Nintendo expects the Switch to continue strong for the next few years, has "strong lineup" of upcoming games


Doug Bowser, CEO of Nintendo of America, discussed the Nintendo Switch and plans for the future, in an interview with the Associated Press. Even though the Nintendo Switch is seven years old now, Bowser is confident that the console will continue to perform well, with Nintendo "feeling bullish" about sales. According to him, there's also a "very very strong lineup" of games coming soon, teasing that Nintendo will plan on supporting the Switch for years to come. Beyond that, when asked about whether or not Nintendo has a "Switch Pro" in the works, he simply responded with, "One of the things we look at always is how can we surprise and delight. How can we introduce new unique ways of playing. That´s always in front of our mind."

I should be careful about what I personally would like to see (in a new Switch). But what I can share is that one of the reasons that even going into year seven we feel very confident that the Switch can have a strong performance over the next few years is that it is still truly that unique device that you can play in a variety of ways, at home, on the go. One of the things we look at always is how can we surprise and delight. How can we introduce new unique ways of playing. That’s always in front of our mind.

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Last edited by Costello,


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
so switch pro tomorrow trust the plan! not the official company!
Now this i do not understand.

Why the hell would nintendo release a console and call it Pro?

Correct me if I am not mistaken, but aren't nintwndo fanboys supposed to demand that its always Sony copying off nintendo?

Sony, were the ones to call its new models PRO, thats main focus was for those that wanted to play games in 4k resolution, or higher than 1080p resoltions, but its games at the same time supporting the lesser models.

Now one problem, Nintendo are not going to call its consoles anything like its rivals Sony and Microsoft have used, this simply would never happen as their main objective is to make their BRAND standout from its competition, not be named similar.

Secondly, what would be the point in a pro model when FACT is, HARDWARE will never be anything nintendo consider, they always remain in the past.

And what would you really benefit from a PRO model, play the same crappy titles that barely manage to maintain steady 1080p/720p resolutions..... same crappy titles but in 4k?

Wow, I cant wait to enjoy Breath of the Turd and its glorious frame drops in 4k resolution.

Nintendo clearly never have any interest in HARDWARE to bring its consoles upto todays norm, if they did, then they would start releasing new models that actually improved on its hardware. Not rape its customers over the same shit console but in a new skin, or a stupid overpriced OLED that again, due to the same resolution and frame issues.... God, over how dated switch games are... running it on a shitty over priced OLED screen isn't going to make any improvement.

Just another way of milking the cash cow yet again.

If HARDWARE was of importance to nintendo, then they would stop releasing cheap old hardware subpar to last gen consoles with cheap nasty gimmicks to make it sound better than it is.

All nintendo care about is restricting its hardware so third parties cant support it with their current NEW titles that everyone wants to play, leaving little to no competition for its same old recycled shit.

A PRO model would mean every single game would require support added to it, another PROBLEM here is, your lucky to get a piss poor, diluted, dumbed down port to fit on yet again expensive cart based format, having if not majority of switch titles forcing the customer to download the game already..... do you think nintendo are going to start adding 4k texture/model updates to its games, third parties wont as sales wont make it fit to do so.

Nintendo cant even be arsed to actually release new games for the switch, just shovel more old recycled shit over laughing as they rub their greedy hands knowing its mindwarped sheep will blindly pay extra for the new content that you should have had in the first place from a new game.

If nintendo gave a crap then they would have fixed the still on going issues with Breath of the Turd, fuck me, its these hackers that nintendo take to court that actually make nintendo games run and look better than nintendo does!!

I mean this has to say it all, if you cant even make games anymore and its thanks to others that nintendo games get to look and run better.

But this is proof, so can the world stop making up BS so called expert leak claims (from a source that remains anonymous 🙄) there will never EVER be a nintendo console with the words PRO, nevermind a Switch PRO.

If you want as the fanboys would put it, pretty graphics or graphic whore games that are dull and boring, then you know for a fact, its not to buy a Nintendo console, emulation is your answer and its FREE!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
Madly in LOVE with hating Nintendo? Nintendo fans has two distinct group, those that love them the normal way and those that love them in the other way. Both can't get Nintendo out of their minds.

My 2 cents, love them for what they are, don't hope that they will become what you want them to be and when that didn't happen you became so bitter and sad and yet still madly in love.
Last edited by TomSwitch,


Mar 19, 2023
I'm on the fence here - we're going into year 7 with a console, which was fine in the PS3 and Xbox 360 days. I mean, those things lasted 12 years, IIRC. But those consoles were state of the art consoles when they released, whereas the Switch is based on something that was already long in the tooth when the Switch came out. I'm still happy with my Switch. I find myself drawn to it in bursts, though - like for instance with Zelda, I play that like crazy, and then ignore the thing for months while I play Xbox. I'm in a Switch phase now again, with Metroid Prime Remastered, and there's plenty of good stuff still waiting for me (Tales of Symphonia, Stranger's Wrath, Ni No Kuni demands to be finished, as well as its sequel, Mario + Rabbids and its sequel as well). Metroid proves the Switch can, actually, still produce very good graphics, but I can't help but feel Nintendo should be focussed on Switch 2. Of course, their big issue now is backward compatibility. They won't get a direct sale from me unless it's 100% compatible, it's what we've come to expect from the market, and with a console that's been out so long, I'm not willing to say goodbye to my library (read: backlog) just yet.
For any standard console, backward compatibility is already a big thing, see how Nintendo put effort into the Wii being able to play GCN games, and then bringing Wii games to Wii U, by simply including the whole logic board of those consoles on the new hardware (and with a softmod, you can natively play GCN games on Wii U, simply because it's all so similar). They've been porting Wii U titles to Switch like there's no tomorrow, and it's shown them the problem wasn't with the quality of the games (Mario Kart 8 keeps selling, even now!) but with the confusing nature of the platform (is it a Wii, is it something new? What is that tablet controller really?). All their competitors are also honing in on backward compatibility - Sony and Microsoft got severe backlash for not properly implementing it last time around, and have learned their lesson (albeit Microsoft learned their lesson a bit better). So, the consumer is expecting this now. With any standard console, again, if it's not there, that would be an issue, but your existing customers that really want it would simply buy the new platform and keep the old one hooked up, call you some names, and settle into their new routine. Not so much with the Switch, though, as it keeps being marketed as a handheld you can play on TV. No-one in their right mind is going to carry around an extra platform. They need to fix this, so we're able to carry our library over to the next system, and it's causing them to have serious anxiety. As a result, they're throwing up smoke bombs to distract you, increase the player base for Switch even more, and then scramble as they do the math and find out that they're good if just half the player base comes with them to the next system.

TL;DR: pretty sure it's a smoke screen because they can't get backward compatibility sorted, and they don't want to lose sales over it just yet.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
I'm on the fence here - we're going into year 7 with a console, which was fine in the PS3 and Xbox 360 days. I mean, those things lasted 12 years, IIRC. But those consoles were state of the art consoles when they released, whereas the Switch is based on something that was already long in the tooth when the Switch came out. I'm still happy with my Switch. I find myself drawn to it in bursts, though - like for instance with Zelda, I play that like crazy, and then ignore the thing for months while I play Xbox. I'm in a Switch phase now again, with Metroid Prime Remastered, and there's plenty of good stuff still waiting for me (Tales of Symphonia, Stranger's Wrath, Ni No Kuni demands to be finished, as well as its sequel, Mario + Rabbids and its sequel as well). Metroid proves the Switch can, actually, still produce very good graphics, but I can't help but feel Nintendo should be focussed on Switch 2. Of course, their big issue now is backward compatibility. They won't get a direct sale from me unless it's 100% compatible, it's what we've come to expect from the market, and with a console that's been out so long, I'm not willing to say goodbye to my library (read: backlog) just yet.
For any standard console, backward compatibility is already a big thing, see how Nintendo put effort into the Wii being able to play GCN games, and then bringing Wii games to Wii U, by simply including the whole logic board of those consoles on the new hardware (and with a softmod, you can natively play GCN games on Wii U, simply because it's all so similar). They've been porting Wii U titles to Switch like there's no tomorrow, and it's shown them the problem wasn't with the quality of the games (Mario Kart 8 keeps selling, even now!) but with the confusing nature of the platform (is it a Wii, is it something new? What is that tablet controller really?). All their competitors are also honing in on backward compatibility - Sony and Microsoft got severe backlash for not properly implementing it last time around, and have learned their lesson (albeit Microsoft learned their lesson a bit better). So, the consumer is expecting this now. With any standard console, again, if it's not there, that would be an issue, but your existing customers that really want it would simply buy the new platform and keep the old one hooked up, call you some names, and settle into their new routine. Not so much with the Switch, though, as it keeps being marketed as a handheld you can play on TV. No-one in their right mind is going to carry around an extra platform. They need to fix this, so we're able to carry our library over to the next system, and it's causing them to have serious anxiety. As a result, they're throwing up smoke bombs to distract you, increase the player base for Switch even more, and then scramble as they do the math and find out that they're good if just half the player base comes with them to the next system.

TL;DR: pretty sure it's a smoke screen because they can't get backward compatibility sorted, and they don't want to lose sales over it just yet.
For a phone it gets slow very fast. Why? Because phones get updated frequently with faster processor and the developers kind of abandon the folks that has older phones.

Switch gets better with age. Why? Because there is no faster CPU on the Switch and the developers get better at writing codes. That is the way of Nintendo.

People are happiest when they are no worst than their neighbors and in Nintendo neighborhood you don't have to worry about keeping up with the Joneses.
Last edited by TomSwitch,
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Mar 19, 2023
Switch gets better with age. Why? Because there is no faster CPU on the Switch and the developers get better at writing codes. That is the way of Nintendo.

People are happiest when they are no worst than their neighbors and in Nintendo neighborhood you don't have to worry about keeping up with the Joneses.
See, I don't get that whole point about Nintendo. The NES was less powerful than its main competitor, the Master System, but way more powerful than anything else on the market at the time - maybe that started the myth of Nintendo consistently underpowering their hardware. The SNES was the most powerful 16 bit console, the N64 runs circles around the PSX - and contrary to popular belief, the GameCube actually gives Xbox a run for its money on everything besides pure CPU power (in fact, the most graphically intensive games of that generation ran on GCN, not Xbox). Yes, after that, Nintendo gave up on the rat race, but they never went "meh, power doesn't matter". They're going to have to up their game at some point though, because rendering games at 900p and under, and still having to seriously dial down draw distance with high LOD is getting old. It bothered me with Breath of the Wild, but then the hardware was still new and I gave Nintendo the benefit of the doubt - but I still see it happening, with Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Metroid Prime Remastered. I love my Switch, I really enjoy the games, and Nintendo games are just special anyway, but there's no denying it's getting long in the tooth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2016
United States
If y'all want next-gen of Switch really badly? Sure, it could be unhackable for very long time.

I'm happy that Nintendo continues to release new games to Switch, despite the hack started in 2018 and many game developers aren't give up either.

lucas millington

Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2015
maybe if they had any other games coming out besides pikmin 4 i would believe them but they have nothing, this is all words no action and everything is pointing to a next gen system


Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
english please?
“All words no action” since day 1..
Post automatically merged:

See, I don't get that whole point about Nintendo. The NES was less powerful than its main competitor, the Master System, but way more powerful than anything else on the market at the time - maybe that started the myth of Nintendo consistently underpowering their hardware. The SNES was the most powerful 16 bit console, the N64 runs circles around the PSX - and contrary to popular belief, the GameCube actually gives Xbox a run for its money on everything besides pure CPU power (in fact, the most graphically intensive games of that generation ran on GCN, not Xbox). Yes, after that, Nintendo gave up on the rat race, but they never went "meh, power doesn't matter". They're going to have to up their game at some point though, because rendering games at 900p and under, and still having to seriously dial down draw distance with high LOD is getting old. It bothered me with Breath of the Wild, but then the hardware was still new and I gave Nintendo the benefit of the doubt - but I still see it happening, with Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Metroid Prime Remastered. I love my Switch, I really enjoy the games, and Nintendo games are just special anyway, but there's no denying it's getting long in the tooth.
You’re high as a kite if you think the GameCube could hold a candle to the Xbox in terms of any power.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
If y'all want next-gen of Switch really badly? Sure, it could be unhackable for very long time.

I'm happy that Nintendo continues to release new games to Switch, despite the hack started in 2018 and many game developers aren't give up either.
Mod chip won’t be hard to make. Soft mod could be never. Same as current Switch. Unpatched units out of production for how long already?
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Jun 24, 2007
In the Murderbox!
United States
If y'all want next-gen of Switch really badly? Sure, it could be unhackable for very long time.

I'm happy that Nintendo continues to release new games to Switch, despite the hack started in 2018 and many game developers aren't give up either.

Couldn’t care less about hackability… just want something worth playing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
same, no point downloading free games if there aint any games to play lol
After 7 years there is enough good games by my standard. Nintendo does seems to treat Switch like a step child concerning first party effort. Switch has the least love of all Nintendo platforms when it comes to Nintendo first party games. Is it just Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild? Anything else?

Someone said earlier that Nintendo ran out of ideas, can probably say that 7 years ago they already don't know what to do.
Last edited by TomSwitch,


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2016
United States
Mod chip won’t be hard to make. Soft mod could be never. Same as current Switch. Unpatched units out of production for how long already?
I don't think that would help if Nintendo went with different CPU instead of Tegra, however no one know about next-gen of Nintendo consoles after all. The hackability of Switch was miracle because of fusee gelee exploit and if it wasn't for fusee gelee, Switch would be unhackable now like Xbox One.

Couldn’t care less about hackability… just want something worth playing.
PS5 and Xbox Series X are out, so you can enjoy their next-gen gaming.

The decision with next-gen isn't easy for Nintendo because of Wii U flopped and Nintendo doesn't want to repeat the mistake with Wii U. It appears that Nintendo is going stay with Switch for few years until next-gen console is finalized and ensure that they would be successful as Switch.

same, no point downloading free games if there aint any games to play lol
I never play pirated Switch games on my hacked Switch and I use CFW for cheating and save editing, that it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
United States
The hackability of Switch was miracle because of fusee gelee exploit and if it wasn't for fusee gelee, Switch would be unhackable now like Xbox One.
You missed a big piece of Switch history. Every heard of SX?

CFW is phenomenal on Switch, probably the best of every game machine ever made and we all have a lot to be grateful to the Nvidia engineer who made it possible. Oh what a beautiful mistake.

The enemy of mod chip may be Tencent since they are selling Switch in China and probably will also be selling New Switch too.
Last edited by TomSwitch,

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