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Let's talk about suppression


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
United States
Whether it's Tea Party whack-jobs or "Stop the Steal", the Republican party is just one big shit-show right now. Funny how it goes with political parties in the U.S. - both sides like to play the censorship game and claim to be for "freedom," but they are only for "freedom" so long as it fits in their own little box. I really hope that the younger generation has the brains and the genitals to not just blindly vote for the popular choice. Party Democrats think they can do no wrong, and are all too ready to make one excuse after another while claiming moral superiority, and Party Republicans are too busy reading the Old Testament and sniffing their own farts to want to try anything new.


Objectively the most infuriating woman ever
Jun 26, 2022
Sneed's Feed and Seed
United States
Whether it's Tea Party whack-jobs or "Stop the Steal", the Republican party is just one big shit-show right now. Funny how it goes with political parties in the U.S. - both sides like to play the censorship game and claim to be for "freedom," but they are only for "freedom" so long as it fits in their own little box. I really hope that the younger generation has the brains and the genitals to not just blindly vote for the popular choice. Party Democrats think they can do no wrong, and are all too ready to make one excuse after another while claiming moral superiority, and Party Republicans are too busy reading the Old Testament and sniffing their own farts to want to try anything new.
While this is true, I think it's the fault of the cultural polarization of American politics. It feels intentional for sure, because the only fucking alternative parties that come out are psychotic like the Libertarian party, whose beliefs are incoherent at best, and doomed to collapse at worst. At least there's the Green party, but they're so small they've been largely ignored. Give em any traction and in time they'll be having to explain every week how they aren't communist baby eating pedophiles just because they don't think mistranslated faith texts should run the government.

American politics are genuinely fucked, because all of the parties are fucking insane. Because the only thing you have to run against is gridlocked insanity, either you yourself have to play by the asylum's rules, or you get forgotten.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
You avoided everything in my post and changed the subject. Address my fucking comment properly, changing the subject and creating a strawman only makes your points look far more stupid
Your comment, which was a response to my comment, that you didn't really address anything in it, is not worth replying too. Curse and cry more. Maybe stomp your feet too.
Those are a lot of buzzwords for literally nothing of substance said.
Address my fucking comment, reeeeeeee!!!

Cry more, Catboy :rofl2:


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Not only is that nonsense, but, last I checked, kids have found a way to see, and often enough do, "worse" well before the internet, with only adults being able to explain consent, the difference between love and lust, that pregnancy could be a result, and all the rest of it.
What part is nonsense?
Speaking of consent, not only are closer connections more often the problem, they need to know it's not ok and that they have plenty of people to complain or report to. Don't forget it's an age of rebelling against, or at least ignoring, your parents even if they're the best in the world.
Are we in an age where teachers rebel against, or at least ignore, their students' parents? The people who pay their salaries?
You can't protect "kids" by hiding the world from them and expect them to be adults overnight at 18. When you can, there's plenty who fail harder after because they are not prepared to be adults. Thakfully, they're more capable than you think when you respect their capabilities.
Kindergartners do not need to know their teacher's sexuality to succeed at life as an adult. Why does the left insist on sexualizing kids? I refuse to believe that ever single leftist supports this. If they do, we have a bigger problem than we do with the Catholic Church.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Actually, 18 U.S. Code § 1470 - Transfer of obscene material to minors

So the law more or less states that knowingly sending inappropriate material to a minor under 16, is a crime. Of course, this does not cover education material nor education on sexual acts, sexuality, safe sex, and so on. It only covers material that is legitimately pornographic in nature and without educational value.

Sauce: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1470

It is worth noting, that this does require "knowingly," thus leaving room for deniability. This is why 18+ sites aren't taken down when minors are found viewing them. If the site makes it clear that it's of an adult nature, then it falls onto the parents to be monitoring for that material. Equally, someone posting their own images is also not liable if they did not deliberately send them to a minor. This again is why adult performers can use sites like Twitter and not be in violation of the law.
This is the best comment I've read on this site. Thank you.

Oddly enough, Twitter is getting into trouble for hosting child porn and doing nothing about it, even when told that it is there by the people being abused. Facebook will be in the same boat. We'll see how that plays out.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
  • Glorifying Adolf Hitler by using his image on postcards, posters, and in the press;
  • Spreading negative images and ideas about Jews in magazines, films, cartoons, and other media;
  • Making radios more affordable so that more Germans could listen to Nazi ideas and news;
  • Broadcasting Nazi speeches on the radio and public loudspeakers;
  • Organizing large and celebratory Nazi Party rallies;
  • Creating groups, like the Hitler Youth and League of German Girls, that fostered Nazi ideals.
- You mean like Obama was paraded on websites like Reddit when Trump won? Or how there are subreddits about certain political figures like "/r/murderedbyaoc"?
- You mean like the constant smear campaign for anyone thinking about voting Trump by claiming dubious "research" about their intelligence/alleged crimes?
- You mean like the obama phone?
- You mean like /r/politics?
- You mean like literally any party rallies?
- You mean like antiwork?

Damn, everyone in the US is literally Hitler. Who would've thought.

I usually don't comment shit like this, but it's always funny and somewhat concerning that the current loudest side of the american political party talks a lot of shit as if they aren't the same thing. I say somewhat concerning because, unfortunately, american shit is starting to flood in European politics.

Also I don't give a shit about "B-BUT THEY ARE DOING X". You're constantly demonizing millions of people because they don't align perfectly with your own views. It's disgusting. I've seen gay people supporting palestine "to own the right". You both suck. Spend less time talking out of your ass and actually weed out people believing awful shit rather than letting them in because "they make bigger numbers". A pro-choice person that doesn't condemn those who want to legalize abortions for healthy fetuses past the 6th months is a monster just like those who believe so.


Dec 23, 2009
1) That one story happened to be in a high school, which is also filled with kids. Last I checked, it is illegal to show kids porn, but the left likes to get their rocks of talking to minors about sex. There's a word to describe people like that.

2) So one page of oral sex is ok, but three pages is too much? Is this your argument?

3) Well, this particular, and it seems many, parents are not ok with people talking to their kids about sex acts and last I checked, parents pay for these teachers' salaries.

4) By that logic, kids can just buy guns illegally on the street, lets just make it legal to sell them guns without parental consent. Let's do the same with drugs. Hey, kids are gonna have sex anyway, let's build private rooms in schools so kids can have sex in them instead of getting raped in the bathrooms. Make sure and don't tell the parents about that too.

5) You people are truly sick in the head wanting to sexualize children. That's if they actually make it through the abortion mills.
1) You pretty much say you don't see a difference between a teenager and a toddler. If that's your stance, you're beyond help

2) I'm saying i don't follow why one page automatically makes it porn.

3) so there are prudish parents... And so? They should educate themselves rather than stifle their kids' education. Let alone brand it as porn.
Beside... Weren't you just arguing against sex education by schools one paragraph earlier? What's your point here? "teachers should teach children all they need to kno... NO, not by books!"

4) please learn about logic before trying to put words in my mouth.

5) please read what i wrote, not what you think i wrote. I'm not responsible for your logical fallacies.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
1) You pretty much say you don't see a difference between a teenager and a toddler. If that's your stance, you're beyond help
From the perspective of the law, they are both minors, so...
2) I'm saying i don't follow why one page automatically makes it porn.
How many pages of oral sex does it take to make it porn?
3) so there are prudish parents... And so? They should educate themselves rather than stifle their kids' education. Let alone brand it as porn.
So the parents should change how they raise their own kids. The kids they support and nurture. The kids that you don't support or nurture, but want a say in how they are raised. Wow, dude. That's some power trip you're on.
Beside... Weren't you just arguing against sex education by schools one paragraph earlier? What's your point here? "teachers should teach children all they need to kno... NO, not by books!"
Teachers have become incapable of being trusted to teach sex education now. Many are being arrested for child sexual abuse.
4) please learn about logic before trying to put words in my mouth.
Amazing how often it's done to me and I'm just supposed to take it, but when I turn it around on others, you all get offended.
5) please read what i wrote, not what you think i wrote. I'm not responsible for your logical fallacies.
You are arguing in defense of talking to minors about sex. I say it's kinda sick how the left is fighting really hard to do this. I see videos of teachers talking about how they get around the rules and makes sure the kids don't tell their parents while at the same time, teachers are getting arrested for child sexual abuse. I can put 2 and 2 together.

Question: Would you leave your child alone with a Catholic priest who you observed talking to the alter boys about sex?
  • Haha
Reactions: The Catboy


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2015
There's a semi interesting aspect that I want to go ahead and talk about. Just a notice of two similar things.

Hitler became Hilter because he believed that the Jews were suppressing him and the German race. It happened to be that he got his information from a small "newspaper" business that primarily focused on anti Semite rehetroic.

We're going to be making a lot of pins here. So just remember that this point exists as we're going to come back to it later.

There's also another aspect

Primarily that he was a free speech advocate...

And then the moment he took power he no longer was. Or more accurately. Lied about supporting free speech.

And that text books were banned.
Pin this one as well.

Then you had all the means of propaganda

Let's also put a pin into this.

At this point, if your not brain fucked. All of these should be bringing very loud bells in your head.

Let's unpin from the same order.

Hitler believed that Jews where suppressing Germans, and used that hate back belief to suppress and kill Jews.

While it doesn't match one to one. That sounds awfully similar to republican/maga rehetroic. History doesn't repeat but it often rhymes. That it's leftists, those liberals ruining the world. (Using liberals in the way they would use it as leftist and liberal do not belong in the same sentence.)
But let's briefly identify "liberal"
Because liberal has become sonyonmus with a particular party in the United States. Democrats.

Take this a step further. They intentionally conflate leftist and liberal in the same sentence.

Why would this all matter?
Well, it wasn't the Jews Hitler went after first. It was the socialist party. Aka the left leaning party.
See fascists will do what is opportune to gain power. So their affiliation when getting to power doesn't matter. Their actions vs their words speak. Hitler killed socialist first. And the reason why is he did/facism looks to kill it's opposition first is because they are the most likely to counter it. then thre angry hatefilled cycle continues. Spiraling to with in grouping and out grouping once the first opposition is killed.

Again history won't repeat the same way. But it rhymes.
So I find it interesting that Republicans/maga are expecting a civil war, but also gearing up for it. But also sounding happy that it's going to happen.
Not a single inch or ounce of remorse. Not a single moment of thinking about how much that would suck or hurt.

Let's unpin the second one finally. Being a free speech " supporter" while simultaneously trying to censor and control.

For starters. Maga/Republicans trying to apply the first admendemnt to business. Claiming that their opposition supports and likes to suppress free speech. While simultaneously, banning people from saying certain words in schools, and banning books, specifically trans books.

Where have we heard this before?
Now someone is likely going to say "but it doesn't ban democrats though!!!"
No it doesn't explicitly ban them. But if your a party that already actively harms trans and gay people. They are going to go to the opposition and more likely be a Democrat. (If we ONLY had a choice between the two parties for this argument to be clear. As I know many would vote with their conscious)
Point being however, it's rhyming. Strongly with what Hitler has done.

Lets get to propaganda.

This part is multifaceted. I could look into malt Walsh libs of ticktock causing bomb threats on a specifIc hospital because of a trans pediatrician (or malt Walsh's argument that they do sex change surgies. Which they don't.) I could look into the fact that Trump is the only one with bumper stickers, hats, flags, and much more. Echoing
  • Glorifying Adolf Hitler by using his image on postcards, posters, and in the press;
  • Spreading negative images and ideas about Jews in magazines, films, cartoons, and other media;
Cartoons about how "how rediclous the 'left' is" painting trump in a good light. Or Trump being the face of maga and the Republican party still. Despite him no longer being president.
Or how about the rehetroic regarding maralgo? Every single maga person I have seen, doesn't even give a second to question the possibility that Trump did something wrong.
Because to them, trump is never wrong.

So I once again challenge maga/republicans. Are you sure your the one being prosecuted? Or are you looking to make an excuse to prosecute a group you don't like.
Leftists have broken every possible principle, that was supposed to protect civilized discussion and then act surprised when right wingers no longer want to apply those principles either. Also here's a medal for invoking Godwin's law before you even say who your opposition is, that is sure to lead to a civilized and productive conversation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2013
What part is nonsense?
Both. Sure, some things are technically illegal is some vague ways in some places, but that is some enticement fantasy land. And there are certainly kicks from education, but really not sexual; certainly not compared to controlling what people do and know.
Are we in an age where teachers rebel against, or at least ignore, their students' parents?
Seriously? Teenagers, man. You know, sneaking out, drinking, smoking, getting home not wanting to talk, teenagers. Teachers helping them deal with it, you know, like they were trained to do, sounds good. Unless fantasy land.

Kindergartners do not need to know their teacher's sexuality to succeed at life as an adult.
They wouldn't understand it if you tried. WTF does that have to do with high school level books?

Libs like their fantasy lands too, and f Biden, but you take it to a whole new level where there's no way advanced society could possibly have been created. Everything's always an existential threat.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Both. Sure, some things are technically illegal is some vague ways in some places, but that is some enticement fantasy land. And there are certainly kicks from education, but really not sexual; certainly not compared to controlling what people do and know.

Seriously? Teenagers, man. You know, sneaking out, drinking, smoking, getting home not wanting to talk, teenagers. Teachers helping them deal with it, you know, like they were trained to do, sounds good. Unless fantasy land.
Teachers are not counselors or psychologists. That's actually why they have counselors in every school, you know, because teachers are not trained to do that particular job.
They wouldn't understand it if you tried. WTF does that have to do with high school level books?
Except this material is pushed on younger and younger kids.
Libs like their fantasy lands too, and f Biden, but you take it to a whole new level where there's no way advanced society could possibly have been created. Everything's always an existential threat.
Not sure if you saw, but "President" Sponge-Brains Shits-Pants just called me and 75 million people an existential threat. I'm just a guy on the internet pointing out things I see and talking about it.
  • Haha
Reactions: The Catboy


Objectively the most infuriating woman ever
Jun 26, 2022
Sneed's Feed and Seed
United States
Leftists have broken every possible principle, that was supposed to protect civilized discussion and then act surprised when right wingers no longer want to apply those principles either. Also here's a medal for invoking Godwin's law before you even say who your opposition is, that is sure to lead to a civilized and productive conversation.
No they didn't, you're just using them as a scapegoat for the fact you think society can be improved by disenfranchising people arbitrarily.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Your comment, which was a response to my comment, that you didn't really address anything in it, is not worth replying too. Curse and cry more. Maybe stomp your feet too.

Address my fucking comment, reeeeeeee!!!

Cry more, Catboy :rofl2:
So let’s break this down.
-you posted nonsense that randomly connected the LGBT+ existing to reason for teacher’s sexually abusing students
-you connected sex education to also be a reason
-when your post was called out for being shit, you addressed a grand total of zero parts of that post
-you then proceeded to act like a child
You don’t deserved respect and I eagerly wait for the day the staff finally gets tired of you.
This is the best comment I've read on this site. Thank you.

Oddly enough, Twitter is getting into trouble for hosting child porn and doing nothing about it, even when told that it is there by the people being abused. Facebook will be in the same boat. We'll see how that plays out.
That has nothing to do with my post nor the law cited. The law cited was about knowingly showing minors adult material. It was not about CP nor the issues around websites failing to protect minors. Once again, you’ve changed the topic. Why aren’t you able to keep on topic with any of the replies to your posts?


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
Free reminder that Godwin, the dude that invented Godwin's law, is in favor of calling the far right in the US Nazis. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and throws Sieg Heils like a duck it's probably a MAGA Nazi.
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The Wheel of Time Turns
Jan 25, 2014
M00N Base quanto
United States
Whether it's Tea Party whack-jobs or "Stop the Steal", the Republican party is just one big shit-show right now. Funny how it goes with political parties in the U.S. - both sides like to play the censorship game and claim to be for "freedom," but they are only for "freedom" so long as it fits in their own little box. I really hope that the younger generation has the brains and the genitals to not just blindly vote for the popular choice. Party Democrats think they can do no wrong, and are all too ready to make one excuse after another while claiming moral superiority, and Party Republicans are too busy reading the Old Testament and sniffing their own farts to want to try anything new.
Hell yeah my thoughts exactly but I am an old fart myself.🤣

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