Part 1. How The Nephilim Will Return Into Our Realm + Aliens/CERN+ The Deception


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2014
United States
PLEASE READ EVERYTHING.. ALSO I WILL SHOW YOU ALL THE HINT THE BIBLE Possibly GAVE ON WHO WILL COME BACK + I WILL SHOW YOU WHO IT IS. NOTE! I'll do more flat-earth topics soon I know you guys been waiting but I wanna do these Nephilim topics first

Alright, guy's another interesting topic, and I wished I had posted this last week like I was supposed to because it would've hit home right after that Miami incident. In This topic I will slim it down I will only stay on the topic of how the Nephilim will come into our realm again. I will not go into A deep introduction on who the Nephilim were until part 2 "The Demigods/Superheroes ". Well, you all know before I start the topic I have to get off-topic A bit first... Guys understand the Elite have a Big Deception Event already planned about the future coming Alien invasion; the Elites know GOD will do A Rapture Event in the future; So the Elites know once the Rapture event happens they have to have A lie and A planned Event prepared; because Billions of people all over the world are gonna wonder what the hell happened to all the infants, children and most of the adults. The Elite will then use Project Blue Beam to fake an alien invasion while at the same time bringing these Demigods back into our realm and introducing them as the ALIENS that took them and created us. Remember what I always said they have to condition us first, in the last 6 months we already had big news coverage of Aliens in Vegas, Mexico, and now Miami.

Oh before I start ...for those of you who do not know what the Rapture event is it is an event that will happen on any particular normal day; we all will be living like it's A normal day then boom it will happen by surprise... nobody knows the year, day, month, or hour it will happen. The last bit of the clip with the man running and asking God to wait will be real for those who heard about the rapture but missed it but of course for those who haven't heard about it or gonna be looking like Wtf happened?

Now for those who are wondering how the Nephilim will come back into our realm, it would be by using the CERN machine/ that will open A Portal to another dimension; in the Bible, it mentions they would come from the Abyss; An Abyss is an opening like A portal it isn't A hole in the ground people. Adding on to the Abyss I think it's the same Abyss/ Dimension referencing Enoch that place before he saw the black hole; remember the Angle told him in this place they are kept until 10,000 years..
If the video does not play for your region just use VPN
Cern found the God particle by the way so if you wanna look into that here

So keep in mind Cern said one of the main objectives is to create tiny black holes using this machine and it's kinda Ironic that those beings in Enoch are in some type of black hole dimension. Now let's get into Hollywood for A bit remember they put everything in front of our faces in plain sight for A Reason. Just about every Sci-Fi movie/TV show since Star Trek has been about opening A portal or just opening A portal to let something from the other side come through. I know you guys saw that last Spider-Verse movie and what machine did they use to open A dimension- the same Hadron collider machine at Cern. Better Yet remember the Transformer Dark Moon Movie, I think it was Prime who used the Humans to get this Object to open A portal and these Evil machines came through from the other realm and started havoc on Earth

I'm not saying believe me but its just my opinion and just keep this in mind... Now What is the hint and who will be the person who will come back into our realm? keep in mind when I found this out by myself and I looked online to see if anyone else did and only 1 person figured it out as well.. First, let get the scriptures from the Bible and find out the nickname and person that's coming. In the Bible, John saw A vision of the future and he is being told what he was seeing

The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the Book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come.
So let's break this scripture down, We see that this Beast/Person will come out of the portal/Abyss. The scripture also tells us this beast "once was" meaning it was alive or walking the earth at some point most likely PREFLOOD, Then it says "now is not" meaning it's no longer in our realms anymore, but "Yet will come" meaning it will come back in the future. Now let's get the nickname of this person

Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon —the Destroyer.
The Destroyer is the Nickname- Now guy's I'm not saying to believe me but this is no coincidence on what I'm about to show you.. What Demigod in Ancient Culture has the nickname Destroyer? Shiva Right and you won't believe what statue is on the CERN facility


As you guys can see Shiva the Destroyer is in front of this portal and this Statue is on CERN Facility- The place that will open that Dark dimension to bring this Preflood Demigod back. I can see you guys now oh there he goes talking crazy again.. No guys hear me out... out of all the Demigods they put on Cern's property they decided to put Shiva instead, like I would at least expect someone more known like ZEUS, Gilgamesh ETC.. but they put The destroyer on the facility where this Abyss is gonna open like really cmon

Now this is the big deception; when these Nephilim come out the people will Marvel at these beings as heroes and will begin to worship them as GODS; they will display their power showing signs and wonders; do not be tricked by this alien stuff they are just demons/Nephilim; that will work alongside the false christ that will already here way before Shiva come from the abyss. I tell you guys every time these superhero movies are based on the Demigods of the Preflood world; we think the whole concept of superhero is new but it's not. The Elites just rebranded it and repackaged it as new instead of saying Demigods nowadays we say superheroes. I wanna dig deep into the superhero thing so badly but I'll do that in part 2
Zeus, Hercules, Gilgamesh ETC all existed; we were just programmed at an early age about all that stuff being fantasy, also after the flood happened that when all that stuff became myths and just stories

Anyway Part 2 I will talk more about Genesis 6 Preflood and the Nephilim aka Children of the fallen angles.. Part 3 will be about the Titans. Part 4 I'll show proof UFOs are in the bible they are called chariots but I'll show that as well .. Part 5. Bonus Furries+Nephilm. its Nothing bad about furries but will definitely have to make a thread on it.. I wished I posted this way earlier because everyone is talking about Nephilim now ever since the Miami event happened 2-3 days ago.. Crazy that we are in the decade of awakening people will wake up soon about Flat Earth, the lost book of the Bible-like Enoch and TOS; and soon you all will see people talk about Nephilim


pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
So your basic premise is

1. The rapture is coming
2. At this time many will leave
3. Many will be left behind
4. Hollywood movies are conditioning us to accept this
5. After rapture Zeus etc and all the pagan gods will come back, but they are actually demigods/nephillim, demons

My first thought, why does it matter? If all the good people are raptured then you will escape it (if you're a good Christian)

And if you don't escape it, you're doomed to hell anyway, so also why does it matter

My second thought, why would the elites even care to condition us? Do they really care if we all freak out, I mean they got demons etc on their side anyway, those remaining would be helpless

My final thought, if CERN was capable of opening black holes it would have happened by now, but that was just a theoretical risk when CERN opened, and we have since seen it's not capable of doing that anyway
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
So does it mean that like in Netflix Stranger Things Seasons 3 & 4 CERN’s Hadron Collider is allowing humans to teleport for instance like police officer Jim Hopper was able to teleport from USA Hawkins to Soviet Russia(History Era of USSR)Syberia?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
So are Men in Black considered as Nephilim are they associated related also with for instance nowadays with both NSA and MOSSAD? Are UFOs/Aliens flying saucers hovering futuristic piece of technology belonging to Men in Black…etc.?


Here’s a digital proof.


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
PLEASE READ EVERYTHING.. ALSO I WILL SHOW YOU ALL THE HINT THE BIBLE Possibly GAVE ON WHO WILL COME BACK + I WILL SHOW YOU WHO IT IS. NOTE! I'll do more flat-earth topics soon I know you guys been waiting but I wanna do these Nephilim topics first

Alright, guy's another interesting topic, and I wished I had posted this last week like I was supposed to because it would've hit home right after that Miami incident. In This topic I will slim it down I will only stay on the topic of how the Nephilim will come into our realm again. I will not go into A deep introduction on who the Nephilim were until part 2 "The Demigods/Superheroes ". Well, you all know before I start the topic I have to get off-topic A bit first... Guys understand the Elite have a Big Deception Event already planned about the future coming Alien invasion; the Elites know GOD will do A Rapture Event in the future; So the Elites know once the Rapture event happens they have to have A lie and A planned Event prepared; because Billions of people all over the world are gonna wonder what the hell happened to all the infants, children and most of the adults. The Elite will then use Project Blue Beam to fake an alien invasion while at the same time bringing these Demigods back into our realm and introducing them as the ALIENS that took them and created us. Remember what I always said they have to condition us first, in the last 6 months we already had big news coverage of Aliens in Vegas, Mexico, and now Miami.

Oh before I start ...for those of you who do not know what the Rapture event is it is an event that will happen on any particular normal day; we all will be living like it's A normal day then boom it will happen by surprise... nobody knows the year, day, month, or hour it will happen. The last bit of the clip with the man running and asking God to wait will be real for those who heard about the rapture but missed it but of course for those who haven't heard about it or gonna be looking like Wtf happened?

Now for those who are wondering how the Nephilim will come back into our realm, it would be by using the CERN machine/ that will open A Portal to another dimension; in the Bible, it mentions they would come from the Abyss; An Abyss is an opening like A portal it isn't A hole in the ground people. Adding on to the Abyss I think it's the same Abyss/ Dimension referencing Enoch that place before he saw the black hole; remember the Angle told him in this place they are kept until 10,000 years..
If the video does not play for your region just use VPN
Cern found the God particle by the way so if you wanna look into that here

So keep in mind Cern said one of the main objectives is to create tiny black holes using this machine and it's kinda Ironic that those beings in Enoch are in some type of black hole dimension. Now let's get into Hollywood for A bit remember they put everything in front of our faces in plain sight for A Reason. Just about every Sci-Fi movie/TV show since Star Trek has been about opening A portal or just opening A portal to let something from the other side come through. I know you guys saw that last Spider-Verse movie and what machine did they use to open A dimension- the same Hadron collider machine at Cern. Better Yet remember the Transformer Dark Moon Movie, I think it was Prime who used the Humans to get this Object to open A portal and these Evil machines came through from the other realm and started havoc on Earth

I'm not saying believe me but its just my opinion and just keep this in mind... Now What is the hint and who will be the person who will come back into our realm? keep in mind when I found this out by myself and I looked online to see if anyone else did and only 1 person figured it out as well.. First, let get the scriptures from the Bible and find out the nickname and person that's coming. In the Bible, John saw A vision of the future and he is being told what he was seeing

The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the Book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come.
So let's break this scripture down, We see that this Beast/Person will come out of the portal/Abyss. The scripture also tells us this beast "once was" meaning it was alive or walking the earth at some point most likely PREFLOOD, Then it says "now is not" meaning it's no longer in our realms anymore, but "Yet will come" meaning it will come back in the future. Now let's get the nickname of this person

Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon —the Destroyer.
The Destroyer is the Nickname- Now guy's I'm not saying to believe me but this is no coincidence on what I'm about to show you.. What Demigod in Ancient Culture has the nickname Destroyer? Shiva Right and you won't believe what statue is on the CERN facility


As you guys can see Shiva the Destroyer is in front of this portal and this Statue is on CERN Facility- The place that will open that Dark dimension to bring this Preflood Demigod back. I can see you guys now oh there he goes talking crazy again.. No guys hear me out... out of all the Demigods they put on Cern's property they decided to put Shiva instead, like I would at least expect someone more known like ZEUS, Gilgamesh ETC.. but they put The destroyer on the facility where this Abyss is gonna open like really cmon

Now this is the big deception; when these Nephilim come out the people will Marvel at these beings as heroes and will begin to worship them as GODS; they will display their power showing signs and wonders; do not be tricked by this alien stuff they are just demons/Nephilim; that will work alongside the false christ that will already here way before Shiva come from the abyss. I tell you guys every time these superhero movies are based on the Demigods of the Preflood world; we think the whole concept of superhero is new but it's not. The Elites just rebranded it and repackaged it as new instead of saying Demigods nowadays we say superheroes. I wanna dig deep into the superhero thing so badly but I'll do that in part 2

Zeus, Hercules, Gilgamesh ETC all existed; we were just programmed at an early age about all that stuff being fantasy, also after the flood happened that when all that stuff became myths and just stories

Anyway Part 2 I will talk more about Genesis 6 Preflood and the Nephilim aka Children of the fallen angles.. Part 3 will be about the Titans. Part 4 I'll show proof UFOs are in the bible they are called chariots but I'll show that as well .. Part 5. Bonus Furries+Nephilm. its Nothing bad about furries but will definitely have to make a thread on it.. I wished I posted this way earlier because everyone is talking about Nephilim now ever since the Miami event happened 2-3 days ago.. Crazy that we are in the decade of awakening people will wake up soon about Flat Earth, the lost book of the Bible-like Enoch and TOS; and soon you all will see people talk about Nephilim

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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Cool bug fact
The Rapture is not in the Bible is considered fan fiction to most Christian denominations and scholars.
Also Jesus said he would return within the lifetime of his original followers.

Point being, I don’t think the world is going to experience anything cool any time soon in the terms Biblical supernatural happenings
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pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
Cool bug fact
The Rapture is not in the Bible is considered fan fiction to most Christian denominations and scholars.
Also Jesus said he would return within the lifetime of his original followers.

Point being, I don’t think the world is going to experience anything cool any time soon in the terms Biblical supernatural happenings
The rapture is biblical, but not all Christians interpret the text to refer to a rapture event. Regardless the text clearly does depict Christians being assumed into heaven. It's flat wrong to act like nothing of the sort exists in the bible.

1 Thessalonians 15-17

"15 For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, shall rise first.

16 Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up together with them in the clouds to meet Christ, into the air, and so shall we be always with the Lord. 17 Wherefore, comfort ye one another with these words."

As for your second assertion here is the text in question

"And he said to them: Amen I say to you, that there are some of them that stand here, who shall not taste death, till they see the kingdom of God coming in power."

"Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."

"Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God."

It's sufficiently vague as to not necessarily refer to a second coming - it could refer to Christianity conquering the Romans or John's vision of the apocalypse on Patmos
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
The rapture is biblical, but not all Christians interpret the text to refer to a rapture event. Regardless the text clearly does depict Christians being assumed into heaven. It's flat wrong to act like nothing of the sort exists in the bible.

1 Thessalonians 15-17

"15 For the Lord himself shall come down from heaven with commandment, and with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God: and the dead who are in Christ, shall rise first.

16 Then we who are alive, who are left, shall be taken up together with them in the clouds to meet Christ, into the air, and so shall we be always with the Lord. 17 Wherefore, comfort ye one another with these words."

As for your second assertion here is the text in question

"And he said to them: Amen I say to you, that there are some of them that stand here, who shall not taste death, till they see the kingdom of God coming in power."

"Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."

"Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God."

It's sufficiently vague as to not necessarily refer to a second coming - it could refer to Christianity conquering the Romans or John's vision of the apocalypse on Patmos
I understand that there are sections that people can point to but I am saying the rapture wasn’t in the Bible because it actually wasn’t, it was fanfiction. Still, the Bible is vague enough that I can put in the Catholic teachings I learned growing up. I might not be Catholic anymore (I am literally a demon, there’s a slight difference,) but I do enjoy injecting their own fanfiction into conversations


pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
I understand that there are sections that people can point to but I am saying the rapture wasn’t in the Bible because it actually wasn’t, it was fanfiction. Still, the Bible is vague enough that I can put in the Catholic teachings I learned growing up. I might not be Catholic anymore (I am literally a demon, there’s a slight difference,) but I do enjoy injecting their own fanfiction into conversations
The section I referred to literally depicts people being raised up alive into heaven with Jesus

This is fundamentally what the rapture depicts

Fanfiction is where you go and write new stuff that's not in the source material - ala the Koran or the book of Mormon
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
The section I referred to literally depicts people being raised up alive into heaven with Jesus

This is fundamentally what the rapture depicts

Fanfiction is where you go and write new stuff that's not in the source material - ala the Koran or the book of Mormon
I reject your reality and substitute with my own


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016

Anyway I guess Nephilim are mentioned in The Book of Enoch(The Elevator Game before for instance nowadays back then when it was cool or even or however I should name it).


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
You know history era of so-called Aliens/UFO ancient,mythical UFO Network by for instance nowadays by quoting reinterpreting words of mister Preston B. Nichols’s book The Montauk Project Experiments In Time even digital electronical book I mean so-called e-book ebook…etc.
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