628: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Disable endpoints 0x00060008.
00:00:05:630: NET: Change admin state (2 -> 2)(iface:0 link:2)
00:00:05:632: NET: Change admin state (1 -> 1)(iface:1 link:3)
00:00:05:634: IFNET_ETH: Configuring link adminState to DOWN.
00:00:05:715: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Enable endpoints 0x00020000.
00:00:05:737: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Enable endpoints 0x00040000.
00:00:05:742: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Enable endpoints 0x00000008.
00:00:05:875: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Disable endpoints 0x00060008.
00:00:05:877: IFNET_ETH: Configuring link for auto negotiation - flowControl=ON.
00:00:05:970: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Disable endpoints 0x00060008.
00:00:06:052: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Enable endpoints 0x00020000.
00:00:06:070: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Enable endpoints 0x00040000.
00:00:06:075: UHS0 Trace: CltIfFsm(V0b95|P7720|IF0): Enable endpoints 0x00000008.
00:00:06:267: UMS Trace: Dev(0) - IdentifyCapacity: block size 512(0x200), max LBA 3906963455(0xe8df87ff).
00:00:06:272: UMS Trace: Dev(0) - IdentifyMode: medium type code=0x00, write protect=0.
00:00:06:398: FSA: [uptime 6.398 s]: Attached volume to usb01 (wfs): Capacity 1907697 MB, 3906963456 logical blocks of size 512 B.
00:00:06:401: MCP: FSA volume on device /dev/usb01 (wfs) attached @ uptime 6.401 s.
00:00:07:374: ODM: Read DI disc info done
00:00:07:375: ODM odm_fsm.c(1252): Read DI disc info done
00:00:07:377: MCP: Heartbeat Enabled
00;00;07;257: DIAG:-KiProcess_FinishInitAndPreload: before no-return call to KiInitKernelFinish
00:00:07:381: ODM: Read LBA 0 done
00:00:07:382: ODM odm_fsm.c(1267): Read LBA 0 done
00:00:07:384: FSA: [uptime 7.384 s]: Attached volume to odd01 (raw)
00:00:07:386: MCP: FSA volume on device /dev/odd01 (raw) attached @ uptime 7.386 s.
00:00:07:395: MCP: Titles scanned (dev_state 0006) on device /dev/odd01 (raw) @ uptime 7.395 s.
00;00;07;257: DIAG:+KiInitKernelFinish
00;00;07;258: VVVVVVV----- PPC Kernel Waiting -----VVVVVVV
00;00;07;259: ^^^^^^^----- PPC Kernel Release -----^^^^^^^
00;00;07;259: DIAG:-KiInitKernelFinish: before no-return call to KiProcess_Launch
00;00;07;259: PROCESS 1 STARTING
00;00;07;259: SYSLOG_LEVEL 1: Warnings Enabled
00;00;07;259: UserMode Core & Thread Initialization (3 Cores)
00;00;07;259: Core 1 Complete, Default Thread 0x100457E0
00;00;07;260: Core 0 Complete, MSR 0x00005072, Default Thread 0x10045140
00;00;07;262: Core 2 Complete, MSR 0x00005072, Default Thread 0x10045E80
00;00;07;262: Clearing Process MEM2 Arena...
00;00;07;275: MEM2 Arena clear complete, size 23 MB, 13ms
00;00;07;301: UserMode OS library build date: Feb 4 2021 16:38:58
00;00;07;301: __AppFlags: 0x00000200

00;00;07;302: OSBlockThreadsOnExit default for sdk version 21301
00;00;07;363: OSSetting_SynchronousPrinting DISABLED
00;00;07;369: OSSetting_CrashDumpType 0, MINI dump after crash
00;00;07;372: TCL(1): init DONE
00:00:07:677: ccr_hid_input_start: idx 0 controller: 0, ep 3 int req --> 0
00;00;07;557: VPADInit() depricated, no need to call
00;00;07;557: port 0 attached
00;00;07;560: VPAD Init end, BPERF: (0/7680178) Title PID=1
00;00;07;759: ROOT: Read restart value 0
00;00;07;759: ROOT: Read audio relaunch value 0
00;00;07;760: ROOT: OSID 0x000500101000400A
00;00;07;941: Info: Calculating cold boot font CRCs on core:0
00;00;07;941: WPAD: Master Init
00;00;07;941: VPADInit() depricated, no need to call
COSREPORT: Using syslog level:1
COSREPORT: Set upid_mask:ffffffffffffffff module_mask:ffffffffffffffff level:1
00;00;08;043: TV mode before transition = 0
00;00;08;043: DRC mode before transition = 1
00;00;08;043: ROOT: Got audio buffer from foreground bucket @ e2c00000 len = 9437184

Querying BSP for Hardware Information...
00;00;08;101: It is not Holly/Bolly-Wood
00;00;08;101: It is Latte A2x or later
00;00;08;101: using DSP memory parameters:
00;00;08;101: DROM_BASE: 0x3000
00;00;08;101: IRAM_SIZE: 0x2000
00:00:08:252: MCP: PID 14 requested to disable power transitions
00;00;08;101: DRAM_SIZE: 0x3000
00;00;08;101: Info: Cold boot processing font CRCs on core:1
00;00;08;134: DIAG:Issued KiPrepareTitleAsync(0x000500301001120A)
00:00:08:312: MCP: loaded and parsed 'preload.txt' at '/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001120a/code'
00:00:08:315: MCP: Preparing error.rpx
00:00:08:318: MCP: Mapping /vol/content to /vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001120a/content
00;00;08;198: DIAG:Result PrepareTitle(0x000500301001120A) came back with cosxml(0x000500301001120A)
00;00;08;221: TitleId 0x000500301001120A Version 0x00000064 Built On SDK 21204
00:00:08:531: IFNET_ETH: Link UP - auto negotiation completed, speed=100Mbps, duplex=FULL, flow control=ON.
00:00:08:543: Acquired IP address via DHCP client for interface: USBE
00:00:08:545: IP address :
00:00:08:547: Subnet Mask:
00:00:08:548: Gateway :
00;00;09;268: TVE:RX WAIT TIMEUP
00;00;09;308: port 0 detached
00;00;09;349: ------------------PROCESS 1 LOST FOREGROUND--------------------
00;00;09;350: DIAG: PhysAlloc(6, 0x00800000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00140000, 0x00000001)
00;00;09;350: DIAG: InitAddrSpace
00;00;09;350: DIAG: Switch(New)
00;00;09;350: DIAG:+Loader(1, 6)
00;00;09;350: DIAG:+KiRPLLoaderSetup
00;00;09;350: DIAG:-KiRPLLoaderSetup: before no-return call to KiLoadContext (0xEFE09400) (0x01003FFC)
00;00;09;350: Title Loc is 0
00:00:09:523: MCP: PID 14 requested to enable power transitions
00;00;09;403: DIAG:-Loader(1, 6)
00;00;09;403: DIAG: SetFG(6)
00;00;09;404: KiCblRegisterBlocks() completed with status 0:-4.
00;00;09;404: ------------------PROCESS 6 GAIN FOREGROUND--------------------
00;00;09;407: SYSLOG_LEVEL 1: Warnings Enabled
00;00;09;407: UserMode Core & Thread Initialization (3 Cores)
00;00;09;407: Core 1 Complete, Default Thread 0x100457E0
00;00;09;408: Core 0 Complete, MSR 0x00005072, Default Thread 0x10045140
00;00;09;409: Core 2 Complete, MSR 0x00005072, Default Thread 0x10045E80
00;00;09;432: UserMode OS library build date: Feb 4 2021 16:38:58
00;00;09;432: __AppFlags: 0x00002200

00;00;09;435: OSBlockThreadsOnExit default for sdk version 21204
00:00:09:595: MCP: PID 14 requested to disable power transitions
00;00;09;474: ------------------PROCESS 6 LOST FOREGROUND--------------------
00;00;09;475: KiCblRegisterBlocks() completed with status 0:-4.
00:00:09:657: MCP: loaded and parsed 'preload.txt' at '/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001020a/code'
00:00:09:659: MCP: Preparing hbm.rpx
00:00:09:662: MCP: Mapping /vol/content to /vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/00050030/1001020a/content
00;00;09;475: ------------------PROCESS 1 GAIN FOREGROUND--------------------
00;00;09;478: DIAG:Issued KiPrepareTitleAsync(0x000500301001020A)
00;00;09;542: DIAG:Result PrepareTitle(0x000500301001020A) came back with cosxml(0x000500301001020A)
00;00;09;547: TitleId 0x000500301001020A Version 0x000000B4 Built On SDK 21211
00;00;09;547: ------------------PROCESS 1 LOST FOREGROUND--------------------
00;00;09;547: DIAG: PhysAlloc(5, 0x08000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x02000000, 0x00000001)
00;00;09;547: DIAG: InitAddrSpace
00;00;09;547: DIAG: Switch(New)
00;00;09;547: DIAG:+Loader(1, 5)
00;00;09;548: DIAG:+KiRPLLoaderSetup
00;00;09;548: DIAG:-KiRPLLoaderSetup: before no-return call to KiLoadContext (0xEFE09400) (0x01003FFC)
00;00;09;548: Title Loc is 0
00:00:09:956: MCP: PID 14 requested to enable power transitions
00;00;09;836: ***hbm TEXT 2 Decompression (1385390->3050604) failure.
00;00;09;836: ***LiSetupOneRPL(hbm) failed with err=-470087.
00;00;09;836: DIAG:-Loader(1, 5)
00;00;09;836: DIAG: SetFG(5)
00;00;09;836: KiCblRegisterBlocks() completed with status 0:-4.
00;00;09;836: ------------------PROCESS 5 GAIN FOREGROUND--------------------
00;00;09;838: SystemFatal(core1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "GX2" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "WPAD" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "PAD" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "CLIPBOARD" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "BUTTON" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "ACPLOAD" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "TEST" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "INPT" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "SETTING" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "IPC" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "CACHE" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "MEM" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "NETWORK" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "NSYSUVD" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "AVM" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "DC" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "TCL" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "TVE" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "VPAD" (master 1)
00;00;09;839: Aborting/Abandoning Driver "CCR" (master 1)
00;00;10;330: SystemFatal - Core 0 resume in error display (6)
00;00;10;330: SystemFatal - Core 0 resume in error display (6)
00;00;10;330: SystemFatal - Core 0 resume in error display (6)
00;00;10;330: Process 6 Delayed Start Acquire
00;00;10;357: OSSetting_SynchronousPrinting DISABLED
00;00;10;361: OSSetting_CrashDumpType 0, MINI dump after crash
00;00;10;400: TCL(6): init DONE
00:00:10:717: ccr_hid_input_start: idx 0 controller: 0, ep 3 int req --> 0
00;00;10;597: VPADInit() depricated, no need to call
00;00;10;597: port 0 attached
00;00;10;600: VPAD Init end, BPERF: (0/10720070) Title PID=6
<><><><><><><> fatal error process called <><><><><><><>
00;00;10;608: TYPE: Corruption(2)
00;00;10;608: CODE: 1602203
00;00;10;608: Process: 5
00;00;10;608: Internal Code: -470087
00;00;10;608: Function ZLIB_UncompressFromStream, Line:419

00;00;10;713: ERPRC: System version: 5.5.5 E
00;00;10;713: ERPRC: Serial number: FEM102912461
00;00;10;713: ERPRC: Model number: WUP-101(03)
00;00;10;742: CSC: Repaired: FALSE, Wagon: FALSE
00;00;10;757: CSC: InitialLaunch stage: 2
00;00;10;797: CSC: RCA Enabled: FALSE, KeepAlive Enabled: TRUE, ParentControl Enable: FALSE
00;00;10;829: CSC: Check : /vol/storage_mlc01/usr/boss/00000000/00000000/user/common/ (-196631)
00;00;10;829: CSC: Check : /vol/storage_mlc01/usr/boss/00000000/00000000/user/80000001/ (-196631)
00;00;10;857: CSC: Check : /vol/storage_usb01/usr/boss/00000000/00000000/user/common/ (-196631)
00;00;10;891: CSC: Check : /vol/storage_usb01/usr/boss/00000000/00000000/user/80000001/ (-196631)
00;00;10;891: CSC: Check : /vol/storage_usb02/usr/boss/00000000/00000000/user/common/ (-196631)
00;00;10;891: CSC: Check : /vol/storage_usb02/usr/boss/00000000/00000000/user/80000001/ (-196631)
00;00;10;892: CSC: Boss Storage Exist: FALSE, NetworkID Assigned: TRUE, System Network Connected: TRUE
00;00;10;924: CSC: NIC Type: ETH, DNS obtained by DHCP: TRUE, IP obtained by DHCP: TRUE
00;00;10;941: CSC: TV Port: HDMI, TV Aspect Ratio: 16:9
00;00;10;946: CSC: TV Resolution: TV_1080I
00;00;10;946: CSC: CODE: [XXXX-02X2-3774]
00;00;10;946: ERPRC: Console status code: XXXX-02X2-3774
2024-01-19 11:16:24 - log collection event from pid 20
00;00;10;975: SCI:ERROR:GetTitleIDFromACPRamCache:156: Couldn't read ram cache of title info(-196631)
00:00:11:103: MCP: life time number of fatal errors - 572


Jan 26, 2024
So I got a 2012/10 wiiU which I got for cheap with 6 month warranty, it’s a SK one…

I’m not really paranoid as it was factory reset and hasn’t thrown any errors. I have hacked it with Tiramisu (w/nand backup; slc.bin, slccmpt.bin, seeprom.bin, otp.bin) but was wondering what preventive measures I could possibly already take to be able to use this method if it were to fail?


Jan 26, 2024
I did check already, I meant SK Hynix with “SK”, so would you recommend using this method once it starts showing it’s first error?

If it’s gonna throw a error while it’s under warranty from the seller I bought it from, I’ll just return it so I’m not really that paranoid lol.

If it throws an error after warranty I would like to use this method or buy a white console only and fix the black one with NAND-AID if I get around to it (maybe one day ;))


Feb 1, 2021
If or maybe when you get the "160-0103" error, you should use this or the nand-aid method to make sure the console will still be usable, as the error indicates a problem that will get worse with time. Before that, don't do anything.


New Member
GBAtemp Patron
Jan 16, 2024
United Kingdom
Hi ok is it me being stupid or what? using Pico to get to menu can do everything install network, dumps etc but cant get past the load boot1 payload sys just hangs there after selecting load, what am i missing or do i have one of those completely bricked doorstops?
as a side question is it possible to just replace the mem chip itself?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2023
The latest stroopwafel fixes Wii VC:

Wii VC games (from he eShop or VC Injects) now works from the redNAND internal memory. Keep in mind that Wii VC is more picky about the SD card. So far Sandisk cards worked for me, but Samsung cards didn't. If the card is incompatible, it will hang on a black screen after the silver Wii logo.

I only tested one game so far, Sports Resort withe HAI IOS from Pikmin 2. Would be good to know if other games have problems and which SD cards work.


New Member
Feb 10, 2024
This is an awesome tutorial and solution! Thank you so much for making it. Now I can happily use my Wii U again after getting the famous error.

I have a question however! I accidentally made the partition for the MLC only 8 GB while I have a 32 GB Wii U. I wrongly assumed that I could download my already bought games to the SD card, but that's not the case. Is it possible to just increase the MLC partition size again to 32 GB or bigger using MiniTool Partition Wizard or will I then brick my Wii U again? At this moment I can't download games like Pikmin 3 anymore :)

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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @HiradeGirl, Why not get an Oculus?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    VR is like 3D TVs in my opinion it's cool and all but it doesn't have enough great content.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Psionic Roshambo, Porn exists, Psi.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    I'm sure you'll live with it.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    VR had the chance to integrate with existing games and tech but VR companies said "NO, I WANT MY SHIT TO BE STANDALONE AND MY GAMES EXCLUSIVE TO FACEBOOK"
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Back when Oculus Rift was still starting out and being demoed around, they modded existing games to use it as a 360° immersive screen thing and that was AMAZING.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    The tech isn't there for affordable power enough VR headsets at a good market value yet sadly, oculus had a good idea but didn't have enough funds for marketing iirc
  • Veho @ Veho:
    But now it's "can I use my VR set with my racing games, that would be neat?" "ONLY IF YOU USE OUR DILDOSTICK CONTROLLERS AND RUN THE GAME ON OUR ANDROID-UNDERPOWERED BRICK"
  • Veho @ Veho:
    The tech to have quality VR goggles at an affordable price is here, but every set has to have 4 additional controllers and be standalone.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    These are the same type of gamers that spend $2,000 on a GPU when a $600 GPU gives nearly the same outcome which is what the market looks at for them to do spend more on unneeded bs
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    If we're talking AAA titles a vr headset would be priced at nearly the same cost as a midrange gaming pc maybe even double
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    https://www.walmart.com/ip/3439939603 this is cool a portable blackstone
  • Veho @ Veho:
    The investment group?
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I think they should bring back the shutter glasses for VR put 120Hz screen in for 60FPS and even a basic phone these days can pull that off
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Head tracking cameras and all
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Have a USB type C connector for power and controller done
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Micro SD would be nice also :angry:
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, The types of gamers who pay $2,000 for RGB everything, and to run bloated Windows.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    My m.2 needs rgb makes transfers faster thank you
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So I canceled my RG Cube order over complaints of light bleed such a shame $200 device and they can't figure it out
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv2, This gives me Ouya vibes LOL.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    How so?
    Veho @ Veho: How so?