The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - second official trailer revealed

Those eagerly awaiting Breath of the Wild 2 can see some interesting new things in the latest trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The 2-minute trailer shows both story and gameplay. Tears of the Kingdom launches on the Nintendo Switch on May 12, 2023. A collector's edition and new amiibo will also be available, at launch.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2014
United States
Let's be honest, Nintendo only decided to charge for online play because Xbox and PlayStation were already doing it, so now they're charging $70 because others are doing it, too.

PlayStation used to offer free online play on PS3, but on PS4 they saw what a success Xbox LIVE was and so they went for it. Nintendo's NSO service in comparison is pretty barebones and disappointing, imo.
everyone keeps saying this, but i'd like to think that maybe the economy steadily going to shit has something to do with the occasional price raise of a AAA title.

simple the corprate greed

games like these also require a lot of hard work from a lot of people to make, its not easy! i also think we've been spoiled and now feel entitled to a certain level of quality for AAA games. i'm saying this, but i'm a total hypocrite cause i still feel this way from time to time lol

maybe my perspective is different as someone who has written code for a corporate entity, but nintendo employees have to live too. they have to make money and the economy doesn't make that any better. and certain roles (like software engineering) are extremely mentally taxing and personally i would accept no less than a $120K salary, preferably more, for that level of stress, especially when you're being critiqued by people on the internet constantly on the quality of your work with no context of nintendo's inner workings.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2022
United States
everyone keeps saying this, but i'd like to think that maybe the economy steadily going to shit has something to do with the occasional price raise of a AAA title.

games like these also require a lot of hard work from a lot of people to make, its not easy! i also think we've been spoiled and now feel entitled to a certain level of quality for AAA games. i'm saying this, but i'm a total hypocrite cause i still feel this way from time to time lol

maybe my perspective is different as someone who has written code for a corporate entity, but nintendo employees have to live too. they have to make money and the economy doesn't make that any better. and certain roles (like software engineering) are extremely mentally taxing and personally i would accept no less than a $120K salary (Coldblitz edited your message to say they deserve more these developers put their blood,sweat and other fluids into making great games but it becomes crap because of the big business suit peoples), preferably more, for that level of stress, especially when you're being critiqued by people on the internet constantly on the quality of your work with no context of nintendo's inner workings.
people are just disappointed because of how this just looks like dlc but put at a high price tag if anything I think if nintendo could maybe focus on supporting their team of hardworking developers instead of suing every person they encounter we'd have alot more then just this dlc :/
Post automatically merged:

Let's be honest, Nintendo only decided to charge for online play because Xbox and PlayStation were already doing it, so now they're charging $70 because others are doing it, too.

PlayStation used to offer free online play on PS3, but on PS4 they saw what a success Xbox LIVE was and so they went for it. Nintendo's NSO service in comparison is pretty barebones and disappointing, imo.
so Microsoft is ruining gaming (atleast on console) for everyone got it
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
so Microsoft is ruining gaming (atleast on console) for everyone got it
Well, they decided to take their chance charging users and it worked out for them.

They absolutely did ruin Rare. PDZ and Banjo-Tooie could have been so much better, and Conker Live & Reloaded... It looks and plays great, but way too censored (just play the N64 Uncut rom).


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Thoroughly agree with this, as a 35yo who grew up with the NES and avid Mario/Zelda fan it's really hard not seeing through Nintendo's shit way of business and how they get away with doing bare minimums.

I'm specially annoyed at what they did to Zelda, I get they had to do something different and I enjoyed the "freshness" of BOTW but it's got no replay value and it's time to revisit the foundations of the franchise, sadly doesn't look like we will get that and it's saddening to realize we are over a decade since the last "traditional" release (SS), which was already an average experience, it's unexcusable to take so much development time. At this rate I will die before I get to play another Zelda like OOT or TP or even WW
Don't worry because back in the day nintendo fanboys used to slag sony off for having "aparently" the same shit recycled over and over, aka GTA..... the games they never had the option to play.

But here they are, all crying to be screwed over of their hard earned cash (or money given to them being dole dossers), and are willing to throw money at nintendo to do the exact same thing, and want a so called "HD" remaster of WW and TP......

Bad enough that nintendo have got away with recycling the same shit since they started, only difference being is better graphics.... yup another bandwagon these sheep fanboys love to jump on/off as/when it suites, thus contradicting to fuck.

So, unfortunately it will be a while before you get your hands on a new zelda title, as its highly likely nintendo are just loving the fact their fanboys are falling nicely in line and doing exactly as they want, so they will claim to release "HD" remasters of old games that had ready had a HD remake/version and they'll laugh as all they will do is PORT the fucker and the fanboys will all get excited and flood to buy this crap.

Zedla to me, never needed to change or make a new direction because each zelda title did this already, apart from it recycling the same backbone story everytime more than too often, its save zelda from Ganton, collect so many shrines then mid-way, something happens and you have to then collect other things and/or restore the master sword or triforce......

But to think how many other open world/rpg games we have enjoyed over the years...... reminder that we had not seen a new zelda title since skyward sword on a console, yes, because nintendo were already being lazy porting last gen titles as "HD" remasters!

But BOTW is what we get????, really???? a so called innovative company that makes fun exciting games and aparently "never" recycle the same shit as the fanboys insist (though when it boils down to gameplay/fun vs graphics, they all contradict when it comes to them doing just this with the so called "HD" remasters of WW and TP and they still want them to re-remaster them again???).

BOTW was 100% over rated, over hyped, has to have been only given to dedicated fanboys who simply refuse to see anything negative about nintendo and paid off to give such perfect review scores.

The game had absolutely FUCK ALL to do, for an open world RPG game, it was a massive pile of shit, I have played loads of open world RPG games, even those from devs that just started off, Zelda BOTW was just an over sized empty map with nothing story driven, endless repetitive shrines that feel like mini game puzzles to show case how the joy-con motion controlls could be used to make games.

Personally I think that is what all the shrines were based upon, little demo mini games for nintendo to try lie to the world, how innovative its new shit inferior machine is, in the hope it would get devs on board and they can lie to the world and make another console sound better than it is, aka the cube 2.0 or should I say the wii, which yes, sold well, but did it fuck bring anything as innovative as nintendo claimed.

It just ended up been a console filled with shovelware crap that had very little replay value at all, was something you may enjoy for an hour at most before getting dead arms or bored.

It lacked the promised better third party support, it ended up been a console that was traded in the most, because in the real world, gamers dont sit with their parents, nevermind grandparents and all sit there looking ridiculous as they do in the TV ADS, playing the wii, hell, they still look retarded in their adverts today as nintendo ONLY seem to show adverts for its same old recycled crap....... none of this better third party support.

But anyways, I guess nintendo had little interest getting third parties to jump on board, yet again mainly because they know the hardware is cheap and won't support their current projects, so its not worth investing in it, other than porting over all of their older titles nintendo lacked back then, again due to hardware restrictions. But nintendo do this, as what they do with their fanboys, because it all works in their favor.

The fanboy sheep will blindly buy anything nintendo do, third parties cant release their current NEW AAA titles, so that leaves the market open to them, recycling the same shit as they always do, but because it has a different name, the fanboys simply cannot see that its still the same shit recycled again, only difference be, better graphics (yes the exact same thing they claimed aparently didn't make games fun to play).

We all know when third parties have attempted to support nintendo with their next gen AAA titles, having to have a dedicated team to work exclusively on a nintendo version rather than simply port their game across PS/XBX/PC because it has the hardware to support it doing so, nintendo never hold up their end and the game never meets the forecasted sales.

Even same when third parties have had exclusive rights to nintendo, the games have failed to meet these so called sales figures nintendo forecasted and is why they later re released so called "HD" remasters on every other console BUT nintendo and/or the sequels completely skip nintendo completely.

So apologies again gone off topic to what I was saying, though its not hard when you point out what you observe about nintendo after having played nintendo consoles for nearly 40 years (I wonder what % off these internet die hard fanboys were even born when the first nintendo console came out), nintendo are left with shit loads of these 5 minute joy-con motion control demo's and no interest from third parties to have them jump on board and support them.... tho again nintendo promised early on to again make an improvement on third party support.

But they have to do something because these demo's aren't going to get the reaction they intended and now have to make money from it.

And there you have it, lets claim to make a new zelda title, we will claim it to be an open world RPG, make a massive empty map and throw all of these joy-con motion control demo's into the game..... ahh yes let's put them into the game as shrines, that link must complete to collect something he then uses to level up...... thats what makes an open world RPG game right???

Yes, lets throw in some baddies to fight, without even bothering to actually create a battle AI system as you face enemies that can be hard as fuck, yet ganon the big ass ruler over everything bad in hyrule is a walk in the park to defeat.

And we will give the game out to people we know have a very high following, ensure that they are die hard fanboys that get sticky undies over anything we do or say regardless, they will be so excited to play anything we throw at them and as a sweater we may have to encourage them with a nice little payout for promoting the game.

For the game to sell, gamers need to beleive its the best zelda game to date, we can then later add content at a later date, especially when sales start to decline, we will release paid for DLC that actually adds content that the game should have had from the start.

And fact is, the game actually had fuck all really going for it, that when it came to ideas to bring into the game, yup charged for as DLC, the list was that big they thought hmmm hold up, lets not release them as DLC, content the game should have had to start with.

Lets make it into a sequel, our devoted fanboys will get so excited, its a no brainer and win win for us, we probably won't need to pay off as many fanboy critics this time tiger, but lets have a few on board still and give them early access and a nice payoff.

now as time passes with the rivals catching up and now release their next gen systems, nintendo again prove their fanboy dedication as they price this shit sequel for what $70 which is utterly a piss take, a shit console that cant run anything that is so basic for gaming these days, fucking subpar to what you'd expect decades ago on the ps3/360 and your to pay $70 for a shit little cartridge to run a shitty little game that my mobile can emulate which will add better graphical features nintendo still couldn't be arsed to attempt.... ohh that list of why everything is so wrong with nintendo could go on and on, but whats funny is that every single fanboy is there as usual now backtracking, contradicting and that desperate to rush in to defend like a good loyal fanboy...... they never make any sense in the shit they chat, like they either go on about inflation crap...... hmmmm OK, others would slate other systems for high priced games, then say but i like zelda so ill be pre ordering it/buying it as soon as it comes out.

Hmm.... but come back on track again, does this ring a bell, Mario kart.... recycled wii u port (yup fanboys defense been "i magically never got to play it first time round" ohh and still the "its portable, on the go", yet I have never seen anyone play a nintendo switch on the bus or train, yet my mobile that is at hand 24/7, fits in my pocket and has better hardware than the switch, can play Mario kart wii u and switch version) but now years later as sales slow down, nintendo then actually release new content and have the balls to make you pay for it.

Erm excuse me, but don't you think it would have been nice to have actually made a new mario kart game, bad enough its recycling the same shit over and over, and it had these new levels rather than make us buy the same game again and then have to buy these as dlc!!!!

Nintendo dont give a fuck, they do it knowing its fanboys will blindly pay for anything they tell them to.

Pokemon Arceus another piss poor pokemon game that like the others, nintendo know the fanboys will blindly love and to top it off, its just like BOTW, another massive over sized map, with fuck all to do but the same thing over and over, catch God knows how many times you had to catch the same fucking pokemon or keep using the same move or using the same pokemon over and over in a battle.

The sounds and vocals sounded like it was also recycled from BOTW and what did it really feel like..... yup another tech demo to see if the pokemon dev team could do any better and make pokemon into an open world RPG......

Lets release this tech demo then as a game and get our fanboy sheep to fund the next title while also giving us bugs/feedback that we then later use to then take the piss out of our fanboys and release a new pokemon game but as two versions even though they're both exactly the same, we love our fanboys as they blindly buy anything we do.

Then there's the rest of the cant be arsed ports from consoles before, rather than make something new.

And even if it is a new game, its still the sa.e shit recycled, promised third party again is a lie and yes you get to finally enjoy all the old third party titles nintendo failed to get first time round, and why, same old, their cheapness releasing inferior hardware as they do so intentionally to prevent actual new AAA third party support, preventing competition, leaving the market open to the same old recycled shit nintendo know its fanboys will all flock and buy.

And lets not go into its so called paid for subscription service or its premium subscription service, again they know their devoted fanboys will buy anything they're told to and the fanboys will blindly defend as we rip them off.

But this is what nintendo are, and it gets worse each time they crap out a new console, if anything it surprises me that BOTW 2 wasn't delayed as they planned to make it its new next gen last gen revamp inferior hardware cheapskate console with some form of utter BS gimmick control system to make its fanboys beleive its now the only way games are fun as they end up again buying the same old recycled nintendo crap and a promise of better third party support be in the form of everything the PS4/XBX1 had - in which was the same gen as when nintendo released the wii u, thus making the switch nintendos next gen console, and it failed to compete with last gen consoles and struggled to play its own titles to be honest.

I honestly have to feel sympathy for the die hard nintendo fans, they get so angry inside and desperate to defend nintendo, they never make sense and always abide by what nintendo say/do and in most cases here they forget that just because the site has the name gbatemp, it doesn't mean it is a nintendo only news related site for fanboys.

Its a site using gba in its name, maybe when it first founded it focused alot on nintendo, but it has evolved (makes sense as to why, it it be that it used to be nintendo related only) but it is now one of the number 1 sites I visit multiple times per day just to see whats new in all aspects of gaming and entertainment related.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2022
United States
Don't worry because back in the day nintendo fanboys used to slag sony off for having "aparently" the same shit recycled over and over, aka GTA..... the games they never had the option to play.

But here they are, all crying to be screwed over of their hard earned cash (or money given to them being dole dossers), and are willing to throw money at nintendo to do the exact same thing, and want a so called "HD" remaster of WW and TP......

Bad enough that nintendo have got away with recycling the same shit since they started, only difference being is better graphics.... yup another bandwagon these sheep fanboys love to jump on/off as/when it suites, thus contradicting to fuck.

So, unfortunately it will be a while before you get your hands on a new zelda title, as its highly likely nintendo are just loving the fact their fanboys are falling nicely in line and doing exactly as they want, so they will claim to release "HD" remasters of old games that had ready had a HD remake/version and they'll laugh as all they will do is PORT the fucker and the fanboys will all get excited and flood to buy this crap.

Zedla to me, never needed to change or make a new direction because each zelda title did this already, apart from it recycling the same backbone story everytime more than too often, its save zelda from Ganton, collect so many shrines then mid-way, something happens and you have to then collect other things and/or restore the master sword or triforce......

But to think how many other open world/rpg games we have enjoyed over the years...... reminder that we had not seen a new zelda title since skyward sword on a console, yes, because nintendo were already being lazy porting last gen titles as "HD" remasters!

But BOTW is what we get????, really???? a so called innovative company that makes fun exciting games and aparently "never" recycle the same shit as the fanboys insist (though when it boils down to gameplay/fun vs graphics, they all contradict when it comes to them doing just this with the so called "HD" remasters of WW and TP and they still want them to re-remaster them again???).

BOTW was 100% over rated, over hyped, has to have been only given to dedicated fanboys who simply refuse to see anything negative about nintendo and paid off to give such perfect review scores.

The game had absolutely FUCK ALL to do, for an open world RPG game, it was a massive pile of shit, I have played loads of open world RPG games, even those from devs that just started off, Zelda BOTW was just an over sized empty map with nothing story driven, endless repetitive shrines that feel like mini game puzzles to show case how the joy-con motion controlls could be used to make games.

Personally I think that is what all the shrines were based upon, little demo mini games for nintendo to try lie to the world, how innovative its new shit inferior machine is, in the hope it would get devs on board and they can lie to the world and make another console sound better than it is, aka the cube 2.0 or should I say the wii, which yes, sold well, but did it fuck bring anything as innovative as nintendo claimed.

It just ended up been a console filled with shovelware crap that had very little replay value at all, was something you may enjoy for an hour at most before getting dead arms or bored.

It lacked the promised better third party support, it ended up been a console that was traded in the most, because in the real world, gamers dont sit with their parents, nevermind grandparents and all sit there looking ridiculous as they do in the TV ADS, playing the wii, hell, they still look retarded in their adverts today as nintendo ONLY seem to show adverts for its same old recycled crap....... none of this better third party support.

But anyways, I guess nintendo had little interest getting third parties to jump on board, yet again mainly because they know the hardware is cheap and won't support their current projects, so its not worth investing in it, other than porting over all of their older titles nintendo lacked back then, again due to hardware restrictions. But nintendo do this, as what they do with their fanboys, because it all works in their favor.

The fanboy sheep will blindly buy anything nintendo do, third parties cant release their current NEW AAA titles, so that leaves the market open to them, recycling the same shit as they always do, but because it has a different name, the fanboys simply cannot see that its still the same shit recycled again, only difference be, better graphics (yes the exact same thing they claimed aparently didn't make games fun to play).

We all know when third parties have attempted to support nintendo with their next gen AAA titles, having to have a dedicated team to work exclusively on a nintendo version rather than simply port their game across PS/XBX/PC because it has the hardware to support it doing so, nintendo never hold up their end and the game never meets the forecasted sales.

Even same when third parties have had exclusive rights to nintendo, the games have failed to meet these so called sales figures nintendo forecasted and is why they later re released so called "HD" remasters on every other console BUT nintendo and/or the sequels completely skip nintendo completely.

So apologies again gone off topic to what I was saying, though its not hard when you point out what you observe about nintendo after having played nintendo consoles for nearly 40 years (I wonder what % off these internet die hard fanboys were even born when the first nintendo console came out), nintendo are left with shit loads of these 5 minute joy-con motion control demo's and no interest from third parties to have them jump on board and support them.... tho again nintendo promised early on to again make an improvement on third party support.

But they have to do something because these demo's aren't going to get the reaction they intended and now have to make money from it.

And there you have it, lets claim to make a new zelda title, we will claim it to be an open world RPG, make a massive empty map and throw all of these joy-con motion control demo's into the game..... ahh yes let's put them into the game as shrines, that link must complete to collect something he then uses to level up...... thats what makes an open world RPG game right???

Yes, lets throw in some baddies to fight, without even bothering to actually create a battle AI system as you face enemies that can be hard as fuck, yet ganon the big ass ruler over everything bad in hyrule is a walk in the park to defeat.

And we will give the game out to people we know have a very high following, ensure that they are die hard fanboys that get sticky undies over anything we do or say regardless, they will be so excited to play anything we throw at them and as a sweater we may have to encourage them with a nice little payout for promoting the game.

For the game to sell, gamers need to beleive its the best zelda game to date, we can then later add content at a later date, especially when sales start to decline, we will release paid for DLC that actually adds content that the game should have had from the start.

And fact is, the game actually had fuck all really going for it, that when it came to ideas to bring into the game, yup charged for as DLC, the list was that big they thought hmmm hold up, lets not release them as DLC, content the game should have had to start with.

Lets make it into a sequel, our devoted fanboys will get so excited, its a no brainer and win win for us, we probably won't need to pay off as many fanboy critics this time tiger, but lets have a few on board still and give them early access and a nice payoff.

now as time passes with the rivals catching up and now release their next gen systems, nintendo again prove their fanboy dedication as they price this shit sequel for what $70 which is utterly a piss take, a shit console that cant run anything that is so basic for gaming these days, fucking subpar to what you'd expect decades ago on the ps3/360 and your to pay $70 for a shit little cartridge to run a shitty little game that my mobile can emulate which will add better graphical features nintendo still couldn't be arsed to attempt.... ohh that list of why everything is so wrong with nintendo could go on and on, but whats funny is that every single fanboy is there as usual now backtracking, contradicting and that desperate to rush in to defend like a good loyal fanboy...... they never make any sense in the shit they chat, like they either go on about inflation crap...... hmmmm OK, others would slate other systems for high priced games, then say but i like zelda so ill be pre ordering it/buying it as soon as it comes out.

Hmm.... but come back on track again, does this ring a bell, Mario kart.... recycled wii u port (yup fanboys defense been "i magically never got to play it first time round" ohh and still the "its portable, on the go", yet I have never seen anyone play a nintendo switch on the bus or train, yet my mobile that is at hand 24/7, fits in my pocket and has better hardware than the switch, can play Mario kart wii u and switch version) but now years later as sales slow down, nintendo then actually release new content and have the balls to make you pay for it.

Erm excuse me, but don't you think it would have been nice to have actually made a new mario kart game, bad enough its recycling the same shit over and over, and it had these new levels rather than make us buy the same game again and then have to buy these as dlc!!!!

Nintendo dont give a fuck, they do it knowing its fanboys will blindly pay for anything they tell them to.

Pokemon Arceus another piss poor pokemon game that like the others, nintendo know the fanboys will blindly love and to top it off, its just like BOTW, another massive over sized map, with fuck all to do but the same thing over and over, catch God knows how many times you had to catch the same fucking pokemon or keep using the same move or using the same pokemon over and over in a battle.

The sounds and vocals sounded like it was also recycled from BOTW and what did it really feel like..... yup another tech demo to see if the pokemon dev team could do any better and make pokemon into an open world RPG......

Lets release this tech demo then as a game and get our fanboy sheep to fund the next title while also giving us bugs/feedback that we then later use to then take the piss out of our fanboys and release a new pokemon game but as two versions even though they're both exactly the same, we love our fanboys as they blindly buy anything we do.

Then there's the rest of the cant be arsed ports from consoles before, rather than make something new.

And even if it is a new game, its still the sa.e shit recycled, promised third party again is a lie and yes you get to finally enjoy all the old third party titles nintendo failed to get first time round, and why, same old, their cheapness releasing inferior hardware as they do so intentionally to prevent actual new AAA third party support, preventing competition, leaving the market open to the same old recycled shit nintendo know its fanboys will all flock and buy.

And lets not go into its so called paid for subscription service or its premium subscription service, again they know their devoted fanboys will buy anything they're told to and the fanboys will blindly defend as we rip them off.

But this is what nintendo are, and it gets worse each time they crap out a new console, if anything it surprises me that BOTW 2 wasn't delayed as they planned to make it its new next gen last gen revamp inferior hardware cheapskate console with some form of utter BS gimmick control system to make its fanboys beleive its now the only way games are fun as they end up again buying the same old recycled nintendo crap and a promise of better third party support be in the form of everything the PS4/XBX1 had - in which was the same gen as when nintendo released the wii u, thus making the switch nintendos next gen console, and it failed to compete with last gen consoles and struggled to play its own titles to be honest.

I honestly have to feel sympathy for the die hard nintendo fans, they get so angry inside and desperate to defend nintendo, they never make sense and always abide by what nintendo say/do and in most cases here they forget that just because the site has the name gbatemp, it doesn't mean it is a nintendo only news related site for fanboys.

Its a site using gba in its name, maybe when it first founded it focused alot on nintendo, but it has evolved (makes sense as to why, it it be that it used to be nintendo related only) but it is now one of the number 1 sites I visit multiple times per day just to see whats new in all aspects of gaming and entertainment related.
gonna say the truth is that nintendo have been doing this shit even a bit during the wii days with marios 25th anniversary its just its been slowly increasing and here we are in 2023 With TOTK being at best a mod (alot of mods to nintendo games are very good take newer smbw for example but nintendo should be striving to do better then their own fanbase come on?!)


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2022
United States
What a disappointment that was.

The Kirby Collection was awesome, though.
true like holy shit that was lazy asf but the kirby collection was incredible and we didn't even need a classic controller the only thing stopping kirby from going to shit is the fact hal is a seperate company that doesnt follow the same rules
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MediCat USB Dev
Jul 23, 2012
WA State
United States
What makes you think this is a prequel?? This clearly takes place after the ending of BotW
Zelda has short hair, implying it grew out in Breath of the Wild. Ganon is seen waking up from his sleep, (probably) starting the Great Calamity.


Nov 6, 2002
Land o't pies
United Kingdom
Those complaining about the actual trailer should have a sken at a deep dive as there's a lot thrown in there, including certainly underground caves (and possibly actual dungeons), but I do think another more cinematic trailer might have been the better way to go? Also it's clear (and disappointing) that the visuals have taken a clear dive from previous trailers, but since this is coming to the current Switch that's no surprise - perhaps the initial plan was to have brought a successor out, or maybe a 'Pro' Switch - previous trailer footage showed graphics obviously too much for a lowly Switch.
$70 though... it's £60 here in the UK, which is the same price as BoTW so I'm already not arsed about this one, but the production values for a game like this have to be in the 9-figure bracket, and as an example Demons Souls PS5 retailed for the same price (which was nothing more than purdy visuals wrapped over an old game), so I personally don't think it's a major issue.
As for the 'dlc' bit, this is being touted mainly due to the game world? Should A Link Between Worlds have been dlc then? Bioshock 2? ..Actually yes with the 2nd one haha. But we could sit down here all day spewing out examples, and the fact is huge amounts of locations in this version of Hyrule are literally unused, many to the point of wtf in the first place. And more importantly the game isn't out yet, so I think we should reserve judgement on that one.

Clearly by early showings the game was 'too much for the Switch' so it's disappointing to see it being watered down. But it's still definitely my no1 most looked forward to game this year, and obviously a day one for me! Might even fire BoTW back up later to get in the mood.... :D


MediCat USB Dev
Jul 23, 2012
WA State
United States
I'm not paying more than $60 for this game. At $70, they can eat my ass. It looks like I'll have to go down to Oregon and buy the game using my employee discount to bring it down some, and no sales tax either.


Dec 12, 2008
Buying this game day 1, haven't seen the trailer and I don't care too either. Botw knocked it out of the park for me, so if the new Zelda is botw 2 then I'm in heaven for another 300+ hours. Spiderman your rant about Nintendo fans is pathetic, you don't need to feel sorry for me, I have plenty of money to buy Nintendo stuff and enjoy it, it just comes across as poor and salty. Nintendo rules! Have some fun?


cheese eating lactose intolerant
Feb 17, 2023
Seems a bit like it'll be what Majora's Mask was to Ocarina of Time. Same core game with some additional systems added on. I'm guessing it'll change less than MM did though. Either way, I'm looking forward to it!
Obscure, surreal, psychedelic, open world Zelda experience 😎😎

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