Hacking [HOT RELEASE] UDK Ultimate - The Free Multi-Platform Homebrew 3D Game Engine


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
[HOT RELEASE] UDK Ultimate - The Free Multi-Platform Homebrew 3D Game Engine


Create, Play and Share your Games on XBOX360/PS3/iOS/PC Simultaneously!!!


1- What`s it UDK Ultimate?

This is a modified version of EPIC`s UDK (Unreal Development Kit) Game Engine which supports exporting your game for XBOX360/PS3/iOS/PC WITHOUT the need to be a Registered Game Developer for Sony (Playstation) or Microsoft (XBOX360), something that a LOT of folks always dreamed with.


2- Can I use it for creating a game for XBOX360 and PS3?

Currently, only exporting for Xbox360 is fully supported. You can create a game and play it on any RGH/JTAG Xbox360 console. As for PS3, unfortunatelly the exported game only runs on a PS3 Devkit / PS3 DEX Firmware, because the exported game is a debug game (debug eboot.bin). But if anyone got enough skills to convert this resulting game into a retail eboot.bin, feel free to do this, this would be an AWESOME adition if someone can finish the PS3 Export Support for UDK Ultimate.

Because of Copyrights reasons, i decided to NOT RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC the Unreal Engine 3 Source Code, nor the Consoles SDK. However if anyone who is interested in Contribute with this Project, and has a strong knowledge/experience with C/C++ Programming, please, shot me a PM.


3- Do I need a Devkit, or install the PS3/XBOX360 SDK, or other thing else?

No, you don't need any console devkit. For Xbox360, you don't need nothing, not even the Xbox360 SDK!!! But for PS3, unfortunatelly (I don`t know why), you need to have the PS3 SDK 3.0 Installed and Configured Correctly, even for just cooking the maps for PS3. And, also, each time you make a change on the ini config files, like change some specific setting or configuration (controls, in example), you need to rebuild the UDKGame PS3 Binary, because it uses hashes verification for the ini files.


4- Can I play these games created on any retail console?

No, the games created in UDK Ultimate only run on Hacked Consoles (because only these can run unsigned/unnoficial code). And at the moment, it only runs on any XBOX360 JTAG/RGH (Slim and Slim E). You can even run the games from a USB Stick, by using a Xbox360 File Manager Utility (XEXMenu, FreeStyle Dash). For PS3, it only runs on devkit or dex firmware (as stated before).


5- Do I need to know C++ Programming to export my game for XBOX360/PS3 using UDK Ultimate?

No, the exporting process for consoles is very easy, is ALMOST like "Menu > Export > XBOX360 / PS3". But you do need to learn how to use UDK to be able to create a game using UDK Ultimate, you need to study unreal scripting, and so on. Youtube is your friend.


6- And what about the legality of this UDK Ultimate?

It falls under the category of Homebrew Development, which everyone knows is not Supported, nor Authorized by the Game/Softwares Companies. However, i am sure no Company will ever do something about this, untill this begins to cause them damage. And the most common type of damage is financial, which means, when you use their software illegally for making profit (money) with it. It means, NEVER SELL ANY GAME CREATED WITH UDK ULTIMATE WITHOUT EPIC/SONY/MICROSOFT LICENSE. There are a lot of folks here in the Homebrew Development Scene, which create and share their own games for PS3 and XBOX360, and I never knew about someone who suffered any legal consequences for creating and sharing a homebrew game.


7- Who are you and why you did it?

I can`t reveal my real identity, I use a lot of nicknames over the internet. But I am a normal guy, I love Gaming, I am a trully passionate Game Designer by hobby and Web Designer/Developer by Profession. I love my Wife, I love my son, I love Maths (I am graduated on Mathmatics), I love Games. And my love for Game Development, my extreme passion is what motivated me for doing this. I always had a dream to be able to create and play a game on consoles, from since Super Nintendo. I must not forget that i was only able to do this with the help of a lot of folks who supported me from since the beginning of this project, which i will credit them below.


8- Are you making money with this?

No. I have a good job, I have a good life, and trully, money is no problem for me. I only have done it for trully love and passion, and my love to share whith my friends what makes me feel happy. I love that people enjoy what I enjoy, i like that people be happy as I am happy, i like to share my happiness with other folks. This is trully a Dream, for years I always dreamed to be able to create a game for PS3 and XBOX360, and whenever i did it, i wanted to share this knowledge with other folks. I always say, to me, being able to create a game for XBOX360, burn it into a Disc, then go to my friends house and play with them a game I have created, is trully an AMAZING EXPERIENCE!


9- Do you support Piracy?

No. I love to respect other people`s work. I don`t like piracy, I try as most as I can purchase original and legit softwares. I have the entire Adobe Cloud Creative Suite Original, paid their license (because of my Web Design Work), and also other softwares, like 3dsmax (because i used to work with motion graphics before webdesign), Cinema 4D, and so on.


10- What do you want to say to EPIC for using Unreal Engine 3 Source Code, without their authorization?

Dear EPIC,


Sorry, i trully respect your work, and I was one of the first persons to purchase the UE4 License, whenever it was launched. I Love you Guys, I Love and Respect your Work, however, I always wanted to be able to use UDK for creating games for consoles. You even said on UDN that you would love to support UDK for Consoles:

"The UDK currently only supports PC: Windows. We are reviewing various platform options. We're keen to support consoles with the UDK but will require support from the console manufactures. The only licenses we have to support Xbox 360 and PS3 development at this time are our full source licenses."

I did not leak this Unreal Engine 3 Source Code, i just found it over the internet some years ago, and only now i was able to fix it and make it work. So, I have done this by myself, BUT IN NO MOMENT I INTENDED TO CAUSE YOU DAMAGE OR HARM, i am just using this to create free homebrew games to play and share them FREELY with my friends on PS3 and XBOX360. And I`M NOT RELEASING THE UNREAL ENGINE 3 SOURCE CODE FOR THE PUBLIC.


10- Credits:

I would like to thank all these guys below, because i was only able to complete this project with their valuable help and support.

GOD for giving me a brain to think and learn things;

Beta from Beta Archive, which helped me with my first contact with C++ and Visual Studio, and also oriented me on where to go and what to do to compile Unreal Engine 3 Source Code;

Bradez from Beta Archive, which was the guy who helped me to port UDK to Xbox360, because he is a Xbox360 dev, he owns a Xbox360 Devkit, and he was essencial in fixing a lot of bugs and errors on the UE3 Xbox360 Source Code;

aerossoul94 from Next Generation Update, which was the guy who helped me to port UDK to PS3 and make it run on his PS3 Devkit. He also helped me with testing and debugging it on his PS3 Devkit;

PS4 News Admin, which was the guy who supported me by giving me the complete PS3 SDK 3.00, and also a lot of PS3 material and stuff which was also essencial to me be able to compile UE3 for PS3. Also, he helped me with promoting my Project on his Website.

nickodimm from Beta Archive, which helped me with testing the UDKGame on PS3 with Cobra ODE (even thought the game did not run);

hexxellor, spyro2670 and SuperSaiyen from PS4 News, which also helped me with testing the UDKGame on PS3 CFW (even thought the game did not run);

Isleofdoom from PS4 News, which is a VERY SMART and INTELIGENT folk who helped me also with testing, debugging and will try to finish the PS3 Export Support for UDKUltimate (I`m counting on him to do this);

Also if I forgot to mention someone here, sorry for this, but my intention is to thank any person who was by anyway accompainning and/or showed any kind of interest for this Project, and contributed with this project by any means. THANK YOU ALL!!! :)


11- Downloads links and Instructions:

If you never installed UDK (Unreal Development Kit) on your computer, it is probally that you are missing some specific directx and vc++ redistributables, so because this it is extremely recommendable that you download and install this version of UDK on your computer before installing UDK Ultimate:


If you already have installed or did ever install UDK on your computer, so you can go directly to download UDK Ultimate here:


Because of my slow internet connection, i had to split this download into multiple parts (199) totalling almost 2GB.

There is no installation, i made it portable, which means, just extract (using 7zip) to C: and then go for C:\UDKUltimate\Docs and read the readme files in there and you are ready to rock!!!

Note1: YOU MUST INSTALL IT TO C: (because this path is already set in the ini and config files), and also, after you extract the UDKUltimate folder to your hard drive, you MUST righ-click on this folder, then unmark the option "Read-only", and apply this setting to ALL Folders, Files, and Sub-folders.

Note2: If UDKFrontend.exe freezes when cooking a map for PC, you just close it, clean the temp files (C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Local\Temp and C:\Windows\Temp), run a windows disk clean, and restart your computer. Also, i STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you don`t open too much softwares while running UDKUltimate (like Photoshop, 3dsmax, and so on). I don`t know why, but UDKUltimate seems to use a little bit more memory than the original UDK Engine.

Note3: Because my internet connection sucks, i won`t be able to reupload UDKUltimate again. So, because this I STRONDLY RECOMMEND that everyone here who wants to download UDK Ultimate, to create a user account on Mega.nz, then copy UDK Ultimate to his/her own Mega.nz account, and download from there. So if any problem happens with these files, you already have a backup on your account.


12- Copyrights Information:

For questions of copyright, I can`t give the download link to "paid" softwares, like Visual Studio Professional, Xbox360 SDK, PS3 SDK, and so on. Sorry, but you will have to find them by yourself. I am only sharing here the work I have done, which is my custom version of UDK (Unreal Development Kit), which I called UDK Ultimate Edition.

Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Epic, Epic Games, the Epic Games logo, Unreal, Unreal Engine, Unreal Development Kit, UDK, Unreal Tournament, and the Unreal Tournament 3 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere.

SCE, Inc. All rights reserved. PlayStation, Playstation 3 and PS3 Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. in Japan and elsewhere.

Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 7, the Windows logo, Xbox360 and Xbox "Sphere" logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and elsewhere.

Other brands or product names are the trademarks of their respective owners.


13- Showcase:

Here is a fast gameplay test capture I have done using a EasyCap. This is the Example Map which comes with UDK, now it is running perfectly on my Xbox360 Slim E 4 GB RGH, directly from a USB Stick:



Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
Yeahh brothers!!!

This will be amazing for anyone who loves game development.

I am promoting this project across a lot of websites out there, but some folks think this project is fake. Believe me brothers, it is not fake. I had some previous thread on other website in which you could accompain ALL the development of this engine (almost 8 months of work). However, for avoiding copyrights problems, i decided to delete these previous threads, because there was the links to a lot of copyrighted material that could not be shared by any circunstances.

So because that i deleted ALL that other "warez" stuff, and created this new "clean" thread, which contains links to download nothing, except what i have created, my custom version of UDK Engine (I AM NOT SHARING THE UNREAL ENGINE 3 SOURCE CODE).


--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

You shouldn't post this ... this inlcudes leaked 360 SDKs, leaked PS3 SDKs and a leaked Unreal Engine :D


You must read before posting mate!

I am just uploading a file called default.xex, which is like a game for xbox360, a game which i have created, UDKGame XBOX360. And this game supports MODDING using UDK ULTIMATE EDITOR.

As for the PS3, i am uploading a file called EBOOT.BIN, which is like a game for PS3, a game which i have created, UDKGamePS3 . And this game supports MODDING using UDK ULTIMATE EDITOR.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2013
United States
The edit function doesn't seem to be realtime here :D
I already edited my initial post before you did yours :D


Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Nov 17, 2008
United Kingdom
I'm sure back in the days of waiting for 4.xx cfw on PS3 some devs (maybe snowydew's buddy: I forget his name) said they had gears of war running on PS3... Wonder if this is related.

It was 2-3 years ago in sure!

Deleted User

If only this was Unity. I'd be jumping round for joy, because I'm more used to Unity than Unreal.

A question, though. What do I need to play my Built PS3 games? Do I need the Rebug Jailbreak? Developer FW?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
A question, though. What do I need to play my Built PS3 games? Do I need the Rebug Jailbreak? Developer FW?

The resulting game will be a debug game. It will run on a PS3 with DEX Firmware (see google tutorial convert CEX to DEX).

In fact, if you be able to convert the debug EBOOT.bin to a retail EBOOT.bin, it should work. I tried using a lot of PS3 Resigners, resigned to FW 3.55, FW 4.2, tried decompile the EBOOT.bin, used a lot of ps3 hacking tools to make this eboot.bin run on a Custom Firmware PS3, but no success. The guys who helped me with this project, they are real game developers, whoever, they are not on the "hacking scene", they have plenty experience with normal game development, devkits, programming, but not with hacking stuff.

I was not able to know any PS3 Hacker Developer, like those guys who create these resigners, or homebrew developers. I tried contact with some homebrew developers, but they did not answer me, or not showed interest on my project.

What i came to conclusion, is that the Unreal Engine 3 Source Code for PS3 which i used to compile my engine, is in fact incomplete, different from the Unreal Engine 3 Source Code for Xbox360. I think that source code was target to devkits only, to run only on a PS3 Development Console (Debug Unit), but not on retail consoles. That`s the reason why it only runs on a PS3 with DEX Firmware.

But i released this project, also in hope that some one completes the PS3 Export Support.


--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I'm sure back in the days of waiting for 4.xx cfw on PS3 some devs (maybe snowydew's buddy: I forget his name) said they had gears of war running on PS3... Wonder if this is related.

It was 2-3 years ago in sure!

I know, i think i know this guy from site Beta Archive, i think his username there is TheBetaCollective. He was able to download the Gears of War 3 Source Code which was leaked (like me who downloaded the Unreal Engine 3 Source Code from 2011 Leak), and those source codes are not avaiable more on the internet (i have mine very well secured). But i sent a PM to this guy send me at least the PS3 Source Code Folder from his Gears of War Source Code (because each unreal engine 3 source code game come with support for ALL platforms), but he showed to be very egocentric and did not wanted to help me.

If i just had access to the complete PS3 Source Code folder from his Unreal Engine (Gears of War) leak, i should add the full PS3 Export Support. But now the only option is to try to "hack", resign this eboot.bin, or, worse, is to change the C++ Source Code to make it retail instead of debug.

But, like I said, i am just a Web Designer, which learned some things about C++ Programming here and there, and was able to "fix" this source code and make UDK Ultimate.

But it does not mean that i will not get some time to study C++ Programming to maybe fix it by myself. But here comes one problem. In fact, a very few people will be able to play homebrew games on PS3, just because the simply fact that the last model of PS3, the Super Slim (4K), simply is not hackable, does not have support for Custom Firmware. Differently from the Xbox360, which even the new model can be hacked (Slim E), which is my model which i used on the video capture test.

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Deleted User

I'm having trouble with 7-zip. It's throwing errors whenever I try to unzip the first 7z file (UDKUltimate.7z.001).

How can I properly unzip all of the contents?

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Update: I've found out why it's not extracting.

I think it has something to do with UDKUltimate.7z.099 not downloading properly from MEGA. @niegelmansell Could you possibly re-upload it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
I think it has something to do with UDKUltimate.7z.099 not downloading properly from MEGA. @niegelmansell Could you possibly re-upload it?

Thanks for this feedback brother, this is essencial, since my internet sucks, and i have no way to check if my upload worked except by others downloading it.

I re uploaded the file UDKUltimate.7z.099 and confirmed it was not downloading, but now i just downloaded it fine.

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Deleted User

Thanks for this feedback brother, this is essencial, since my internet sucks, and i have no way to check if my upload worked except by others downloading it.

I re uploaded the file UDKUltimate.7z.099 and confirmed it was not downloading, but now i just downloaded it fine.

Thank's buddy, it's unzipping the files now. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
Maybe a 3d version of mugen can come out of it? Imagine N64 Mario vs Homer Soul Calibur style.

Yes bro, anything which can be made using UDK, can be done in UDK Ultimate, the only difference is that UDK Ultimate lets you export your game for Consoles.

The reason why i created UDK Ultimate Project, is because my personal needs. I am a hobbist game developer, with good background in 3D Animations / Modelling. I am also a passionate about games, from since i was a kid (now i am 32).

Also, being a Nintendo 64 Fan Boy, i always wanted to recreate, remake the epic Goldeneye 007 with my vision of James Bond, creating some new missions, and even new levels.

I began with game development from since 2009, i was a totally noob in Game Design, just got to know 3D, because i worked with 3D Animation and Motion Graphics for TV Programs Intros.

In game dev i began with FPS Creator, a very inovative tool on it`s time (even before than UDK), in a time when the most know open game engine was the 3D Game Studio, Unity was on it`s first steps yet.

So i began studying FPS Creator, almost 5 years, in which i have grew up my skills in 3D, programming, modelling, i think FPS Creator was a kind of School for me.

But whenever i began to mount my 007 Fan Game itself, using FPS Creator, i noticed that FPS Creator was very limited to my ideas, and to my skills, which grew up. Then by searching for other options, i found UDK, downloaded, studied it almost 1 year. And then, whenever i was able to find the Unreal Engine 3 Source Code (because i download a lot of stuff over the internet), and i have seen that it included the API and Source Code for Consoles, so i imagined that i would even be able to create my 007 Fan Game for Consoles, which i always dreamed also.

But was my C++ skills were very weak, so i decided to study the very basics of C++ / Visual Studio, i studied by almost 8 months, also got to know some friends who are game developers also, which also helped me on these web forums, untill i was able to make it work, to make a custom version of UDK which exports the game for Consoles.

And, as long as a lot of people helped me, and these people asked to me share with them everything i discovered, and was able to do, so because this i found more than just that i should share UDK Ultimate with the Comunity, so a lot of other guys could also use it an enjoy, create homebrew games for consoles, and as we know, there is no any kind of 3D Game Engine focused on homebrew console development.

So because UDK Ultimate, in my opinion, is a very cool software, a very important project in the Homebrew Scene, i thought it would be too much stingy from my part keeping UDK Ultimate just for me.

Now i will be able to realize my dream, creating my 007 Fan Game, but also now with UDK Ultimate made Public, i think other guys will also be able to realize their dream of creating a game for home consoles.



Licensed Nintendo (indie) Game Developer
Apr 3, 2014
Planet Earth :P
United States
[HOT RELEASE] UDK Ultimate - The Free Multi-Platform Homebrew 3D Game Engine


Create, Play and Share your Games on XBOX360/PS3/iOS/PC Simultaneously!!!


1- What`s it UDK Ultimate?

This is a modified version of EPIC`s UDK (Unreal Development Kit) Game Engine which supports exporting your game for XBOX360/PS3/iOS/PC WITHOUT the need to be a Registered Game Developer for Sony (Playstation) or Microsoft (XBOX360), something that a LOT of folks always dreamed with.


2- Can I use it for creating a game for XBOX360 and PS3?

Currently, only exporting for Xbox360 is fully supported. You can create a game and play it on any RGH/JTAG Xbox360 console. As for PS3, unfortunatelly the exported game only runs on a PS3 Devkit / PS3 DEX Firmware, because the exported game is a debug game (debug eboot.bin). But if anyone got enough skills to convert this resulting game into a retail eboot.bin, feel free to do this, this would be an AWESOME adition if someone can finish the PS3 Export Support for UDK Ultimate.

Because of Copyrights reasons, i decided to NOT RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC the Unreal Engine 3 Source Code, nor the Consoles SDK. However if anyone who is interested in Contribute with this Project, and has a strong knowledge/experience with C/C++ Programming, please, shot me a PM.


3- Do I need a Devkit, or install the PS3/XBOX360 SDK, or other thing else?

No, you don't need any console devkit. For Xbox360, you don't need nothing, not even the Xbox360 SDK!!! But for PS3, unfortunatelly (I don`t know why), you need to have the PS3 SDK 3.0 Installed and Configured Correctly, even for just cooking the maps for PS3. And, also, each time you make a change on the ini config files, like change some specific setting or configuration (controls, in example), you need to rebuild the UDKGame PS3 Binary, because it uses hashes verification for the ini files.


4- Can I play these games created on any retail console?

No, the games created in UDK Ultimate only run on Hacked Consoles (because only these can run unsigned/unnoficial code). And at the moment, it only runs on any XBOX360 JTAG/RGH (Slim and Slim E). You can even run the games from a USB Stick, by using a Xbox360 File Manager Utility (XEXMenu, FreeStyle Dash). For PS3, it only runs on devkit or dex firmware (as stated before).


5- Do I need to know C++ Programming to export my game for XBOX360/PS3 using UDK Ultimate?

No, the exporting process for consoles is very easy, is ALMOST like "Menu > Export > XBOX360 / PS3". But you do need to learn how to use UDK to be able to create a game using UDK Ultimate, you need to study unreal scripting, and so on. Youtube is your friend.


6- And what about the legality of this UDK Ultimate?

It falls under the category of Homebrew Development, which everyone knows is not Supported, nor Authorized by the Game/Softwares Companies. However, i am sure no Company will ever do something about this, untill this begins to cause them damage. And the most common type of damage is financial, which means, when you use their software illegally for making profit (money) with it. It means, NEVER SELL ANY GAME CREATED WITH UDK ULTIMATE WITHOUT EPIC/SONY/MICROSOFT LICENSE. There are a lot of folks here in the Homebrew Development Scene, which create and share their own games for PS3 and XBOX360, and I never knew about someone who suffered any legal consequences for creating and sharing a homebrew game.


7- Who are you and why you did it?

I can`t reveal my real identity, I use a lot of nicknames over the internet. But I am a normal guy, I love Gaming, I am a trully passionate Game Designer by hobby and Web Designer/Developer by Profession. I love my Wife, I love my son, I love Maths (I am graduated on Mathmatics), I love Games. And my love for Game Development, my extreme passion is what motivated me for doing this. I always had a dream to be able to create and play a game on consoles, from since Super Nintendo. I must not forget that i was only able to do this with the help of a lot of folks who supported me from since the beginning of this project, which i will credit them below.


8- Are you making money with this?

No. I have a good job, I have a good life, and trully, money is no problem for me. I only have done it for trully love and passion, and my love to share whith my friends what makes me feel happy. I love that people enjoy what I enjoy, i like that people be happy as I am happy, i like to share my happiness with other folks. This is trully a Dream, for years I always dreamed to be able to create a game for PS3 and XBOX360, and whenever i did it, i wanted to share this knowledge with other folks. I always say, to me, being able to create a game for XBOX360, burn it into a Disc, then go to my friends house and play with them a game I have created, is trully an AMAZING EXPERIENCE!


9- Do you support Piracy?

No. I love to respect other people`s work. I don`t like piracy, I try as most as I can purchase original and legit softwares. I have the entire Adobe Cloud Creative Suite Original, paid their license (because of my Web Design Work), and also other softwares, like 3dsmax (because i used to work with motion graphics before webdesign), Cinema 4D, and so on.


10- What do you want to say to EPIC for using Unreal Engine 3 Source Code, without their authorization?

Dear EPIC,


Sorry, i trully respect your work, and I was one of the first persons to purchase the UE4 License, whenever it was launched. I Love you Guys, I Love and Respect your Work, however, I always wanted to be able to use UDK for creating games for consoles. You even said on UDN that you would love to support UDK for Consoles:

"The UDK currently only supports PC: Windows. We are reviewing various platform options. We're keen to support consoles with the UDK but will require support from the console manufactures. The only licenses we have to support Xbox 360 and PS3 development at this time are our full source licenses."

I did not leak this Unreal Engine 3 Source Code, i just found it over the internet some years ago, and only now i was able to fix it and make it work. So, I have done this by myself, BUT IN NO MOMENT I INTENDED TO CAUSE YOU DAMAGE OR HARM, i am just using this to create free homebrew games to play and share them FREELY with my friends on PS3 and XBOX360. And I`M NOT RELEASING THE UNREAL ENGINE 3 SOURCE CODE FOR THE PUBLIC.


10- Credits:

I would like to thank all these guys below, because i was only able to complete this project with their valuable help and support.

GOD for giving me a brain to think and learn things;

Beta from Beta Archive, which helped me with my first contact with C++ and Visual Studio, and also oriented me on where to go and what to do to compile Unreal Engine 3 Source Code;

Bradez from Beta Archive, which was the guy who helped me to port UDK to Xbox360, because he is a Xbox360 dev, he owns a Xbox360 Devkit, and he was essencial in fixing a lot of bugs and errors on the UE3 Xbox360 Source Code;

aerossoul94 from Next Generation Update, which was the guy who helped me to port UDK to PS3 and make it run on his PS3 Devkit. He also helped me with testing and debugging it on his PS3 Devkit;

PS4 News Admin, which was the guy who supported me by giving me the complete PS3 SDK 3.00, and also a lot of PS3 material and stuff which was also essencial to me be able to compile UE3 for PS3. Also, he helped me with promoting my Project on his Website.

nickodimm from Beta Archive, which helped me with testing the UDKGame on PS3 with Cobra ODE (even thought the game did not run);

hexxellor, spyro2670 and SuperSaiyen from PS4 News, which also helped me with testing the UDKGame on PS3 CFW (even thought the game did not run);

Isleofdoom from PS4 News, which is a VERY SMART and INTELIGENT folk who helped me also with testing, debugging and will try to finish the PS3 Export Support for UDKUltimate (I`m counting on him to do this);

Also if I forgot to mention someone here, sorry for this, but my intention is to thank any person who was by anyway accompainning and/or showed any kind of interest for this Project, and contributed with this project by any means. THANK YOU ALL!!! :)


11- Downloads links and Instructions:

If you never installed UDK (Unreal Development Kit) on your computer, it is probally that you are missing some specific directx and vc++ redistributables, so because this it is extremely recommendable that you download and install this version of UDK on your computer before installing UDK Ultimate:


If you already have installed or did ever install UDK on your computer, so you can go directly to download UDK Ultimate here:


Because of my slow internet connection, i had to split this download into multiple parts (199) totalling almost 2GB.

There is no installation, i made it portable, which means, just extract (using 7zip) to C: and then go for C:\UDKUltimate\Docs and read the readme files in there and you are ready to rock!!!

Note1: YOU MUST INSTALL IT TO C: (because this path is already set in the ini and config files), and also, after you extract the UDKUltimate folder to your hard drive, you MUST righ-click on this folder, then unmark the option "Read-only", and apply this setting to ALL Folders, Files, and Sub-folders.

Note2: If UDKFrontend.exe freezes when cooking a map for PC, you just close it, clean the temp files (C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Local\Temp and C:\Windows\Temp), run a windows disk clean, and restart your computer. Also, i STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you don`t open too much softwares while running UDKUltimate (like Photoshop, 3dsmax, and so on). I don`t know why, but UDKUltimate seems to use a little bit more memory than the original UDK Engine.

Note3: Because my internet connection sucks, i won`t be able to reupload UDKUltimate again. So, because this I STRONDLY RECOMMEND that everyone here who wants to download UDK Ultimate, to create a user account on Mega.nz, then copy UDK Ultimate to his/her own Mega.nz account, and download from there. So if any problem happens with these files, you already have a backup on your account.


12- Copyrights Information:

For questions of copyright, I can`t give the download link to "paid" softwares, like Visual Studio Professional, Xbox360 SDK, PS3 SDK, and so on. Sorry, but you will have to find them by yourself. I am only sharing here the work I have done, which is my custom version of UDK (Unreal Development Kit), which I called UDK Ultimate Edition.

Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Epic, Epic Games, the Epic Games logo, Unreal, Unreal Engine, Unreal Development Kit, UDK, Unreal Tournament, and the Unreal Tournament 3 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere.

SCE, Inc. All rights reserved. PlayStation, Playstation 3 and PS3 Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. in Japan and elsewhere.

Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 7, the Windows logo, Xbox360 and Xbox "Sphere" logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and elsewhere.

Other brands or product names are the trademarks of their respective owners.


13- Showcase:

Here is a fast gameplay test capture I have done using a EasyCap. This is the Example Map which comes with UDK, now it is running perfectly on my Xbox360 Slim E 4 GB RGH, directly from a USB Stick:


Can someone re upload this somewhere in case it gets take down, i have crappy internet too and might not be able tobgrab itbin time!

Nice work man! This epic!!!!

UPDATE: Downloading this now, hopefully it goes smoothly, if so I will re-up it on my modding site in my signature to help you out :). Us slow internet brethren need to stick together :P.

Haha in all seriousness this, this is freaking amazing <3. I was planning on RGH 1.2 my latest 360 anyways so this gives me even more motivation to do so <3, this is truly great :)
Last edited by TeamScriptKiddies, , Reason: Update


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015

Believe me bro, this works!!! I have a RGH2 Xbox360 4GB Slim E Corona, and it works flawlessly. This video capture i have done using my own Xbox360 and an EasyCap.

But as soon as you download UDK Ultimate, you just copy the folder UDKGame Xbox360 Template to your console and run the default.xex, just to have a taste.

I think that Xbox360 is still a better option than Xbox One for Modding, because nor PS4 nor XboxOne can run homebrew apps yet, and the "old-gen" has plenty of good stuff yet. I purchased my Xbox360 recently, 2 months ago, which means, i just now entered on the old-gen consoles, and i am very happy, and don`t want to move to next-gen...

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Enigma Hall

Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2013
Believe me bro, this works!!! I have a RGH2 Xbox360 4GB Slim E Corona, and it works flawlessly. This video capture i have done using my own Xbox360 and an EasyCap.

But as soon as you download UDK Ultimate, you just copy the folder UDKGame Xbox360 Template to your console and run the default.xex, just to have a taste.

I think that Xbox360 is still a better option than Xbox One for Modding, because nor PS4 nor XboxOne can run homebrew apps yet, and the "old-gen" has plenty of good stuff yet. I purchased my Xbox360 recently, 2 months ago, which means, i just now entered on the old-gen consoles, and i am very happy, and don`t want to move to next-gen...

Then maybe you could add Kid Chameleon Ultimate 3d Adventure to your list. With new armors and stages. ^^
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