Hacking (Hopefully) Official PSP Request Your Translation Topic

Kurou Legaia

New Member
Aug 12, 2015
Game Name: Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Lost Colors
Developer/Publisher: Bandai Namco Games
Release: 03/27/08
Genre: Visual Novel

Does it have lots of text?

Yes but Eternal Dreamer translated quite a bit but has since stopped (sadly) and some of his translation made it into a patch. http://code-geass-lost-colors-translation.yolasite.com/

Why I don't think this will come out in the West?

Anime games generally do not get much attention in the west even if the anime itself is popular especially visual novels of said anime.
It has had 8 years to come to the west back when Code Geass was still quite popular, it is doubtful it will come out after its popularity has diminished and is no longer fresh for many.

What is it about?
It is somewhere in between season 1 and season 2 of Code Geass, and basically a what if an amnesiac person named Rai suddenly appears at Lelouch's school and passes out. Lelouch and his crew (student council) decide to accept him into their school despite Lelouch's protest. Find out more about yourself and those around you in this visual novel with several paths and endings. I believe it is 16-18 hours long but as I said before quite a bit has been translated already.
Official synopsis:
The game begins with a mysterious young man stumbling onto the grounds of Ashford Academy and encountering members of the Student Council before collapsing. After being asleep for several days, he awakens and is met by the entire Student Council Milly, Lelouch, Shirley, Suzaku, Rivalz, Nina and Kallen and Lelouch's younger sister the handicapped Nunally.

Lelouch immediately demands to know who the young man is, at which point Milly scolds him for asking for someone's name before giving his own. After introductions, Lelouch again demands the young man's name, at which point the youth reveals he is suffering from Memory Loss. He can just barely remember his name ('Rai' by default).

Lelouch recommends calling the authorities, but Milly decides to accept Rai into Ashford Academy as a new student, allowing him to stay in the school clubhouse to boot. Lelouch is shocked at this, but Milly says she'd feel bad about just dumping someone who's so dazed and confused. Most of the Student Council backs Milly and Lelouch reluctantly backs down, knowing how stubborn Milly can be. Rai himself attempts to refuse, not wanting to be a burden, but Milly insists. Rai tries to press the issue, and in return Milly says he can pay her back by helping with the Student Council.

Thus begins Rai's life at Ashford Academy. The two versions of the game are almost identical, sharing the same four routes (the Geass Route, Brittanian Army Route, Order of the Black Knights Route and Ashford Academy Route) but also having one unique route each (the Japanese Liberation Front Route for the PSP and Blue Moon Route for the PS2). Which route Rai follows depends on which characters he interacts with the most, along with decisions he might make. For example, interacting a lot with Suzaku during the prologue eventually has Suzaku invite him to meet with the Experimental Unit, which can lead to Rai joining the Brittanian Army. On the other hand, spending time with Kallen has her decide to recruit Rai into the Order of the Black Knights.

There are also several routes available within the chosen route. For example, the Brittanian Army route can have Rai remain part of the Experimental Unit, join the Purebloods Unit led by Jeremiah Grottwield and Villetta Nu or even join Princess Cornelia's Royal Guards. For the PSP version Rai can opt to break ranks with the Black Knights and defect to the Japanese Liberation Front. The PS2 exclusive Blue Moon route can have Rai become closer to and eventually romance various characters like Nunally, Kaguya, even Lelouch himself.

Popularity in Japan:
Sold about 72,030 units in the same year it was released. So I am going to go out on a limb and say it was not very popular. Where I got info: http://www.vgchartz.com/game/18535/code-geass-hangyaku-no-lelouch-lost-colors/Japan/


Box Art:


Why I think it needs to be translated?
It is a visual novel of a popular (my personal fav) anime and by having this translated we have a whole other story entirely. We do not have to be tied to anything considering our character is a blank slate so we have several routes we can go through. Although it says 16-18 hours for the complete game I have already gotten more then that just from 1-3 routes, thats how enjoyable it is to me. Here is to hoping someone picks this up again.

What I can do to help:
Honestly, all I can think I would be able to do is test it for you and discuss the games content with you. Otherwise I have nothing else to give, sorry :(.



Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
United States
Game name: Entaku no Seito: The Eternal Legend
Developer/Publisher: developed by Experience Inc. and published by Kadokawa
Release:october 4th 2012
Genre:first person dungeon crawler rpg
Does it have lots of text?
Probably not as much as a regular rpg because it is a dungeon crawler
Why It don't think this will come out in the West?
This I'm not sure. I can't find a lot of info for this title. Do to demon gazes release it got pushed aside.
What is it about?
This game has a very unique story. The hero and his band of friends unite to stop the demons from taking over the world, but the hero is killed in battle with the master. The demons then take over the world! But not to fear our hero is reborn 1000 years later. Now knowing what he does he acts as a tutor for a band of heroes and embarks on a journey to finish what he started.
Popularity in Japan:
The title sold very well





Why I think it needs to be translated?
First off the unique story. It is a rare twist. Second the artwork is just amazing. The characters are interesting and you can get extra scenes with each one between missions. You can customized all of them. Now for the fun part:the games difficulty. You are in for a challenge in this one like all dungeon crawler. But fear not it is not as over difficult like some others and is accessible for all players. Last is the games secret dungeon after you finish the main quest. But do be warned the boss inside is crazy hard so be prepared for a challenge!
What I can do to help:
I can proof read and help with some translating. (Right now im translating the extracted scripts for unchained blades exxiv). I can help test and help with content as I have play a few hour into the Game
Last edited by kaikaiser,


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2010
Game name: Entaku no Seito: The Eternal Legend
Will need help with some compression, but i already have the images ready to be translated and be put back into the game, let me know if you want to give it a try. AS for text i am currently looking around in the game files.


EDIT: some of the text are in the files in the PAK, and some of the menu texts are in the eboot, the rest is compressed god knows how.
Last edited by omarrrio,


Jan 12, 2016
Game Name: Shining Blade
Developer/Publisher: Mediavision and Sega WOW
Release: 15 march 2012
Genre: Tactical RPG

Does it have lots of text?
Yes. the story is like a visual novel but most of them have been already translated by Cyber Akuma in a script
Why I don't think this will come out in the West?
The Shining series don't come anymore in West, the PSP is dead now and the game involve many character and event that new players would not know as there part of games released 10 years ago

What is it about?
It's mainly a reimagining of Shining Force by Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3 Director using a variation of Valkyria Chronicles and Sakura wars gameplay taking element from the 3 games (Shining force, Valkyria and Sakura wars)
So it's a Tactical RPG with big action part, very good graphic and third perso view and some simdate part
The title is a big anniversary and ambitious game.
It's a game celebrating the 20 years of Shining force and the 10 years of the reboot of the series. it's also an enormous cross over between all the Shining by Tony Taka and even Shining Soul 2

Popularity in Japan:
This is the best selling game in the series in japan, even before Shining force 2 with more than 200000 sales, according to Vgchartz, it's one of the 100 best selling game on PSP in japan.
The game was popular enough to have a sequel using similar gameplay and a fighting game spin off this year

(three in-game screenshots)



Box Art:


Why I think it needs to be translated?
The game need more than only a script translation, It's the game most of the old school Shining fans waited Since Camelot leave the serie (As the game is made by the Sega team who made the 3 tactical RPG series from Sega) and for the Tony Shining fans, it's the best cross over ever.
The game as been seen like the real return of the Shining series, full of refrence to old and new Shining.
And like most of the translation is already made (Cyber Akuma said on gamefaqs, he is not against a patch version of the game don't know anything in programming), the staff could focus on another thing.
If the game have an excellent battle system, most of the review are okay to said the difficulty is far too low for a Tactical RPG. The low difficult of the game is nearly it's only problem as graphic, battle system and graphic are excellent and the story is good.
So I think a good idea should be to release a patch edit some of the stat to make a Hard mode. this patch could be called Shing blade:Force edition (in refrence to Shining force)
Shining blade is actually a decent game, but with edited stat for the characters and the ennemies, it could be one of the better tactical RPG ever, the real return of Shining force

What I can do to help:

I have played the game 3 time (more than 300 hours) so I can beta test and see the bug and problem.
I have also a very good knowledge of the gameplay system, so if some stat edit can be made, I know what they could be.
I have a heavy knowledge of the serie(I have played most of the games, have seen the TV series and read all the staff interview) so I can see some minor error in the translation due to the lack of knowledge of the universe or the reference made.
I can try to contact Cyberakuma to ask him if he is ok to use his translation. I can also contact Stormyu who started to hack the game but said he have no time to translate it. He is french like me, so the communication should be easy and his Shining blade tool could be useful


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2015
United States
Game Name: Hayarigami (God in Vogue)
Developer/Publisher: Nippon-Ichi Software
Release: December 15th, 2005
Genre: Horror-Mystery ADV/Visual Novel

Does it have lots of text?
As a visual novel/ADV game, it's almost all text.

Why I don't think this will come out in the West?
This game was originally released on the PS2. Unless the PSP version gets a Vita remake, I highly doubt this will come over. Even Shin Hayarigami hasn't been licensed either and that's the newest one with both a PS3 and Vita release.

What is it about?
It's a horror game about mysteries based on urban legends that could be supernatural or human in cause. It's up to you to find out...

Popularity in Japan:
Seems pretty popular since there are four games, three on the PSP, a port of the first on the DS, and the newest one came out in 2014 for PS3 and PSVita.

These are from the third game as it's almost impossible to find screenshots from the first online. They all basically look like this.




Why I think it needs to be translated?
Although it's a visual novel/ADV games, it has a really interesting system called Inference Logic where you piece together clues to solve the mysteries.

What I can do to help:
I can do image editing, but this game is far out of my league when it comes to Japanese. I can do writing and editing work too, but everything else is out of my league.

I also looked into the files of the first PSP release and no NIS .dat extractor would work on this game.
Last edited by AttackOtter,


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2015
United States
Wow, that looks like a game I'd like to play really bad! Going to keep an eye out for any news about this game in the future.

I really want to play it too, actually! I know someone made a thread about wanting to translate the game so a translator is almost ensured, but it's all the other work that's the problem.

Another Request:

Game Name: Ookami Kakushi (Wolfed Away, Spirited Away by Wolves)
Developer/Publisher: Konami
Release: August 20, 2009
Genre: Visual Novel

Does it have lots of text?
Yes. It was written by Ryukishi07 of Higurashi fame, and thus has a ton of text.

Why I don't think this will come out in the West?
It's a PSP exclusive visual novel written by Ryukishi07 and the anime completely bombed.

What is it about?
In a sleepy country town plagued by mysterious disappearances where people "move away" or "transfer away" unexpectedly, strange legends of Wolf Spirits abound, and the mystery only deepens from there.

Popularity in Japan:
I think it was averagely popular. It got an anime adaptation (that completely bombed).


Actpedia Screenshots



Why I think it needs to be translated?
I'm a huge fan of Ryukishi's works and this is one of his least known. It seems like a very interesting story and from what little I could understand with my limited Japanese knowledge, has a very strong opening.

What I can do to help:
I can do image editing and writing, and I have all of the game's scripts ripped already. Hacking work should be rather easy (outside of pointers) because the game uses the default PSP font instead of a built in monospace font.

Really the only thing I could see causing trouble is the Actpedia which is formatted really weirdly. The entire thing is basically formatted in plain text, including those lines connecting each icon, although it might be simpler to work with than I can tell.

The files are also in a similar format to those used for the PSP Oreimo games. (I actually used an Oreimo file dump program to dump the files from this game).
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2013
In your heart
Game Name: Corpse Party
Developer/Publisher: Team GrisGris, 5pb, XSeed
Release: July, 30, 2015
Genre: Adventure, Survival Horror, Visual Novel

Does it have lots of text?

Why I don't think this will come out in the West?
This game was released for the PSP years ago and the First version will come to PC this year to the west BUT, only in English (XSeed don't translate to any other lang), it has never been released or translated to Spanish.

What is it about?
Its an adventure game based on role games style of exploration, with great plot, pure psychological horror, amazing sound effects to give more emphasis to the horror situations. The plot is about a group of stundents that after perfoming a ritual with charm to be friends forever, got trapped on a hellish school without a clue of how they got there, and try to scape alive and resolve the mistery behind the school of heavenly host.

The gameplay is basicaly reading story like a visual novel can be, but you have to explore the halls of the school like an RPG, you can get items to progress the story and take crucial decisions, depending on the decisions you will take an ending, most of the endings are BAD Endings or also called Wrong Ends. The endings are divided by chapter, so is not a game that you have to restart entirely to have another ending.
The story is divided in 5 Main Chapters with a duration of 2-5 hours each, and 10 Extra chapters that las 5-15 minutes each. And have some collectables like the IDs of other stundents who died in the cursed school.

Popularity in Japan:
(This game has been remaked, adapted to PC and other systems, have more than 5 Principal Games (but are not as good as this). Also got an Anime Adaptation (I dont liked... because got very diferent from the game, and spoils everythin from start, and got a Live Action Movie. So is quiet popular)








Opening, some gameplay and a funny lets play

Why I think it needs to be translated?
This game was released years ago, and localized by XSEED, so this game hasn't been released to other languajes like Spanish, I would like this game to be translated its because of it, it would be great for spainish speakers that cant experiences the game because of the limitation of language, peopled liked and loved the game, myself included, others dont known about it and just watched the anime adaptation (that got a way VERY DIFFERENT from the main story) and dont try to play the game by themselfs because the lots of text on english. Its an amazing survival horror game, there arent many games like this for portable consoles, I never got so thrilled and scared by text and sprites in 16 bits by any other game, the music just great, the sound effects... oh god they are really well made, it gives you a mental image of the situation like how a man got his guts openen by scissors or something like that when you only see a black screen, its not a game that try to scare you with jump scares, it will not try to just put a dead body in front of you (it does but not in a gory way like the anime did). This is the charm of the game its terror feels unique, makes you feel uneasy.
The characters are lovely, you can sympathize and feel sorry for their situations (most of them...).
I hope to see this game on spanish since I played it years before, but never found a way to help, I tried by myself to do it... but I didn't know how... I just was left with the motivation and the hope to see it translated...

NOTE: The start of the game is quite slow, and its hard to like the game just playing the 1st chapter, I have finished the game at least 5 times or more, and the 1st chapter still tedious to me, but the rest are just GOOD like REALLY GOOD, the bad endings on chapter 2 can take your sleep, the story developement of chapter 4 its fantastic, and trying to get the TRUE Ending on the final chapter without getting bad endings (without guides of course) its more like an achivement.

What I can do to help:
Im and spanish speaker, and I undestand english very well (Im better reading than writing it...trust me), and I cant translate mostly of the text to spanish, in fact I have a doc file with all the collectables translated to spanish already and a small part of Chapter 1.
I have basic-medium programmation skills, I could learn the way to insert text if someone instruct me to it or other things on the modding team.
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Active Member
Feb 2, 2012
Genso Suikoden : Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki
Developer(s) : Konami
Publisher(s) : Konami
Director(s) : Osamu Komuta
Producer(s) : Shingo Mukaitoge
Artist(s) : Ohtsuki Beruno
Writer(s) : Kazuyoshi Tsugawa
Composer(s) : Seiichi Takamoto
Series : Suikoden
Platform(s) : PlayStation Portable
Release date(s) : February 9, 2012[1]
Genre(s) : Role-playing game
Mode(s) : Single-player


Does it have lots of text?

Yes, it's an RPG game with a heavy storyline, so it should have quite a lot of text.

Why I don't think this will come out in the West?
The company that create this game has decided to focused their production on mobile games, and closed the suikoden division. So, it's very unlikely that they would officialy released the translated version of this game.

What is it about?
It's a traditional console RPG featuring three-dimensional characters and environments. To progress through the game, players must travel through various environments, interact with non-player characters and battle enemies to advance the story. Players take control of a party of up to six characters out of a possible 108, which are recruited from one of three time periods of the game's world: the present, 100 years ago, and 200 years ago.

Suikoden series is a well-known console type RPG in the whole world. They have issued a lot of series for it, and almost all of them has been released in the west. This game is also the last game of the series, which is unfortunately, the only one that they haven't translated yet, due to the fact that PSP popularity has gone down and even stop producing anymore games, due to the emergence of brand new consoles which is more popular and have greater performance than PSP.

Screenshots :





Why I think it needs to be translated?
Suikoden series has many fans all over the world, and they have been eagerly wait for the day this game get translated, just like i did. It was also one of the best RPG game i have played, with a good story and gameplay. So, it's definitely worth the be translated.

What I can do to help:
Unfortunately, i don't understand japanese, and don't know anything about coding either. I do understand english, so the only thing i can offer is to be beta tester to check whether there's a bug in game or any typo in the text.


May 22, 2015
United Kingdom
Game Name: Garnet Cradle Portable ~Kagi no Himiko~/GARNET CRADLE Portable 〜鍵の姫巫女〜
Developer/Publisher: SPICA+Otomate+Idea Factory
Release: April 4th, 2011
Genre: Otome/Visual Novel/Romance Adventure Game

Does it have lots of text?
Yes, because it's a visual novel aka. interactive novel/story game where you can make choices to change the story to a specific ending with beautiful visuals+arts. The whole game is filled with text.
Why I don't think this will come out in the West?
It's an old PSP game which had an anime adaption that wasn't very popular. I haven't watched it myself yet, but, I promise you that the game is very fun and interesting. This will not be re-released for an English localisation on the PSP Vita or PSP or anything like that. Well, that's why I think. Maybe. You never know. I still wish for this game to be translated as best as possible.
What is it about?
(Garnet Cradle) is, 2009 May 1, for women in general maiden gamebrand " SPICA was released from the"Microsoft Windows -only game software .Was the debut of "SPICA".Original pictureclouds Yukio is responsible.And, it was to the original cartoon , drama CD was released, respectively.

Garnet Cradle Portable: Kagi no Himiko is an adventure game developed by Otomate and released on PlayStation Portable.

Plot Summary: Amahashi Miku (name change possible) has been chosen as the Amira Miftarf (like Miss Contest of her school) of the school and is going to participate in a annual drama which both the Amira and Amiru are going to be the main lovers. While she has other things to worry about, she wakes up in this magical world where she is taken as the Azura Sayaraan, the princess priestess (wow long name), who is said to choose the next king. She meets the 5 princes but for some reason they are extremely similar as to 5 guys in her own school. “The beautiful story of how a girl who didn’t know love awoke into a much more deeper love than anybody."

Miku belongs to the literature club. One day, she takes charge of writing a scenario of a play staged at the school festival and is given the original book. As she reads it, she gradually feels doubtful about its ending.

Several days later, she accidentally falls down into a mysterious fountain that is located deep inside the school and goes to another world. There also live her friends and classmates, but they show different personalities to her. Like this, she starts living at two worlds, but the same story written in the book happens in another world and a tragic ending happens.... When she notices, she comes back to the real world. However, time has gone back and she is given the original book again.

She finally understands that the real world and the other world are like a mirror and repeat the same time. She decides to rewrite the story to avoid a tragic ending for the future of her beloved person. Who will Miku save? Who will Miku hurt? No one knows until the end of the story... No one knows if she will be able to save her beloved person....
Popularity in Japan:
Average ranking 7.86 GOOD (Source: vndb.org)
Attachments added.

Why I think it needs to be translated?
I literally love this game. I've played the Japanese version, even though I don't understand it. Woo, boy, does this game cost a lot on Amazon. I really wish an English fan translation is made for this game. I really want to understand what they're saying while I play. Thank you so much! :D
What I can do to help:
I can help spread word about the translation and I'll do whatever I can I my best hands to help. Please.



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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2015
United States
Not about can translate or not but this about how to change japanese text to english!!!!! If this is a easy thing to do, I already translate many japanese games except for slang(sorry I really don't know about japanese slang like osaka, kansai ,etc)
It's really not easy at all. PSP hacking is some of the most difficult hacking on any system. If you want to learn how to do it, you should start out with NES games as a lot of people recommend.


Game Addict
Nov 8, 2013
Not about can translate or not but this about how to change japanese text to english!!!!! If this is a easy thing to do, I already translate many japanese games except for slang(sorry I really don't know about japanese slang like osaka, kansai ,etc)

You should make your own thread or something. This thread here is for request only and if you are indeed requesting that, do appeal to the viewers like everyone else do. And too many ! is considered kinda impolite, if you get my drift. Good luck on your endeavor nonetheless.


New Member
Jun 5, 2016
Game Name: Warship gunner 2: portable
Developer/Publisher: Koei
Release: 2009 November 15th
Genre: "Vehicle Simulation", Action/Strategy

Does it have lots of text?
The vast majority of the game's text is menus and the a fairly large tech-tree, while the game also boasts three "storylines" the plot text is fairly minimalistic in comparison to the UI elements and tech tree

Why I don't think this will come out in the West?
There was an english release of the game on PS2 after wich the PSP version came out 2-3 years later as an after thought to have SOME presence on the PSP besides the fact that the game was released 7 years ago and Koei hasn't in 7 years made a single refference as to them even remembering they had that franchise

What is it about?
The gameplay, though referred to as "Vehicle Simulation" on wikipedia is anything but that, the game works in two main phases, battles and a interlude between missions during wich one can modify seafaring warships he currently owns or create entirely new ships wich can be hand-crafted for specific purposes and roles by picking parts and grafting them onto a hull as desired, during thoses same interludes one is also able to play back missions already finished and head to the R&D departement where one may spend currency earned by completing missions to obtain new parts to craft ships with, on the other hand Battles, though quite tame in the first few missions, very quickly ramp up in intensity, though the ships begin with almost historically accurate stats and abilities theses quickly are abandonned for more absurd stats to achive battles that are quite frankly frenetic and ludicrous such as ships achieving speeds within the 80 knots area, wielding weaponry that ranges from true and theoric WW2 weaponry to vertical launch missiles, lasers and alien weaponry, all this in battles that very quickly escalate in intensity and eventually pits you up against bosses wich become more and more insane as you go along....

Popularity in Japan:

considering that I cannot find ANY report of this game's popularity nor anything relating to it nowadays, I'd say this game has been forgotten years ago in japan






only videos available are of the PS2 english version

Why I think it needs to be translated?
Put bluntly, the PCSX2 option isn't viable, it lags like hell, is buggy and butchers just about everything it can, its to the point just looking at the game will give you headaches
PLUS the PSP version comes with a R&D UI wich shows what are the steps to go down a research tree wich ACTUALLY IS A HUGE DEAL as the original did not meaning you had to GUESS wich parts/blueprints you needed in order to unlock more researches, even a walkthrough won't help at this point as you need to research things in a specific order meaning you couldn't JUST skip skip stuff you didn't have yet, it AT LEAST tells you what you need in order to keep going down the research trees

What I can do to help:
Absolutely nothing, I am not a translator whatsoever, however seeing the game already had a english version on PS2, texts could be obtained from it to port over to the PSP version wich could potentially make things faster....
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Jun 29, 2016
United States
Oh it would seem someone posted in here since I last looked it over... Curses... I WANTED TO NECRO BUMP A STICKY :P! (Just don't think about how you'd do that... it'll be better for all of us). I thought I'd make a post here though the possibility of getting TL in the future(see other thread). Though as it is just a possibility I'd like to keep options open.

Game Name: Chaos;Head Love Chu☆Chu! / カオスヘッド らぶ Chu☆Chu!
VNDB: https://vndb.org/v3091
Developer/Publisher: 5pb. & Nitroplus
Release: January 27 2011 for the PSP (First launched on the Xbox 360 in March 25th 2010)
Genre: Visual Novel, Fandisc
(I'm not 100% sure of the tone compared to the first game but from screenshots on vndb alone I feel it's on a lighter note.)

Does it have lots of text?
It does indeed have a lot of text. Any progress that can be made would be progress not made before that point. Only VNDB it's rated a Medium game(10 - 30 hours).
Why I don't think this will come out in the West?
Well it's been out since 2010 and it's a fan disc. The original game though rumored sometime back to be released officially never happened. Like I already said being a fandisc also makes it more unlikely. Knowing JAST or PQube they won't touch this game.
What is it about?
This Fandisc follows our main character Takumi during a Summer in Tokyo. This game will show his adventures as he does what he does and maybe even hang out with the girls he's met on the way to the current point in time.
Popularity in Japan:
Being apart of the SciAdv series(C;H, C;C, S;G, and R;N so far) it is indeed popular.


Why I think it needs to be translated?
Not to continue to use the same point... But after experiencing the wonders that is Chaos;Head it's self and how other titles in the SciAdv series. It'd be a shame to leave this game out. For example with Steins;Gate it received three side games. All three of which are translated. Once you have created a universe in which people can grow to care for characters and story it can make a great impact by allowing them another look in to the universe through new content. Take Steins;Gate 0 for example is something I don't believe fans ever thought would happen. I mean we had novels which kind of took care of that side of the coin. But never really something that was a solid combined work. Steins;Gate 0 takes you on a journey on the other side of the Universe where things just didn't go right but in the end caused what did go right for at least one side of the coin to be possible. Of course bring all the novel content and even bring new content it had the power to rewrite what was known as cannon allowing people who thought they had known what was happening and gave them a new look in to something they new. As I tend to ramble I'll try to stop here. Bottom line I feel that by bring this game over that it can help to expand the universe for the English speaking community.
What I can do to help:
  • Basic proofreading. As you maybe able to tell from this post. English isn't exactly my strong suit. But I can help with reworking lines as well as basic checking and grammer.
  • Game testing
  • Make the game play nice with English. Before even thinking about asking for help in the translation side of things I wanted to make sure one thing was for sure. That I had working tools that would allow me to insert the text in the game allowing for the game to be converted to English. I've taken the right of doing that already. Here you can see my work done. I've finished up writing a text Insertion tool as one didn't exist(or that I could find) - http://gbatemp.net/threads/chaos-head-chu☆chu.432748
  • Moral support
  • Not that it'd be much... but depending on the point in time I may be able to provide a small tip of money for your troubles... It wouldn't be a large sum or anything as I'm by far not a rich person.
I look forward to hearing from anyone willing to put up with me(Proofreader or otherwise)! Hell even if you just want to talk I'm all for that(talking with others is quite fun~). Once again my thread current for the project can be found here - http://gbatemp.net/threads/chaos-head-chu☆chu.432748 or PM me what ever works for you. But as I'm still new to the forums... a thread is the best I have.
Last edited by RimiNishijou,

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