Homebrew Moonshell 2 FAQ, Guide and Index


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2008
The intarwebs
United States
karupanda4 said:
Just curious... are there any dark and minimalistic moonshell 2 skins out there?

I just went though all the skins listed in the first topic and did not find a single one that didnt have some kind of a bright element.

So... do any of you fine people know a dark skin that doesnt have bright elements? Looking for one that doesnt "shine" in dark room.
I'll make a theme for you.


This is what I have so far, haven't messed with scrollbar or the clock numbers yet, but I tested it in my bathroom and it only is giving off backlight glow.
It's readable in the dark on all 3 light settings of a ds lite.


Nov 11, 2011
United States
Your OS doesn't know how to deal with the file because it uses Japanese characters instead of English...I really don't see the point in getting someone else's "edition" which is the EXACT same pretty much :/...Then again, I'm sure the effort it took to find/download/copy a couple of .skn files and delete one file before stuffing it all back in and calling it a new "edition". The only people that really NEED it are the people that never found out that all that is required to install moonshell2 to their flashcart is either moonshl2.nds or moonshl2_directboot.nds (doesn't really matter which, though the moonshl2.nds will ask what language to use on it's first run) and the moonshl2 folder. You CAN use the setup.exe OR you can just copy the moonshl2 folder and one of the two .nds files I said above (or the alternative loader if you get no sound).

In summary, you can just copy over and not need to use the setup.exe (why that is even needed, I don't know). And as a note, I now don't like Chadrcheze for making such a pointless repack of an already heftily sized homebrew that ANYONE could have done with 3 seconds worth of their time.

Actually it has nothing to do with the language. The problem is the file, which is either from an older version of moonshell or was typed incorrectly. If you noticed there are several other files with japanese text. The reason I uploaded the (Chadrcheze Edition) was to help people who are also having the same problem. I just added the splash file and extra skins as a starter pack for those who are new to moonshell.


Completionist Themer
Mar 7, 2009
United States
Actually it has nothing to do with the language. The problem is the file, which is either from an older version of moonshell or was typed incorrectly. If you noticed there are several other files with japanese text. The reason I uploaded the (Chadrcheze Edition) was to help people who are also having the same problem. I just added the splash file and extra skins as a starter pack for those who are new to moonshell.
Right, so it just so happens that Moonlight has the ability to either type so extremely bad that his computer wrote some nonsensical bullcrap as a filename that the file shows up well enough for the people on that side of the world, but fucks up everything on this side. Your other option provided suggests that somehow, someway, despite me having tested every single version until the end, there magically appeared some file that could insta-screw up from an older version that I have absolutely no record of. In either case, I fail to see how it isn't the language...unless for some freak reason, Moonlight happens to use a different language setting despite replying to EVERYONE in Japanese/English.

Truly the only REAL problem I have is that you took all of who knows how long, finding skin files that you just happened to like, added one splash.ani, deleted one file, and then called it a special version. I might as well just grab the MS2 skins I made, ask Env for some of his, stuff it all into a pack, delete one file so it doesn't bother people, and then call it the JP/Env edition. Hell, I could take it further and just pack up all of Janouis's themes, and then make a Janouis edition.


Point is, if people followed suit, there would be a flood of the same main files and then just some random preferences. That is why practically everyone that releases something just has one or two default themes, and leave the rest up to the user.


Nov 11, 2011
United States
Actually it has nothing to do with the language. The problem is the file, which is either from an older version of moonshell or was typed incorrectly. If you noticed there are several other files with japanese text. The reason I uploaded the (Chadrcheze Edition) was to help people who are also having the same problem. I just added the splash file and extra skins as a starter pack for those who are new to moonshell.
Right, so it just so happens that Moonlight has the ability to either type so extremely bad that his computer wrote some nonsensical bullcrap as a filename that the file shows up well enough for the people on that side of the world, but fucks up everything on this side. Your other option provided suggests that somehow, someway, despite me having tested every single version until the end, there magically appeared some file that could insta-screw up from an older version that I have absolutely no record of. In either case, I fail to see how it isn't the language...unless for some freak reason, Moonlight happens to use a different language setting despite replying to EVERYONE in Japanese/English.

Truly the only REAL problem I have is that you took all of who knows how long, finding skin files that you just happened to like, added one splash.ani, deleted one file, and then called it a special version. I might as well just grab the MS2 skins I made, ask Env for some of his, stuff it all into a pack, delete one file so it doesn't bother people, and then call it the JP/Env edition. Hell, I could take it further and just pack up all of Janouis's themes, and then make a Janouis edition.


Point is, if people followed suit, there would be a flood of the same main files and then just some random preferences. That is why practically everyone that releases something just has one or two default themes, and leave the rest up to the user.

Actually it has nothing to do with the language. The problem is the file, which is either from an older version of moonshell or was typed incorrectly. If you noticed there are several other files with japanese text. The reason I uploaded the (Chadrcheze Edition) was to help people who are also having the same problem. I just added the splash file and extra skins as a starter pack for those who are new to moonshell.
Right, so it just so happens that Moonlight has the ability to either type so extremely bad that his computer wrote some nonsensical bullcrap as a filename that the file shows up well enough for the people on that side of the world, but fucks up everything on this side. Your other option provided suggests that somehow, someway, despite me having tested every single version until the end, there magically appeared some file that could insta-screw up from an older version that I have absolutely no record of. In either case, I fail to see how it isn't the language...unless for some freak reason, Moonlight happens to use a different language setting despite replying to EVERYONE in Japanese/English.

Truly the only REAL problem I have is that you took all of who knows how long, finding skin files that you just happened to like, added one splash.ani, deleted one file, and then called it a special version. I might as well just grab the MS2 skins I made, ask Env for some of his, stuff it all into a pack, delete one file so it doesn't bother people, and then call it the JP/Env edition. Hell, I could take it further and just pack up all of Janouis's themes, and then make a Janouis edition.


Point is, if people followed suit, there would be a flood of the same main files and then just some random preferences. That is why practically everyone that releases something just has one or two default themes, and leave the rest up to the user.

Well like I said, there are several other files with japanese text so it has nothing to do with the language. It was just that one specific file which caused the setup.exe program to fail. I can't read japanese so I don't know what it is exactly. The point is I was just trying to help people who were having the same problem. It's kind of like when you make a skin for your flashcart and the configuration file is typed using one long line instead of seperating them in different paragraphs. ie turning this:

[user name]
x = 0
y = 2
color = 0x03e9
show = 1
[user text]
text =acekard RPG
x =40
y =40
w =40
h =40
color = 0x03e9
show =1
[user picture]
file =fat0:/__aio/poweroff.bmp
x =50
y =50
show =1
Into this:

[user name] x = 0 y = 2 color = 0x03e9 show = 1 [user text] text =acekard RPG x =40 y =40 w =40 h =40 color = 0x03e9 show =1 [user picture] file =fat0:/__aio/poweroff.bmp x =50 y =50 show =1


Nov 11, 2011
United States
The fix was released a couple of days just after the 2.10 Child zwai edition : http://filetrip.net/...uage-users.html

It was a language issue due to non asian OS : the installer crash once it try to copy the file 予測変換辞書の記号リスト.txt to the microSD.
Moonlight fixed the installer.

Look, just take that one file from the origonal moonshell 2.10 child zwai edition, add it to the moonshell 2.10 child zwai chadrcheze edition, run the setup.exe file, and it will have the same problem as the origonal moonshell 2.10 child zwai edition. It wasn't just some random file that nobody would miss, it was the whole reason the setup.exe program failed in the first place.


Completionist Themer
Mar 7, 2009
United States
*cough cough*
If you STILL aren't convinced after I personally used the files and followed what you said, then I am sad to say that I will have to give up to a lost cause. Oh, and that file kind of IS "some random file that nobody would miss", it's just a language issue.
Also...wtf, 28MBs worth of themes? Think a little about your downloaders :/...


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2010
United States
Conclusion: old setup.exe's filename handling is wrong due to ANSI API, which depends on your Windows' codepage. Why Explorer can show 予測変換辞書の記号リスト.txt? Just because it uses Unicode API.


Nov 11, 2011
United States
*cough cough*
If you STILL aren't convinced after I personally used the files and followed what you said, then I am sad to say that I will have to give up to a lost cause. Oh, and that file kind of IS "some random file that nobody would miss", it's just a language issue.
Also...wtf, 28MBs worth of themes? Think a little about your downloaders :/...

I never said to use the updated setup.exe program, I was talking about the one that came with the origonal moonshell. And as I have said before, there are several other japanese text files, none of which causes the setup.exe file from working. It's just that one file. Not to mention I said it was a starter pack for those who are new to moonshell. It's the user's choice to add them to moonshell after running the setup program.


Completionist Themer
Mar 7, 2009
United States
I never said to use the updated setup.exe program, I was talking about the one that came with the origonal moonshell.
So you are telling me that you went out of your way to download one file to replace the broken one which didn't handle one file correctly, subsequently DELETED the file that you originally downloaded the fixed setup.exe for, and then added an extra 28MBs that most people will never even look at...

In short, your package is now called "Chadrcheze edition" because you took the two minutes to swap one file and increase the download times by 4 minutes. That still isn't any different from me spending two minutes to grab the skin pack, shove it in with the updated setup.exe and call it the "EXCLUSIVE JURASSICPLAYER EDITION"...


Nov 11, 2011
United States
I never said to use the updated setup.exe program, I was talking about the one that came with the origonal moonshell.
So you are telling me that you went out of your way to download one file to replace the broken one which didn't handle one file correctly, subsequently DELETED the file that you originally downloaded the fixed setup.exe for, and then added an extra 28MBs that most people will never even look at...

In short, your package is now called "Chadrcheze edition" because you took the two minutes to swap one file and increase the download times by 4 minutes. That still isn't any different from me spending two minutes to grab the skin pack, shove it in with the updated setup.exe and call it the "EXCLUSIVE JURASSICPLAYER EDITION"...

I never downloaded the fixed setup.exe, why you even think that I have no idea. As I have said several times now "There are several other japanese text files" and "I only uploaded it as a starter pack for those who are new to moonshell". Maybe if you took the time to read everything clearly, and not just skip through it muttering yada yada yada and bla bla bla, as you did in the video you would get the whole picture instead of just bits and pieces. Now how could It have 1,933 downloads total if it didn't help those who are having a problem with the origional. Don't you think mabye people might like a download that has everything they need to get started instead of having to search all over the web and downloading from multiple sources. Why do you think nintendo, sony, and microsoft sell starter packs? It's so people won't have to go all over the place searching for each item. And as I have also stated " It's up to the user wether or not to add the skins and splash file, AFTER running the setup.exe program".


Completionist Themer
Mar 7, 2009
United States
I never downloaded the fixed setup.exe, why you even think that I have no idea. As I have said several times now "There are several other wapanese text files" and "I only uploaded it as a starter pack for those who are new to moonshell". Maybe if you took the time to read everything clearly, and not just skip through it muttering yada yada yada and bla bla bla, as you did in the video you would get the whole picture instead of just bits and pieces. Now how could It have 1,933 downloads total if it didn't help those who are having a problem with the origional. Don't you think mabye people might like a download that has everything they need to get started instead of having to search all over the web and downloading from multiple sources. Why do you think nintendo, sony, and microsoft sell starter packs? It's so people won't have to go all over the place searching for each item. And as I have also stated " It's up to the user wether or not to add the skins and splash file, AFTER running the setup.exe program".
CRC code doesn't lie. Whether you like it or not, knew it or not, care about it or not, you have the updated setup.exe. If you didn't, then your package wouldn't work. I hope you aren't completely braindead to note that there is absolutely no way you would have a working setup file on a non-Asian os because the original setup.exe requires an Asian OS in order for it to work. As this is the case, you obviously don't have the original setup.exe and I highly doubt you know enough to fix it yourself.

As I have said the same thing several times now, I will now try to make this as simple to understand as possible. You did bullshit, so you shouldn't be calling it any sort of edition. Period.
Yay for making a repack that takes less than 2 minutes of your life and all of your opinionated sense of art. Why not just upload a file as "Moonshell 2.10 Child Zwai (fixed)"? Are you such an egotistical bastard as to shove your username into the filename for your 2 minutes and a sum of skins that are easily accessible from a STARTER THREAD/GUIDE, all with previews, links, and even direct downloads, all of which can be parallel downloaded, meaning instead of taking ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD for one file, you can get multiple files all conveniently found within one easy to find thread and be set up before another person downloading your "starter pack" has even finished downloading. Even noobs to moonshell2 WILL get to this thread, because there just aren't that many...AT ALL.

You are labeling something as YOUR EDITION when you fucking did pretty much nothing. Almost NOTHING in that download was made by you (save maybe a text file), it's just works that other people have spent countless hours on and you decided to stuff it into one download with all of your couple minutes of effort and promptly LABEL IT AFTER YOURSELF.

Maybe if you took the time to read/watch everything clearly, and not just skip through it thinking yada yada yada and bla bla bla, as you did with my video you would get what I'm trying to say and notice that I DID read your entire post word for word in the video that you conveniently decided to give up on watching.

Now, my mini ysmenu generator has some 6600 odd downloads, but really that number is pointless because I know that my generator (though I spent a lot of time on it) is shit. It barely works. Hell most of it doesn't work, but does that stop people from downloading it? NOPE. I don't advertise and when people ask, I NEVER recommend it, because even I don't trust it.

Don't you think people might want a thread that has ALL of the information about something conveniently located in an easy to find website and deciding the stuff they want themselves? What you call a special "edition" is a repackage of Moonshell2 and added bloatware. Do you see Microsoft taking Apple's products straight up and then dumping premade-by-other-people themes and subsequently release it as a special edition? No, because it's fucking stupid.

If you read this post closely, you will notice something off. If you haven't, then you aren't reading close enough.


Nov 11, 2011
United States
I never downloaded the fixed setup.exe, why you even think that I have no idea. As I have said several times now "There are several other wapanese text files" and "I only uploaded it as a starter pack for those who are new to moonshell". Maybe if you took the time to read everything clearly, and not just skip through it muttering yada yada yada and bla bla bla, as you did in the video you would get the whole picture instead of just bits and pieces. Now how could It have 1,933 downloads total if it didn't help those who are having a problem with the origional. Don't you think mabye people might like a download that has everything they need to get started instead of having to search all over the web and downloading from multiple sources. Why do you think nintendo, sony, and microsoft sell starter packs? It's so people won't have to go all over the place searching for each item. And as I have also stated " It's up to the user wether or not to add the skins and splash file, AFTER running the setup.exe program".
CRC code doesn't lie. Whether you like it or not, knew it or not, care about it or not, you have the updated setup.exe. If you didn't, then your package wouldn't work. I hope you aren't completely braindead to note that there is absolutely no way you would have a working setup file on a non-Asian os because the original setup.exe requires an Asian OS in order for it to work. As this is the case, you obviously don't have the original setup.exe and I highly doubt you know enough to fix it yourself.

As I have said the same thing several times now, I will now try to make this as simple to understand as possible. You did bullshit, so you shouldn't be calling it any sort of edition. Period.
Yay for making a repack that takes less than 2 minutes of your life and all of your opinionated sense of art. Why not just upload a file as "Moonshell 2.10 Child Zwai (fixed)"? Are you such an egotistical bastard as to shove your username into the filename for your 2 minutes and a sum of skins that are easily accessible from a STARTER THREAD/GUIDE, all with previews, links, and even direct downloads, all of which can be parallel downloaded, meaning instead of taking ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD for one file, you can get multiple files all conveniently found within one easy to find thread and be set up before another person downloading your "starter pack" has even finished downloading. Even noobs to moonshell2 WILL get to this thread, because there just aren't that many...AT ALL.

You are labeling something as YOUR EDITION when you fucking did pretty much nothing. Almost NOTHING in that download was made by you (save maybe a text file), it's just works that other people have spent countless hours on and you decided to stuff it into one download with all of your couple minutes of effort and promptly LABEL IT AFTER YOURSELF.

Maybe if you took the time to read/watch everything clearly, and not just skip through it thinking yada yada yada and bla bla bla, as you did with my video you would get what I'm trying to say and notice that I DID read your entire post word for word in the video that you conveniently decided to give up on watching.

Now, my mini ysmenu generator has some 6600 odd downloads, but really that number is pointless because I know that my generator (though I spent a lot of time on it) is shit. It barely works. Hell most of it doesn't work, but does that stop people from downloading it? NOPE. I don't advertise and when people ask, I NEVER recommend it, because even I don't trust it.

Don't you think people might want a thread that has ALL of the information about something conveniently located in an easy to find website and deciding the stuff they want themselves? What you call a special "edition" is a repackage of Moonshell2 and added bloatware. Do you see Microsoft taking Apple's products straight up and then dumping premade-by-other-people themes and subsequently release it as a special edition? No, because it's fucking stupid.

If you read this post closely, you will notice something off. If you haven't, then you aren't reading close enough.

It's obviously pointless talking to you because i never skiped through it thinking yada yada yada bla bla bla THAT IS WHAT YOU SAID IN YOUR VIDEO. And the whole Windows system IS based off of Apple's operating system, as well as their Zune being based off of the ipod. Obviously your just jealous that something you made is "a complete peice of shit" as you called it yourself, which you created using someone elses software. And don't forget that the moonshell software is based off of the gba video player, and created because of the sony psp's video player. The truth is that nothing in this world is 100% origonal. In fact Bill Gates BOUGHT the Windows software from a development team who had already did all the work. And just in case your too dumb to know this Apple has some computer models that run off of Windows software there is even a Windows edition for Apple computers. And the Chadrcheze edition dosen't have the fixed setup.exe the reason that it works is because I deleted that one file In fact there are 2 other files containing japanese text in the root folder, but you probably didn't notice them because you don't really pay attention to detail. Infact you obviously don't pay too close of attention because the setup.exe program DOES NOT INSTALL THE SKINS OR THE SPLASH FILE ONTO THE FLASH CART. IT'S UP TO THE USER!!!! And just how slow is your piece of crap computer if it's quicker to download them individually than in one file. And by the way an extra 29.3 MB isn't that much when compared to a game file of 50 - 600 MB for a single game. Now how about you just get down from your high horse and get off my back!!!! As I have stated before "I only did it to help people", which it obviously has since miketh2005 suggested that others use it, in another thread.


Completionist Themer
Mar 7, 2009
United States
And the whole Windows system IS based off of Apple's operating system, as well as their Zune being based off of the ipod. And the Chadrcheze edition dosen't have the fixed setup.exe the reason that it works is because I deleted that one file In fact there are 2 other files containing japanese text in the root folder, but you probably didn't notice them because you don't really pay attention to detail. And just how slow is your piece of crap computer if it's quicker to download them individually than in one file. And by the way an extra 29.3 MB isn't that much when compared to a game file of 50 - 600 MB for a single game. As I have stated before "I only did it to help people", which it obviously has since miketh2005 suggested that others use it, in another thread.
Based off of isn't the same as "Oh hay, nice idea. Let's take exact idea, put more premade themes on". Generally, one would think that Windows was taken and actually had something DONE in order to change it so it isn't just "exact same thing but with more themes". It's forking. Your package isn't even a fork, it's a quick compilation of a few themes you happen to like and the core program. I have long come to terms with the fact that most of the stuff today isn't original, after all I didn't spontaneously learn math.

Now I'm quite done with talking. So, I'll let the user burn the energy to see what they want to do.
To the user, here are the facts:
1) A CRC checksum is unique to each and every file, provided that file is not a duplicate/copy. (wiki)
2) The CRC32 checksum of Chadrcheze's setup.exe is the exact same as the fixed setup.exe, meaning it is the same file regardless of where, how, when it came from whether Chadrcheze acknowledges that it is the same or not.
3) If you download the original filetrip download (here), delete the text file with a Japanese name located in the /moonshl2/extlink/TextEdit/ folder and run the setup.exe included, the program will fail and crash (provided you don't have an Asian Os).
4) This issue was addressed by Moonlight and the fix had this changelog:

For all users. Thank you for a lot of reports. I am sorry. ChildZwai was not able to be installed with "Windows other than Japanese".​
The file that restores this problem is as follows. Please copy the unpacked file onto setup.exe of ChildZwai.​
- avenir aptly summarized the problem in his post (link)
5) The package has skin files that add 4 minutes to the regular download (100KB/s) and it's not even convenient to preview them. You have to manually add them to the flashcart and then test each one individually just to see what they look like rather than just visit this thread and scroll down the list of previews and links. In my opinion, those 4 minutes could be better spent doing a quick scroll down the first post and all of the skins and getting the themes you want rather than spend 4 minutes getting the themes included and then having to spend another number of minutes just to see what they look like.
6) At least three people well versed in the workings of Moonshell2 have told him that the setup.exe problem was a language/OS issue (Mbmax, avenir, and myself), but he persists in believing that it isn't what Moonlight, avenir (who is also Japanese), Mbmax, and myself have told him.
7) I know pretty much every single file in the Moonshell2 download as well as what they are used for (so I also know exactly what the setup.exe copies over).

I have once had someone bothered by the problem that Moonshell2 was just TOO large for his small bandwidth for the month and if it weren't for the size, he would invest a bit to try it (and I helped with that...though it took a number of tries, I was able to get to the bare minimum of around 5-10MB by removing a variety of files). So yes, I try to keep in mind the people that I have helped before, but you don't see me putting "Moonshell 2.10 Child Zwai Minimal (Jurassicplayer Edition)" on filetrip because really I didn't do much. I deleted a bunch of files and burnt time testing it again and again, but really nothing critical. Your package takes less effort than that and you have the gall to slap your username onto it and distribute it.
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Nov 11, 2011
United States
And once again your just tip-toing around the point. Obviously you don't understand what I stated earlier. So I will type it in larger print: I only uploaded it to help people, which it obviously has since other people have had the same problem & have suggested the chadrcheze edition to others. And since you OBVIOUSLY don't pay attention, here is my quote from the file download: (Disclaimer) I Take No Credit For The Moonshell, Splash.ani, Or Skins Contained Within This Folder. I Am Simply Uploading Them Because The One On Filetrip.net Is Not Working. Now why don't you just quit criticizing others as you do in practically every thread on this site. Do you really not have a life, that you must tease and pick on others. Or are you just that insecure about yourself that you must point out even the most obvious of facts. I never once said that I created any of it. And since you don't pay attention I'll say it again: I never once said that I created any of it. "(Disclaimer) I Take No Credit For The Moonshell, Splash.ani, Or Skins Contained Within This Folder. I Am Simply Uploading Them Because The One On Filetrip.net Is Not Working." So just shut up and quit insulting people.


Apr 2, 2011
United States
And once again your just tip-toing around the point. Obviously you don't understand what I stated earlier. So I will type it in larger print: I only uploaded it to help people, which it obviously has since other people have had the same problem & have suggested the chadrcheze edition to others. And since you OBVIOUSLY don't pay attention, here is my quote from the file download: (Disclaimer) I Take No Credit For The Moonshell, Splash.ani, Or Skins Contained Within This Folder. I Am Simply Uploading Them Because The One On Filetrip.net Is Not Working. Now why don't you just quit criticizing others as you do in practically every thread on this site. Do you really not have a life, that you must tease and pick on others. Or are you just that insecure about yourself that you must point out even the most obvious of facts. I never once said that I created any of it. And since you don't pay attention I'll say it again: I never once said that I created any of it. "(Disclaimer) I Take No Credit For The Moonshell, Splash.ani, Or Skins Contained Within This Folder. I Am Simply Uploading Them Because The One On Filetrip.net Is Not Working." So just shut up and quit insulting people.
You really have to calm down.

1) It probably didn't work because you used the unfixed one (although I really have no way to prove this, JP clearly proved that it does work)
2) The CRC for your file and the fixed file were identical. I have no knowledge whatsoever on CRCs, but even I can tell that your file is the fucking same as the fixed one.
3) Why is your name on the downloaded file if you "Take No Credit For... [files] Contained Within This Folder..."? I mean, that was his point all along...


Nov 11, 2011
United States
As you can see from this video, it dosen't work with the japanese text file. But it does work without it. So obviously jurassicplayer dosen't know what he's talking about, because if I did have the updated setup.exe file, it would have worked with and without the japanese text file. Since it didn't work with it that proves that I was right. And jurassicplayer did move the fixed setup.exe file to the chadrcheze edition before running it. By the way if you have two or more .exe files with the same name windows will run the most current up to date version regardless of which one you click on. And the CRC is a code that 7zip uses to identify each file. It has nothing what so ever to do with the programs version.


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Nov 7, 2006
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