Get Well Soon XFlak...


GBATemp's Funeral Director
Feb 2, 2008
I am legit teary eyed reading through all this. Thank you all so much.

I'm curious about the deleted posts, and the one guy claiming I might be dead also posted on my profile saying I'm really the best man or something. Maybe he legit misunderstood, let's not be so quick to turn on each other... but at the same time I love knowing so many are jumping to my defense, lol. I can anyways count on this community.

Some have been asking for an update on my situation, so here goes.

Today they removed 1 of 3 drainage pipes clearing my stomach. The hoses that are left are practically wireless as they connect to bags that are taped to my body. So yeah now I'm basically 5G wireless, lol, jk. A few days ago to walk around I needed to carry 4-5 bags attached to my insides, now I can get around much easier.

1 more drainage should get removed tomorrow. And doc says there's a good chance I'll be able to go home sometime this weekend. Today I am allowed water again and even had some jello. I'm telling u, going close to a week with almost no water was super tough. But it got easier once they removed my nose/stomach tube. On the bright side I'm sure I've lost some weight, I actually lost 30lbs before this ordeal from stress + yard work, thank God too because getting around now is hard enough I definitely didn't need it to be any tougher.

I will have to live with the colostomy bag for some months, but I am grateful it's not permanent as is the case for many less fortunate ppl. I'll need detailed checks to see if other surgeries will be needed, they may need to remove bits of large intestine or a tumor if they find one (I'm told unlikely), but there's an OK chance I will just need only 1 more surgery to remove the colostomy bag. I've been joking lately about anatomy, and how God in his infinite wisdom installed the exhaust in the back... boy let me tell you that was a good call, Pee-you, lol.

I originally wasn't planning on sharing this, but on my 2nd day here I encountered an elderly nurse that reminded me of the crazy nurse from the movie Mysery (I expect everyone to watch it now or at least a trailer, lol). I was legit traumatized and couldn't even talk about it without aggravating my condition. So I spent 4+ hours typing out the events on my phone (using my left hand cuz IV in right) and after lots of break-downs/pauses eventually worked up the courage to share with my immediate family. Their help and support gave me the strength to report her actions to my doctor who has taken appropriate action and now my interactions with her are limited without negatively impacting my care. For the record I believe she had good intentions but there's a line between tough love and abuse and I think she flirted with it too closely, and not just with me from what I've heard from other staff. For anyone suffering silently any kind of mental or physical abuse I know it's not easy but know you're not alone, and reach out to someone/anyone, even me, if u ever need a shoulder to lean on.

Other staff has been amazing btw, I've always been bad with remembering new names but I've been making a point to learn everyone's and not take their care for granted. Docs and nurses have it rough, and there are a few I see regularly that are just angels and I make sure to tell them so. I'm not ever going to bite my tongue when I have something positive to say, doesn't matter if awkward, the new me spreads truth and positivity without shame or shyness, and I encourage everyone to do that same without needing to go through what I did in order to make a change.

I love this group of ppl. Seriously I asked Peter (aka urmum69) to share my last modmii beta if I go "MIA" for lack of a better term. Way too much effort went into it for it to never see the light of day, and I can't wait to share it with all of you. Anyone who wants the early beta feel free to pm me about it Cuz I'm feeling very generous, just please don't leak it or my changelog before I'm ready.

Now I'm going to keep resting and reading all your inspiring comments. It really has made my day, thank you I am truly blessed and your kind words are feeding me strength.

P.S. I fucking got this, it may not be easy but it doesn't matter, I'm Mr Positivity now and nothing is going to keep me down. I'm going to one day look back on this event as a positive turning point in my mental health, this I promise u.
I like you and your wonderful work, you will go your road and please yourself with the new mindset (speaking out of my own story).

Wish you the very best and thank you for your kind and truly words,


Wiitired but still kicking
Sep 12, 2009
Cyprus, originally from Toronto
Hey guys, you all have been so supportive, and many pm's here and in discord have been asking for an update. I may be giving out TMI but I think I'm well past that at this point anyway, and I don't care, u guys are awesome and I'm not ashamed.

I had another tube removed yesterday, and final tube removed today (still hurts where it was though), and the doctor expects to send me home sometime tomorrow/Sunday but he couldn't promise. Still, I'm confident tomorrow is the day, as he has been saying Sunday for the last 3 days in a row now.

I spoke to my 4 boys for the first time on the phone in 10 days earlier today. Omg after we hung up I was balling like a baby but I was strong while talking to them. We're making plans to see the new Mario movie in theaters when it comes out, and generally looking forward to seeing each other again. I f'ing miss helping my 8yr old with his reading and we're gonna start doing that again asap (I'm proud to say I can read Greek at a better level than my 8yr old, lol, at least for now, but I'm even more proud of him).

I will have to self administer abdomen shots for 10 days. And after 10 days my stomach staples should be ready to come out.

At around the 2 month mark they will do a colonoscopy and check for more damage and if more surgery is warranted. If some bowel/tumor needs removal it will be a surgery similar in seriousness to this one and that would happen no sooner than around the 4 month mark.

If another serious surgery is needed then I'll have to keep the colostomy bag for another 4 months (so around the 8 month mark, around October-ish). If I'm all clear then the surgery at the 4 month mark will be minor to remove the colostomy bag. So either way I'm guaranteed some kind of surgery in 4 months at the start of June.

My work has been amazing so far. Without me asking they've given me time off until March (but if I can I may work from home a bit sooner to help the team out during our busy season). After that we'll see. I'm sure I'll be allowed to work from home for awhile, but if it's all the way until October.... That's a long time I hope it won't be an issue. I could in theory return to the office with my colostomy bag, but it would be strange to be sitting at a meeting and hearing/smelling uncontrollable bodily functions. Ppl live full lives with these "shit bags", heck I can in theory even swim with mine, but it's strange. I'm very lucky that for me it should be 4-8 months of it, if I had to live the rest of my life like this it would be very difficult to stay positive.

I also recently learned that what I'm suffering from is a serious case of the same thing Brock Lesnar had, explained here:

Now I have some martial arts training and used to teach nunchucks and other weapons, but I'm no Brock, lol. I recently (before illness) lost about 20kg, and in the last 10 days another 5-10kg, but I'm still about 100kg and should probably be down to 90 or 85kg based on my height/build. So yeah, my gut isn't helping my stomach staple situation, but I'm lucky I already started losing some lbs before all this (due to stress and yard work). And I promised my doctor to get to at least 90kg by June for my next surgery, it makes his job easier and obv improves my outlook/health.

This last part might sound crazy, but despite the hard road ahead, and the pain, I am the HAPPIEST I've been in years. I've been so worried and stressed about things outside my control (mostly the asshat I hired to build my home, who stopped working and wants more money even though he's been paid more than the work completed so far, and leaks, and other issues blah blah blah). I have been so depressed, especially since we moved into this construction zone and builders started ignoring us and stopped working back in September. I am legit HAPPY. My toilet and bathtub broke (brand new house remember) a week ago and my wife didn't have the heart to tell me because of all I'm dealing with. But I am so blessed that one of my friends came over, despite being sick with the flu, and fixed it all. They only told me after it was all fixed. I have another friend who's helping me hang curtains in the new house so I can rest without the sun interrupting me. My parents are buying me a new electric recliner so I can be more comfortable (omg my back is killing me now from hospital bed, so bad), and I have friends /family arranging to deliver it and carry it to my room tomorrow before I'm released. I have so much love and support from friends and family and THIS COMMUNITY. I was going down a dark depressed road, I have now changed course, the future is so much brighter. The road may be bumpier with all my issues and pain, but I'm not walking the path alone anymore.... Maybe I never was, but now I don't feel alone. I feel happy and blessed and lucky. So what if my bedroom is missing a wall for now? Or my builder was paid to build me a garage that's nonexistent. That will come in time and will be built by someone new I actually trust. The house is warm, I have a roof over my head and the heads of my kids (which mostly doesn't leak these days 😂), and everything else will get done in due time. I don't need my shit to be 100% together to be happy anymore (pun intended, lol)

Anyway, this turned out to be way longer and more detailed than expected. I'm sure I could go on but I'm going to stop here cuz it's time to rest, tomorrow is a big day, and I'm going to see my boys again for the first time in 11 days! I'm already planning darth Vader "more machine than man" jokes to tell them, of course followed by the promise that I won't turn evil like Vader did, lol!

Stay positive everyone, be nice to each other, pay it forward, etc. You are all amazing
Last edited by XFlak,


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
United States
Soul searching? Nice. I gotta say, this is really inspiring. I know you'd rather not have gone through this whole ordeal, but wow I'm pretty amazed how you're laying in a hospital bed, giving us updates on your well being and still coming up with ideas for modmii. I've even noticed you replying to people on other threads. Like what?! You're crazy dedicated.

Modmii is the way I got all the tools to mod like a bizzilion Wiis so I'm super grateful.

You're appreciated as a person. Thanks! Here's to a full recovery!

P.S. the markets are looking brutal. Lol.
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