Gaming TWEWY Secret report guide.

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Dec 31, 2006
United States
The World Ends With You: Secret Report FAQ by SilverRawnblade
Version 0.96, Last Updated 2008-05-12 View/Download Original File
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The World Ends With You

Secret Report FAQ

Written by: Jonathan Run a.k.a SilverRawnblade
Version: 0.96
E-mail: [email protected]


Welcome to my little guide on the Secret Reports of the game The
World Ends with You for the DS. If you haven't already cleared the game
at least once, the information inside this FAQ will most likely ruin the
story for you, so if you don't want things spoiled, beware! If you believe
you have something to contribute, please send me a mail and I'll take a
look at it. Hope you enjoy this <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />


05/12/08 - Small corrections, man I made a lot of typos >_<

05/10/08 - Typo corrections

05/07/08 - Small corrections, including a clarification of SRS4's box

04/29/08 - Corrected some errors and added some boss noise symbol
locations generously provided by other people. Also, GTAIV!

04/25/08 - Changed some formatting, added some new sections, finished off
Another Day

04/24/08 - Finished off Secret Reports for Joshua and Beat, Another Day
in progress.

04/23/08 - Started up the guide, added Secret Reports for Shiki.


Before you delve into the juicy depths of the reports, here's some info.

*Just what exactly ARE the Secret Reports?
The Secret Reports are documents written by a certain Mr. H about
the background story that you don't actually get to see in the
main portion of the game. They go pretty in depth, and explain a
lot, so are therefore worth reading/achieving.

*How do I access the Secret Reports?
To even see the Secret Reports, you must clear the main game at
least once. Then a new button, labeled "Chapters" will appear in
your menu after you start up your game after the credits.

*What are these star things? And how come I only have a few?
Secret Reports are unlocked via completing the objectives set for
you by each star. Each secret report can have one, three, or four
stars that you must complete before you can read the Secret

*I completed all the stars, but where do I find the Secret Report?
The Report itself is actually to the right of the stars. It is a
blue paper with a bent right-bottom corner that you can select,
opening up the Report for you to read.

*Do I have to complete the Secret Reports in order?
For the most part, yes. You will see that many of the Secret
Reports require a Secret Report from a previous Day, or even
a previous week.

*Do I get anything for unlocking all of the Secret Reports?
You mean besides the feeling of completion?
Yes! Although it is very small, if you beat the Beat Day 7 and
watch the ending sequence once more, there's one more cutscene
that will show, but I won't spoil it for you. It's at the very
end, right before Neku throws off his 'phones, so be patient.
It's a very, very short scene however.

*Help! I can't find X or Y!
Well, look below then; don't be so lazy.

*What are Pig Noise symbols and/or boss symbols?
If you don't know what a Pig Noise symbol looks like by this time
heaven help you. Pig Noise symbols are greenish noise symbols
that are supposed to look like a pigs face (although I don't
really see it.) They tend to float around in non-obvious places
so you may have to scan multiple times to find them.
Pig Noise battles usually require some specific
pin, or method of defeating them.
|NOTE: Pigs drop the same loot no matter what difficulty you |
| choose. |
The boss symbols are unique looking symbols that are blue and
cause you to fight one of the bosses you have fought before.
|NOTE: If you do a chain reduction battle involving the boss |
| symbol, you will NOT complete the star! Also, it has to be |
| the SYMBOL you kill, not the actual boss from the |
| storyline. |

And in case you did not read my welcome warning:

____ ___ ____ ____ ____ _____
| | || | | | | | | |
|____ |___|| | | | |____ |____| |_____
| | | | | | | |\ |
| | | | | | | | \ |
____| | |____| | |____ |____ | \ _____|


To find a secret report you want, search the FAQ for the code (Typically
Ctrl + F)

Week 1 - Shiki Misaki
Secret Report 1 - Day 1 - SRS1
Secret Report 2 - Day 2 - SRS2
Secret Report 3 - Day 3 - SRS3
Secret Report 4 - Day 4 - SRS4
Secret Report 5 - Day 5 - SRS5
Secret Report 6 - Day 6 - SRS6
Secret Report 7 - Day 7 - SRS7

Week 2 - Joshua
Secret Report 8 - Day 1 - SRJ8
Secret Report 9 - Day 2 - SRJ9
Secret Report 10 - Day 3 - SRJ10
Secret Report 11 - Day 4 - SRJ11
Secret Report 12 - Day 5 - SRJ12
Secret Report 13 - Day 6 - SRJ13
Secret Report 14 - Day 7 - SRJ14

Week 3 - Beat (Daisukenojo Bito)
Secret Report 15 - Day 1 - SRB15
Secret Report 16 - Day 2 - SRB16
Secret Report 17 - Day 3 - SRB17
Secret Report 18 - Day 4 - SRB18
Secret Report 19 - Day 5 - SRB19
Secret Report 20 - Day 6 - SRB20
Secret Report 22 - Day 7 - SRB22

Week ? - Another Day
Secret Report 21 - SRAD21

Week 1 - Shiki Misaki

Secret Report 1 - Reaper's Game - SRS1|

Neku comes to at the scramble crossing in
Shibuya, a pin with a skull clutched in his hand...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Get the nose glasses. (Meet up with the secret)
Easily accomplished, just talk to the statue of Hashiko (the dog)

Report Contents---------

As is common knowledge, all Games in the UG take
place under Our supervision. However, this particular
Game is saddled with a nigh-unbelievable set of
extenuating circumstances, catching the attention
of the Higher Plane. Thus, I shall be taking a
more hands-on role this time, as detailed in this report.

The core differences in this game are as follows:
1: its role in plans for Shibuya's destruction,
2: the Composer's absence from the UG,
3: the resulting limitations to his powers, and
4: the Game being played by a proxy.

The Composer has informed me of two major points:
that he plans to destroy the UG, but also that his
final decision will hinge on the outcome of his Game
with the Conductor.

A provisional rule for this Game requires the
Composer to vacate the Underground
It is unprecedented for the Composer to be absent
during a Game. I cannot predict what effect it may

Furthermore, the Composer must lower the
frequency of his vibe to travel from the UG to the
RG, inevitably curtailing his abilities.

This makes investigating the Conductor and his
strategy incredibly difficult, as the Composer is still
the only one who knows who and what I am.
It means lingering in the UG to author reports carries
a lethal risk.

The greatest Randomizer in the current Game is the
use of a handpicked proxy to compete against the
Conductor in the Composer's stead. No information
on this person exists at the present.

While the situation seems dire, I believe the key to
getting ahead of all of this is at hand.

You see, time always builds upon the past.
I have already located our key. It is a pin request
from the Conductor.

Normally, the psych manifestation of pins are
determined by one's Imagination. Thus, by analyzing
the pin, the user's Imagination-or rather, their
true intentions-are revealed.

Unfortunately, this order came through the
Composer, and never came into contact with the
Conductor. Thus, I could not use it to determine the
nature of his Imagination.

I, too, have lowered my vibe to tune into the UG,
limiting my abilities.

However, at this stage, realizing that this pin holds
the key is sufficient. The possibility of forestalling
the plans for the UG's destruction remains.

Secret Report 2 - Don't Kill Me - SRS2|

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Shiki, Day 1.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.

Star 3: Get the sailor suit
After clearing the "curse" from the moyai statue, talk to the man
standing in front of it again to get the suit.

Report Contents---------

As the Game was set to end, I felt an intense burst
of Soul. And at its source, I found the Composer's
handpicked proxy-one Neku Sakuraba.

Let it be noted that once danger was past, the Soul
he expelled rapidly tapered off.

I shall define Soul as it exists in the UG later.
For now, let it suffice to say it is the energy he
bears within him.
His unstable Soul is the result of a rift between his
body and emotional mind.

This discord can be traced to a few causes:
1: his dense and all-inclusive Soul composition,
2: emotional confusion inhibiting the unity of his
emotional self and physical body, and
3: the exacerbation of that confusion by memory
loss, due to his entry fee.

However, anyone possessing such diverse Soul can
become a formidable wielder of Imagination.
The Composer was right to choose this boy.
Shibuya's fate may rest on how well he manages to
stabilize his Soul.

To measure his stability. I gave him a Harmonizer Pin.
It can only be used when he cooperates with his

Synchronizing with another hinges on his ability to
first stabilize his own Soul; thus successful use of
the pin would indicate he has made progress on that
The further he is able to push his and his partner's
psych resonance through Fusion, the greater his
own internal stability will have become.

The progress of his Soul merits close observation

Secret Report 3 - Who 2 Trust - SRS3|
Neku and Shiki meet Hanekoma, a guardian,
and learn of their dire predicament...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Shiki, Day 2.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.

Star 3: Yukata (The forgotten ramen)
After learning how to imprint, visit the ramen shop to pick up
the word ramen, and then go imprint it on the tech's mind. After
that, follow him to the ramen shop where you will get the Yukata.

Star 4: Eliminate the Boss symbol No. 88 within this chapter at hard or
Concert Stage in A-East; at the bottom-left corner of the area.

Report Contents---------

Allow me to redefine the Composer's role. As I
Continue to observe the Game's progress, I have a
clear view of the of the enormous effect of the
Composer's absence. A clear definition of his duties
are key to understanding the extent of this disruption.

The Composer holds absolute authority over the
Underground. By "authority" I mean the right to
determine rules. He is the only one who can change
the composition of the UG, and sole creator of this
The Underground Shibuya is created and organized by
the Composer's rules, which pit Players against
Reapers in a struggle for survival.

A new Composer only arises when the previous one is
defeated; the victor takes the victim's place.
At this juncture, the new Composer rewrites the
rules of UG Shibuya.
However, there being no Composer at all is a
different situation. It means that the rules that make up
the UG are invalid.

In other words, without a Composer, the
Underground collapses.

However, the Composer's absence is still a secret.
At present, only three people know: the Composer
himself; his opponent, the Conductor; and the
The Producer's role is that of Guardian over the
Game. For observation purposes, he must sometimes
descend from the Higher Plane to the Underworld.
While the Producer is natively an entity from the
Higher Plane, he can adjust the frequency of his
vibe to visit the UG and lower planes.

Think of a radio. Going from station A to station UG
simply requires tuning in to a different frequency.

The Producer has the power to contact any and all
beings in the Underground.

However, he is strictly prohibited from revealing his
identity in the UG.

His existence endangers the stability of the rules
and balance of the UG and RG. Thus, the Producer's
identity must stay a secret from Reapers and
Players-not to mention those in the RG.

He may freely contact only one person as the
Producer, and that is the Composer.

Secret Report 4 - Erased - SRS4|
To survive the Game, Neku and Shiki decide
to team up with Beat and Rhyme...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.

Star 2: Get the Mrs. Claus outfit.("I said, I want to go shopping!")
After talking to Beat and Rhyme, try to leave for the Scramble
and Shiki will yell at you cause she wants to shop.

Star 3: Eliminate the Boss symbol No. 87 within this chapter at hard or
Scramble Crossing; off-centre towards the bottom of the area

Star 4: Eliminate the Boss symbol No. 80 within this chapter at hard or
104 Building; above/a bit off-centre to the left of the area

Report Contents---------

The UG exists as a separate plane where the
Composer can judge the worth of men.

Within it are Reapers and human Players. It is
infeasible for the Composer to judge all of humanity
by himself, so a filtering system utilizing the
Reapers was created: the Reapers' Game.
Reapers act as a test, weeding out unfit Players.

Upon becoming a Reaper, one's physical body
changes, gaining incredible strength and an extended
As Reaper and Player alike progress through the
Game, engaging in Imagination-driven combat, their
Soul is refined.

Soul is an abstract matter revealed through Our
research into life and death, and a component in the
makeup of the atmosphere, humans, will, thought-
all phenomena.

As Reapers execute the Game, they undergo a
process of evolution, from grunts to officers to4
the Composer.

However, Reapers that follow the ideal route are
rare, and most are erased by Players.

Reaper or player, those erased within the Game
disperse the mind and spirit housed within their flesh
in the form of Soul. Thus, they are erased only from
visible existence: their Soul persists in the UG until
gathered and tied together according to a new code.

This new code is, essentially, Imagination.
Given sufficient Imagination, any form is possible, be
it a pin or a Reaper.

Variations in this code cause the Soul to manifest in
different forms.

In other words, humans, Reapers, and Noise are all
entities of formed of Soul. The only difference is their

And what are Noise? Entities without conscious will,
only the drive to multiply. Thus, they constantly
thirst for Soul, attacking Players and possessing
humans in the Realground.

Soul consumed by Noise is destroyed, even if the
Noise is erased.

Thus, possessed by humans often exhibit a rush of
euphoria immediately after the Noise is removed.

Though untested, the same would likely hold were a
Player or Reaper possessed.

Secret Report 5 - Empty Urban Legends - SRS5|
Rhyme is caught in the Reapers' Trap and
erased, leaving Neku and Shiki alone again...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Shiki, Day 4.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.

Star 3: Get Mr. Ducky.(White! White! White!)
As the hint may tell you, when playing Reaper Creeper with the
two girls, pick white three times, and it will be given to you.

Star 4: Eliminate the Boss symbol No. 90 within this chapter at hard or
Molco; at the bottom-left corner of the area

Report Contents---------

The Realground and Underground are planes of
existence. Other planes exist as well: the one
inhabited solely by Noise, for example, or Our
customary plane.

The planes are stacked in parallel, through each
exists at a different frequency vibe, in tune with
its inhabitants.

Observing a lower plane from a higher plane is simple.
Actual trans-planar contact, while possible, is highly
complex. The vibes of adjacent planes are closer,
making passage between them comparatively easier.
More distant planes show greater differences in vibe
frequencies, and thus communion becomes more

The UG exists just above the RG, allowing those in
the UG to observe the RG, but not vice versa.

Noise exist on a special plane that straddles both
the RG and UG, enabling their interference in the
affairs of both. When Players come into contact
with Noise, they are drawn into the Noise plane.
In other words, Players are forcibly tuned in to the
Noise plane.

Conversely, there exists an even higher plane than
the RG and UG. That is where I am from, the plane of
the Angels.

As in the RG and UG, Angels have created a web of
social schema to guide their activities. Their role of
Producer is just one cog in the Angel machine.
Angel vibes are extremely high-frequency; not even
the Composer can catch them all. In actuality, he can
pick up only that of the Producer.

As you can see, inter-planar contact is beset by
difficulty, but certain modes do exist for its

One is the modulator decal. Within its area of
effect, Players from the UG can manifest visibly in
the RG and communicate with others there.

Reapers and the Composer can down-tune their vibes
at will. near these decals, however, even their vibes
will be forcibly adjusted to the lower frequency.

Another mode, imprinting, requires no physical
manifestation in the RG.

Imprintees experience the conferred thoughts as
bursts of inspiration. The reliability of these
communiqué thus depends on upon the person
receiving it.
For example, successful communications with
preoccupied people is unlikely. Furthermore, recipient
interpretation of said "inspiration" colors the
message, making imprinting unreliable at best.

"Reaper creeper" was created as a mode of popular
communication between the planes.
Modulation paralogos printed on paper allow for
limited UG interaction with Realground objects.
As those in the RG are unaware of players, they
perceive the illusion of a coin moving by itself.

Secret Report 6 - Superiority/Inferiority - SRS6|
Game Master Higashizawa confronts Neku and Shiki,
whereupon Neku learns of his own death...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Shiki, Day 5.

Star 2: Collect the report for Shiki, Day 3.

Star 3: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.

Star 4: Get the Solid Slammer. ("Totally gnarly!")
Use the phrase "Totally gnarly!" when trying to convince the
tin pin slammer boy, and he'll hand you the Solid Slammer.

Report Contents---------

I receive periodic communication from the Composer.
While we maintain contact, I am prohibited from
providing him with information for risk of unbalancing
the Game.

I am permitted only to respond to his commissions
for certain items, and even then am able only to
create and deliver said items.

The Composer has requested increased phone
functionality for use in the next game.
Today, the proxy's partner, one Shiki Misaki, freed
herself from her defining value-envy. With this, the
Composer is convinced of the proxy's victory on the
seventh day.

His confidence arises because the proxy's
intervention was indispensible in causing his
partner's growth. It signals the proxy's departure
from his obsessive self-actualization loop.
Previously, even the Composer was unsure of his
proxy's capacity for growth.
Normally, the Composer possesses a certain degree
of clairvoyant foresight. his current down-tuned
state, however, limits his abilities, clouding this
supertemporal vision.

Though able to observe the UG from the Realground,
he is otherwise saddled with limitations.

For one, his outward appearance. He looks younger
than he would at full vibe frequency within the UG.
Fortunately this prevents the Reapers from
recognizing him as the Composer.

To begin with, the Composer contacts Reapers only
through the Conductor, so most are unaware of
what he looks like. Additionally, as the being in the
Underground with the highest vibe, some lesser
Reapers are incapable of perceiving him.

The effects of down-tuning occur because the
Composer's vibe and the RG's frequency are
substantially different.
For Reapers, the down-tuning necessary to exist in
the RG is significantly less, and thus effects less
prominent changes. That said, it depends on the
Reaper. At any rate, the effect is minimal, making
Reapers much more frequent visitors to the

Provided they complete their duties, Reapers may do
as they wish in the RG within certain accepted

Secret Report 7 - Wakeless Dream - SRS7|
The Game's final day. Neku and Shiki head for the
freeway to face Higashizawa. As for Beat...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Shiki, Day 6.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.
Symbol on Towa Records Logo

Star 3: Get the Mr. Mew suit. (The p-- b-- of love.)
Phone booth of love, 'nuff said.

Star 4: Eliminate the Boss symbol No. 91 within this chapter at hard or
Station Underpass; at the Right-hand side of the area

Report Contents---------

As the Composer predicted, the proxy has won the

So, what happens to those who survive the week?
Those whose Imagination is less than outstanding are
broken down into Soul, while those with excellent
Imagination become Reapers. The most talented of
these may travel to the next plane, inhabited by Us

Diligent Reapers, too, may pass through the office
of Composer to ascend to the plane of Angels.

Now, what if...

This may sound odd, but one may also choose to be
reincarnated. Well, the word "reincarnation is not
quite accurate, for the humans of the UG are not
truly dead. They merely possess different Soul code,
and have been turned in to a different plane.

We Angels do not consider it a loss if a talented
Player elects to return to the Realground, as their
superior Imagination will inspire other humans.

Upon returning to life, the exceptional Players'
creative activities soon make their mark upon
society. His art, music, and other output become a
part of culture, spreading and persisting through
time, refining peoples' Imagination even without
personal contact with the Player.

Certainly this requires time, but no one has ever
accused Angels of being in a hurry. The Composer's
absence during this particular Game, however, means
that reincarnation is not an option.

Only the Composer possesses the level of Imagination
necessary to reincarnate. It is beyond the
Conductor's means.

The conductor continues to act as if the Composer
were present, but this farce can only continue for
so long. I will be watching with great curiosity to see
how the Conductor responds once his ruse unravels.

As I was busy writing reports, the boy in my
custody, Beat, went missing.

Beat had expressed a curiosity in how Noise was
created. Perhaps he plans to ask a Reaper. But even
without specific instruction from them, he has the
ability now.

I gave him a pin filled with the special Imagination
required to create Noise, and imprinted him with
instructions for its use.

This does not qualify as interference in the Game.

The information I gave him will have no impact on the
Game's Results.

It was merely a token of my esteem for his
unflinching passion towards what he holds dear.
Whether he uses this power, and how, is completely
up to him.

Week 2 - Joshua

Secret Report 8 - Rulez - SRJ8|

Neku, forced to replay the Game, scrambles to
find another partner and a fighting chance...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Get the potted plant. (Meet up with the secret)
Easily accomplished, just talk to the statue of Hashiko (the dog)

Report Contents---------

As predicted by the Composer, the proxy has entered
the Game a second time.

The proxy has proven his aptitude, and will be joined
in the next Game by the Composer himself as his new

There are three reasons behind the Composer's
choice of actions:
1: to ascertain the Conductor's strategy,
2: to educate his proxy, and
3: to protect him.
With his return to the UG, the limits on the
Composer's abilities will be relaxed.

However, using his abilities could reveal his identity.
As such, he will need to continue to limit himself for
a while longer. This presents a certain set of risks.

The greatest risk, however, lies with the Composer
joining the proxy for this game.
The Composer's presence, his tremendously high vibe
will place a great deal of physical and psychological
strain on the proxy.

Furthermore, the proxy's victory in the previous
Game has won him back his memory. the self-
actualization loop binding the proxy is thus stronger
than ever-more deeply ensconced even than the
envy cleared from Shiki in the previous Game.
There is a possibility of the proxy's Soul
destabilizing, negating its progress during the
previous Game. Slight problems also persist with the
proxy's personality.

How long will the proxy be able to bear being side by
side with the Composer?

Secret Report 9 - Reapers - SRJ9|

Neku teams up with a new partner, Joshua,
but his feelings of mistrust only snowball...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Joshua, Day 1.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.
Molco, near the Phone booth of love, requires Pyroknesis pin
Tipsy Tose Hall, topmost left corner, requires Sexy D pin
Above the Hotdog in Spain Hill, requires you to kill them in order
Note: You actually have to kill them in order, you can't
use a sync attack to kill them all at once.

Star 3: Get the Supermask's mask. ("I cracked the code")
Head into the Mexican Hotdog, and receive it after watching the
two NPC's talk.

Star 4: Eliminate the Boss symbol No. 86 within this chapter at hard or
Tispy Tose Hall, near the left side of the scene

Report Contents---------

Today, an alert was handed down: the discovery of a
Fallen Angel.

A Fallen Angel is one who has broken the Angel's
code-a criminal. Their crime: revealing the secrets
of Taboo Noise refinery to the Game master,

Minamimoto knows the Composer's RG identity
(secret even to the Conductor), and has chased him
to the Realground. The Fallen Angel may also have
supplied him with this information.

Minamimoto lusts to take the Composer's place, and
his potential to do so comes second only to that of
the Conductor. Despite being a complete outsider in
the wager between Composer and Conductor, he
stands to hinder the Composer greatly. It is entirely
possible Minamimoto may rise to the office of
Conductor before this wager has been decided.

All eyes from the Higher Plane are on this Game for
the future of Shibuya. Should its results be
invalidated by outside interference, the Angels'
disappointment would be vast.


What is the Fallen Angel's goal? Dominion over the
underground? Retribution against the Angels?

Whatever the case, we must carefully monitor
Minamimoto's actions and stay vigilant against this
Fallen Angel.

Secret Report 10 - Roamin' the Streets - SRJ10|

Despite Neku's misgivings, he and Joshua head
for Cat Street to complete their "mission"...

Complete the Following to view this day's report

Star 1: Collect the report for Joshua, Day 2.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.

Star 3: Get the pirate hat. (Spicy tuna roll)
After getting to the point where you start to collect memes, go
to the Concert Stage to get the Spicy tuna roll meme from the
tech, then examine the spot where he was just standing.

Star 4: Eliminate the Boss symbol No. 44 within this chapter at hard or
Miyashita Park, floating right above the white sign on the middle

Report Contents---------

I was finally able to hand over the phone tracking
application the Composer requested some time back.

I informed the Composer it was ready three days
ago, but they apparently had no time to come pick it
up. It just shows how carefully the proxy is planning
each move.

The application detects the Conductor's Imagination.
With it, one can walk around Shibuya and piece
together the Conductor's strategy.
At this point, even I cannot fathom the Conductor's
plan. I will have to rely on the information gathered
by the Composer.

While I wait for his findings, I will work on the
Composer's next order-a second revision to the
phone's functionality.

Today also marks my first contact with the proxy
since he formed a pact with the Composer.
He seems considerably wary of his partner at
present time
As expected, the psychological strain is severe.
So severe, in fact, that most Players would be
unable to continue. Right now, the only thing keeping
the proxy in the Game is his entry fee.

At least his dangerously strained state of mind is
acting to heighten his Soul. I saw no sign of relapse
or destabilization; rather, the return of his memory
seems to have yielded only positives.
I look forward to watching the proxy's continued

Secret Report 11 - Pinned - SRJ11|

With missions on hiatus, Neku agrees to go
along with Joshua and investigate Udagawa...

Complete the Following to view this day's report

Star 1: Collect the report for Joshua, Day 3.

Star 2: Collect the report for Shiki, Day 7.

Star 3: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.
Molco, to the right of the store entrance

Star 4: Get the samurai wig. (The secret reports' author)
If you haven't figured it out yet, pop over and have a chat with
Mr. H after you take pictures of the Phone booth of love

Report Contents---------

The Composer's reports indicate rough going in his

I suspect the limits upon his abilities.
Meanwhile, Minamimoto has not issued any missions.
The Reaper elites must be alarmed as well.
Perhaps this is more of the Fallen Angel's influence...

As I've stated, Minamimoto is suspected of a liaison
with a Fallen Angel.
The Fallen Angel may have chosen Minamimoto for a
few reasons.

First, none desired of the Composer's office more.
Minamimoto's obsession was great enough to compel
him to pursue the Composer into the Realground.

Unlike simple Reapers, however, the Composer's
powers are not lost in the RG. I can just imagine the
shock dawning on Minamimoto's face as I write this...

Yes, the Composer must down-tune to the
frequency of the Realground, limiting his powers.
However, Minamimoto is in the same boat. As a
result, the difference in their abilities remained
unchanged. Thus, the assassination attempt failed.

While Minamimoto's efforts were fruitless, they
serve as ample proof of his convictions.

The second reason the Fallen Angel may have
targeted him is his lack of loyalty to the Reapers'
organization and his preference for solo action.
His distaste for cooperation meant little chance of
him revealing the Fallen Angel's presence.

The third reason is his consistently unconventional
aesthetic. His bizarre actions regularly cause
confusion among those around him. Even if the Fallen
Angel were to urge him to do something out of the
ordinary, that would be ordinary for him. No one
would suspect a thing.
This is why he is an ideal target for a Fallen Angel to
work his agenda without raising suspicion. At least,
it seems a logical conclusion

The question now is, why has Minamimoto abandoned
the Game, and what is he doing?

I suspect that his only current objective is to take
out the Composer. If so, he is likely preparing for
the seventh day and his opportunity to confront
the Players.
Just what did the Fallen Angel tell Minamimoto?

Perhaps no one will ever know.

Secret Report 12 - Turf - SRJ12|

Joshua persists in his search for the Shibuya River.
Meanwhile, Neku pegs him as his own killer...

Complete the Following to view this day's report

Star 1: Collect the report for Joshua, Day 4.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.
Symbol just above Jupiter of the Monkey store, have 10 seconds to
defeat it.
Symbol near Jupiter of the Monkey
Symbol near West Exit Bus Terminal, can only be defeated with the
Ichimonji Pin.

Star 3: Get the biker gloves. (Lord of the Tin Pin losers)
Lose to Tenho in Miyashita Park Underpass. Note that he still
lets you pass.

Star 4: Eliminate the boss symbols No. 82 and No. 84 within this chapter
at Hard or above.
Located at udagawa Backstreets

Report Contents---------

The proxy feels an affection for the art of the
designer CAT-myself. As he was picked by the
Composer, this is hardly a coincidence. It was an

CAT's creative works are embedded with command
codes. His art acts as a medium for mass imprinting.
The imprinting Players use works only on an individual
basis. However, through art, one can affect anyone
who comes into contact with the work.

I imbue my art with two command codes. The first is
"Enjoy the moment more." This strengthens the
Imagination. The proxy received this signal loud and
clear, though past trauma precluded him from
responding accordingly.
The second code, "Gather," calls to those with
strong Imaginations. Hence the inevitability: why
wouldn't the Composer find his worthy proxy
standing in front of my graffiti?

A single reason exists for rigging my art in this way:
the creation of the future requires Imagination.
My art is widely accepted in Shibuya.

This proves that those with Imaginations
sufficient enough to create the future are gathering in the
area. Shibuya's future is looking very bright.

Secret Report 13 - Beast on the Prowl - SRJ13|

The first mission mail to come in three days
finds Neku enraged about the truth about Joshua...

Complete the Following to view this day's report

Star 1: Collect the report for Joshua, Day 5.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.
Symbol at Shibu-Q Heads, right near the exit into Udagawa Back
Streets. Requires Burning Cherry Pin
Symbol at Center St. Entrance, near the exit towards AMX, above
the red banner. Normal Pig.

Star 3: Get the ninja garb (Just for you, jerkface)
Run away all three times, and after you ditch the reaper pair,
you are awarded with the ninja garb (you heartless jerk)

Star 4: Eliminate the boss symbol No. 22 within this chapter at Hard
or above.
Right below the entrance into the AMX store

Report Contents---------

I have finished Revision Two of the phone tracking
app, which allows it to detect the Shibuya River.
The Composer aims to use this device to convey the
river's location to the proxy.

Before passing that knowledge along, the Composer
needed to understand the Conductor's plan. As of
yesterday, he felt confident in his hypothesis.
The Composer had encountered Red Skull pins
everywhere the detector had lead-the same pins I
created at the Conductor's behest on the first day.
As I suspected, they form a prime piece of his

The Imagination he has filled those pins with is the
same as that in the Player Pin: imprinting. They are
set apart, however, by a single, major difference:
The Red Skull pins are made to imprint targets with
the Conductor's will.

Anyone wearing the Red Skull pin is dominated by the
Conductor's mind. The further the pins spread, the
more people he controls. However, the Red Skull pins
have penetrated less than half of Shibuya's
Realground population in the last two weeks.

At this rate, the Conductor's strategy will end in
How does he intend to penetrate the rest of

I will be monitoring his actions closely.

Secret Report 14 - Clash of Desires - SRJ14|

The final mission. Neku and Joshua make their
way to Pork City to defeat Minamimoto...

Complete the Following to view this day's report

Star 1: Collect the report for Joshua, Day 6.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise Symbols.
Symbol near the Purple poster above the Concert stage entrance in
A-east, you have 10 seconds to defeat it
Symbol near the blue book banner in Shibukyu Main Store, the
only way to kill it is to close your DS right at the beginning of
the battle.

Star 3: Get the boys' uniform with blazer. (Def Märch lives again!)
Go into the concert hall, then try to leave again, and the box
will appear before you.

Star 4: Eliminate the boss symbol No. 92 within this chapter at Hard
or above.
Right above where you come in from the 104

Report Contents---------
The final day's mission came from the Conductor:
eliminate Minamimoto.

Unexpected as it was, tension ran high, but the
Composer's quick thinking saved the day. In the end,
all went according to his plan, and he successfully
guided the proxy on to the next Game.

His solution entailed first defeating Minamimoto,
thereby ensuring the proxy's victory. Secondly, the
Composer pretended to be erased by Minamimoto
while shielding the proxy.

To accomplish this, he fled to a parallel world just
before Minamimoto's final attack connected.

The proxy survived the Game alone, but was again
unable to elect reincarnation, due to the Composer's
illegal participation in the Game.

For better or worse, the Game between the
Composer and Conductor concludes in one week's

The Conductor's strategy may end in failure, but we
will see. I need to keep a close eye on his future

All I can do is wait for the Composer to inform me of
which parallel world he escaped to.

Week 3 - Beat

Secret Report 15 - Sensible, Senseless - SRB15|

Neku enters one more Game: this time his last.
He heads to Hachiko in search of a partner...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.
Symbol in the Station Underpass on the left side

Star 2: Get the girls' uniform with blazer. (Meet up with the secret)
Talk to the statue of Hachiko once more

Star 3: Eliminate the boss symbol No. 81 within this chapter at hard or
Floats above the Moyai statue in West Exit Bus Terminal

Star 4: Eliminate the boss symbol No. 83 within this chapter at hard or
Floats above the Moyai statue in West Exit Bus Terminal

Report Contents---------

I've begun patrolling Shibuya in pursuit of the
Conductor's strategy. While in Udagawa, I spotted
Minamimoto's Taboo Noise refinery sigil.

Several types of these sigils exist in various
categories which We of the Higher Plane have
classified. Not all of them, however, will work in the
UG-its vibe frequency is simply too low for them to
translate properly.
The sigil Minamimoto drew was one of these
undecodable types. Was that a mistake on the Fallen
Angel's part? Or was it a transcription error by

Either way, with that design, he stands little
chance of reviving himself.

However, Minamimoto is driven, and his Imagination
strong. Perhaps strong enough to make a Taboo sigil
work, even in the Underground... If so, the specific
result would be impossible to predict.
Anything that might interfere with the Composer and
Conductor's wager must be avoided at any cost.
I will personally neutralize Minamimoto's sigil.

Angels may not interfere in the Reapers' Game, but
this contest will decide Shibuya's future. The Higher
Plane cannot idly stand by.

Meanwhile, the Conductor has dealt a preemptive
blow: the starting Player count in this final Game is

I cannot be certain whether the Conductor knows
that Neku Sakuraba is the proxy, but this severe
restriction in the number of entrants ensures Player
erasure. In this flagrant abuse of his privilege, he
has eliminated the threat of the proxy.

With the Composer in a parallel world, the proxy's
position is perilous. Still, as Producer, I am bound by
the rules. I can offer him no help..
All I can do is guide him to Shibuya River.

Call it luck or fate, even by himself the proxy has
managed to form a pact. He's partnered to Beat,
now a reaper, who is himself fixated on reaching the
river. As such, guiding the proxy will require little
work on my part.

Still, I haven't uncovered the Conductor's strategy
for this final week. I can't afford to relax quite yet.

Secret Report 16 - Style - SRB16|

Neku makes a pact with the Reaper Beat.
Game master Konishi confronts the unlikely pair...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Beat, Day 1.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.
Symbol above the statue of Hachiko, 3 regular pigs
Symbol floats above the ramen man poster in Dogenzaka,
regular pig

Star 3: Get the False teeth. ("Ain't sellin'")
Just visit the Cosmic Corner store.

Star 4: Eliminate the boss symbol No. 66 within this chapter at hard or
At the very bottom of Scramble crossing. Warning: this boss can
be very frustrating and difficult because he does chain stuns

Report Contents---------

The Conductor has used Beat's betrayal as an
excuse to issue an Emergency Call.

With it, the Composer's rules for the UG are
essentially suspended. After weeks of concealing
the Composer's absence, the Conductor finally has
absolute authority.

At the same time, he's made the Red Skull pins mandatory
for all Reapers.
Now most of Shibuya has a Red Skull Pin. The stage
has now been set for the Conductor's counterattack.

Furthermore, he's cordoned off each area of the UG
with walls. I could leave the UG, elevate my vibe, and
pass through them quite easily, but to what end?
I am bound to the UG, and thus my hands are tied.
I cannot reach the Composer, nor do I know which
parallel world he's hiding.

For now, all I can do is use my second sight to watch
the Game's progress.

Secret Report 17 - The Composer - SRB17|

Beat searches for Konishi to get Rhyme back,
but someone stands in his way...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Beat, Day 2.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.
Symbol near 104 Building's left exit. Red pig must be defeated
within the 5 counter.
Symbol near 104 Building's right exit. Nothing special

Star 3: Get the black book bag. (Black!)
Play Reaper Creeper with the two men, and pick black
*NOTE*: You may want to replay this level up to this part, and choose |
NOT to play the Reaper Creeper, and complete the level, which |
will cause the 2nd Ramen shop to be open so you can complete |
Day 6's star without having to come back again. |

Star 4: Eliminate the boss symbol No. 89 within this chapter at hard or
Symbol is on the top left corner of the concert stage

Report Contents---------

Rather than head to Shibuya River, the proxy
has begun wandering the streets, apparently in
pursuit of the Game Master.

Konishi, this round's Game Master, seems mainly
interested in saving her own skin.

She appears a loyal follower of the Conductor, but
the appearance of a promising candidate for
Composer would quickly change her tune. At this
point, she has been working hard to recover the
Conductor's trust after her slip the first day.
She has issued a single six-day mission-one that
exploits Beat's greatest weakness: Rhyme.

Her plan is to panic the pair into committing some
fatal error while keeping watch from her front-row
seat within Beat's shadow. This serves both to
restore her standing with the Conductor and to
avenge the blow to her pride.
Beat's greatest desire is to bring her back to life.

Even if revived, though, Rhyme still lost the Game.
Her entry fee is non-refundable. I do not know what
the girl's entry fee was, but a life without it-the
thing she held most dear-would be filled with grief
and hardship.

But is the void in one's heart caused by loss never
I think it can be. It may take time, but something
else will come along to fill that empty space-so long
as one enjoys the present.

In other words, we needn't mourn the loss of that
which we hold dear. If only more people realized this...

The Composer did not impose the entry fee upon
Players to cause them anguish.

In experiencing life without the thing one most
values, Players are forced to reexamine just how
crucial those things really are. The hope is that by
the close of the Game, Players will be able to take a
hard look at themselves, and be able to take on the
future with a new outlook on life.

The entry fee exists to force Players to see the
truth about themselves. It is a test posed by the
Composer to spur Players' self-enlightenment.

Secret Report 18 - Indelible Guilt - SRB18|

Kariya challenges Neku and Beat to a game,
with Rhyme at stake. Can they win her back?

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Beat, Day 3.

Star 2: Collect the report for Joshua, Day 7.

Star 3: Get the gakuran. (An extra "!!!")
After clearing the box puzzles and the scene where Beat explains
their deaths, there's another !!! that will appear on the right
side of the screen in Miyashita Park Underpass which has the

Report Contents---------

The Conductor has begun his work with the Red Skull
pins. By bringing Shibuya's collective consciousness
in line with his own, he hopes to accomplish his goal
of rebuilding Shibuya.

The Conductors' zeal is unparalled among Reapers.
His strong presence was central to the Composer's
ability to govern Shibuya, an area considered
exceptionally chaotic even among the Higher Plane's
That the Composer would consent to base his plans
for Shibuya's destruction on a Game with the
Conductor shows his unwavering trust in his

The unification of minds is the natural state of the
Higher Plane. Given time, it might happen throughout
the Underground. The current UG, however, is not

People have erected walls around their minds,
dividing their collective consciousness.
They coexist independently, like the cells that make
up a single human being.

While the Player pin holds Imagination strong enough
to pass through those walls, the pin user's own
barriers are strengthened. Were that not the case,
the incoming flood of other minds could erode at the
user's own consciousness. Consequently, those who
hold Players Pins cannot be scanned.
Why does individuality exist?

This is something the Conductor has overlooked.
Everything that exists has a purpose. Obsessed with
his egoistic "protection" of Shibuya, the Conductor
has blinded himself to the facts. With his blind ego
funneled into everyone in Shibuya, the city's
destruction is not far off.

So long as there is individuality, it is impossible to
fully eliminate loneliness. There is no such thing as a
shared reality.
Even people who believe they share a connection are
not truly connected. They must actually make
contact, clash, and learn about others through
their foreignness.

Differences should not be denied; they should be
accepted and enjoyed.

People must realize this if Shibuya is to be spared
from destruction.

Secret Report 19 - Vanishing Point - SRB19|

Neku and Beat scour Shibuya in search of Konishi,
only to find something has befallen the town...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Beat, Day 4.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.
Symbol above the AMX logo in the AMX. Requires you to kill them
in 1, 2, 3 order.
Symbol is right on the mouth of the Moyai statue in the
West Exit Bus Terminal. Requires Onmyo Pin
Symbol is in Towa Records
Symbol in Shibu Dept. Store

Star 3: Get the Head Honcho uniform. (Check the one left out)
Talk to the Reaper standing right below the Shibu-Q Heads

Star 4: Eliminate the boss symbol No. 47 within this chapter at Hard or
Symbol is above the blue garage in Dogenzaka, near the left

Report Contents---------

I've detected an energy spike here. It would seem
Minamimoto has returned.

I judged his revival unlikely after spotting his Taboo
refinery sigil on the first day, but it appears
Minamimoto's Imagination is much stronger than I'd
anticipated. The Fallen Angel must have completed
the array for him. A troubling thought. Who can say
what impact this will have on the Composer and
Conductor's Game?

Minamimoto has one goal now: to find the Composer
and erase him.
Minamimoto has been tracking the Composer's
movements. He must know that the Composer
frequents this café. Chances are, he'll pay a visit

As for the Composer, I have yet to receive any word
from him. Could the Composer's abilities now be so
limited that he cannot even reach me?

I may need to contact myselves in the parallel worlds
to help search for him.
Let me expand on the concept of parallel worlds.

In life, reality is made up of a continuous string of
choices, and the consequences of those choices.
Every time a choice is made, the option not selected
branches off and exists as its own reality: a parallel

Countless numbers of such parallel worlds exist
within a single plane, be it the RG or the UG, and
travel among them is possible through the use of
Theoretically, anyone can jump to a parallel world,
but penetrating the membrane between worlds
requires up-tuning one's vibe. This limits the pool of
beings able to make the trip.

Additionally, stress caused by breaking through the
barrier can pull down the traveler's base vibe. If the
vibe dips, the frequency may be too low to pass
through the barrier. In the worst cases, it may
render the traveler unable to return to his or her
own original world.
Conversely, Angels are beings meant to jump
between worlds. Thus, such travel is a simple matter.

Angels have a higher base vibe than the frequency
of the Underground, allowing them to leave the UG,
then tune their vibe to that of the desired parallel

Secret Report 20 - Stride - SRB20|

With the Composer's identity seemingly revealed,
Neku and Beat hurry to Hanekoma's café...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Beat, Day 5.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.
Symbol floats near bottom of the Station Underpass
Symbol at the very top of the Udagawa Back Streets, have to kill
all the pigs on both screens.
Symbol at the Shibu Department Store

Star 3: Get the lucky mallet. (SHOWN A DREAM)
Go back to Beat Day 3, Complete the level without interfering
with the reaper creeper (meaning decline to play it) and the 2nd
Ramen shop will be open once you travel back to day 6.Visit the
second shop and you will get the Lucky mallet.

Star 4: Eliminate the boss symbol No. 93 within this chapter at Hard or
Symbol floats above the statue of Hachiko.

Report Contents---------
I have Located the Composer.

He is in a world where Tin Pin Slammer-of all
things!- reigns supreme. I am off to retrieve him.

Minamimoto has definitely targeted this shop, and
not with friendly intentions. It is essential that I
leave here immediately.

I will leave the keypin to the Shibuya River for the
proxy. He should know what to do from there.
Shibuya's fate has been placed in the proxy's hands.

It is no longer safe for me in the UG. My work here is

All that remains is to retrieve the Composer from the
parallel world, and bring him back to this one.

Secret Report 22 - Game - SRB22|

Neku and Beat head for the Shibuya River to
take the Composer down. If they only knew...

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Beat, Day 6.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.
Symbol at Miyashita Park, very bottom left right below the exit
Orange pig that teleports around, easily killed with sync.

Star 3: Get the samurai helm. (Does some shop stock it?)
Enter the Ramen Don, and the shopkeeper finally pays you for
eating his disgusting ramen with this nice shiny samurai helm!

Star 4: Eliminate the boss symbol No. 94 within this chapter at Hard or
Defeat the Iron Maiden in the Rubicon, then scan for the boss
near the white waterfall to the left of the bridge.

Report Contents---------

The Composer defeated the Conductor.

The Composer defeated the proxy.

However, he stayed his decision to destroy
Shibuya. It seems the course of the Game has
brought about a change of heart in the Composer.

Yes, Shibuya persists-but it is no longer the same
city it was a month ago.
In its stead, a completely new Shibuya has arisen.
As the Composer has changed, so Shibuya itself has

One month previous, Shibuya was plagued with
problems-dire enough to motivate the Composer to
destroy it.

Today, Shibuya has shifted into what We Angels
believe to be the optimal parallel world.
To complete this puzzle, all of the pieces had to be
set in their proper place. If even one was incorrect,
the entire picture would be ruined.

Rhyme's selfless display of kindness.
Higashizawa's bottomless career ambitions.
Konishi's heart of stone.
The Conductor's wild actions, born from overflowing

All of these were necessary if Shibuya were to be
born anew. There are no extra pieces, no irrelevant
Accept society as an ever-changing thing, and your
mind will also become flexible. Individuals will link
together, and enact change throughout society.

This is the only way to weather-no, to ride high
upon the waves of the ever-changing world. It was
no coincidence the Composer opted for this simple
method in the end.
My gratitude goes out to you all. I greatly look
forward to what this new Shibuya will become.
Thank you.

Week ? - Another Day

Secret Report 21 - This Day Ends with You! - SRAD21|

On a certain day, at a certain time, in a different
world...this, like, totally really happened.

Complete the Following to view this day's report:

Star 1: Collect the report for Beat, Day 7.

Star 2: Track down and eliminate all of this chapter's Pig Noise symbols.
Symbol above the Yellow door on the left of Cat Street. Requires
Thunder Rook pin to defeat it.
Symbol floating right beneath the elevator door on each floor
after you clear the room of other noise
Two Symbols on floor 13

Star 3: Get the girls' uniform with sweater.
(This stage is as dark as ever)
Concert Stage, top right corner, same place as last time.

Star 4: Eliminate the ultimate enemy at the top of Pork City.

Report Contents---------

I entered the parallel world and contacted the
Composer. Unexpectedly, he seemed to be enjoying
his stay. In fact, the reason he had not contacted
me was because he was too busy playing Tin Pin.
I made him promise to meet me at the Shibuya River.
In the meantime, I need to hide out so as not to
meet myself in this world.

Usually, Angels existing as multiple entities within
the same world poses little problem. However, mine is
a somewhat...special case.

You see, I am the Fallen Angel who taught Minamimoto
how to refine Taboo Noise.

Minamimoto owes his successful rebirth to the
corrections I made to his flawed Taboo refinery sigil.

I must hide in Pork City for fear that my alternate
self in this world may report me on sight.
Minamimoto is my backup plan to ensure Shibuya's
survival. If the Composer does not change his mind,
this unique city will be lost.

I must prevent that at any cost.

Thus, I've deemed it necessary to cross the
boundaries Angels usually respect. I happily accept
the stigma of Fallen Angel for this cause.
Well then. It's about time to meet him...

After calling the Composer and hearing his cheery
voice, I feel as if my shadows fall even darker.

But darkness has always been husband to light.
I sincerely hope that someday my sins will be judged

I still hold faith that they will. Now, and
One last thing. To the Composer's pick.

Neku Sakuraba...

The future you must choose is within you.
I am glad to have had the chance to meet you.

Legal Stuff
This guide is copyrighted 2008 Jonathan Run.
This FAQ cannot be published on any website without consulting me first.
If the content in this guide is published in full or with minor word
change, action can range from contacting your Internet Provider or
Website Provider, to legal action.


Thanks to SquareEnix for creating a game that was so awesome that I just
write a guide on it. Oh, and Jupiter too I suppose.

Thanks to Koby8642 for clarifying SRS4's box method!

Thanks to Fari for providing two Pig Noise symbols for SRJ12 and SRJ13
numbering error!

Thanks to SniperZwolf for providing the Pig Noise symbol for SRJ12 and
specifics for defeating it!

Thanks to Ido for an error correction withing Secret Report 4!

Thanks to alto_160 for providing numerous Boss symbol locations that
I was too lazy to re-find >_>!

Thanks to rabbyrab for letting me know about my numbering area involving
the last two Secret Reports!

Thanks to Element fun for a bunch of typo fixes!

Thanks to you for reading this guide!

Please direct any questions or comments to [email protected]

The World Ends With You: Secret Report FAQ by SilverRawnblade
Version 0.96, Last Updated 2008-05-12 View/Download Original File
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Jul 18, 2007
United States
arctic_flame said:
... Did you ever consider that this post would completely useless before you hit the post button?
And even if you didn't, you could have just posted a link.


Nudibranch Lover
Oct 31, 2006
Visit site
United States
QUOTE said:
Legal Stuff
This guide is copyrighted 2008 Jonathan Run.
This FAQ cannot be published on any website without consulting me first.
If the content in this guide is published in full or with minor word
change, action can range from contacting your Internet Provider or
Website Provider, to legal action.
Did you consult with the author about posting his work on another website?

Not only is this post pointless and hard to read, but I would wager it's not in line with the author's intentions.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2006
United States
actually, I wanted to read this at school as I never do anything 4th period but gamefaqs is blocked. Thought maybe someone else could use it too.
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